Gordana Biernat
#KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything
Know the Truth
Prawda jest w Tobie
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“Things do not happen TO you. They happen THROUGH you.
You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.”
― #KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything
You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.”
― #KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything
“We do not observe reality, we observe our REACTIONS to it.
In other words:
Reality is, in essence, neutral. YOU give it meaning.”
― #KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything
In other words:
Reality is, in essence, neutral. YOU give it meaning.”
― #KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything
“A belief is simply a thought that seems true to YOU.”
― #KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything
― #KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything
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