Even if you don't believe me, this drawing isn't my fault (I mean, I drew it, but you know what I mean XD), after watching the movie of the mighty pups my husband told me "could you draw the characters from the movie with Handler, since he captures heroes", I loved that idea and I saved it for later (when I have some free time). Here we have Handler spending some time with his new puppi... I mean, heroes that he met while visiting the city and when he saw them his skills did their thing.
Now, if it is related to heroes, why is there a version with the characters with puppy play accessories? It's a good question... if at some point I find an answer I'll let you know.
Aunque no me crean este dibujo no es culpa mia (o sea, si lo dibuje yo, pero entienden a que me refiero XD), Despues de ver la pelicula de los mighty pups mie marido me dice "podrias dibujar a los personajes de la pelicula con Handler, ya que el captura heroes", dicha idea me encanto y me la guarde para mas adelante (cuando tenga algo de tiempo libre). Aqui tenemos a Handler pasando un rato con sus nuevos cachor...digo, heroes con los que se encontro visitando la ciudad y al verlos sus habilidades hicieron lo suyo.
Ahora, si se relaciona con heroes porque hay una version con los personajes con accesorios de puppy play? es una buena pregunta...si en algun momento encuentro una respuesta se las hare saber
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1843 x 1129px
File Size 1.44 MB
It is, I enjoy training any puppy but these have a special addition
Better let him break them forever, as I'm sure on day they will just submit to being good gag sluts as well as anthro pup for forever pet play
me gustan sus nuevos trajes de batalla, menos funcionales pero mas candentes y sexies XD excelente trabajo n_n
Son trajes lijeros, les dan velocidad XD
Me alegro que te guste ^^
Me alegro que te guste ^^