Originally created: Aug '23
Depicting an example of the Crackshot was cool and all, but I wasn't satisfied with the dynamism of the bunnykin piece, so I gave it another go, this time putting myself in the role. Another cool thing that can be done with RPG classes is using them as an excuse to play around with different outfits, achieving the same role from various approaches.
Depicting an example of the Crackshot was cool and all, but I wasn't satisfied with the dynamism of the bunnykin piece, so I gave it another go, this time putting myself in the role. Another cool thing that can be done with RPG classes is using them as an excuse to play around with different outfits, achieving the same role from various approaches.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Rodent (Other)
Gender Trans (Female)
Size 952 x 1117px
File Size 100 kB