Ask the Author: Jenn Lyons
“Have any questions about my upcoming book, Blood Chimera? Ask away!”
Jenn Lyons
Answered Questions (10)
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Jenn Lyons
I suppose that depends upon what you mean by continuing the original story. If you mean the core tale of two brothers whose one-sided rivalry nearly destroys the world? Then no, that story will be finished with The Discord of Gods. However, it's a big world and I'm certainly not wrapping up all plot threads. I've made no secret of the fact that there are enough stories running around for several other books/series, set both before and after these events. Only time will tell if I have the opportunity to write those stories!
Jenn Lyons
Yes! I'm finishing book 5 right now, and it's the last in the series. Not to say there will never be more books set in the same universe (*slaps the world buulding* I can fit so many stories in here!) but THIS story will be complete.
Jenn Lyons
If it ever does, it won't be under that name, and will have been significantly rewritten. But I do hope some descendant of Marduk's will be available again someday.
Jenn Lyons
Margo, I'm sorry I didn't see this question! Unfortunately, I'm not the person running the contest, so I'm not sure how best to help you. Frustrating. I would try to see if you can either reply back to the notification or if there is a contract person? I agree you should receive the right book!
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(view spoiler)[What made you want to give us one of the few LGBTQ+ male leads in fantasy/SF, only to turn the entire thing into a love triangle in the second book, where prototypical male jealousy over a woman trumps anything between them? (hide spoiler)]
Jenn Lyons
Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't see this a year ago! (I hardly ever check Goodreads and it never sent me a notification of this question.) So by this point I *hope* you've continued reading the series and so you already know that this is not what I'm doing. Not by half.
Let me assure you that this is not a typical love triangle.
Let me assure you that this is not a typical love triangle.
Jenn Lyons
I like to think I strive for quality over quantity, but I don't think you're going to be disappointed. There are most definitely dragons.
Jenn Lyons
The next book is indeed The Name of All Things. (Any references to Blood Chimera are lingering ghosts of another story now DOA.) I'm finishing up the third book in A Chorus of Dragons right now, but it does not as yet have a final title. Thank you for asking! Added: Book 3 is done! It's 'The Memory of Souls'
Jenn Lyons
The Ruin of Kings (and indeed the entire series) depicts a wide gamut of relationships. Some of those relationships are indeed LGBTQ.
But thank you for asking. I appreciate it.
But thank you for asking. I appreciate it.
Jenn Lyons
Absolutely. (And you just named a number of my main influences.) I can unhesitatingly say that this qualifies as epic fantasy.
Jenn Lyons
I tried to outrace it. Even then, I have moments where I don't seem to be making progress, and then I usually need allow myself to step back for a few days. It's usually my subconscious telling me I need to pay attention to something, and I'm learning to pay attention to that voice.
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