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This is WeatherDragon He is a mini kaju white dragon but there is more detail of him in the story. He is a nice artist who obviously goes for big butts, among other things as well if you wanna check him out. Thanks to him, I am able to write a story where Weather (the dragon/ his sona) and Arminus (my sona) meet. 6150~ words, sorry for long read, I'll try not to overboard next time. Hope you like winter. :D
Two weeks of school go by in January and Arminus can’t wait for spring break. The cold weather up north goes from high of 5 degrees Fahrenheit with the lows in the -15’s. He likes the cold though, it makes it easier to wake up and alert him for the day, and weekend. A year ago, he drives to an outskirt woodland half a mile thick of trees with a lake in the middle. The combination of riffling water, gliding grass, and dancing trees made it a calm location for Arminus to unwind. Back to the present, he retreats to his winsome wilderness because he wants personal time to clear his head. Usually by napping or walking around the woods. Animal life is amiable, but he likes to observe than disturb. He even blocks his man-made entrance with loose logs and foliage to make sure he is alone. This spot is serene to him, even with the lake frozen during this winter. But there is one thing missing.
“Honestly, being this far north without snow is comparing it to a city without people, it feels empty.” He deems while lying face-up wearing his winter clothing. He uses his mitten hands as pillows behind his head looking up at the cloudy sky. “The hassle of shoveling driveways, salting sidewalks, and scraping ice is work yeah, but there are more fun benefits than chores. Everyone enjoys sledding, skiing, snowboarding, snowball fights, snow forts, king of the hill, snowmen, even simple snow angles, the list goes on with more positives than negatives of snow.” He smiles as he twitches his feet on the ground. He knows the basic science behind snow but gets stary eyes whenever he sees those magic crystals sway in the sky. “To think, water frozen randomly in the air like that and turns into a spontaneous symmetrical shape with no two alike is awesome. No living thing can ever do that, it’s practically imposs-” WHOOSH.
Darkness covers the woods then vanishes. The sudden shroud baffles Arminus as he sits up and looks around to see a dark cloud, no a shadow, circling the woods above the clouds. “It’s only cloudy today?” He hesitantly reassures himself as he stands on his feet. The tiny grey dim begins to take shape as it grows larger in the clouds coming to land. It appears to be a small snake blur. “Is that a kite, no not in this weather?” Wings begin to appear with the dark haze becoming a little clearer and larger. “Wait, a plane… but where’s the engine sound?” That silhouette begins to break through the clouds. “Oh shit!!” Assuming a plane crash hurtling towards him, Arminus runs to the tree line quickly in a panic. The sky screams louder and louder as the approaching aircraft falls upon him as he is currently running for safety not looking back. He makes it behind the tree line and ducks in cover expecting a crash. WWHHOOOSSHHH WWWHHHOOOSSSHHH WWWHHHOOOOSSSSHHHH. Three whirls of wind rush past the tree line with enough force to blow leaves away and toss limbs the size of Arminus through the woods. FOOM, the aircrafts lands, except the ground didn’t shake like an earthquake.
Arminus removes his arms from his fetal position asking himself, “Where’s the crash?” He sits up and peeks out to the side of the tree. The ‘plane’ from the sky stands with four legs, a tail, and wings. Arminus hides behind the tree again in disbelief and talks to himself. “Ok, ok… calm down. You are rushing with adrenaline because a plane, yes a plane, was falling from the sky. Now you are going to peek the tree again and see…” he does so to finish his sentence, “an enormous dragon…… there’s an enormous dragon here.” Arminus has a right-side view of this whimsical white dragon, with a brown underbelly, ivory horns, and abundant burnet hair trimming from his head all the way down its back to the end of its paintbrush tail. About 90ft from the lake’s edge is the tree line, and this dragon reaches around 80ft from head to tail, 60ft tall to its head judging from the trees, and about 30ft wide. Or 50ft wide with those large white and brown wings.
Bringing its wings down from their flight, the dragon walks around the luminous lake unknowingly walking closer to Arminus. Currently hiding Arminus contemplates, “What’s it doing?” As if on que, the dragon stops somewhat in front of Arminus, showing its now immense right side to the small viewer. Leaning its neck down head over the ice, it exhales a heat wave from its mouth across the lake, enough to melt the entire thing. It takes a sip and spits the water out, “Whew, little hot.” An enchanting low male voice protrudes from the European dragon. Arminus’s fumbles behind the tree from the mellow yet massive presence of this invader. With Arminus not able to see, the dragon blows icy air from its mouth over the lake, enough to cool it but not freeze it. The dragon takes another sip with a relishable remark, “Much better.” He leans further over the lake chest low and hindlegs high. Presenting his tremendous tail end to the tree line, and Arminus.
The sound of deep gulping comes from the dragon as Arminus stares up at the dragon’s big backside. He didn’t know what to do in this situation. Walk up and speak to the dragon like a classmate on a Tuesday morning hoping it doesn’t hurt him, or worse. Or stay hidden behind the dragon until it finishes drinking. While debating his dilemma, the dragon swings his tail from side-to-side smoothly scraping it on the ground enjoying his water break. And its round rear joins in the rhythm, enticing Arminus’s secret kink mind. “This thing could crush my classroom if it wanted too. Or squash half the school if he treats it like a bed. That would be fantastic to see… no frightful, it would be frightful to see.” He snaps himself back to reality hiding behind the tree again looking away from the dragon’s divine derriere.
“Just sit and wait, don’t do anything stupid.” He tells himself and sits down to- HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK. Arminus’s car alarm 30ft to his left goes off from sitting on his keys, which catches the attention of both the macro and the micro. “Crap crap crap, where’s the button?” he panics quietly joggling his pocket to stop the alarm. HONK HONK HONK BEEP BEEP. Arminus finally finds the keys to stop the alarm but sees the dragon walking towards the car still oblivious of him. He scurries to keep the tree between him and the dragon, after taking a breath he veers over the tree. The dragon brings his colossal claw to the car only to poke it a couple time and have it totter back-n-forth. “Please don’t squeeze my car like ball of foil,” he begs in fear silently.
The dragon’s name is Weather, he quits playing with the car and stands on all four. “I know you’re here,” he bellows aloud, “I also know you can’t go far without your car.” He is sincere yet sedative with his tone. “Would you please come out already, there’s no point in hiding.” He trudges the ground past Arminus who is currently in terror from the tremors. “You may be shy, but I know you are still here.” The dragon turns and paces back towards the car again. Arminus is scared stiff rationing what to do next. “But there is something we both know is true…” with a minor pause, Arminus feels its tail wrap around his waist and arms with the big brown tail tip brushing against his face. It lifts him up swiftly with the hair blocking his view. The tail brush moves and allows Arminus to see two brimming brown eyes. “This is your first time, isn’t it?” The question is calm with a curious undertone. Arminus’s jaw drops as he continues to inspect the dragon’s nozzle, alabaster horns, full volume hair, and formidable face. The view overtakes Arminus.
The dragon restates his question. “First time?” Arminus answers dumbly, “Dragon.” The dragon rolls his eyes in response, “Yep, definite first. So, what’s your name, Peepin Tom or is it PT for short?” He accuses in a faint yet funny tone. Arminus composes himself a bit. “Ugh Arminus… and I’m not a peepin-tom” he looks down past the tail to see himself about 50ft high with the dragon sitting up looking down on him. Now reviewing his situation, Arminus carefully chooses his words, “Wh-What’s your name… i-if that’s ok fo-for me to ask?” With little expression, Weather mockingly answers down to Arminus. “No point in answering that.” Arminus holds his tongue from insulting, remembering his deadly height and sues, “Why’s that?” The dragon complies, “You are a scared pervert who wouldn’t reveal yourself until I found you. That doesn’t show you as an honest being, or a nice one at that.” Arminus retorts, “Look, I arrived here well before you came flying in-” The dragon cuts him off, “To hunt probably, that’s what everyone does up north anyways,” The dragon loosens his grip to allow Arminus to slip through and catches him by the shoulders with a tighter squeeze, causing Arminus to gasp for air. “I’m not a fan of hunters, especially when you camp in gorgeous places like this to kill.” Weather flares at Arminus, who wheezingly replies. “I don’t hunt (inhales) I-” the dragon tightens more wrapping its tail around Arminus’s neck as well. “I really don’t appreciate liars, you probably have guns in your car, or worse,” the tail moves closer to the dragon’s furious face, “dead trophies.”
Arminus is barely breathing as he makes his statement, “Check (wheeze) my car (wheeze) yourself (wheeze) I never (wheeze) lie.” Though struggling to speak, Arminus did not faulter his eyes from the dragon. This gives Weather some incentive to check Arminus’s car. Still holding his grip on Arminus, he lifts and checks through its windows, opens its doors with nothing inside. Concluding his search, he looks back at Arminus skeptically and lowers him to the ground releasing his grip. “Ok fine, why are you out here then?” The dragon challenges while sitting upright. Due to his near death-by-tail experience, Arminus frustration boils, but keeps his stature and tells the dragon in a stern tone. “Because I want to escape a small village school life where people are fakes and reality is against you. This spot defies that because this isn’t fake but real. Towering trees, warm wildlife, precious prairies, and this beautiful basin remind me that life is reassuring. I was hoping it would snow too, but ‘nope’ nothing. Halfway through winter and not a flake.”
After his rant, Weather averts its eyes from Arminus and stares across the wilderness for a bit. He’s been flying for almost half a day with no excitement or downtime. Anytime he wants to toy with someone, they are lucky enough to survive a minute. This puny person however is different. He is honest, gullible, and very durable. Even after Weather nearly squeezes him to death. Maybe he could last longer? If so, he needs Arminus to comply with no questions, or else it’s not fun for Weather. One step to that would be to tell Arminus his name. During the dragon’s contemplation, Arminus stares up vaguely. Weather’s voice breaks the silence, “Weather.” In confusion Arminus replies, “Well cloudy, cold, and no snow. With a chance of a flying dragon.” This annoys the dragon a bit and barks down at Arminus, “No you idiot, my name is Weather.” The force of Weather’s voice pushes Arminus to the ground sitting, but also realizing something. “Oh. Wait, the melting of the lake. You did that with your breath. But does having just fire explain the name?” Arminus asks seriously. Weather doesn’t respond, but instead opens his wings. Small electric surges migrate across the center to the outsides of his wings. Small blue static grows into large yellow sparks until finally raising his wings high BOOOOMMM. A white lightning bolt strikes between them flinching Arminus but unfazing Weather.
Pure perplexity overwhelms Arminus. He completely forgets how this dragon nearly kills him and instead applause him, “Dude, that’s incredible. You control thunder too.” Seeing this foolish follower compliment his gifts pleases Weather. “Well, a dragon such as myself can do miraculous things.” He says to further indulge himself. Arminus begins to pace and praise Weather, “I mean I saw you melt the lake with just your breath, but then you did something else to it because you complained about it tasting bad or something. I mean no offense but I don’t think you are the brushing type. Anyways, you did something else too, but I couldn’t see because your wonderful wobbly wagon was in the way…” Arminus freezes as he realizes what he just said, with Weather hearing every word. “My what?” he inquires suspiciously. Arminus’s throat grows a lump of embarrassment and faces away from Weather to answer. “Your wonderful wobbly waging ‘tail’ was in the way.” Arminus turns to face up at Weather and continues to recover himself. “Uh, yeah… it swayed back and forth so much I couldn’t tell what was happening past your perfect pudgy posture…” Again, Arminus catches himself using attractive appreciations towards Weather’s ass again, which reveals to Weather Arminus’s interesting intentions. “Is that so?” He asserts towards Arminus slyly, who randomly retaliates. “No, no no no no, absolutely not. You have a big butt… I mean you are ‘big’, ‘but’ you are a dragon. It's hard to see you entirely because I’m so small and you have so much ass, duhh umm mass.” Arminus is digging his own grave at this point, but this gives Weather a clear concept of what to do next.
“You talked about snow, right? Weather interjects as Arminus controls himself to reply. “Well, yeah. It’s the best thing about winter.” Weather lays to his right side with right arm supporting his head, purposely showing his ultimate umber underbelly to Arminus standing 5 ft away. From the 80ft length, that belly is 60ft long and 40ft wide, plenty large to fit a small house under. Overtaken a bit by the view, Weather calls his attention. “So, if I did this…” He inhales and lets out a polar puff onto Arminus, who at first flinches, but then embraces the frosty flurry. “What would you do?” He opens his eyes to see winter’s symbol, a surreal snowflakes. “No way, no fricken way! This is great, this defies science, or embraces it, whatever it’s finally snowing.” Sheer shouts of splendor show from the little human, who then notices a light smile from the dragon.
Arminus retains himself a bit, “This is phenomenal, not only a dragon, but one who controls weather. Thank you.” The light smile didn’t change from Weather as he speaks again. “You didn’t answer my question,” Arminus notices the flakes are disappearing as Weather speaks. “What would you do?” Weather rolls his left fingers in the grass which bounces Arminus a bit. Arminus responds earnestly, “Anything. Anything for snow. Seeing 2ft of winter white wonderlands is just welcoming for a small village I live in. Why’d you ask?” A cynical smile stretches across Weather’s face as he stops rolling his fingers. “One hour.” Weather states softly with his voice. “An hour, an hour of snow? An hour of talking? What do you mean?” Arminus questions, as Weather lifts his head closer to him to answer. “I get to use you as a ‘toy’ for an hour. Then I’ll let it snow for an hour. Deal?” Weather’s is going to enjoy hearing Arminus’s answer. His fixation towards snow is an easy give away for him to say “No.” Arminus disapproves.
This plain proclamation perturbs Weather enough to show an upsetting expression on his face. “Wait, what why not?” He argues, Arminus explains. “Snowing for an hour as I’m your toy is too short for time and unfair. There needs to be at least 2ft of snow and an hour isn’t gonna cut it. Besides you didn’t grantee that I’ll be alive after being your ‘toy’ (finger quotes) for an hour. Making the deal pointless if I’m not gonna be alive to see the snow.” Irritation swells in Weather due to him mistaking this mini mortals morals. He could flop over, and gut flatten him right now. He is large and in charge, and no human is going to change that. He doesn’t like being aggressive since it shortens the fun, but it’s better than nothing.
“However,” Weather ceases his destructive thoughts as he hears Arminus again. “If you wanted to, you could have killed me with your tail, and for good reasons too, suspecting that I was a hunter. Meaning you care for life, in whatever way that is. Besides that, you gave me your name, and showed someone as insignificant as me your weather powers. So, I accept, but only if you can make it snow for a full day?” Again, this being baffles Weather. He is right about Arminus being a gullible honest shy perv. But to some weird extent Arminus is, fair and deliberate. An entire day of snow is some work, but nothing too much for Weather. The dragon gleams a gratifying grin, “One hour for one day of snow.” Arminus reaches his hand out and opens, Weather understands the mannerism and sticks out his first finger. Arminus grabs the nail tip of Weather’s claw, and they shake on it.
Weather announces, “Ready?” Arminus quickly pulls out his phone sets an hour alarm time and tosses it far from them both. “Yea, once my phone goes off, that’s and hour.” Weather nods in agreement. “Good” as he furls his flabby front over flattening Arminus beneath his upper body. 2 minutes go by as the dragon doesn’t feel his human henchman under him. He moves his mass a bit to feel if Arminus does anything, but nothing. “Crap, this might be too much. Is he dead?” Weather says to himself, only to feel movement under him. Not of struggling, but almost stoke like. Curiously he raises his chest up some to see Arminus’s upper half between his plump pecks. “Sorry, did you not want me to do that?” Weather begins to sneer. Not only is Arminus fine, but he is giving him a mild massage. “Keep going actually. That feels relaxing.” Arminus gives a thumbs up, and Weather lowers encompassing him again.
Arminus controls his breathing while under Weather and begins rotating his arms, massaging Weather again. This entices Weather, Arminus continues this for 5 minutes. “Huuhhhhh, haven’t had this in a while, usually I’m the one moving.” An idea sparks in his head, and he looks down with a jesting jeer on his face. “Time for me to ‘massage’ him a bit.” Sensing Arminus still between his chest he faintly flexes his plump pecs together. Weather isn’t fat, but he does have some mighty mien moobs when squishing Arminus between them. “Heh heh. You kind of feel like a pillow in there.” Weather states as he rolls his shoulders forward pressing his pecs together, then relaxing with Arminus still in the middle. Weather continues this gleeful gripping for another 5 minutes. He huffs after a good long SQUUIISSHHH with Arminus in his chest.
After that last grasp, Weather releases Arminus and stands on all fours, looking below his belly upside down to find Arminus face down in the grass. “Did I do something wrong while under you?” Arminus directs curiously as he looks up towards the dragon’s upside-down head. “No, you did fine. I just think it’s time for you to greet the rest of my gut.” Weather jokes a bit and takes one step forward with each paw and begins to brood his belly on Arminus who braces for impact SMUSH. Gigantic yet gentle, Weather lays his lower gut on top of him. Weather sees his gut gush out a bit on the ground as he settles himself. Arminus is having a little more trouble since the rubber-like flesh is forming over him a bit. “Gee, it’s a little more difficult to move. Maybe if I do this.” Arminus thinks and begins to scuttle his upper body to free some space. Weather feels Arminus scurry a little bit more under him, somewhat stickling him. “Ha ha ha hey stop you hu hu huh making me meh he he he laugh.” Weather chuckles as Arminus unintentionally tickles him. Arminus can’t hear much of Weather while under him anyways.
“Ok that’s ha ha ha ha it.” Digging his front claws in the ground he scrapes his belly forward, dragging Arminus across too. “Uuggghhh, what the heck is Weather doing up there?” Arminus say as Weather then begins to drag himself backwards. “Huh, you know, this massage feels better when I’m the one moving you around. I feel as if my organs are on vacation.” Weather reassures himself as he continues going back and forth. FRUUTT FFRREETT FFRRUUUTTT FFFRREEEETTTT FFFRRRUUUUTTTTT FFFFRRREEEEETTTTT each action grows longer and longer, which pleases the dynamic dragon. Weather does one of two things during his Rolfing routine. He would lighten his weight dragging his umber hunderbelly on top of Arminus or he adds more weight mushing Arminus into his gut and dragging him across the ground. Weather swaps between the two not knowing which is better, because both make his belly and intestines feel splendid. 20 minutes of this chronic crushing goes by. Weather stops himself for a moment, uncertain if Arminus is ok or not.
After a minute of silence, Weather stands on all fours and looks at the gutted gully underneath him. But he couldn’t find Arminus. “Is he in the rubble somewhere?” Weather begins scoop`ing the dirt under him doubting that he may find him, only to sense a tender trifle on his belly. Unable to see standing, he rotates and lays on his back. He lifts his neck and head to find a stamp-like human to his belly. “If you didn’t want to be tickled, next time could you just tell me besides bulldozing me?” Arminus implies. Weather feels relief that this pint-sized person is ok but doesn’t show it. “You’re tough enough to survive, and I still have you for a good chunk of time. So, get ready.” Weather lowers his neck and head to the ground, not looking at Arminus. “Ready for what?” he asks only to notice Weathers brown gut is deflating like a valley. “Is he gonna lau-” Well with actions answering Arminus’s question, yes, Weather did launch him into the air, 200ft to be exact. “Holy Crap! Weather are you crazy?” Arminus yells while circling up into the air, but only to see glimpse of Weather laying stationary. Reaching his peak height, Arminus’s body stalls from moment. He feels the crisp cold increase and sees his village near the horizon. A beautiful lay of the land to observe forever, if he didn’t begin to fall.
Now twirling down to earth, Arminus is in a panic and screams, “Hey Weather, I can’t fly. Help? Please!” He screams and spins while falling only able to see a small white blur, but big brown woodlands growing dangerously closer. No response from Weather, and Arminus is falling pass the treetops. He shuts his eyes and squeals, “CATCH MEEE-nnmmmff.” Arminus rebounds off something that nearly knocks the air out of him flinging him slightly into the air again with his eyes still shut. “Wait what wa-” BWOING the same feeling again except it bounces his even less, until he lands with a BWOMP. He grows some nerve to open his eyes and sees the sky above, the trees high around him, and whiteness on the ground. He contemplates aloud while laying down. “Did I just plunge into snow, no its not cold. A cloud… no clouds don’t do this. But whatever it is, it’s soft (sniffs) and smells like (sniff) marshmellows?” Just then a low familiar voice responds. “It’s a spot I know you’ll enjoy.” Arminus attempts to stand and notices the white soft scaly surface squish under him. Looking over he sees a deep valley with another neighboring massive mound on the left side. And a brown undertail hovering above the valley and mounds. Arminus knows exactly where he is, but is too embarrassed to speak it.
Weather turns his head right to look at Arminus, “I never heard someone squeal that high before, even at your size.” Weather comedically comments laying on his stomach at Arminus who rebuttals. “I was shouting…loudly,” He crosses his arms and mumbles down to himself, “I don’t squeal.” Weather’s ears can hear him, but that isn’t his focus. “In any case, I wasn’t going to let you fall to your death. That much is true.” He informs Arminus, who uncrosses his arms and faces up at Weather. “You mean that?” He asks hoping for support. “Of course,” Weather answers sincerely while smiling. A second of solace fills Arminus, “because I need you to massage my ass.” Weather finishes. And the solace leaves Arminus as he inspects the right cheek he is standing on, then the left cheek. Being this close, he can compare both to the size of a house. “This is a lot of (gulp) ‘ground’ to cover.” Arminus points out to Weather, who keeps his smile but lowers his brows showing a sinical sneer. “Do you prefer to be ‘ground’ up?” he asks flexing his flank. Arminus notices his feet didn’t sink into Weather’s soft seat, but instead nearly trip on the rock-hard rear. “Nope! I’ll massage, no sweat. He he he.” He stutters nervously literally feeling the mountain muscles drastically change.
Arminus starts on the right cheek and begins left to right, top to bottom, almost like reading a book. Weather alleviates himself as he feels Arminus work. Almost like having 2 rolling pins come together and press the prickling pain away. “Ooohhhh Yeeaahhhh, this is perfect. Are you a masseuse or something?” He compliments as Arminus continues to caress. “Not really, before I came here, I worked as a baker part-time. Started small with frosting donuts, then I rolled cinnamon rolls, kneaded bread, and pressed out buns.” His talking and rear Rolfing makes Weather slightly drowsy. “Well for a past-baker (yawns) you are working in the wrong profession. (Yawns) Especially when you’re ‘buffing’ out these ‘beautiful buns’.’’ Weather exalts Arminus as he blithely bounces his butt a bit. Arminus grasps quickly preventing him from falling off. “I know you told me to do this, but if you don’t keep still, I’ll never finish.” Arminus assures Weather. “Fine whatever, (YAWNS) I’m gonna rest a bit anyways. Just let me know when you are done.” Weather informs as he rests his tail on his left side and nestles his arms in a pillow for a nap.
The combination of being a past-baker and Weather scaring him into becoming ‘ground meat’, Arminus finishes within 15 minutes. “Whew, one more, then I get a snow day.” He hears Weather somewhat snore while sleeping. He looks across Weather’s ‘valley’ at his left cheek. With a running start, he jumps over and lands a little short, but grabs the fanny’s flabs and climbs up safely. He reaches the top with his winter clothes soggy. “This work (pants) builds a sweat.” He removes his hat, gloves, and coat as a wave of steam rises from him. He tosses his clothes over Weather’s left cheek and like a book, begins top to bottom, left to right. As he repeats his standard smoothing, Weather is fast asleep due to the long flying and majestic massaging.
Weather dreams of Arminus finishing his job walking up to Weather and asking for snow, which Weather complies to since he made a promise. He makes it snow, sees Arminus happy, and they both bid fair well with Weather returning to his nap. This dream seems so real, Weather comprehends he is still taking a nimble nap, not a serious slumber. Time passes and Arminus is nearly done on the left cheek, “(Pants) almost (pants) there.” He encourages his fatigue forearms, sore shoulders, and hurting hands to continues for the sake of earning his snow day. With one final massage “Done!” He falls face first on to the marshmellow musky inner left cheek, but he didn’t care for the smell, his upper body is throbbing, and his legs are limp. He needs a couple minutes to breathe and recuperate, but he did it. GGOOORRGLLEE.
Arminus hears a foreboding fracas building up in Weather, a clear call to run away as soon as possible. But the weary wee wright couldn’t move a muscle in his current condition. “You got to be kidding me. Move dammit. Move!” He tells himself pathetically plodding across Weather’s ass, fulling knowing he is in range of Weather’s ‘sinister storm’. Arminus’s successful Rolfing made Weather’s body relax so much, he is letting go of any build up, including his boisterous bowels. “Just keep going.” Arminus says as he grovels, something shrouds over him. He looks up to see Weather unconsciously dragging his tail left-to-right across his left cheek towards him. With little strength to react SMACK it hits Arminus between Weather’s marshmallow mounds face up. “Ugh God why here of all places. Weather! Weather can you hear me?” He yells, only to see darkness surround him as Weather lowers his tail. Weather is still asleep completely unknown of his actions as he dreams. “Weather, snap out of it!!” The tail descends, slowly and solidly securing itself like tape to Weather’s damp derriere. “Hey! Stop! I’m still in here!” Arminus shouts as he pinches, kicks, and fights the colossal confining crack. Sadly, to no avail due to his weak setting and Weather’s deep sleep. The tail then seals its tomb, “WEEAATHERRRRrrrnnmmm.”
Now Arminus is stuck within two titanic tushes and a troublesome tail overdosing in sugar senses that make him a little loopy, with Weather still deeply dozing. GGGGGOOOOOROROGGGLLLLEEEE the gargling fuse reaches its climax. PPPIIIRIRRTTT first comes a putrid pother. FFFFFFFOOOOORRRRPPPPP then a fat flatulent fog. HHHHHHIIIISSHSHSHSHSSSSS with a hushing horrendous heatwave following. BBBBRBRBRBRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGBBB cooling off the heat with a bad befouling blizzard. MMMMPMPMMUUUURRURURURURMMMMPMPMP with a malicious muggy monsoon afterwards. Each fart that emits is a combination of some stench, but is mostly candy clouds that put Arminus one step closer to a candy coma. Weather’s dream is detailing him controlling all the natural storms at once, unbeknownst to him whatever storm he creates in dream, his hardy hind end brings into a rough reality for Arminus. Who is squealing during this bountiful bombardment, but Weather’s tail mutes his voice and muffles the farts. Unless you are within 20ft of Weather’s ass, it is completely silent. That bubbly butt bounces as all that vapor vents out the dragon’s gigamax glutes with the tail covering the crack and Arminus almost airtight. This stormy sequence of sweet strikes continues for 30 minutes. Those hulking haunches and tremendous tail pin Arminus and allow all that attractive air to invade his senses.
During Arminus’s torrent of torture, Weather’s dream of multitasking weather is nearly perfect, except the sound of crows cawing nonstop. They gradually becomes louder, caaww, Caaww, CAAww, CAAWW, CAAWW!!!!! This irritation wakes up Weather, “Damn birds, they never le-” Weather assumes there are birds in front of him opens his eyes to swat, but nothing is there. The farting stops too before he fully wakes up, giving Arminus a relieving. Weather’s dream mindset thinks Arminus has left completing his hour, but those squawking crows interrupt his memory recal. “Shut up, I can’t think straight with your noise.” Weather growls, but the unseen birds don’t stop. “Whatever, at least that dream was awesome. I should try to make 2 to 3 storms once in a whi-” BBBUUURRRRRGGGGGLLELELLEE. Weather crunches in pain as his intestines inflate. “Owww, what the hell?” Before fully waking up Weather’s body stops his bowel bursts, completely unaware to Weather. But with the final build up growing inside, he can’t hold it. And with the annoying birds squawking, he didn’t hold back. “Fine, let’s see who’s louder, you…” His wings expand and spark again, “or ME.” Arminus is barely holding on as he feels static shock him, making his hair stand up. Electricity surges from Weather’s wings, but all that lightning wends to his wide wobbly wagon as he winds-up for a wrecking world ender. Gritting his teeth, shutting his eyes, and scrunching his nozzle, Weather wreaks his waste.
TTHTHTHHTHHTHUTUTUTUUUUUNNUUNNNDDDDNDDEEEREERERRERRRRRRRRR A 30 second treacherous typhoon thunders inside his destructive donk. Lightning bolts burst out from under his tail, along with bigger darker storm clouds, and rain. Arminus is literally “in the eye of the storm” absorbing Weather’s ass onslaught, until he is finally done. Weather pants a bit from that one, dropping his neck and head onto the ground with a thud, but still hears the crows. “(Huffs) (Huffs) How can you (Huffs) still sing?” He answers his question, by looking at the ground where the cawing is the loudest. A phone flashes with the text ‘Times Up.’ “Huh?” Weather lifts his head up, and looks right to see Arminus’s car at the tree line still. “Hold on.” He begins to worry a bit as he looks at his right side then left side and sees Arminus’s winter clothes drape on the ground. “Oh shit! Don’t tell me.” Weather turns to look at his rear and lifts his tail, to find Arminus sticking face first under his tail. “You, ok?” He asks, but then squints his face as he realizes the overloading odor that comes from his ass off Arminus. “Wow a candy coma, could have been worse though. Let’s get you off there.” Weather takes his claw and peels Arminus off and brings him to the lake, where he splashes him in water for a couple minutes to wake him up.
“(COUGHS) (COUCHS) (COUGHS) am I alive?” He asks while looking up at Weather’s close concerning face. “Oohhh finally, yes you are. But what the hell happened. Did you just dive into my ass like a pool?” Arminus retorts weakly “Your tail knocked me into your ass and locked me in place. I couldn’t escape.” Weather accuses him nervously, “Bullshit, there’s no way that happened.” Arminus questions Weather. “Do I look like I can lift up your tail and crawl in?” Weather answers quickly, “No you are too small to move any part of me...” Arminus raises a brow inciting his point, which upsets Weather now since he understands. “I could just crush you; you know that right?” Weather reminds Arminus as he stumbles to stand in front of Weather. “I know you can kill me, but you won’t.” This confuses Weather more than anything, he gets closer as he questions pessimistically, “What makes you so sure?” Arminus shows a small simper and places a hand on Weather’s nozzle, “Because could have left me inside your ass, besides pulling me out and checking if I’m fine.” Weather frown lifts away from the answer. Realizing throughout all the strife this human went through, Arminus still alive and has a level head.
Weather lifts his head and stands on all fours. He inhales deeply and spews a white whirlwind into the sky. Keeping his promise to make it snow. Arminus is joyful, though less energetic due to his body being maimed by Weather. Weather opens his wings about to fly away. “Hey Weather, could you stay, just for a bit?” Arminus pleas to Weather, who looks down and responds, “Um, why?” “Because my body is numb cold and battered. I can’t really move without falling.” Some level of irritation grew in Weather, but at the same time he couldn’t just leave someone to freeze. “Sure, hold still.” He remarks as he gently grabs Arminus. He places Arminus on his head. Weather’s hair thankfully can contain heat with how much volume there is. “Thanks, only until I warm up.” Arminus promises Weather who lays down again. “Just don’t take too long, Ok?” Weather is waiting for a response. “Hey, did you hear me?” Weather hears Arminus snoring on his head of exhaustion. He has never seen any micro take such a beating, yet still be alive, or mostly alive. Some gratitude swirls in Weather as he realizes how lucky Arminus is to find him, and how lucky Weather is to find Arminus. This micro can take on almost anything a macro like himself can dish out. “Take you time Arminus, because I might use you again in the future.” He grins and dozes off also as the flurry of flakes fall on them both.
Two weeks of school go by in January and Arminus can’t wait for spring break. The cold weather up north goes from high of 5 degrees Fahrenheit with the lows in the -15’s. He likes the cold though, it makes it easier to wake up and alert him for the day, and weekend. A year ago, he drives to an outskirt woodland half a mile thick of trees with a lake in the middle. The combination of riffling water, gliding grass, and dancing trees made it a calm location for Arminus to unwind. Back to the present, he retreats to his winsome wilderness because he wants personal time to clear his head. Usually by napping or walking around the woods. Animal life is amiable, but he likes to observe than disturb. He even blocks his man-made entrance with loose logs and foliage to make sure he is alone. This spot is serene to him, even with the lake frozen during this winter. But there is one thing missing.
“Honestly, being this far north without snow is comparing it to a city without people, it feels empty.” He deems while lying face-up wearing his winter clothing. He uses his mitten hands as pillows behind his head looking up at the cloudy sky. “The hassle of shoveling driveways, salting sidewalks, and scraping ice is work yeah, but there are more fun benefits than chores. Everyone enjoys sledding, skiing, snowboarding, snowball fights, snow forts, king of the hill, snowmen, even simple snow angles, the list goes on with more positives than negatives of snow.” He smiles as he twitches his feet on the ground. He knows the basic science behind snow but gets stary eyes whenever he sees those magic crystals sway in the sky. “To think, water frozen randomly in the air like that and turns into a spontaneous symmetrical shape with no two alike is awesome. No living thing can ever do that, it’s practically imposs-” WHOOSH.
Darkness covers the woods then vanishes. The sudden shroud baffles Arminus as he sits up and looks around to see a dark cloud, no a shadow, circling the woods above the clouds. “It’s only cloudy today?” He hesitantly reassures himself as he stands on his feet. The tiny grey dim begins to take shape as it grows larger in the clouds coming to land. It appears to be a small snake blur. “Is that a kite, no not in this weather?” Wings begin to appear with the dark haze becoming a little clearer and larger. “Wait, a plane… but where’s the engine sound?” That silhouette begins to break through the clouds. “Oh shit!!” Assuming a plane crash hurtling towards him, Arminus runs to the tree line quickly in a panic. The sky screams louder and louder as the approaching aircraft falls upon him as he is currently running for safety not looking back. He makes it behind the tree line and ducks in cover expecting a crash. WWHHOOOSSHHH WWWHHHOOOSSSHHH WWWHHHOOOOSSSSHHHH. Three whirls of wind rush past the tree line with enough force to blow leaves away and toss limbs the size of Arminus through the woods. FOOM, the aircrafts lands, except the ground didn’t shake like an earthquake.
Arminus removes his arms from his fetal position asking himself, “Where’s the crash?” He sits up and peeks out to the side of the tree. The ‘plane’ from the sky stands with four legs, a tail, and wings. Arminus hides behind the tree again in disbelief and talks to himself. “Ok, ok… calm down. You are rushing with adrenaline because a plane, yes a plane, was falling from the sky. Now you are going to peek the tree again and see…” he does so to finish his sentence, “an enormous dragon…… there’s an enormous dragon here.” Arminus has a right-side view of this whimsical white dragon, with a brown underbelly, ivory horns, and abundant burnet hair trimming from his head all the way down its back to the end of its paintbrush tail. About 90ft from the lake’s edge is the tree line, and this dragon reaches around 80ft from head to tail, 60ft tall to its head judging from the trees, and about 30ft wide. Or 50ft wide with those large white and brown wings.
Bringing its wings down from their flight, the dragon walks around the luminous lake unknowingly walking closer to Arminus. Currently hiding Arminus contemplates, “What’s it doing?” As if on que, the dragon stops somewhat in front of Arminus, showing its now immense right side to the small viewer. Leaning its neck down head over the ice, it exhales a heat wave from its mouth across the lake, enough to melt the entire thing. It takes a sip and spits the water out, “Whew, little hot.” An enchanting low male voice protrudes from the European dragon. Arminus’s fumbles behind the tree from the mellow yet massive presence of this invader. With Arminus not able to see, the dragon blows icy air from its mouth over the lake, enough to cool it but not freeze it. The dragon takes another sip with a relishable remark, “Much better.” He leans further over the lake chest low and hindlegs high. Presenting his tremendous tail end to the tree line, and Arminus.
The sound of deep gulping comes from the dragon as Arminus stares up at the dragon’s big backside. He didn’t know what to do in this situation. Walk up and speak to the dragon like a classmate on a Tuesday morning hoping it doesn’t hurt him, or worse. Or stay hidden behind the dragon until it finishes drinking. While debating his dilemma, the dragon swings his tail from side-to-side smoothly scraping it on the ground enjoying his water break. And its round rear joins in the rhythm, enticing Arminus’s secret kink mind. “This thing could crush my classroom if it wanted too. Or squash half the school if he treats it like a bed. That would be fantastic to see… no frightful, it would be frightful to see.” He snaps himself back to reality hiding behind the tree again looking away from the dragon’s divine derriere.
“Just sit and wait, don’t do anything stupid.” He tells himself and sits down to- HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK. Arminus’s car alarm 30ft to his left goes off from sitting on his keys, which catches the attention of both the macro and the micro. “Crap crap crap, where’s the button?” he panics quietly joggling his pocket to stop the alarm. HONK HONK HONK BEEP BEEP. Arminus finally finds the keys to stop the alarm but sees the dragon walking towards the car still oblivious of him. He scurries to keep the tree between him and the dragon, after taking a breath he veers over the tree. The dragon brings his colossal claw to the car only to poke it a couple time and have it totter back-n-forth. “Please don’t squeeze my car like ball of foil,” he begs in fear silently.
The dragon’s name is Weather, he quits playing with the car and stands on all four. “I know you’re here,” he bellows aloud, “I also know you can’t go far without your car.” He is sincere yet sedative with his tone. “Would you please come out already, there’s no point in hiding.” He trudges the ground past Arminus who is currently in terror from the tremors. “You may be shy, but I know you are still here.” The dragon turns and paces back towards the car again. Arminus is scared stiff rationing what to do next. “But there is something we both know is true…” with a minor pause, Arminus feels its tail wrap around his waist and arms with the big brown tail tip brushing against his face. It lifts him up swiftly with the hair blocking his view. The tail brush moves and allows Arminus to see two brimming brown eyes. “This is your first time, isn’t it?” The question is calm with a curious undertone. Arminus’s jaw drops as he continues to inspect the dragon’s nozzle, alabaster horns, full volume hair, and formidable face. The view overtakes Arminus.
The dragon restates his question. “First time?” Arminus answers dumbly, “Dragon.” The dragon rolls his eyes in response, “Yep, definite first. So, what’s your name, Peepin Tom or is it PT for short?” He accuses in a faint yet funny tone. Arminus composes himself a bit. “Ugh Arminus… and I’m not a peepin-tom” he looks down past the tail to see himself about 50ft high with the dragon sitting up looking down on him. Now reviewing his situation, Arminus carefully chooses his words, “Wh-What’s your name… i-if that’s ok fo-for me to ask?” With little expression, Weather mockingly answers down to Arminus. “No point in answering that.” Arminus holds his tongue from insulting, remembering his deadly height and sues, “Why’s that?” The dragon complies, “You are a scared pervert who wouldn’t reveal yourself until I found you. That doesn’t show you as an honest being, or a nice one at that.” Arminus retorts, “Look, I arrived here well before you came flying in-” The dragon cuts him off, “To hunt probably, that’s what everyone does up north anyways,” The dragon loosens his grip to allow Arminus to slip through and catches him by the shoulders with a tighter squeeze, causing Arminus to gasp for air. “I’m not a fan of hunters, especially when you camp in gorgeous places like this to kill.” Weather flares at Arminus, who wheezingly replies. “I don’t hunt (inhales) I-” the dragon tightens more wrapping its tail around Arminus’s neck as well. “I really don’t appreciate liars, you probably have guns in your car, or worse,” the tail moves closer to the dragon’s furious face, “dead trophies.”
Arminus is barely breathing as he makes his statement, “Check (wheeze) my car (wheeze) yourself (wheeze) I never (wheeze) lie.” Though struggling to speak, Arminus did not faulter his eyes from the dragon. This gives Weather some incentive to check Arminus’s car. Still holding his grip on Arminus, he lifts and checks through its windows, opens its doors with nothing inside. Concluding his search, he looks back at Arminus skeptically and lowers him to the ground releasing his grip. “Ok fine, why are you out here then?” The dragon challenges while sitting upright. Due to his near death-by-tail experience, Arminus frustration boils, but keeps his stature and tells the dragon in a stern tone. “Because I want to escape a small village school life where people are fakes and reality is against you. This spot defies that because this isn’t fake but real. Towering trees, warm wildlife, precious prairies, and this beautiful basin remind me that life is reassuring. I was hoping it would snow too, but ‘nope’ nothing. Halfway through winter and not a flake.”
After his rant, Weather averts its eyes from Arminus and stares across the wilderness for a bit. He’s been flying for almost half a day with no excitement or downtime. Anytime he wants to toy with someone, they are lucky enough to survive a minute. This puny person however is different. He is honest, gullible, and very durable. Even after Weather nearly squeezes him to death. Maybe he could last longer? If so, he needs Arminus to comply with no questions, or else it’s not fun for Weather. One step to that would be to tell Arminus his name. During the dragon’s contemplation, Arminus stares up vaguely. Weather’s voice breaks the silence, “Weather.” In confusion Arminus replies, “Well cloudy, cold, and no snow. With a chance of a flying dragon.” This annoys the dragon a bit and barks down at Arminus, “No you idiot, my name is Weather.” The force of Weather’s voice pushes Arminus to the ground sitting, but also realizing something. “Oh. Wait, the melting of the lake. You did that with your breath. But does having just fire explain the name?” Arminus asks seriously. Weather doesn’t respond, but instead opens his wings. Small electric surges migrate across the center to the outsides of his wings. Small blue static grows into large yellow sparks until finally raising his wings high BOOOOMMM. A white lightning bolt strikes between them flinching Arminus but unfazing Weather.
Pure perplexity overwhelms Arminus. He completely forgets how this dragon nearly kills him and instead applause him, “Dude, that’s incredible. You control thunder too.” Seeing this foolish follower compliment his gifts pleases Weather. “Well, a dragon such as myself can do miraculous things.” He says to further indulge himself. Arminus begins to pace and praise Weather, “I mean I saw you melt the lake with just your breath, but then you did something else to it because you complained about it tasting bad or something. I mean no offense but I don’t think you are the brushing type. Anyways, you did something else too, but I couldn’t see because your wonderful wobbly wagon was in the way…” Arminus freezes as he realizes what he just said, with Weather hearing every word. “My what?” he inquires suspiciously. Arminus’s throat grows a lump of embarrassment and faces away from Weather to answer. “Your wonderful wobbly waging ‘tail’ was in the way.” Arminus turns to face up at Weather and continues to recover himself. “Uh, yeah… it swayed back and forth so much I couldn’t tell what was happening past your perfect pudgy posture…” Again, Arminus catches himself using attractive appreciations towards Weather’s ass again, which reveals to Weather Arminus’s interesting intentions. “Is that so?” He asserts towards Arminus slyly, who randomly retaliates. “No, no no no no, absolutely not. You have a big butt… I mean you are ‘big’, ‘but’ you are a dragon. It's hard to see you entirely because I’m so small and you have so much ass, duhh umm mass.” Arminus is digging his own grave at this point, but this gives Weather a clear concept of what to do next.
“You talked about snow, right? Weather interjects as Arminus controls himself to reply. “Well, yeah. It’s the best thing about winter.” Weather lays to his right side with right arm supporting his head, purposely showing his ultimate umber underbelly to Arminus standing 5 ft away. From the 80ft length, that belly is 60ft long and 40ft wide, plenty large to fit a small house under. Overtaken a bit by the view, Weather calls his attention. “So, if I did this…” He inhales and lets out a polar puff onto Arminus, who at first flinches, but then embraces the frosty flurry. “What would you do?” He opens his eyes to see winter’s symbol, a surreal snowflakes. “No way, no fricken way! This is great, this defies science, or embraces it, whatever it’s finally snowing.” Sheer shouts of splendor show from the little human, who then notices a light smile from the dragon.
Arminus retains himself a bit, “This is phenomenal, not only a dragon, but one who controls weather. Thank you.” The light smile didn’t change from Weather as he speaks again. “You didn’t answer my question,” Arminus notices the flakes are disappearing as Weather speaks. “What would you do?” Weather rolls his left fingers in the grass which bounces Arminus a bit. Arminus responds earnestly, “Anything. Anything for snow. Seeing 2ft of winter white wonderlands is just welcoming for a small village I live in. Why’d you ask?” A cynical smile stretches across Weather’s face as he stops rolling his fingers. “One hour.” Weather states softly with his voice. “An hour, an hour of snow? An hour of talking? What do you mean?” Arminus questions, as Weather lifts his head closer to him to answer. “I get to use you as a ‘toy’ for an hour. Then I’ll let it snow for an hour. Deal?” Weather’s is going to enjoy hearing Arminus’s answer. His fixation towards snow is an easy give away for him to say “No.” Arminus disapproves.
This plain proclamation perturbs Weather enough to show an upsetting expression on his face. “Wait, what why not?” He argues, Arminus explains. “Snowing for an hour as I’m your toy is too short for time and unfair. There needs to be at least 2ft of snow and an hour isn’t gonna cut it. Besides you didn’t grantee that I’ll be alive after being your ‘toy’ (finger quotes) for an hour. Making the deal pointless if I’m not gonna be alive to see the snow.” Irritation swells in Weather due to him mistaking this mini mortals morals. He could flop over, and gut flatten him right now. He is large and in charge, and no human is going to change that. He doesn’t like being aggressive since it shortens the fun, but it’s better than nothing.
“However,” Weather ceases his destructive thoughts as he hears Arminus again. “If you wanted to, you could have killed me with your tail, and for good reasons too, suspecting that I was a hunter. Meaning you care for life, in whatever way that is. Besides that, you gave me your name, and showed someone as insignificant as me your weather powers. So, I accept, but only if you can make it snow for a full day?” Again, this being baffles Weather. He is right about Arminus being a gullible honest shy perv. But to some weird extent Arminus is, fair and deliberate. An entire day of snow is some work, but nothing too much for Weather. The dragon gleams a gratifying grin, “One hour for one day of snow.” Arminus reaches his hand out and opens, Weather understands the mannerism and sticks out his first finger. Arminus grabs the nail tip of Weather’s claw, and they shake on it.
Weather announces, “Ready?” Arminus quickly pulls out his phone sets an hour alarm time and tosses it far from them both. “Yea, once my phone goes off, that’s and hour.” Weather nods in agreement. “Good” as he furls his flabby front over flattening Arminus beneath his upper body. 2 minutes go by as the dragon doesn’t feel his human henchman under him. He moves his mass a bit to feel if Arminus does anything, but nothing. “Crap, this might be too much. Is he dead?” Weather says to himself, only to feel movement under him. Not of struggling, but almost stoke like. Curiously he raises his chest up some to see Arminus’s upper half between his plump pecks. “Sorry, did you not want me to do that?” Weather begins to sneer. Not only is Arminus fine, but he is giving him a mild massage. “Keep going actually. That feels relaxing.” Arminus gives a thumbs up, and Weather lowers encompassing him again.
Arminus controls his breathing while under Weather and begins rotating his arms, massaging Weather again. This entices Weather, Arminus continues this for 5 minutes. “Huuhhhhh, haven’t had this in a while, usually I’m the one moving.” An idea sparks in his head, and he looks down with a jesting jeer on his face. “Time for me to ‘massage’ him a bit.” Sensing Arminus still between his chest he faintly flexes his plump pecs together. Weather isn’t fat, but he does have some mighty mien moobs when squishing Arminus between them. “Heh heh. You kind of feel like a pillow in there.” Weather states as he rolls his shoulders forward pressing his pecs together, then relaxing with Arminus still in the middle. Weather continues this gleeful gripping for another 5 minutes. He huffs after a good long SQUUIISSHHH with Arminus in his chest.
After that last grasp, Weather releases Arminus and stands on all fours, looking below his belly upside down to find Arminus face down in the grass. “Did I do something wrong while under you?” Arminus directs curiously as he looks up towards the dragon’s upside-down head. “No, you did fine. I just think it’s time for you to greet the rest of my gut.” Weather jokes a bit and takes one step forward with each paw and begins to brood his belly on Arminus who braces for impact SMUSH. Gigantic yet gentle, Weather lays his lower gut on top of him. Weather sees his gut gush out a bit on the ground as he settles himself. Arminus is having a little more trouble since the rubber-like flesh is forming over him a bit. “Gee, it’s a little more difficult to move. Maybe if I do this.” Arminus thinks and begins to scuttle his upper body to free some space. Weather feels Arminus scurry a little bit more under him, somewhat stickling him. “Ha ha ha hey stop you hu hu huh making me meh he he he laugh.” Weather chuckles as Arminus unintentionally tickles him. Arminus can’t hear much of Weather while under him anyways.
“Ok that’s ha ha ha ha it.” Digging his front claws in the ground he scrapes his belly forward, dragging Arminus across too. “Uuggghhh, what the heck is Weather doing up there?” Arminus say as Weather then begins to drag himself backwards. “Huh, you know, this massage feels better when I’m the one moving you around. I feel as if my organs are on vacation.” Weather reassures himself as he continues going back and forth. FRUUTT FFRREETT FFRRUUUTTT FFFRREEEETTTT FFFRRRUUUUTTTTT FFFFRRREEEEETTTTT each action grows longer and longer, which pleases the dynamic dragon. Weather does one of two things during his Rolfing routine. He would lighten his weight dragging his umber hunderbelly on top of Arminus or he adds more weight mushing Arminus into his gut and dragging him across the ground. Weather swaps between the two not knowing which is better, because both make his belly and intestines feel splendid. 20 minutes of this chronic crushing goes by. Weather stops himself for a moment, uncertain if Arminus is ok or not.
After a minute of silence, Weather stands on all fours and looks at the gutted gully underneath him. But he couldn’t find Arminus. “Is he in the rubble somewhere?” Weather begins scoop`ing the dirt under him doubting that he may find him, only to sense a tender trifle on his belly. Unable to see standing, he rotates and lays on his back. He lifts his neck and head to find a stamp-like human to his belly. “If you didn’t want to be tickled, next time could you just tell me besides bulldozing me?” Arminus implies. Weather feels relief that this pint-sized person is ok but doesn’t show it. “You’re tough enough to survive, and I still have you for a good chunk of time. So, get ready.” Weather lowers his neck and head to the ground, not looking at Arminus. “Ready for what?” he asks only to notice Weathers brown gut is deflating like a valley. “Is he gonna lau-” Well with actions answering Arminus’s question, yes, Weather did launch him into the air, 200ft to be exact. “Holy Crap! Weather are you crazy?” Arminus yells while circling up into the air, but only to see glimpse of Weather laying stationary. Reaching his peak height, Arminus’s body stalls from moment. He feels the crisp cold increase and sees his village near the horizon. A beautiful lay of the land to observe forever, if he didn’t begin to fall.
Now twirling down to earth, Arminus is in a panic and screams, “Hey Weather, I can’t fly. Help? Please!” He screams and spins while falling only able to see a small white blur, but big brown woodlands growing dangerously closer. No response from Weather, and Arminus is falling pass the treetops. He shuts his eyes and squeals, “CATCH MEEE-nnmmmff.” Arminus rebounds off something that nearly knocks the air out of him flinging him slightly into the air again with his eyes still shut. “Wait what wa-” BWOING the same feeling again except it bounces his even less, until he lands with a BWOMP. He grows some nerve to open his eyes and sees the sky above, the trees high around him, and whiteness on the ground. He contemplates aloud while laying down. “Did I just plunge into snow, no its not cold. A cloud… no clouds don’t do this. But whatever it is, it’s soft (sniffs) and smells like (sniff) marshmellows?” Just then a low familiar voice responds. “It’s a spot I know you’ll enjoy.” Arminus attempts to stand and notices the white soft scaly surface squish under him. Looking over he sees a deep valley with another neighboring massive mound on the left side. And a brown undertail hovering above the valley and mounds. Arminus knows exactly where he is, but is too embarrassed to speak it.
Weather turns his head right to look at Arminus, “I never heard someone squeal that high before, even at your size.” Weather comedically comments laying on his stomach at Arminus who rebuttals. “I was shouting…loudly,” He crosses his arms and mumbles down to himself, “I don’t squeal.” Weather’s ears can hear him, but that isn’t his focus. “In any case, I wasn’t going to let you fall to your death. That much is true.” He informs Arminus, who uncrosses his arms and faces up at Weather. “You mean that?” He asks hoping for support. “Of course,” Weather answers sincerely while smiling. A second of solace fills Arminus, “because I need you to massage my ass.” Weather finishes. And the solace leaves Arminus as he inspects the right cheek he is standing on, then the left cheek. Being this close, he can compare both to the size of a house. “This is a lot of (gulp) ‘ground’ to cover.” Arminus points out to Weather, who keeps his smile but lowers his brows showing a sinical sneer. “Do you prefer to be ‘ground’ up?” he asks flexing his flank. Arminus notices his feet didn’t sink into Weather’s soft seat, but instead nearly trip on the rock-hard rear. “Nope! I’ll massage, no sweat. He he he.” He stutters nervously literally feeling the mountain muscles drastically change.
Arminus starts on the right cheek and begins left to right, top to bottom, almost like reading a book. Weather alleviates himself as he feels Arminus work. Almost like having 2 rolling pins come together and press the prickling pain away. “Ooohhhh Yeeaahhhh, this is perfect. Are you a masseuse or something?” He compliments as Arminus continues to caress. “Not really, before I came here, I worked as a baker part-time. Started small with frosting donuts, then I rolled cinnamon rolls, kneaded bread, and pressed out buns.” His talking and rear Rolfing makes Weather slightly drowsy. “Well for a past-baker (yawns) you are working in the wrong profession. (Yawns) Especially when you’re ‘buffing’ out these ‘beautiful buns’.’’ Weather exalts Arminus as he blithely bounces his butt a bit. Arminus grasps quickly preventing him from falling off. “I know you told me to do this, but if you don’t keep still, I’ll never finish.” Arminus assures Weather. “Fine whatever, (YAWNS) I’m gonna rest a bit anyways. Just let me know when you are done.” Weather informs as he rests his tail on his left side and nestles his arms in a pillow for a nap.
The combination of being a past-baker and Weather scaring him into becoming ‘ground meat’, Arminus finishes within 15 minutes. “Whew, one more, then I get a snow day.” He hears Weather somewhat snore while sleeping. He looks across Weather’s ‘valley’ at his left cheek. With a running start, he jumps over and lands a little short, but grabs the fanny’s flabs and climbs up safely. He reaches the top with his winter clothes soggy. “This work (pants) builds a sweat.” He removes his hat, gloves, and coat as a wave of steam rises from him. He tosses his clothes over Weather’s left cheek and like a book, begins top to bottom, left to right. As he repeats his standard smoothing, Weather is fast asleep due to the long flying and majestic massaging.
Weather dreams of Arminus finishing his job walking up to Weather and asking for snow, which Weather complies to since he made a promise. He makes it snow, sees Arminus happy, and they both bid fair well with Weather returning to his nap. This dream seems so real, Weather comprehends he is still taking a nimble nap, not a serious slumber. Time passes and Arminus is nearly done on the left cheek, “(Pants) almost (pants) there.” He encourages his fatigue forearms, sore shoulders, and hurting hands to continues for the sake of earning his snow day. With one final massage “Done!” He falls face first on to the marshmellow musky inner left cheek, but he didn’t care for the smell, his upper body is throbbing, and his legs are limp. He needs a couple minutes to breathe and recuperate, but he did it. GGOOORRGLLEE.
Arminus hears a foreboding fracas building up in Weather, a clear call to run away as soon as possible. But the weary wee wright couldn’t move a muscle in his current condition. “You got to be kidding me. Move dammit. Move!” He tells himself pathetically plodding across Weather’s ass, fulling knowing he is in range of Weather’s ‘sinister storm’. Arminus’s successful Rolfing made Weather’s body relax so much, he is letting go of any build up, including his boisterous bowels. “Just keep going.” Arminus says as he grovels, something shrouds over him. He looks up to see Weather unconsciously dragging his tail left-to-right across his left cheek towards him. With little strength to react SMACK it hits Arminus between Weather’s marshmallow mounds face up. “Ugh God why here of all places. Weather! Weather can you hear me?” He yells, only to see darkness surround him as Weather lowers his tail. Weather is still asleep completely unknown of his actions as he dreams. “Weather, snap out of it!!” The tail descends, slowly and solidly securing itself like tape to Weather’s damp derriere. “Hey! Stop! I’m still in here!” Arminus shouts as he pinches, kicks, and fights the colossal confining crack. Sadly, to no avail due to his weak setting and Weather’s deep sleep. The tail then seals its tomb, “WEEAATHERRRRrrrnnmmm.”
Now Arminus is stuck within two titanic tushes and a troublesome tail overdosing in sugar senses that make him a little loopy, with Weather still deeply dozing. GGGGGOOOOOROROGGGLLLLEEEE the gargling fuse reaches its climax. PPPIIIRIRRTTT first comes a putrid pother. FFFFFFFOOOOORRRRPPPPP then a fat flatulent fog. HHHHHHIIIISSHSHSHSHSSSSS with a hushing horrendous heatwave following. BBBBRBRBRBRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGBBB cooling off the heat with a bad befouling blizzard. MMMMPMPMMUUUURRURURURURMMMMPMPMP with a malicious muggy monsoon afterwards. Each fart that emits is a combination of some stench, but is mostly candy clouds that put Arminus one step closer to a candy coma. Weather’s dream is detailing him controlling all the natural storms at once, unbeknownst to him whatever storm he creates in dream, his hardy hind end brings into a rough reality for Arminus. Who is squealing during this bountiful bombardment, but Weather’s tail mutes his voice and muffles the farts. Unless you are within 20ft of Weather’s ass, it is completely silent. That bubbly butt bounces as all that vapor vents out the dragon’s gigamax glutes with the tail covering the crack and Arminus almost airtight. This stormy sequence of sweet strikes continues for 30 minutes. Those hulking haunches and tremendous tail pin Arminus and allow all that attractive air to invade his senses.
During Arminus’s torrent of torture, Weather’s dream of multitasking weather is nearly perfect, except the sound of crows cawing nonstop. They gradually becomes louder, caaww, Caaww, CAAww, CAAWW, CAAWW!!!!! This irritation wakes up Weather, “Damn birds, they never le-” Weather assumes there are birds in front of him opens his eyes to swat, but nothing is there. The farting stops too before he fully wakes up, giving Arminus a relieving. Weather’s dream mindset thinks Arminus has left completing his hour, but those squawking crows interrupt his memory recal. “Shut up, I can’t think straight with your noise.” Weather growls, but the unseen birds don’t stop. “Whatever, at least that dream was awesome. I should try to make 2 to 3 storms once in a whi-” BBBUUURRRRRGGGGGLLELELLEE. Weather crunches in pain as his intestines inflate. “Owww, what the hell?” Before fully waking up Weather’s body stops his bowel bursts, completely unaware to Weather. But with the final build up growing inside, he can’t hold it. And with the annoying birds squawking, he didn’t hold back. “Fine, let’s see who’s louder, you…” His wings expand and spark again, “or ME.” Arminus is barely holding on as he feels static shock him, making his hair stand up. Electricity surges from Weather’s wings, but all that lightning wends to his wide wobbly wagon as he winds-up for a wrecking world ender. Gritting his teeth, shutting his eyes, and scrunching his nozzle, Weather wreaks his waste.
TTHTHTHHTHHTHUTUTUTUUUUUNNUUNNNDDDDNDDEEEREERERRERRRRRRRRR A 30 second treacherous typhoon thunders inside his destructive donk. Lightning bolts burst out from under his tail, along with bigger darker storm clouds, and rain. Arminus is literally “in the eye of the storm” absorbing Weather’s ass onslaught, until he is finally done. Weather pants a bit from that one, dropping his neck and head onto the ground with a thud, but still hears the crows. “(Huffs) (Huffs) How can you (Huffs) still sing?” He answers his question, by looking at the ground where the cawing is the loudest. A phone flashes with the text ‘Times Up.’ “Huh?” Weather lifts his head up, and looks right to see Arminus’s car at the tree line still. “Hold on.” He begins to worry a bit as he looks at his right side then left side and sees Arminus’s winter clothes drape on the ground. “Oh shit! Don’t tell me.” Weather turns to look at his rear and lifts his tail, to find Arminus sticking face first under his tail. “You, ok?” He asks, but then squints his face as he realizes the overloading odor that comes from his ass off Arminus. “Wow a candy coma, could have been worse though. Let’s get you off there.” Weather takes his claw and peels Arminus off and brings him to the lake, where he splashes him in water for a couple minutes to wake him up.
“(COUGHS) (COUCHS) (COUGHS) am I alive?” He asks while looking up at Weather’s close concerning face. “Oohhh finally, yes you are. But what the hell happened. Did you just dive into my ass like a pool?” Arminus retorts weakly “Your tail knocked me into your ass and locked me in place. I couldn’t escape.” Weather accuses him nervously, “Bullshit, there’s no way that happened.” Arminus questions Weather. “Do I look like I can lift up your tail and crawl in?” Weather answers quickly, “No you are too small to move any part of me...” Arminus raises a brow inciting his point, which upsets Weather now since he understands. “I could just crush you; you know that right?” Weather reminds Arminus as he stumbles to stand in front of Weather. “I know you can kill me, but you won’t.” This confuses Weather more than anything, he gets closer as he questions pessimistically, “What makes you so sure?” Arminus shows a small simper and places a hand on Weather’s nozzle, “Because could have left me inside your ass, besides pulling me out and checking if I’m fine.” Weather frown lifts away from the answer. Realizing throughout all the strife this human went through, Arminus still alive and has a level head.
Weather lifts his head and stands on all fours. He inhales deeply and spews a white whirlwind into the sky. Keeping his promise to make it snow. Arminus is joyful, though less energetic due to his body being maimed by Weather. Weather opens his wings about to fly away. “Hey Weather, could you stay, just for a bit?” Arminus pleas to Weather, who looks down and responds, “Um, why?” “Because my body is numb cold and battered. I can’t really move without falling.” Some level of irritation grew in Weather, but at the same time he couldn’t just leave someone to freeze. “Sure, hold still.” He remarks as he gently grabs Arminus. He places Arminus on his head. Weather’s hair thankfully can contain heat with how much volume there is. “Thanks, only until I warm up.” Arminus promises Weather who lays down again. “Just don’t take too long, Ok?” Weather is waiting for a response. “Hey, did you hear me?” Weather hears Arminus snoring on his head of exhaustion. He has never seen any micro take such a beating, yet still be alive, or mostly alive. Some gratitude swirls in Weather as he realizes how lucky Arminus is to find him, and how lucky Weather is to find Arminus. This micro can take on almost anything a macro like himself can dish out. “Take you time Arminus, because I might use you again in the future.” He grins and dozes off also as the flurry of flakes fall on them both.
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 120 x 82px
File Size 43 kB
Listed in Folders
Sorry I just realized I put in the wrong number for words, it's 6150~. Whoops
It is ok, mistakes happens every now and then, and this story is good, hope he likes it when he see this from you.
No response yet sadly. He might have IRL stuff going on, I noted him about posting a couple days ago but nothing. I hope he is doing well.
Yeah, he might be busy playing video games, watching youtube videos, or whatever else he is currently doing at the moment to see your note or submission for this story, you can leave a comment on his page about this as well if you want to.
Thank you, guess I should clarify that this is just friendship, not intimate. But interpret as you wish since readers are the beholders.
Love this <3
No one's ever written for Weather before, so this is very welcome and EXCITING. Sorry it took me so long to comment though, life has been so chaotic lately lol
I love reading your descriptions of his fat, stormy donk~
No one's ever written for Weather before, so this is very welcome and EXCITING. Sorry it took me so long to comment though, life has been so chaotic lately lol
I love reading your descriptions of his fat, stormy donk~
You had another image that showed his marshmallow mass creating storms. So I thought it was only reasonable to apply that as well.
TBH it was stressful trying to collab with you, but life hits people. HARD. Just know if you are interested with this again, I am as well.
Just be sure to Note a bit more often.
TBH it was stressful trying to collab with you, but life hits people. HARD. Just know if you are interested with this again, I am as well.
Just be sure to Note a bit more often.