Elçin İlyas oğlu Əfəndiyev — Azərbaycan Respublikası Baş Nazirinin müavini, Azərbaycanın xalq yazıçısı, əməkdar incəsənət xadimi, filologiya elmləri doktoru, professor.
Ferit Orhan Pamuk is a Turkish novelist, screenwriter, academic, and recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature. One of Turkey's most prominent novelists, he has sold over 13 million books in 63 …
Ian McEwan studied at the University of Sussex, where he received a BA degree in English Literature in 1970 and later received his MA degree in English Literature at the University of East Anglia.
John Maxwell Coetzee is an author and academic from South Africa. He became an Australian citizen in 2006 after relocating there in 2002. A novelist and literary critic as well as a translator, Coetze…
Ken Kesey was American writer, who gained world fame with his novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962, filmed 1975). In the 1960s, Kesey became a counterculture hero and a guru of psychedelic drug…
Christy Lefteri was born in London in 1980 to Greek Cypriot parents who moved to London in 1974. She completed a degree in English and a Masters in creative writing at Brunel University. She taught En…
9 Mart 1919 tarihinde Kırım’ın Yalta şehrinin Gurzuf köyünde doğar. Çocukluğu kıtlık, yoksulluk, Rus emperyalizminin zulmü ve büyük baskılar altında geçer. İlkokulu köyünde, ortaokulu Akmescit'te biti…