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This story idea came from the picture, Just chillin’, from
Aaron is a micro raptor standing a whole two feet tall and weighing ten pounds. He has black feathers canvas over his arms, the end of his tail, and on top of his head, looking like a signature hair style. Ravishing shades of teal cover him with lighter colors on his underbody which gradually change to a darker shade crawling up his back. His black paws, hands, and nozzle further emphasize his pearl white talons, claws, and teeth. A dark green lightening bolt birthmark stretches across his left and right side with a light green outline trill. This beauty mark stretches from each side of his tail, reaching across his body to his dark blue sapphire eyes. Despite his looks, Aaron is anxious, happy, bashful, and above all adorable to any being who lays eyes on him. Aaron isn’t a snotty showoff, or an instigator, but his honesty leads him to unfortunate circumstances with other beings, such as his polar counterpart roommate Jaeger.
And Jaeger is the literal example to Aaron’s counterpart. Jaeger is a Spinosaurus who stands eight feet tall and weighing a stout six hundred pounds with a white underbody and black exterior body color. He has lime green cover the front of his face and his scale ridge that starts tall on the top of his head looking like a mohawk. This ridge goes all the way down his back stopping before his tail, which is four feet long and weighing almost one hundred pounds by itself. His attitude is smug, deviant, and dominant, because he compensates for his bad childhood, which was scary and troublesome. If Aaron realizes Jaeger’s constant fear, he would be dead. Even if both roommates pay and share the apartment, Jaeger has a controlling demeanor, not only from his gargantuan figure, but also his ego. Jaeger would accidentally or purposely; bump, push, pull, stomp, squish, flop, or sit on Aaron. And he yearns for more too. Aaron, as polite can be, tries to talk, hide, and/or run. Alas, he would be caught and become submissively smitten by his captor. Their story takes place on a Thursday night.
Aaron is walking down the stairs somewhat late at night and stops to see Jaeger sitting on the leather couch. Aaron looks behind the couch to see three empty boxes of XL pizzas and multiple open cans of beer on the floor. “I know he is a big guy, but it is shocking to think he eats this much,” Aaron thinks to himself. Jaeger is watching Man vs. Wild on TV. He knows Jaeger doesn’t like it when he joins him for TV, so he sits on the stairs and watches it behind and above Jaeger.
Blocking the TV to stand, Jeager leaves the living room and heads towards the kitchen. Aaron walks down the stairs and jumps up on the left arm rest (right arm rest if you look from TV’s perspective). While on top, he notices two six-inch cushions on the outsides, and a compressing one-inch cushion with two largely connected oval indents horizontal to one another. “Ignore the middle cushion,” Aaron reminds himself, as he jumps down onto the left cushion. He gently sits down to watch Man vs. Wild to understand what this person is doing. Aaron focuses on this show, trying to understand how Bear Grylls is surviving in a rainforest with no shelter.
While the show distracts him, Aaron didn’t notice Jaeger walking back into the living room with yet another beer, and Jaeger didn’t notice Aaron as he walks towards the couch watching TV. Jaeger stands in front of the middle cushion, bends his rear, and plops on the couch. Turning the horizontal couch turns into a low hanging “v” shape with a loud CREEEEAK. This weight change launches Aaron a foot into the air with no control and lands on his back right on Jaeger’s gut with his head facing Jaeger’s chest.
Jaeger looks down and recognizes Aaron submerging into his gut. Though he wants privacy, he did find it a little funny, and enticing, on how Aaron struggles to surface from his abominable abdomen. “Having fun in there?” Jaeger asks in a joking manner. Aaron climbs the fat to surface himself, but only plunges himself further into that gut. Jaeger slouches back to get a better view of Aaron tussling and sinking in his belly. Heavy blankets of flesh enwrap Aaron’s paws and claws as he continues to climb out, with regressing progress. This goes on for three minutes until Jaeger notices Aaron becoming weak and slowly descending into his deep void venter. “Oh come on, do I have to help you with everything?” with a grumph he bulges his bouncing belly to launch Aaron back onto the left side of the couch. Landing face first, Aaron catches his breath, “Sorry about that, (breathes) I didn’t see you (breathes) coming.”
He stops speaking to catch his breath and slightly quivers as he observes the eerie expression Jaeger gives him. “You know, I could have stepped on you.” Jaeger lifts his leg and a STOMMPPP sound echoes beneath the couch. “Lost you in my gut” he slaps his belly with a loud CLAAPP and a GUURRGGGLLEE noise follows. “Crushed you with me tail,” A large black top white under tail THUUMMPPSS around Aaron, who looks over his left shoulder to scrutinize the length and girth of this tail. He continues to look behind him to follow the tail to the grand spectacle that it connects too. “Or squashed you with my butt,” Jaeger states while rubbing his rear into the leather couch making MMHRMM-MMHRMM-MMHRMM-MMHRMM couch fat sound. This makes Aaron stiff and uneasy with Jaeger intimidating him. “So, my question is…” Jaeger gnarls while looming his upper body closer over Aaron, “why shouldn’t I do one of these things right now to you?” He fleers a smile a couple inches away from Aaron, showing his giant jagged teeth. Now completely shaking in his seat, Aaron sweats and blushes and replies with, “Because I was hoping you could tell me about this show.” Jaeger doesn’t flinch with his eyes beaming on Aaron menacingly. “You have an awesome taste for TV, and I wanted to understand why,” Aaron whimpers and shuts his eyes afraid of what may happen next.
Jaeger observes the rosy cheeks Aaron has and thinks to himself. “Maybe I could have some fun with him tonight? A scare here, a tease there, and a finale I will truly share.” He leans back normally into the couch. “Alright,” Jaeger replies with a normal voice tone. A sudden release of tension and silence fills the air as Aaron opens his eyes. “Alright?” he repeats dumbfoundedly, “so can I watch this with you?” Jaeger looks down on him with a partial smile, “Of course, I know how to find a good show so you can join me, but-” This releives Aaron with happiness and cuts Jaeger off. “Sweet, so where is he at? Does he have a shelter? How can that camera person foll-“Jaeger shouts at Aaron in annoyance, “Shut Up! Don’t speak while the show is on!” Aaron flinches in his seat and looks up at Jaeger who pierces a glare down to him. “The next time I hear a peep from you, you are gonna wish you drowned in my gut.” Jaeger declares with a terrifying scowl in his voice.
Aaron snaps his nozzle shut and nods a couple times in agreement. Jaeger opens his drink, turns to watch the TV, and Aaron joins him. Aaron is sitting with his paws over the edge of the couch and stares at Jaegers gut. That white walloping wad of flesh expands and deflates with every breath Jaeger took. A churning sound grumbles within and a green toxic emblem begins to display on his belly. A sheepish look grew on Aaron’s face along with some red coating his nozzle. Jaeger glances down and spots his roomy staring at his belly, and chuckles to himself. “You had your fun on my gut Aaron, but I have other ideas I want to try.” he fiendishly thought to himself.
A commercial pops up to give the two dinos a chance to stretch and speak. Jaeger sets the remote on the TV stand and looks at the empty cans behind the couch and concocts an idea. “Aaron, help me crush some of these cans back here before the show comes back on.” he says to Aaron. “Sure.” Aaron replies and stands ready to move. “I can reach them Aaron; just stay there I’ll toss them to ya.” Still standing, Aaron watches Jaeger turn his figure around and leaning over the couch. His upper torso is halfway over the couch’s backrest and starts reaching and tossing cans up onto the couch. Though empty, Aaron being hit by one of these cans is equivalent of having a plastic bucket hitting a person, not deathly, but painful.
Aaron didn’t care for the incoming falling cans though; he was viewing Jaegers tremendous tail. It slightly whips from side to side, and it catches the cans that would have fallen off the couch. Or it crushes a can at a time with a similar death squeeze like a snake does to its prey. And Jaeger knew how to use it. While leaning over, he purposely arches a can towards Aaron. “I got it.” sneers Jaeger as his tail accidentally misses below the can and wraps around Aaron twice, only showing his paws and feather hair. Jaeger begins to slowly constrict Aaron, who fervently squirms to free himself. Aaron tries to call Jaeger to stop, but can’t due to the strength growing larger and larger squeezing his lungs shut.
He slowly releases the pressure on Aaron for him to breathe and carries him right next to his butt to *BBRRPPPtttt* right into Aaron’s face. A ripe foul green smell blew onto Aaron, who responds with intense coughing. “Scuse me Aaron, you might wanna wave your claw for that one.” Jaeger insists to Aaron loudly, fulling knowing his situation. To the unaware, Jaeger’s toxic belly tattoo changes colors for three reasons: lvl1 green, intolerable fart. Lvl2 yellow, Dreadful fart. Lvl3 red, CHATOSTROPHIC FART. And Jaeger’s plan is to wait and have his toxic gut tattoo turn red so he could unleash his rear end’s…end.
“Man that smells, but that isn’t the worst of it.” Jaeger comments quietly. Aaron begins to squeak uncontrollably as Jaeger clenches him in his tail. Jaeger laughs softly to make sure Aaron doesn’t hear him. “Ha ha ha ha ha,” he titters madly and whispers, “you’re like a chew toy for a dog, or a stress ball for my tail.” Jaeger twists a smile on his face as he wrings his tail again on Aaron quickly with more grit. “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQEAUK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest). And with a closing strong squeeze “SSQUEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAKK” Jaeger releases Aaron on the couch.
Jaeger brings his whole body back to the front of the couch with a hand full of cans in his arms. “Here we go, let’s crush some cans befor-" A deceitful surprising look comes over his face as he drops the cans on the couch and sees Aaron laying on his back with his body stretching vertically due to his tail job. “Since when did you get… taller?” He asks Aaron honestly, fully knowing why Aaron looks like a narrow noodle. Soft airy words could barely be heard from Aaron, “Your (inhales) tail (inhales) missed th- (inhales) the can and (inhales) squeezed me.” Jaeger fakes a sorry face to reply, “Oh no dude, I’m soooo sorry. Let me help you.” Jaeger leans his nozzle over Aaron’s nozzle and blew into Aaron. Which expands Aaron back to his regular shape and form. “Whew, thanks for that,” he said to Jaeger. “Of course…roomy,” he replies. “I can’t believe his body went back to normal, he’s pretty durable…but how durable?” Jaeger thinks to himself with a vile grin.
“What’s so funny?” Aaron asks innocently. “Nothing, just tryi-" Man vs. Wild theme interrupts him mid speech. “Never mind, the shows on” Jaeger snaps his attention back to the TV, along with Aaron. They both position themselves facing the TV, Aaron being delicately unobtrusive while Jaeger tosses his weight around recklessly obtrusive. Plopping his ass into the cushion, while crushing a can or three, the couch bends into a “v” again. Thankfully Aaron’s claws into the couch to prepare for Jaegers…impact. Though shaken, Aaron did not toss into the air and releases his claws. He did prospect Jaeger’s powerful posterior though. While standing, Aaron could almost reach to the top of Jaeger’s ass. He then examines the cans under Jaeger. Every can is flat and under this behemoth’s bolstering butt. The cans crack and crank beneath the fleshy tomb, and muses Aaron’s attention, which also informs Jaeger his prey’s desperate state.
Jaeger finishes his last can of beer when a rowdy gurgling sound emanates from his stomach. Aaron hears the sloshing and gurgling and moves towards Jaeger’s stomach. And from that sound, his belly changes his toxic green glow to a toxic yellow glow. “He’s been eye candying my rear for some time, maybe I should acquaint them.” Man vs. Wild wraps up and Jaeger says, “I’m gonna change the channel.” He stands takes two steps in front of Aaron who looks under his tail. “Geez, no wonder the seat felt weird,” he remarks as he bends over a foot in front from Aaron to display three cans stuck to his butt. Jaeger uses his right arm to peel off one can, making a sticky VVRRIIIIP sound. Heat cultivates Aaron as he witnesses Jaeger’s rip off each can, slowly. “Oops forgot about the one I finished.” With his left arm, Jaeger places the can between his cheeks and clasps contentiously with a quick CRRIIIINNNNKK sound following. He then relaxes and wiggles his wagon to drop the flatten can on the floor. Now Aaron is sweating profusely after watching two ominous orbs crush a can. That can is half the height of Aaron, but three Aarons could hide under Jaeger’s behind without being seen.
“He is frozen in awe to this ass, best not keep him waiting,” Jaeger thought connivingly. He grabs the remote and speaks aloud, “what should we watch next? AMC, Spike…” Aaron, who still has the embarrassing crimson face, suggests a couple options. “How about CBS, oh wait, NBC is doing a documentary on monkeys.” Rolling his eyes Jaegers takes a step back blocking Aaron’s TV view, or enhancing Aaron’s other view ;). “Actually, there’s a new TV channel that just came out I’m curious about, it’s called Astonishing Surreal Sights,” Jaeger replies with a smirk on his face. “That’s new to me, Astonishing Surreal Sig-“ Aaron realizes what that acronym spells, but during that moment Jaeger shuts the TV off and heaves his heavy hindquarters onto Aaron FFWWOOMPPP. A teal tail with black feathers could be seen under Jaeger’s belly, while his fat ferocious fanny engulfs the rest of Aaron. “I give myself props for thinking of that channel on the fly, heh heh heh heh,” Jaeger chuckles on top of Aaron’s back. Though he did try to run, Aaron was not quick enough to fully escape his captures colossal curves.
“This cushion still has some plush to it too,” Jaeger adds as he bounces his bulky behind on the cushion and Aaron. A jolt to his arms, kick to his legs, and squirm with his body; Aaron is unable to break free from all of Jaeger’s weight. “Need to move? Don’t worry…” a crooked smile emerges from Jaeger’s face “I’ll help you.” Aaron’s ears can barely hear what Jaeger said because of the ass fat smushing into him, but it wouldn’t matter. Jaeger plants his feet on the ground to sway his ferocious flank side-to-side onto Aaron. A sound like farting is created as Jaeger swerves his scaley seat onto Aaron MMRRHHMM MMRRHHMM MMRRHHMM MMRRHHMM over and over and over again. This blackout barrage of booty tosses, turns, and terrorizes Aaron, who could do nothing but accept it. Little air ran through him, and he begins to feel bruises over his body from head to tail.
“Ha ha ha haaa, it’s like having an exercise ball for my glutes, except this ball doesn’t breaks like the others, heh heh… hopefully.” Jaeger experiences a surge of power in his body and ego when doing this and doesn’t want to stop.
After many minutes of maiming, a haunting sound echoes from Jaeger’s gut for both him and Aaron to hear. This causes Jaeger to stop his swaying, which leaves Aaron sideways under his right ass cheek. “Oooww, thankfully he stopped, but what was that sound?” Aaron thought as he took this chance to breathe. The subduer above aches in pain.
“Geeezz, this feels like my intestines are in a not,” Jager states as he peers over his shoulder to look at his ass, moreover his victim under it and sniggers maniacally. “Better untie this not then.” He looks and leans his weight forward. Though still under, some of the pressure releases from Aaron, who still can’t move, but uses this chance to take a better breath. But he shouldn’t have done that. BBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPFFFFFFFFFF. Twelve terrible seconds of yellow gas envelops Aaron. As Jaeger groans to fart, those cheeks jiggle loudly for seven seconds, then relax as an air hose fumes a horrendous stench for the remaining five seconds. Though not in the direct line of fire, Aaron was gagging and spitting up some of the gas that was in his mouth.
Jaeger stands up and sighs a bit, “Time to see the result of the toy cushion……….. wait where did Aaron go?” A butt imprint was the only thing shown on the cushion, but no Aaron. He is currently stuck to Jaeger’s butt, too battered and beaten to speak or move. Jaeger investigates the cushion, then all the cushions, he even lifts each cushion up to make sure Aaron didn’t get stuck or lost. “Aaron where are you?” he asks in a creepy cat-n-mouse type of tone. He walks around the couch swerving his seat muscles side-to-side. Aaron was an inch away from Jaegers carnivorous crack, which still reeks from his previous blast. “Maybe he’s under the couch?” Jaeger bends his torso down and his tail end up looking under the couch. That flabby flank stretches releasing Aaron, but Aaron begins to slide into Jaegers crusty cavern. “Oh no, move, MOVE” he says aloud, but Jaeger’s previous glute grind renders him useless to move, and slides into Jaeger’s crevasse, head pointing out. “Aaron, that you?” Jaeger asks as he lifts his head up from the couch above his body, which closes Aaron tightly in Jaeger’s fat fanny’s fissure.
Unknown still of Aaron’s place, Jaeger begins to speak to himself, “He was on the couch, I sat on him, gave him a… riveting rub” he shutters a little in joy, “farted my yellow gas on him, but is still nowhere to be found.” Jaegers dominating demeanor begins to sound like quivering questions. “Did I fart so hard that he might have… no that’s not possible….but then where is he?” Aaron hears everything Jaeger says with a surprise on his face. He didn’t realize Jaeger’s concern for him was this strong. Even so, every thought Jaeger speaks aloud causes him to pace back and forth. Which squishes Aaron between those monstrous mounds. (SQUISH) (SQUELCH) (SQUISH) (SQUELCH) sounds continue as Jaeger paces for six minutes. Aaron can do nothing as his unaware captor and friend haphazardly scrunches him.
Worrying for his roommate and trying to find a way to cope, Jaeger goes to the fridge. “Maybe he came here to eat?” He nervously reassures himself and bends over to grab seven chocolate cream filled cake rolls and two red bulls. Jaeger stressfully eats the cake rolls while repeating, “He’s still here,” in a distressful tone and drinks a red bull after eating three cakes. This opens Jager’s fanny fissure, allowing Aaron to yell as loud as he could. “Jaeger I’m here!” Still distraught in food, Jaeger doesn’t hear him. “He can’t hear me, huh welp, this is gonna be gross.” Closing his eyes Aaron opens his maw and clamps onto Jaegers left butt cheek. “OOOWWW!” he screams while spitting out his fourth cake roll. He veers over his shoulder to find out what bit him and sees a small raptor head. “Sorry to bite, but I’m stuck in your butt crack and need help getting out” Aaron replies with a loud pleading voice. Little did he know what he heard and did next would end him.
“You were hiding there the entire time?” Jaeger questions in a mildly angry tone. “I wasn’t trying too, you sat on me and gassed me, which stuck me to your big butt,” Aaron responds honestly. “Well, why didn’t you say something?” Jaeger asks with a fuller and more frustrating volume. “Because you were smothering me between your gross glutes, egging on and on about how much you were worrying about me or how scared you were and-" Jaeger raucously roars at Aaron, which silences him in fear. “And You Bite My Ass!?!?” frigid from the roar, Aaron couldn’t speak. Jaeger’s green eyes scowl, his teeth grimace, and his nose snarl all in the direction of an unlucky raptor in an even more unlucky place. “It was th-" a death squeeze from the bouldering butt cuts off his words. “Gross Glutes, Egging On, Worrying, Scared, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING TOO?!?!?!” While squeezing Aaron, Jaeger stands up, and walks over to the couch rambunctiously rubbing Aaron in his rear.
Jaeger still has three cake rolls and a red bull in his claws as he stops over the middle cushion. He leans his ass over and releases Aaron who lands with a SPLATT on the cushion. Aaron paralyzes in petrification when peering up at Jaeger’s powerful posterior.
“After I get done with you, WE WILL SEE WHO IS SCARED!!” Jaeger declares as he kicks his legs out and descends his demising derriere. Aaron raises his left arm and cries, “Wait-“WWHHOMMP, but it didn’t help one bit. Jaeger glares over his shoulder as he feels Aaron squirm under him again. “You should have just stayed still, pest,” he scoffs at Aaron and begins to reposition again, but this time aggressively grinding Aaron. Jaeger rolls his rotund rump back-and-forth; MMMRRRPPP MMMRRRRPPP MMMRRRPPP MMMRRRPPP for five minutes. Then rises to standing position, only to bring down his backside, and rises again. “How does that feel?!” WHAM then rises. “Let the pain sink in!” SLAAMMM then rises. “Because that is how I felt!” BBAAAAMMMM then rises. “When I couldn’t find you!” WWWHHHAAAAMMMMM. Jaeger leans back some to emphasize the weight on Aaron’s limp nearly lifeless body. This bends the couch from a small “v” to a taller and more upright “V”.
Jaeger gorges the last three cake rolls and red bull with in ten seconds in a hangry manner. Not long after, his stomach grumbles in pain as if a jack hammer kept beating his intestines. And his toxic belly tattoo emits a crimson red glow. Jaeger sniggers slightly, then chuckles, and finally he stands up and loudly cackles. Giving Aaron one last chance to see light from under Jaeger’s darkness. Jaeger sneers a smile behind him at Aaron, “I’ve been waiting to do this…” he positions himself one last time above the motionless Aaron, with his ginormous jiggling glutes. “Any last words?” he asks his helpless roommate. Aaron opens his eyes and looks at the ominous vast ass that overhangs above him. And with an honest grin and weak voice he replies, “Thank you… for worrying… about me.” Jaeger’s smile vanishes and turns into a livid face of rage. “SHUT UP!!!” He bends down, jumps eight feet in the air, and butt dives into the couch CCCCRRRRUUUUUNNNNCCCCHHHHH. The impact broke the couch in three, but that didn’t matter to the blood boiling Spinosaurus.
He sits up adding his crushing weight to his victim and lets out a hefty grunt to combust his gas. BBBRRRRTTT FFFFFFFRRRPRPRPPP SSSSSHHHHHHHHFFFFFFFFFF BBBRRRAAAAAFFFTTTPPPPPP BBBBBBBRRRBRBRBRRRPRPRPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTT BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGTTTTTTPTPPPPPPPPPPP. Wet dry, loud silent, heavy light, and unimaginable combinations spew from that apocalyptic ass. “UUUGggghhhhh….” A final gigantic grumble comes from Jaeger “This one is gonna be the worst.” With a raise of his tail, he releases his rear ends true end.
Jaeger performs a twenty second crescendo of gas for an audience of one, who was literally knocked out by the performance.
Jaeger gasps in relief and places his claws on each cheek. “That was one to remember…” he pats his plump rump in gracious gratitude, “right Aaron?” No response. “You’re not fooling me roomy.” Jaeger grinds his butt back-and-forth a bit to feel for him. Nothing. “Aaron?” Jaeger stands up and turns to see the couch broken in three parts by cushion. With the use-to-be two-foot middle cushion and frame was now a two-inch cushion and frame, with no Aaron.
“If he’s not there then…” Jaeger reaches his arms behind his butt and uses his claws to feel for Aaron, but nothing. Jaeger’s heart drops in agonizing pain. “Aaron. Aaron? Aaron!” Jaeger begins to pace back and forth in shock. “I lost him, I truly lost him.” He quivers in fear, “ 'Shut up' was the last thing I said. I squeezed, crushed, grinded, farted, and mangled him in my ass an-" Jaeger pauses standing in place and remembers. With a slow and long standing rub with his rear, he grinds his glutes and feels something in between. He quickly reaches his claws back, one to hold his butt crack open and the other to grab the object wedged between. It was Aaron.
“Aaron, you’re alive! Oh gosh that’s a relief I thought I lost you.” The unconscious teal raptor lay limp in Jaeger’s claws with eyes spinning. “This was my most destructive work yet. But you deserve some treatment from what I’ve put you through.” Jaeger states to his fainted friend. Walking upstairs cradling Aaron, Jaeger brings his friend to the sink to scrub away the grime and stench. It did not leave, but it could have been worse without washing. Jaeger carries him into Aaron’s room. He places Aaron in his bed and tucks him. “I’ll take care of the food bill tomorrow, just get some rest” Jaeger explains to his still passed out roomy and walks to the door. He pauses and looks at Aaron again, “If he remembers anything that happened today…” Jaeger says with a sadistic smile, “I’ll make sure he REALLY forgets tomorrow.” And closes the door.

Aaron is a micro raptor standing a whole two feet tall and weighing ten pounds. He has black feathers canvas over his arms, the end of his tail, and on top of his head, looking like a signature hair style. Ravishing shades of teal cover him with lighter colors on his underbody which gradually change to a darker shade crawling up his back. His black paws, hands, and nozzle further emphasize his pearl white talons, claws, and teeth. A dark green lightening bolt birthmark stretches across his left and right side with a light green outline trill. This beauty mark stretches from each side of his tail, reaching across his body to his dark blue sapphire eyes. Despite his looks, Aaron is anxious, happy, bashful, and above all adorable to any being who lays eyes on him. Aaron isn’t a snotty showoff, or an instigator, but his honesty leads him to unfortunate circumstances with other beings, such as his polar counterpart roommate Jaeger.
And Jaeger is the literal example to Aaron’s counterpart. Jaeger is a Spinosaurus who stands eight feet tall and weighing a stout six hundred pounds with a white underbody and black exterior body color. He has lime green cover the front of his face and his scale ridge that starts tall on the top of his head looking like a mohawk. This ridge goes all the way down his back stopping before his tail, which is four feet long and weighing almost one hundred pounds by itself. His attitude is smug, deviant, and dominant, because he compensates for his bad childhood, which was scary and troublesome. If Aaron realizes Jaeger’s constant fear, he would be dead. Even if both roommates pay and share the apartment, Jaeger has a controlling demeanor, not only from his gargantuan figure, but also his ego. Jaeger would accidentally or purposely; bump, push, pull, stomp, squish, flop, or sit on Aaron. And he yearns for more too. Aaron, as polite can be, tries to talk, hide, and/or run. Alas, he would be caught and become submissively smitten by his captor. Their story takes place on a Thursday night.
Aaron is walking down the stairs somewhat late at night and stops to see Jaeger sitting on the leather couch. Aaron looks behind the couch to see three empty boxes of XL pizzas and multiple open cans of beer on the floor. “I know he is a big guy, but it is shocking to think he eats this much,” Aaron thinks to himself. Jaeger is watching Man vs. Wild on TV. He knows Jaeger doesn’t like it when he joins him for TV, so he sits on the stairs and watches it behind and above Jaeger.
Blocking the TV to stand, Jeager leaves the living room and heads towards the kitchen. Aaron walks down the stairs and jumps up on the left arm rest (right arm rest if you look from TV’s perspective). While on top, he notices two six-inch cushions on the outsides, and a compressing one-inch cushion with two largely connected oval indents horizontal to one another. “Ignore the middle cushion,” Aaron reminds himself, as he jumps down onto the left cushion. He gently sits down to watch Man vs. Wild to understand what this person is doing. Aaron focuses on this show, trying to understand how Bear Grylls is surviving in a rainforest with no shelter.
While the show distracts him, Aaron didn’t notice Jaeger walking back into the living room with yet another beer, and Jaeger didn’t notice Aaron as he walks towards the couch watching TV. Jaeger stands in front of the middle cushion, bends his rear, and plops on the couch. Turning the horizontal couch turns into a low hanging “v” shape with a loud CREEEEAK. This weight change launches Aaron a foot into the air with no control and lands on his back right on Jaeger’s gut with his head facing Jaeger’s chest.
Jaeger looks down and recognizes Aaron submerging into his gut. Though he wants privacy, he did find it a little funny, and enticing, on how Aaron struggles to surface from his abominable abdomen. “Having fun in there?” Jaeger asks in a joking manner. Aaron climbs the fat to surface himself, but only plunges himself further into that gut. Jaeger slouches back to get a better view of Aaron tussling and sinking in his belly. Heavy blankets of flesh enwrap Aaron’s paws and claws as he continues to climb out, with regressing progress. This goes on for three minutes until Jaeger notices Aaron becoming weak and slowly descending into his deep void venter. “Oh come on, do I have to help you with everything?” with a grumph he bulges his bouncing belly to launch Aaron back onto the left side of the couch. Landing face first, Aaron catches his breath, “Sorry about that, (breathes) I didn’t see you (breathes) coming.”
He stops speaking to catch his breath and slightly quivers as he observes the eerie expression Jaeger gives him. “You know, I could have stepped on you.” Jaeger lifts his leg and a STOMMPPP sound echoes beneath the couch. “Lost you in my gut” he slaps his belly with a loud CLAAPP and a GUURRGGGLLEE noise follows. “Crushed you with me tail,” A large black top white under tail THUUMMPPSS around Aaron, who looks over his left shoulder to scrutinize the length and girth of this tail. He continues to look behind him to follow the tail to the grand spectacle that it connects too. “Or squashed you with my butt,” Jaeger states while rubbing his rear into the leather couch making MMHRMM-MMHRMM-MMHRMM-MMHRMM couch fat sound. This makes Aaron stiff and uneasy with Jaeger intimidating him. “So, my question is…” Jaeger gnarls while looming his upper body closer over Aaron, “why shouldn’t I do one of these things right now to you?” He fleers a smile a couple inches away from Aaron, showing his giant jagged teeth. Now completely shaking in his seat, Aaron sweats and blushes and replies with, “Because I was hoping you could tell me about this show.” Jaeger doesn’t flinch with his eyes beaming on Aaron menacingly. “You have an awesome taste for TV, and I wanted to understand why,” Aaron whimpers and shuts his eyes afraid of what may happen next.
Jaeger observes the rosy cheeks Aaron has and thinks to himself. “Maybe I could have some fun with him tonight? A scare here, a tease there, and a finale I will truly share.” He leans back normally into the couch. “Alright,” Jaeger replies with a normal voice tone. A sudden release of tension and silence fills the air as Aaron opens his eyes. “Alright?” he repeats dumbfoundedly, “so can I watch this with you?” Jaeger looks down on him with a partial smile, “Of course, I know how to find a good show so you can join me, but-” This releives Aaron with happiness and cuts Jaeger off. “Sweet, so where is he at? Does he have a shelter? How can that camera person foll-“Jaeger shouts at Aaron in annoyance, “Shut Up! Don’t speak while the show is on!” Aaron flinches in his seat and looks up at Jaeger who pierces a glare down to him. “The next time I hear a peep from you, you are gonna wish you drowned in my gut.” Jaeger declares with a terrifying scowl in his voice.
Aaron snaps his nozzle shut and nods a couple times in agreement. Jaeger opens his drink, turns to watch the TV, and Aaron joins him. Aaron is sitting with his paws over the edge of the couch and stares at Jaegers gut. That white walloping wad of flesh expands and deflates with every breath Jaeger took. A churning sound grumbles within and a green toxic emblem begins to display on his belly. A sheepish look grew on Aaron’s face along with some red coating his nozzle. Jaeger glances down and spots his roomy staring at his belly, and chuckles to himself. “You had your fun on my gut Aaron, but I have other ideas I want to try.” he fiendishly thought to himself.
A commercial pops up to give the two dinos a chance to stretch and speak. Jaeger sets the remote on the TV stand and looks at the empty cans behind the couch and concocts an idea. “Aaron, help me crush some of these cans back here before the show comes back on.” he says to Aaron. “Sure.” Aaron replies and stands ready to move. “I can reach them Aaron; just stay there I’ll toss them to ya.” Still standing, Aaron watches Jaeger turn his figure around and leaning over the couch. His upper torso is halfway over the couch’s backrest and starts reaching and tossing cans up onto the couch. Though empty, Aaron being hit by one of these cans is equivalent of having a plastic bucket hitting a person, not deathly, but painful.
Aaron didn’t care for the incoming falling cans though; he was viewing Jaegers tremendous tail. It slightly whips from side to side, and it catches the cans that would have fallen off the couch. Or it crushes a can at a time with a similar death squeeze like a snake does to its prey. And Jaeger knew how to use it. While leaning over, he purposely arches a can towards Aaron. “I got it.” sneers Jaeger as his tail accidentally misses below the can and wraps around Aaron twice, only showing his paws and feather hair. Jaeger begins to slowly constrict Aaron, who fervently squirms to free himself. Aaron tries to call Jaeger to stop, but can’t due to the strength growing larger and larger squeezing his lungs shut.
He slowly releases the pressure on Aaron for him to breathe and carries him right next to his butt to *BBRRPPPtttt* right into Aaron’s face. A ripe foul green smell blew onto Aaron, who responds with intense coughing. “Scuse me Aaron, you might wanna wave your claw for that one.” Jaeger insists to Aaron loudly, fulling knowing his situation. To the unaware, Jaeger’s toxic belly tattoo changes colors for three reasons: lvl1 green, intolerable fart. Lvl2 yellow, Dreadful fart. Lvl3 red, CHATOSTROPHIC FART. And Jaeger’s plan is to wait and have his toxic gut tattoo turn red so he could unleash his rear end’s…end.
“Man that smells, but that isn’t the worst of it.” Jaeger comments quietly. Aaron begins to squeak uncontrollably as Jaeger clenches him in his tail. Jaeger laughs softly to make sure Aaron doesn’t hear him. “Ha ha ha ha ha,” he titters madly and whispers, “you’re like a chew toy for a dog, or a stress ball for my tail.” Jaeger twists a smile on his face as he wrings his tail again on Aaron quickly with more grit. “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQEAUK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest) “SQUEAK” (rest). And with a closing strong squeeze “SSQUEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAKK” Jaeger releases Aaron on the couch.
Jaeger brings his whole body back to the front of the couch with a hand full of cans in his arms. “Here we go, let’s crush some cans befor-" A deceitful surprising look comes over his face as he drops the cans on the couch and sees Aaron laying on his back with his body stretching vertically due to his tail job. “Since when did you get… taller?” He asks Aaron honestly, fully knowing why Aaron looks like a narrow noodle. Soft airy words could barely be heard from Aaron, “Your (inhales) tail (inhales) missed th- (inhales) the can and (inhales) squeezed me.” Jaeger fakes a sorry face to reply, “Oh no dude, I’m soooo sorry. Let me help you.” Jaeger leans his nozzle over Aaron’s nozzle and blew into Aaron. Which expands Aaron back to his regular shape and form. “Whew, thanks for that,” he said to Jaeger. “Of course…roomy,” he replies. “I can’t believe his body went back to normal, he’s pretty durable…but how durable?” Jaeger thinks to himself with a vile grin.
“What’s so funny?” Aaron asks innocently. “Nothing, just tryi-" Man vs. Wild theme interrupts him mid speech. “Never mind, the shows on” Jaeger snaps his attention back to the TV, along with Aaron. They both position themselves facing the TV, Aaron being delicately unobtrusive while Jaeger tosses his weight around recklessly obtrusive. Plopping his ass into the cushion, while crushing a can or three, the couch bends into a “v” again. Thankfully Aaron’s claws into the couch to prepare for Jaegers…impact. Though shaken, Aaron did not toss into the air and releases his claws. He did prospect Jaeger’s powerful posterior though. While standing, Aaron could almost reach to the top of Jaeger’s ass. He then examines the cans under Jaeger. Every can is flat and under this behemoth’s bolstering butt. The cans crack and crank beneath the fleshy tomb, and muses Aaron’s attention, which also informs Jaeger his prey’s desperate state.
Jaeger finishes his last can of beer when a rowdy gurgling sound emanates from his stomach. Aaron hears the sloshing and gurgling and moves towards Jaeger’s stomach. And from that sound, his belly changes his toxic green glow to a toxic yellow glow. “He’s been eye candying my rear for some time, maybe I should acquaint them.” Man vs. Wild wraps up and Jaeger says, “I’m gonna change the channel.” He stands takes two steps in front of Aaron who looks under his tail. “Geez, no wonder the seat felt weird,” he remarks as he bends over a foot in front from Aaron to display three cans stuck to his butt. Jaeger uses his right arm to peel off one can, making a sticky VVRRIIIIP sound. Heat cultivates Aaron as he witnesses Jaeger’s rip off each can, slowly. “Oops forgot about the one I finished.” With his left arm, Jaeger places the can between his cheeks and clasps contentiously with a quick CRRIIIINNNNKK sound following. He then relaxes and wiggles his wagon to drop the flatten can on the floor. Now Aaron is sweating profusely after watching two ominous orbs crush a can. That can is half the height of Aaron, but three Aarons could hide under Jaeger’s behind without being seen.
“He is frozen in awe to this ass, best not keep him waiting,” Jaeger thought connivingly. He grabs the remote and speaks aloud, “what should we watch next? AMC, Spike…” Aaron, who still has the embarrassing crimson face, suggests a couple options. “How about CBS, oh wait, NBC is doing a documentary on monkeys.” Rolling his eyes Jaegers takes a step back blocking Aaron’s TV view, or enhancing Aaron’s other view ;). “Actually, there’s a new TV channel that just came out I’m curious about, it’s called Astonishing Surreal Sights,” Jaeger replies with a smirk on his face. “That’s new to me, Astonishing Surreal Sig-“ Aaron realizes what that acronym spells, but during that moment Jaeger shuts the TV off and heaves his heavy hindquarters onto Aaron FFWWOOMPPP. A teal tail with black feathers could be seen under Jaeger’s belly, while his fat ferocious fanny engulfs the rest of Aaron. “I give myself props for thinking of that channel on the fly, heh heh heh heh,” Jaeger chuckles on top of Aaron’s back. Though he did try to run, Aaron was not quick enough to fully escape his captures colossal curves.
“This cushion still has some plush to it too,” Jaeger adds as he bounces his bulky behind on the cushion and Aaron. A jolt to his arms, kick to his legs, and squirm with his body; Aaron is unable to break free from all of Jaeger’s weight. “Need to move? Don’t worry…” a crooked smile emerges from Jaeger’s face “I’ll help you.” Aaron’s ears can barely hear what Jaeger said because of the ass fat smushing into him, but it wouldn’t matter. Jaeger plants his feet on the ground to sway his ferocious flank side-to-side onto Aaron. A sound like farting is created as Jaeger swerves his scaley seat onto Aaron MMRRHHMM MMRRHHMM MMRRHHMM MMRRHHMM over and over and over again. This blackout barrage of booty tosses, turns, and terrorizes Aaron, who could do nothing but accept it. Little air ran through him, and he begins to feel bruises over his body from head to tail.
“Ha ha ha haaa, it’s like having an exercise ball for my glutes, except this ball doesn’t breaks like the others, heh heh… hopefully.” Jaeger experiences a surge of power in his body and ego when doing this and doesn’t want to stop.
After many minutes of maiming, a haunting sound echoes from Jaeger’s gut for both him and Aaron to hear. This causes Jaeger to stop his swaying, which leaves Aaron sideways under his right ass cheek. “Oooww, thankfully he stopped, but what was that sound?” Aaron thought as he took this chance to breathe. The subduer above aches in pain.
“Geeezz, this feels like my intestines are in a not,” Jager states as he peers over his shoulder to look at his ass, moreover his victim under it and sniggers maniacally. “Better untie this not then.” He looks and leans his weight forward. Though still under, some of the pressure releases from Aaron, who still can’t move, but uses this chance to take a better breath. But he shouldn’t have done that. BBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPFFFFFFFFFF. Twelve terrible seconds of yellow gas envelops Aaron. As Jaeger groans to fart, those cheeks jiggle loudly for seven seconds, then relax as an air hose fumes a horrendous stench for the remaining five seconds. Though not in the direct line of fire, Aaron was gagging and spitting up some of the gas that was in his mouth.
Jaeger stands up and sighs a bit, “Time to see the result of the toy cushion……….. wait where did Aaron go?” A butt imprint was the only thing shown on the cushion, but no Aaron. He is currently stuck to Jaeger’s butt, too battered and beaten to speak or move. Jaeger investigates the cushion, then all the cushions, he even lifts each cushion up to make sure Aaron didn’t get stuck or lost. “Aaron where are you?” he asks in a creepy cat-n-mouse type of tone. He walks around the couch swerving his seat muscles side-to-side. Aaron was an inch away from Jaegers carnivorous crack, which still reeks from his previous blast. “Maybe he’s under the couch?” Jaeger bends his torso down and his tail end up looking under the couch. That flabby flank stretches releasing Aaron, but Aaron begins to slide into Jaegers crusty cavern. “Oh no, move, MOVE” he says aloud, but Jaeger’s previous glute grind renders him useless to move, and slides into Jaeger’s crevasse, head pointing out. “Aaron, that you?” Jaeger asks as he lifts his head up from the couch above his body, which closes Aaron tightly in Jaeger’s fat fanny’s fissure.
Unknown still of Aaron’s place, Jaeger begins to speak to himself, “He was on the couch, I sat on him, gave him a… riveting rub” he shutters a little in joy, “farted my yellow gas on him, but is still nowhere to be found.” Jaegers dominating demeanor begins to sound like quivering questions. “Did I fart so hard that he might have… no that’s not possible….but then where is he?” Aaron hears everything Jaeger says with a surprise on his face. He didn’t realize Jaeger’s concern for him was this strong. Even so, every thought Jaeger speaks aloud causes him to pace back and forth. Which squishes Aaron between those monstrous mounds. (SQUISH) (SQUELCH) (SQUISH) (SQUELCH) sounds continue as Jaeger paces for six minutes. Aaron can do nothing as his unaware captor and friend haphazardly scrunches him.
Worrying for his roommate and trying to find a way to cope, Jaeger goes to the fridge. “Maybe he came here to eat?” He nervously reassures himself and bends over to grab seven chocolate cream filled cake rolls and two red bulls. Jaeger stressfully eats the cake rolls while repeating, “He’s still here,” in a distressful tone and drinks a red bull after eating three cakes. This opens Jager’s fanny fissure, allowing Aaron to yell as loud as he could. “Jaeger I’m here!” Still distraught in food, Jaeger doesn’t hear him. “He can’t hear me, huh welp, this is gonna be gross.” Closing his eyes Aaron opens his maw and clamps onto Jaegers left butt cheek. “OOOWWW!” he screams while spitting out his fourth cake roll. He veers over his shoulder to find out what bit him and sees a small raptor head. “Sorry to bite, but I’m stuck in your butt crack and need help getting out” Aaron replies with a loud pleading voice. Little did he know what he heard and did next would end him.
“You were hiding there the entire time?” Jaeger questions in a mildly angry tone. “I wasn’t trying too, you sat on me and gassed me, which stuck me to your big butt,” Aaron responds honestly. “Well, why didn’t you say something?” Jaeger asks with a fuller and more frustrating volume. “Because you were smothering me between your gross glutes, egging on and on about how much you were worrying about me or how scared you were and-" Jaeger raucously roars at Aaron, which silences him in fear. “And You Bite My Ass!?!?” frigid from the roar, Aaron couldn’t speak. Jaeger’s green eyes scowl, his teeth grimace, and his nose snarl all in the direction of an unlucky raptor in an even more unlucky place. “It was th-" a death squeeze from the bouldering butt cuts off his words. “Gross Glutes, Egging On, Worrying, Scared, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING TOO?!?!?!” While squeezing Aaron, Jaeger stands up, and walks over to the couch rambunctiously rubbing Aaron in his rear.
Jaeger still has three cake rolls and a red bull in his claws as he stops over the middle cushion. He leans his ass over and releases Aaron who lands with a SPLATT on the cushion. Aaron paralyzes in petrification when peering up at Jaeger’s powerful posterior.
“After I get done with you, WE WILL SEE WHO IS SCARED!!” Jaeger declares as he kicks his legs out and descends his demising derriere. Aaron raises his left arm and cries, “Wait-“WWHHOMMP, but it didn’t help one bit. Jaeger glares over his shoulder as he feels Aaron squirm under him again. “You should have just stayed still, pest,” he scoffs at Aaron and begins to reposition again, but this time aggressively grinding Aaron. Jaeger rolls his rotund rump back-and-forth; MMMRRRPPP MMMRRRRPPP MMMRRRPPP MMMRRRPPP for five minutes. Then rises to standing position, only to bring down his backside, and rises again. “How does that feel?!” WHAM then rises. “Let the pain sink in!” SLAAMMM then rises. “Because that is how I felt!” BBAAAAMMMM then rises. “When I couldn’t find you!” WWWHHHAAAAMMMMM. Jaeger leans back some to emphasize the weight on Aaron’s limp nearly lifeless body. This bends the couch from a small “v” to a taller and more upright “V”.
Jaeger gorges the last three cake rolls and red bull with in ten seconds in a hangry manner. Not long after, his stomach grumbles in pain as if a jack hammer kept beating his intestines. And his toxic belly tattoo emits a crimson red glow. Jaeger sniggers slightly, then chuckles, and finally he stands up and loudly cackles. Giving Aaron one last chance to see light from under Jaeger’s darkness. Jaeger sneers a smile behind him at Aaron, “I’ve been waiting to do this…” he positions himself one last time above the motionless Aaron, with his ginormous jiggling glutes. “Any last words?” he asks his helpless roommate. Aaron opens his eyes and looks at the ominous vast ass that overhangs above him. And with an honest grin and weak voice he replies, “Thank you… for worrying… about me.” Jaeger’s smile vanishes and turns into a livid face of rage. “SHUT UP!!!” He bends down, jumps eight feet in the air, and butt dives into the couch CCCCRRRRUUUUUNNNNCCCCHHHHH. The impact broke the couch in three, but that didn’t matter to the blood boiling Spinosaurus.
He sits up adding his crushing weight to his victim and lets out a hefty grunt to combust his gas. BBBRRRRTTT FFFFFFFRRRPRPRPPP SSSSSHHHHHHHHFFFFFFFFFF BBBRRRAAAAAFFFTTTPPPPPP BBBBBBBRRRBRBRBRRRPRPRPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTT BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGTTTTTTPTPPPPPPPPPPP. Wet dry, loud silent, heavy light, and unimaginable combinations spew from that apocalyptic ass. “UUUGggghhhhh….” A final gigantic grumble comes from Jaeger “This one is gonna be the worst.” With a raise of his tail, he releases his rear ends true end.
Jaeger performs a twenty second crescendo of gas for an audience of one, who was literally knocked out by the performance.
Jaeger gasps in relief and places his claws on each cheek. “That was one to remember…” he pats his plump rump in gracious gratitude, “right Aaron?” No response. “You’re not fooling me roomy.” Jaeger grinds his butt back-and-forth a bit to feel for him. Nothing. “Aaron?” Jaeger stands up and turns to see the couch broken in three parts by cushion. With the use-to-be two-foot middle cushion and frame was now a two-inch cushion and frame, with no Aaron.
“If he’s not there then…” Jaeger reaches his arms behind his butt and uses his claws to feel for Aaron, but nothing. Jaeger’s heart drops in agonizing pain. “Aaron. Aaron? Aaron!” Jaeger begins to pace back and forth in shock. “I lost him, I truly lost him.” He quivers in fear, “ 'Shut up' was the last thing I said. I squeezed, crushed, grinded, farted, and mangled him in my ass an-" Jaeger pauses standing in place and remembers. With a slow and long standing rub with his rear, he grinds his glutes and feels something in between. He quickly reaches his claws back, one to hold his butt crack open and the other to grab the object wedged between. It was Aaron.
“Aaron, you’re alive! Oh gosh that’s a relief I thought I lost you.” The unconscious teal raptor lay limp in Jaeger’s claws with eyes spinning. “This was my most destructive work yet. But you deserve some treatment from what I’ve put you through.” Jaeger states to his fainted friend. Walking upstairs cradling Aaron, Jaeger brings his friend to the sink to scrub away the grime and stench. It did not leave, but it could have been worse without washing. Jaeger carries him into Aaron’s room. He places Aaron in his bed and tucks him. “I’ll take care of the food bill tomorrow, just get some rest” Jaeger explains to his still passed out roomy and walks to the door. He pauses and looks at Aaron again, “If he remembers anything that happened today…” Jaeger says with a sadistic smile, “I’ll make sure he REALLY forgets tomorrow.” And closes the door.
Category Story / Macro / Micro
Species Reptilian (Other)
Gender Any
Size 100 x 56px
File Size 29.8 kB
Listed in Folders
You did a very good job of this, and stuffs can be hard to figure out but you can eventually sooner or later with enough time get better at the words and stuffs if you keep on going, just be as positive as you can be and doing what you do best on here and in real life to be happy and safe in the world.
I like the dynamic that he's mean to him but he really cares, I suppose there must be many more storys, but I imagine after a long road of stories where Jaeger really hurts Aaron, to a really worrying point, and at that moment after seeing him so he really repents and stops bothering him that way because he doesn't want to hurt him, but now Aaron has gotten an addiction for him, and he is the one who now asks him for more, but asking him to be more careful, not to mention that he knows how much he Jaeger has fun doing it and wants to make him happy, they would reach a more stable relationship where Aaron wants, but without overdoing it so much, and Jaeger does it but being more careful
.....sorry I tend to overthink stories a lot
.....sorry I tend to overthink stories a lot
Please overthink them. You are detailing your imagination through words and do well when explaining it. I have my own plans with those two, but Jaeger and Aaron belong too.
AaronTheMicroraptor. I can't go further without his permission. Because: 1. I didn't own or create them. 2. Collaboration through artist and writer is fun for me.
But that shouldn't stop you from writing this stuff, just ask permission if you use another artist's character.
Also, 'stories' grammar correction on the top line far right.
Thanks for the comment.

But that shouldn't stop you from writing this stuff, just ask permission if you use another artist's character.
Also, 'stories' grammar correction on the top line far right.
Thanks for the comment.
Well then, if you don't mind me overthinking, I see Jaeger as someone with a tender and affectionate nature, but because of problems at home, and surely he also suffered bullying and surely a good friend betrayed him, he had to pretend to become tough, he had to turn the bully or he would suffer bullying, he fears that by getting attached to someone this person could harm him so he tries to stay detached, but he does not realize that he does not control his emotions, only his actions, he has people he loves, no he can avoid it, the only thing he will do is push her away and if he continues to act like this he will lose everyone he loves, I would like to see a change in Aaron's attitude before things are fixed, people can be submissive and cordial, but everyone has his breaking point, Jaeger would try to get closer, but at that moment is when Jaeger did the most damage, at that moment when Jaeger tries to change enough not to lose him is when Aaron gave up and left He began to move away from him, Jaeger would be forced to ask for forgiveness and one last chance, Aaron would accept because deep down he still cares for him, soon, although Jaeger would have a hard time, he would begin to be more friendly, and Aaron would begin to miss his attitude, at that time. At this point Aaron would be forced to ask for it and Jaeger would be confused, worried that if he does it again he will lose it and Aaron clarifies that as long as he respects his limits, not even the basic ones just the most extreme ones and not be so mean to him always, he he will be happy, and that would be his new dynamic, as I said before, I am overthinking, overthinking a lot