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The Tourist

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Visiting isn't a science, at least not for me. It's just what I do. Not that I mind, though. It's not a bad thing, you understand, to find yourself in someone else's body, stepping into a hot shower stark-naked and sporting a decent-sized morning wood.

Ace is a tourist. A spirit who spends his time visiting the lives of others for entertainment and sexual satisfaction. He can't make anyone do anything they aren't willing to do-but he is able to push them to their personal limits.

He's currently visiting Dan and his lover, Ricky-a couple struggling with jealousy and words left unsaid. Emboldened by Ace, Dan becomes more sexually aggressive, a pleasant surprise for Ricky. But when an abusive ex threatens their newfound happiness, how far will Ace want to get involved? Will his fascination with the couple's sexual games tempt him to protect them from a very real physical danger?

118 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 28, 2011

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About the author

Clare London

146 books426 followers
Clare took the pen name London from the city where she lives, loves, and writes. A lone, brave female in a frenetic, testosterone-fuelled family home, she juggles her writing with her other day job as an accountant. She’s written in many genres and across many settings, with award-winning novels and short stories published both online and in print. She says she likes variety in her writing while friends say she’s just fickle, but as long as both theories spawn good fiction, she’s happy. Most of her work features male/male romance and drama with a healthy serving of physical passion, as she enjoys both reading and writing about strong, sympathetic and sexy characters.

Clare currently has several novels sulking at that tricky chapter 3 stage and plenty of other projects in mind . . . she just has to find out where she left them in that frenetic, testosterone-fuelled family home.

All the details and free fiction are available at her website. Visit her today and say hello!

Clare also writes as Stella Shaw and launched a new series of rent boy romances in 2021.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews
Profile Image for Jordan Price.
Author 138 books2,111 followers
August 13, 2012
This book takes point-of-view and turns it on its head! The story is narrated by the tourist, Ace--a spirit who can vacation inside the minds and bodies of living people, and who uses this ability to treat himself to man on man sex. He ends up lingering with a couple a lot longer than he normally does, and touching on each of their minds...and then finding himself embroiled in the rockier aspects of their relationship, which turn out to be a lot more serious than Ace originally suspected.

I love the concept, and I'm particularly drawn to Dan, the burlier, blue collar half of the couple Ace inhabits. The sex scenes were crazy-hot, needy, and delicious with tension. The bar setting where Ricky works was well done; it felt like a real business to me and not the fantasy bar trope of so many m/m fictions. But what took this book to an entirely new level for me was the deft writing in the fluidity of the point-of-view.

"I" could mean Ace, it could mean whoever Ace was inhabiting, but in varying proportions it was some of each, because Ace's presence ebbed and flowed almost like lucidity in a dream might ebb and flow for a dreamer. I absolutely loved this aspect, and I loved that the author was bold enough to do this and not overexplain what she was doing and who was speaking and what percentage was Ace and what percentage was the host...because I always had a gut feeling of who "I" was at any point.

I highly recommend this story for its bold use of point-of-view and overall hotness!
Profile Image for Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions .
1,314 reviews280 followers
February 15, 2011
I really liked this story. It was written very well. I loved the way the story was told through Ace’s point of view as he visited Dan and Ricky. It was a sweet story. I would recommend it to everyone

Profile Image for Kazza.
1,495 reviews169 followers
March 23, 2023
** This is a review of the upgraded story now published by the author.

What a well written, clever novella. The Tourist is engaging, intriguing, tugs at the heart, feels so true of the struggle of many people in relationship with themselves and the knock-on effect to their partner. This story manages to add an historical element to a contemporary story to give depth to all the MCs. Ace is a kind, caring conduit for Dan and Ricky.

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Profile Image for Emanuela ~plastic duck~.
805 reviews121 followers
March 19, 2011
I can't believe a short story like this could be so packed with feelings and events.

Ace is a spirit who's been traveling from person to person since when he was killed. He possesses bodies for fun and sex, until he gets tired of the person he's possessing and he jumps to another one. When he enters Dan's body, he's enthralled by the feelings he experiments especially toward Ricky, Dan's lover. Their relationship makes him curious and instead of going away as usual after the satisfying sex, he stays with Dan awhile, fascinated by Ricky, until he decides to jump into Ricky to understand more about his history and personality.

Ace is always more conscious than his hosts, it's like he's floating and his host's life is the water that makes him float. Sometimes he lets himself be carried away by his hosts, sometimes he makes himself go slowly under, sometimes he dives in them abruptly and he dissolves in them. The writing is really amazing, because the transition between Ace and his host is always seamless. I was fascinated by the way Ace melted with his hosts and how the jumping between two people that love each other affected him, making him lose the borders of his own self.

This is also the reason why the story was so rich even if it was short. Everything that happens is essential to the plot, we can see all the point of views, sometimes two at the same time, we can really participate in the life of the protagonists, because Ace sees everything, neither Dan nor Ricky can hide something from him and he becomes the means by which they take a hold of their life.

The personality of the characters are very interesting but I think in the end it's Ace that remains behind our reach, a true spirit, impossible to grab and define and probably to understand.

Galley received via NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher.
Profile Image for Enny.
259 reviews31 followers
March 1, 2011
Couple's therapy by paranormal visitor/ghost is definitely something new - which is one of the reasons why I love Clare London's books so much.

All three of the men in this story - Ace for whom it was all about the sex and not about loving someone, Ricky who's been abused and put up with it because he thought he was nothing but a pretty body and Dan who thought he wasn't good enough for someone as hot as Ricky - learned something in this story and at the end they were stronger because of their experiences.

I read three books by Clare London in the last four weeks - The Tourist, How the Other Half Lives and Threadbare - and they were all completely different AND they were all absolutely fantastic.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,875 reviews209 followers
January 21, 2011
Excellent paranormal m/m romance told from the perspective of a tourist, a spirit who can head hop, albeit with limited control. Usually he just stays for the sex and then moves on... but something's different for him this time. This totally sucked me in and I couldn't go to bed until I finished it.
Profile Image for Elisa Rolle.
Author 108 books234 followers
December 6, 2011
I shouldn’t been surprised by the top notch quality of Carina Press’s titles, this publisher may releases few books per year on the M/M genre, but they are always carefully picked, as are their authors. And it’s not the first time I enjoyed Clare London, she is able to weave original stories whatever genre she picks, and actually, this time I have even some difficult to simply fencing this book into a genre. You could say it’s a mix of paranormal/horror/fantasy, but it’s everything so light that actually it’s more cross-genre.

Ace is a ghost, demon, incubus? What we know is that Ace died of an horrible death and soon after he awakened in the body of another man having sex and enjoying it. If it was a way to exorcize the pain of his death, he doesn’t know, but he liked the experience and now he is simply jumping from body to body, preferably man, and preferably involved in some sexual escapade. Ace is a “tourist”, he has no the power to direct the man he is in, he can only push them to express at the best their personality.

When he jumps into Dan, he thinks he has hit the jackpot: not only Dan is a good and handsome guy, he has one of the most beautiful boyfriend, Ricky. Apparently Dan is a lucky guy, and he is having the time of his life with Ricky in the shower; sure Ricky is questioning why Dan, usually so quiet and shy, is suddenly so assertive, but Ricky likes it, and so why look a gift horse in the mouth? But as soon as the shower ends, Ace realizes it’s not a bed of roses for Dan and Ricky, there are unresolved questions between them, a jealous ex-boyfriend of Ricky, self-esteem issues for both of them, and a difficult to accept they can be happy with the little they have. Ace is annoyed, he is in for the fun but not for the drama, and he would like to just go, but something in Ricky prevents him doing so, a memory from his own past, someone he wanted to help but that he doesn’t know if he managed to. Maybe this is Ace’s second chance, maybe this time he will be stronger, and the happily ever after will be for both Dan and Ricky than for him.

I really, really liked this story, it’s was at the same time original but almost simple; it didn’t try to blog me with too much innovation, trying to impress me on how good it was, in a way it was too good to do that: it was more like a “just read me, enjoy me, and you will understand why”.

Profile Image for Fangtasia.
565 reviews45 followers
March 30, 2011
WOW!!! This was an incredible read, short but incredibly exciting. Read it in a couple of hours, could not put it down. The author did an amazing job of conveying who was speaking, individual feelings and perceptions, even though the main character was hopping among the bodies and minds of the other characters throughout the story.

This kind of original POV approach made a pretty common concept in male/male romance, the lack of effective communication between the lovers, completely new and captivating. How many times have you wished to know what is really going on in the head of one of the characters? Getting to know this in any particular book, if the author tries to convey it, is usually accomplished by awkwardly changing POV from one paragraph to the next or alternating by chapter. To me, that is usually extremely frustrating. Not so in this instance, as not only do you get to know the 'tourist' very well, he also narrates what he finds in the head of each of the characters he 'visits'. You get a complete picture of what is going on in each character's mind, with the added thrill of watching the 'visitor' influence their behavior, the results of his interference and the changes wrought in the 'tourist' himself by what he experiences with each character.

Lastly, the author does not let the story get mired down in the 'technical' details of how or why the 'tourist' ended up in that particular condition or how he hops around from one person to the other.

All in all, an amazing story with very believable characters. Since it's so short, I'll probably be re-reading it quite often.
Profile Image for Miz Love.
222 reviews24 followers
May 17, 2011
The Tourist has a unique theme. This is a tough thing to do, to come up with something fresh, and I applaud Ms. London for taking something like “jumping” and having the “jumper” jump for sex and fun. Ace is dead and he’s been jumping into bodies ever since. Most times he stays for a bit of sex then leaves, others he stays a little longer, but this time he stays quite a while.

Ace had jumped into Dan and proceeded to join Dan’s lover, Ricky, in the shower. (Hotness abounds!) Ms. London was expert in being able to ensure I was never confused as to who Ace was—Dan, Ricky, or himself—or which of their thoughts and lives he was talking about. Not only do we have the superb tale of Dan and Ricky, but also snippets of Ace’s life—those that he can remember—and they are just fab.

God, this book is brilliant. I really, really loved it. I got my Brit voice (yay!) and a story that made me laugh, cry, get chills, and hate the baddie.

Ace sticks around with these two because they need help. Their emotions, which of course, he feels, get to him, and he wants to lend a hand. It’s a brilliant tool, having Ace as a device in the tale, because it lent a different edge to books that switch from character to character. I got a deeper insight into how Dan and Ricky felt—and first person is also a plus for me when reading—and how much they weren’t telling the other. On the outside, from Dan’s point of view, it appeared Ricky was still stuck on his ex, Calder. But he isn’t—all Ricky wants is Calder out of his life and Dan in it. I found it tense for a while there, me knowing how they both felt, yet them not having a clue, but everything evens out in the end.

But what an ending! The climax…my word… Ace jumped into Calder, and I got a bird’s-eye view, an in-my-face-this-is-uncomfortable-yet-I-want-to-read-on look into Calder’s psyche. He’s mental, no two ways about it, but you don’t realise just how mental until that climax. And because Ace is a good person, him being Calder and doing Calder-like things was interesting to “watch” in my mind. Ace coped with it well, but I did get a bit antsy when I thought disaster was just around the corner…

In Ricky’s point of view, there is a somewhat disturbing element where when he’s thinking, things Calder has said to him in the past intrude. Very cleverly done, they get a line by themselves in italics, and each line plays into what Ricky is thinking. It shows in glorious Technicolour, exactly what kind of number Calder did on Ricky. An example of this would be: Ricky, I don’t like being kept waiting. As well as making me feel very sorry for Ricky, it also made me angry at the same time. Calder had a hold on him that Ricky found hard to break. Due to the abusive, mind-bending clutch this man had on Ricky, he was unable to completely break free even after they’d split up because the memories, the ingrained feelings he had when with Calder, had remained. It takes a relatively short time to convince an already vulnerable person they’re worthless, a long time to accept, once you’re out of that relationship, that you’re not worthless, and an even longer time to get those “lessons” the abusive person had taught you, out of your head. So Ricky had, and still has, a road to travel, but with Dan by his side, I’m confident Ace did his job and helped these two walk forward into a better, happier life.

BEST BITS: …jumping in and out of human bodies for a laugh… (LOL)

…creating small dark licks… (The use of dark here was brilliant.)

The misery was a sickening taste in my mouth. (Fab!)

…a change of intimate equipment. (LOL)

…savouring the taste of something other than ale. (Whoop!)

…like a bunch of gnarled apples fallen from the same tree. (FanTASTIC! Line)

Beer-brave bastards. (Oh, Ms. London is so cool with words.)

Yeah, I remembered, a good size.

To go by choice, not just to be warm and dry. (This made me cry.)

But as he turned tail and scarpered down the alley, he took the time to look back over his shoulder. (This line gave a great image, stark and fresh in my mind, but it’s also a moment that makes you teeter on crying.)

I see it like a civic duty. (LOL)

VERDICT: I know we say this a lot here at Miz Love, that the books are all fab, great, brilliant, but it’s true. Every book we’ve had sent in so far has suited one of us right down to the ground. I’ve been so lucky (yet again!) in choosing The Tourist, and I recommend it for all M/M romance readers out there. I learned about four people, all different, each with their own tale to tell, and as well as loving Dan and Ricky, I’ll confess I fell a bit in love with Ace too. I’m hoping this turns into a series. I wanted more. I want to read about all the people Ace jumps into—and because I’d get to spend some time with Ace himself again. He’s adorable.
Profile Image for Jayhjay.
157 reviews21 followers
February 14, 2012
This review was originally published on my blog Joyfully Jay.

Ace is a tourist, a spirit that occupies his hosts temporarily to enjoy their lives, vitality, and (most importantly to Ace) their sex lives. He is not quite sure how it works, but Ace has the ability to jump from host to host and share their feelings and experiences. It is sort of like possession, but the host retains most of the control. However Ace can help the host along by seeing his inner needs and feelings and helping to give him a little "push" in the right direction.

When the story opens Ace finds himself in a new body, that of a contractor named Dan. He is pleasantly surprised to find Dan entering the shower with his incredibly hot boyfriend Ricky. Although the sex is amazing, Ace feels a lot of anxiety coming from Dan and insecurities about Ricky's feelings for him and whether he is good enough for such a good looking guy. And it turns out Ricky has insecurities of his own. He has come off of a bad relationship with a man who was both violent and demeaning. Ricky worries he is nothing but a pretty face and that Dan will tire of him. He also is stressed and anxious about his ex who won't leave him alone.

As Ace gets to know the men by taking turns inhabiting both their bodies, he realizes he cares about what happens to them and can't move on as easily as usual. He wants to help them work things out together and to ease their fears and anxieties. But things get worse before they get better as Ricky's ex-boyfriend becomes more possessive and threatening, putting the relationship and Ricky's safety at risk.

I loved the set up of this story and the way Ace provides a narrator role, giving us the inner thoughts of each man without a formal POV change. Even with Ace riding along with the hosts, the story stays focused on Dan and Ricky and their feelings and relationship. So this is definitely not a menage story and Ace doesn't have romantic feelings of his own toward either of the men. He acts as more of a facilitator in their relationship, helping each man realize his own feelings and become more comfortable acting on them.

I was impressed at how well London creates this world and Ace's role as a tourist without it ever feeling creepy or strange. I never felt like Ace is controlling Ricky and Dan, merely helping them to access parts of themselves that they have blocked off or are afraid to reach. It is clear he is making a positive impact on them and their lives and we definitely seem them grow happier and more confident in themselves and their relationship throughout the book.

I liked that we got to see a character arc for Ace as well. When the story starts, he is focused only on having fun, hopping from host to host and enjoying their sex lives and good times. But as he gets to know Dan and Ricky and learns more about their problems he begins to really care what happens to them and want to help them. We also get to learn more about Ace's mortal life and the hard road he traveled, along with the horrible way he died. I also think the book does a good job explaining what is going on with Ace without too much of an info dump. Instead we get the key facts early and the rest is spread throughout the story.

One thing that did bother me a bit was the way Ace's role seemed to change toward the end of the story. Through most of the book we are hearing from Ace as he narrates what is happening with his host and what the host is feeling. Ricky or Dan aren't not aware of Ace's presence and we don't hear their POV directly. But toward the end of the book this seemed to change when Ace inhabits a third host. At this point we seem to be getting the other guy's thoughts and feelings directly, and while he seems have an awareness of something being "off" in his mind, we don't actually hear Ace. So this was a bit confusing and seemed sort of inconsistent with the way Ace's role is portrayed throughout the rest of the book.

Overall I thought this was a really interesting and creative story. I loved the set up that gives us the inner thoughts and feelings of both Ricky and Dan with Ace helping out along the way. I enjoyed both the focus on the relationship between the guys, as well as the more action-oriented second half of the book that kept things exciting and moving along quickly. I really enjoyed The Tourist and would recommend it.
Profile Image for Kassa.
1,117 reviews112 followers
May 17, 2011
The Tourist is a unique premise and an interesting idea. A long dead entity can “hop” into a person’s body and heighten their sexual desires and appetites. The ghost gets the feeling of pleasure and the host body gets some uninhibited sex. Unfortunately the inherent disconnect with the concept means that you’re never sure whose emotions and thoughts are being displayed. Are they the ghost or the host’s? Additionally there are too many complications that just aren’t fleshed out very clearly to make this a wholly successful story. It is however unique and different and worth reading for that.

The story begins with the tourist, named Ace, jumping into a new body and having some pretty hot shower sex with the body’s partner. The reader soon learns that Ace is “visting” Dan. This means Ace’s ghostly energy or body or whatever it is rests temporarily in Dan. The narration then blends Ace’s thoughts with Dan’s so it’s unclear who is the one telling the story. The action is told rather than shown partly out of necessity. Ace tells the reader the things he learns about Dan but the emotions, thoughts, and experiences are jumbled and it’s confusing who exactly is thinking what and when. Ace then jumps out of Dan about halfway through and into Ricky, Dan’s younger lover, which causes even more confusion as Ricky has some very deep issues.

The novella is really about Dan and Ricky as they fight through their own insecurities and worries and realize the love they have for each other. It’s supposed to give them a happy ending, with a side trip into Ricky’s abusive ex-boyfriend. This isn’t a bad premise and the introduction of a ghost/visitor to help all the characters brings an interesting element. It’s not exactly paranormal but it adds some humor and whimsy to the story. This actually works pretty well as when Ace is obviously speaking, like when he talks about how he died, the narrator has a very distinctive voice and charm. Ace is likable, sympathetic and entertaining. It’s only when his narration blends with the other characters that it becomes jumbled.

This is the biggest weakness of the story. It’s very difficult to tell who is thinking what when Ace is inside a body. When Ricky or Dan are fretting about their insecurities and fears, it’s nearly impossible to know if that’s Ace’s interpretation, the reality of the situation, or a combination of the two presented to the reader. Also the perspective shifts sometimes from what is clearly Ace speaking to clearly another person and then a vague narrator. This keeps you from connecting significantly with any character and muddles the complexity the story is striving for.

On the plus side the writing is smooth and polished, making the pages fly by. It’s a short novella, easy to read in one sitting and keeps your attention from beginning to end. There’re a couple hot sex scenes to add spice without feeling repetitive or overwhelming and the bit with the ex-boyfriend may be predictable but the ghost addition makes it more interesting; much like the story itself. While the concept is good I do think it needs more fleshing out and clarity to really be successful. It is still engaging and fun to read as it’s something different and a unique idea.
Profile Image for Jody.
2,080 reviews57 followers
May 12, 2011
Ace likes to think of himself as a tourist dropping into the bodies of various people, mostly men, to experience other's lives. When he becomes involved in Ricky and Dan's lives, unexpected danger and emotions that he's never experienced before make him an active participant to keep them and their love alive.

This is an intriguing story from the m/m genre which has a slight paranormal twist that adds an unexpected layer to the story. Ace is from a bygone era who travels from body to body experiencing life through the decades, not wanting to stay anywhere for too long. He had a harsh life and gets to experience the life he never had through these different people. He's never felt a vested interest in the individuals he visits until he gets a taste of true love and the intense emotions surrounding a relationship trying to stay afloat. He then becomes an active participant and is someone I'd love to see more of. I can easily see this theme becoming a series where Ace helps many different relationships.

Dan is the strong but silent type who can't understand why the super sexy Ricky wants to be with him. He's not overly attractive, but he's caring and honest which is exactly what Ricky needs after ending his previously abusive relationship. For a long time Ricky was told how unimportant he was, made to feel as if only his body was important. Knowing the pain he went through makes you root for Ricky to have a healthy relationship. They're both likable and realistic characters with understandable feelings and seeing the kindness in Dan makes you realize how perfect they are for each other if they can survive the shadow of Ricky's sadistic ex.

Calder, Ricky's ex, is a truly vile character. He's physically and mentally abusive and refuses to take no for an answer. His actions towards Ricky make your heart ache and your heart pounds waiting for him to get what he so richly deserves.

This is a short read that's long on emotion. Your emotions get pulled every which way as Ricky and Dan's relationship gets put through the wringer because of Calder. I like the different points of view from all the characters since it draws you into the story more fully. You get a deeper understanding of the characters and feel more vested in Ricky and Dan's relationship while really seeing how cruel Calder is. I enjoyed this story from beginning to end with its highly emotional sexual interludes and its intriguing characters and hated to see it come to an end. It's an interesting storyline I haven't seen before in the m/m genre and wholeheartedly recommend it.
Profile Image for Alex.
Author 30 books73 followers
February 22, 2011
Normally in reviews we talk about "head hopping" from a narrative perspective, but in the case of Ace, our narrator, we literally hop heads with him. Although he's a little pompous and self-centric, he's a bearable narrator and he grows (on the reader and as a character). In an interesting twist on the normal "switch perspective" trick, London uses Ace to not only change perspective, but also to retain some of the memories and feelings that were in his previous host so that he can use that information to further the relationship.

Unique perspective. This was a really creative writing tool and London did a good job of writing four different perspectives, often two at a time. We have Ace constantly present, and then the different men he hops into. Initially we see him more separate from his hosts, but as he lingers in their bodies (and as the story needs to progress) we see him and his host as one and the same, although there is still a struggle as Ace cannot know all the deep secrets that the host is unwilling to admit to himself.

Writing. London did an excellent job of writing a difficult subject without doing too much or too little. The characters, while minimal in number, are very different in personality. This worked out just not from a plot point, but also because it allowed the narration to change dramatically depending on who was hosting Ace.

Not necessarily a weakness, but Ace as a character bothered me. His personality rubbed me the wrong way, but not enough that I threw the book down and didn't continue. Some may find his sort of pompous attitude charming; it wasn't like he was a bad guy, he just didn't endear me, so I had difficulty getting into the book initially. Once we stepped back from his direct involvement and were more focused on the two other central character, I found myself able to relate better. He does improve as the story progresses, as well.

Some of the character developments, especially in Dan, left me curious, as I didn't feel as if the reader was given anything to be prepared for that particular turn. However, that said, I didn't feel like it was a random course of action either; it fit the story well and was established in the characters by the end—just the initial action surprised me.

Be sure to check out my other reviews on my blog.
Profile Image for Nikyta.
1,438 reviews264 followers
November 18, 2011
This was an interesting book. It's unique when it comes to tales on ghosts. In this case, Ace 'visits' men with like-minded sexual desires as himself. He's very much dead but he stills live through his hosts. Dan and Ricky, a couple that are still hesitant with little self-esteem are his next hosts. Ace is used to just jumping in a host, getting his rocks off then leaving. But there's something about Dan and Ricky that changes that all for Ace. He sticks around for the mundane things and not just the sex. He likes this couple and when one of them is threatened, he does everything he can and uses every power he can to save them.

I had a hard time with this book. I'm not quite sure why but while the plot had definite potential it just didn't click with me. I couldn't connect with Ace, the narrator, he was too single-minded on sex and a bit shallow. I was expecting more from him; some type of personal thinking outside his thirst for the flesh but he didn't have much of that until well into the book and by then it was hard to like him. Dan was a nice surprise, though. He's an ordinary guy with a severe lack of self-confidence and his questioning of what Ricky saw in him was endearing as well as his jealousy over Ricky's ex-lover. Ricky, at first, I didn't like. He seemed way too much like Ace in that he was only thinking about his next release. It took a while but then we see why he's so focused on that line of thinking. I ended up liking him in the end but Dan was definitely a character I was able to connect with the whole book.

As I said, the plot had definite potential but it didn't grab my attention until halfway through which left me wondering for the first half whether I should continue reading or not. The jealousy raging from Dan was like a live fire and I enjoyed that. Ricky's self-worth problems were interesting and digging deep enough in him to find that out was surprising but I loved it. The conflict with Ricky's ex-lover was a bit predictable but Ace's part in it all gave it a bit of a twist.

Overall, I did like the book but not until a good ways in. This is definitely a different view on ghosts as well as them being able to love in some way. It was nice seeing Ace help Dan and Ricky with the road barriers they put up in their relationship. It was a nice book but I wasn't as blown away as I was expecting to be.
Profile Image for Tori.
2,842 reviews473 followers
March 6, 2011
Review originally posted at http://www.smexybooks.com/2011/03/rev...

Favorite Quote: “I spent my days cruising men for fun, for desire...not so much for love.”

Ace is ghost. He prefers to call himself aTourist. Ace likes to “visit” people; experiencing their emotions and sexual escapades for his own personal entertainment. He can’t make them do anything they don’t want to , but he can help them push their own personal boundaries. Ace is currently “visiting” Dan and reviling in the emotions this sexy and heartfelt man invokes. But when he visits not only Dan but Dan’s partner, Ryan, he finds himself experiencing some new emotions himself. When a very real and mortal danger stalks Ryan and Dan, Ace will push his own boundaries to save his men.

The Tourist is a wonderful steamy m/m novella with a kiss of paranormal as we follow the lives of our main protagonists Dan and Ryan’s relationship. Two different completely different men drawn together initially by attraction, they both fight insecurity and jealousy in the relationship. Dan, a rugged construction worker cannot see what Ryan sees in him while Ryan fights the phantom hold an abusive relationship still has on him. Ace, our ghost, provides us with an interesting and unique POV as he jumps into both men and we get to see what they are feeling and experiencing in a 3rd party aspect. As his bond with each of them strengthens, we see Ace experience some new emotions of his own.

For being so small-84 pages-we are given a full bodied story with a cast of characters who’s emotional journeys forge an instant connection with the reader. Suspense, romance, mystery all wrapped up in a sweet little romance.

The fast switching POVs can be a bit confusing, especially when you realize that not only are you getting what our smexy men are feeling but our ghost’s feelings are starting to intertwine with theirs and at times you get two POVs in one. The ending was spot on with resolution to the main conflict and a nice afterward that shows us how our men are doing.

I will definitely be on the look out for more of Clare London.

Rating: B
Profile Image for ttg.
450 reviews160 followers
July 19, 2012
A pretty taut m/m romantic suspense novella about Ace, an unsettled spirit who enjoys being a “tourist,” traveling and possessing different bodies for a short time, mostly to experience the good stuff (i.e. sex.) He hops into Dan, a big but mild-mannered contractor who is very much taken with Ricky, his new boyfriend. Ace is quite happy with the good stuff between Dan and Ricky, but then is surprised to find some deeper issues of self confidence, trust, and fear of past relationships miring his host. Ace isn’t used to sticking around during the hard stuff, but he finds himself jumping in deeper than he ever has before, but how much impact can a tourist really have?

London has some neat ideas in here, and by allowing Ace to jump around, she gives both Ace and the reader new perspectives on the main characters, both of whom are very sympathetic. You really root for them to sort things out, and ironically, the tourist serves as a good bridge.

There was a moment in the story when I thought things were about to get Very Dark, which was a little stressful with Ace’s very visceral, immediate narrative voice, but it didn’t go That Far, so I was a lot happier. (Very Dark can really stress me out, so I was worried for moment if I was going to have to safe word myself out of this story, but it didn’t come to that. Thank you, Clare!)

Overall, a very good novella with some really neat ideas.
Profile Image for Trix.
1,338 reviews115 followers
June 27, 2011
It was quite am amazing book. I did not expect it to be so appealing, considering the small number of pages. But Clare managed to convey every feeling so perfectly, so vividly. Without dwelling too much in the details of the surrounding, the sole focus was on the characters and their story. And slowly, among understanding the depth of Ricky and Dan, of trying to establish the confines of their relationship, the reader also receives small puzzle pieces to put together how they met and how their troubled past and uncertainties shape their lives. All that, while still managing to keep the tourist an individuality that sneaks in to help Dan and Ricky but not loses himself in his hosts.

Ace is witty and an optimist, despite his sorrowful demise. Dan comes off just as Ace depicts him: reliable, confident though a bit unsure of himself. Ricky is just as unsure of himself, choosing to believe himself weak and unworthy just as his ex kept repeating to him. And to break that vicious circle and bring Dan and Ricky together, it took the skills of a talented wanderer originally aiming for just a little fun.

Quite the delectable story! Definitely deserving a 5 star rating!
Profile Image for Emily G.
554 reviews11 followers
September 3, 2011
Meet Ace, a spirit tourist trapped in limbo who is able to possess people for a while to live their experiences of sex through them, which is a very intriguing concept, kind of like Quantum Leap but with hot m/m sex!

I liked how Ace usually tries to help the people that he inhabits, generally by heightening the sexual experience, but this time, he becomes attached to the couple he is visiting and tries to help with the roadblocks in the way of their relationship reaching the next level. The big softie, you may say, but I don't think it is for entirely altruistic reasons, because it is obvious that Ace has been jumping for so long that he is missing true human interaction and he wants to witness a happy ending for a change.

Oh, I should add that I've seen complaints in other reviews that you can't tell which emotions belong to whom, the host or the tourist, but to me it didn't matter, because Ace becomes a blend of himself and the host during his visits. The one exception being Calder.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eva.
255 reviews10 followers
March 30, 2011
I can honestly say that this is one of the most original books I've read in quite a while. The entire concept of a ghost who travels form person to person and for a while lives vicariously through them was intriguing and in my opinion well executed by the author.
The story is told from the POV of Ace, who is our ghost tourist which was interesting because that way we also get some insight into both Dan and Ricky and also a bit of Calder in addition to Ace himself. Though I admit it took some time getting used to that and separating when Ace is talking for himself from when he's talking for Ricky and Dan. For me both Ricky and Dan, as well as Ace seemed to grow with the story. While at the beginning we get the impression Ace is laid back and doesn't care much for the people he's visiting, in the end he sticks with Dan and Ricky and helps them grow as a couple.
Definitely well worth reading.
Profile Image for Emme .
122 reviews10 followers
April 17, 2011
I'm glad I was able to read this novella as a NetGalley selection for review. I loved the premise of Ace, the sex tourist, "visiting" the couple of Ricky and Dan. My initial inclination was to dismiss Ace as a parasite, and to question his perspective on the lives of his hosts. But London adroitly conveys the thoughts and emotions of all four main characters-- almost simultaneously, at times. Even with that balancing act, I never felt like I was shortchanged in understanding the differing POVs (and I do like how Ricky' and Dan's POVs eventually meld as they come to terms with what they have experienced and what they are to each other).

There was plenty tension-- both sexual and emotional, and I couldn't wait to find out what was happening next (luckily it was a slow day at the library!). This was definitely an exciting and satisfying read and I look forward to reading other works by the author.
Profile Image for Hunter Raines.
Author 12 books41 followers
May 24, 2011
What a unique story! I admit, I've had fantasies about being a tourist like Ace. As a kid, I used to wonder what it would be like to 'project' myself inside another person's skin, fell what they feel, think what they think. Learn them from the inside out. (I guess maybe that's why I became a writer.) I loved seeing this concept developed by a talented author.

Clare London does a fabulous job of making Ace likeable, but more importantly, she does a phenomenal job introducing us to both Dan and Ricky. Despite the fact that Ace bounces between both of them, it's always easy to tell whose skin he's in and I never got confused about which character was thinking, or feeling, or speaking. I liked all the main characters quite a bit, and I loved watching Ace prod Dan and Ricky so they'd finally say all those things they hadn't dared confess to each other without his presence.

Very hot, with luscious writing and a brilliant twist on first-person point of view, THE TOURIST is a must read.
Profile Image for Ellen - CFS.
5 reviews3 followers
February 25, 2011
I haven't read a lot of m/m erotica, and this was a bit of a revelation for me. While the sex was hot, which I expected, I did not think that the writing was going to be as engaging as it was. I found myself being drawn into the characters, and their dilemmas in a way that drew me into the storyline. My only complaint has to be,that having created such a delicious set-up - a spirit that inhabits bodies and pushes them to sexual heights not dared of previously - that the book ended @ a mere 84 pages.

highly recommended.
Profile Image for Kerry  sullivan.
957 reviews71 followers
April 27, 2011
This was a very short short story but it was a really good one. I loved the fact you got to see things from 3 different perspectives in a relationship, well the new couple and the ex. It was a bit disturbing being in the ex's head but it was interesting too. I really liked Ace and felt sorry for him and it was nice that it worked out well for him. I would recommend this for a good quick read I loved it.
Profile Image for Christine.
Author 62 books582 followers
May 5, 2011
I wasn't sure what to expect when I started, The Tourist, but I was quickly drawn in and enthralled. I loved the concept of Ace being a traveler, even if his story on how that came to pass was tragic. The way Ace managed to help Ricky and Dan, while finding a bit of his own peace, kept me flipping the virtual pages.

And the sex was smoking!

Wonderfully sympathetic characters, interesting plot and a great romance. I thoroughly enjoyed this quick read.
Profile Image for Luta Wolf.
310 reviews18 followers
July 25, 2011
Oh how I loved this. The imperfect characters, the unusual plot, and the emotional depths. I loved the many different and varied ways it came togather. Warning though, there really isn't a "sex" scene. Though there is sex in the book, it's used as another dimension so there is no sitting back and feeling the passion. I was okay with this though because it gave me a whole other aspect to look at. Highly recommend reading.
Profile Image for D.
349 reviews
January 19, 2011
The Tourist is a short story about Ace, who is some sort of ghost who can experience things by possessing others. He jumps around from person to person, usually only for sex. He jumps into Dan, then into Dan's lover Ricky. He is compelled to stay to figure out the complicated emotions from each of them. I really liked this story. I wish it was longer to give the characters more development.
Profile Image for Kaetrin.
3,144 reviews185 followers
January 30, 2011
3.5 stars. Interesting short about a ghost type being who inhabits corporeal bodies, hopping from person to person for fun and sexy times - he calls himself a tourist, hence the title. The concept was interesting and different. The book was well written and, despite the tourist's initially expressed wish to keep his visits to sex and lust only, there's heart to it too.
Profile Image for Marsha Spence.
1,281 reviews17 followers
March 6, 2011
I really enjoyed this. I didn't like Ace at first but he grew on me. Nicky and Dan really seemed to need his help or I'm not sure they would've made it. I liked the conflict of Nicky's ex. I thought it was well handled. Good read!
Profile Image for Arielle.
19 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2011
That was interesting story, but I tend to get confused of POV switch - it was difficult to deference Ace's feelings and thoughts from his hosts. Dan and Ricky's part of the story was predictable sweet but Ace's adventures gives new metaphysical dimension to sex tourism :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews

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