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MILA 2.0 #2


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There is no one left for Mila to trust. Except for a boy she barely knows.

But Hunter has no idea who—and what—Mila really is. She can’t bear to reveal her secret, even though he’s unwittingly joined her search for Richard Grady, a man who may know more details of Mila’s complicated past.

Yet the road to the truth is more dangerous than ever. With General Holland and the Vita Obscura scouring the earth for her whereabouts, Mila must rely on her newfound android abilities to protect herself and Hunter from imminent harm. Still, embracing her identity as a machine leads her to question the state of her humanity—as well as Hunter’s real motives.

Perfect for fans of I Am Number Four and Divergent, this action-packed and heart-wrenching second installment of MILA 2.0 will leave readers breathlessly awaiting the series conclusion.

448 pages, Hardcover

First published May 13, 2014

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About the author

Debra Driza

10 books804 followers
I'm the author of the MILA 2.0 series and the owner of the messiest purse on the planet, aka: the black hole of doom. I think bow ties are cool and when I grow up, I want to be Veronica Mars.

I rarely check my account at Goodreads, so if you need to get in touch with me, try twitter or Debra at debradriza.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 332 reviews
Profile Image for Debra Driza.
Author 10 books804 followers
March 11, 2014
Wow. I can’t believe it’s almost time for the second book in the MILA 2.0 series to be released out into the wild!

Just so you know—this book tried to kill me. I can say that somewhat jokingly now, but honestly, writing RENEGADE was an incredibly difficult task. Not just because writing a sequel is oh-my-gosh hard (though it absolutely is), but because I worked on this story during one of the most challenging times in my life. What I’m coming to realize, though, is that challenges aren’t necessarily bad. Challenges might feel overwhelming at first, but they can also serve as the catalyst that prompts us to dig deep, gather our courage, and ultimately, grow.

I basically drafted the second version of this book from my mom’s hospital bed. Much like Mila, my emotions often felt huge and overwhelming and scary. I could relate to her struggles in a visceral way, especially in regards to making life-altering decisions when confronted with conflicting information and doubt.

Later in the revision process, I experienced a different personal crisis. An identity crisis, if you will. More than ever, I could relate to Mila’s struggles as a being desperate to discover her place in the world…and as a person who felt like she could never quite measure up. Mila isn’t just seeking the truth about her origins and the people around her—she’s also waging an ongoing inner war; a war that I think is far too familiar for so many of us. Throughout this series, Mila battles more than bad guys and weapons. She’s also constantly facing off with her own internal critic; the one that whispers “you will never be enough.”

I enjoyed learning so much more about Mila—and myself—through writing her story in RENEGADE. I hope you enjoy her adventures and growth, too.

And, if there is a single realization I can share with you all—and Mila—it’s this: Be kind to yourselves, because you ARE enough. Every single one of you. <3 <3 <3
Profile Image for Claude's Bookzone.
1,551 reviews257 followers
January 29, 2021
3.5 Stars

Well the intrigue definitely ramps up in this book!

This book felt a bit more drawn out as Mila tries to get answers about her past and find people who might help her. I found it frustrating that Hunter was still kept in the dark and I didn't care for the romance. Honestly, her mum got killed, people are hunting her down to turn her into a military style weapon or terminate her! The only thing I'd want from Hunter is that he was more useful i.e smarter and trained in fighting, not canoodling! Things take a dramatic turn when they are eventually captured by one of the groups hunting them. Some pretty dramatic and intense scenes that, in my opinion, saved the book and gave the story a bit more grit. On to book 3's review!
Profile Image for Trina.
915 reviews3,882 followers
August 2, 2018
I didn't dislike this, but I didn't like it as much as the first book. It continues the story well, but I was annoyed with the constant lack of communication and assumptions that the majority of the book was built on. The last bit was good. I really liked the message about emotions. (I'm always a fan of books that explore humanity in this way.) If you've ever wished you could turn off your emotions because they are too painful, this book explores that.
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,918 reviews749 followers
April 14, 2014
Wow. Wow. Wow. This was amazing.

Lots of twists and turns, action, swoons, laughs....this book had it all. It's pretty much fast paced from the beginning and doesn't let you go until the last page. And be prepared, there's one hell of an ending.

I cannot wait to see what happens in the last book. I need it right now. Right now. RIGHT. NOW.

**Thanks to Katherine Tegen Books and Edelweiss for providing the arc in exchange for an honest review**

Extra special thanks to Rachel at The YA Bookcase for sending me a physical arc.
Profile Image for Belle  .
86 reviews13 followers
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August 6, 2016
EDIT: May, 2014
This book has been released recently but, sadly, I have not had the chance to read it yet. This review is more of a reaction to the first book which I posted here a while back. Feel free to look at this review anyway if you'd like to see my thoughts on Mila 2.0. I will be reviewing the book here when I finally get around to it. I hope it ends up being as good a book as the first, happy reading!

EDIT: Feb. 2014
I wrote this review a while ago and it only now occurred to me what a terribly written mess of fangirling and emotion it is. So, I'm editing it to make it more understandable and helpful.

I had been wanting to read Mila 2.0 for some time. When Veronica Roth talked about it on her blog I was instantly intrigued. I got a preview on my Nook and I loved it. The only problem was that I had to spend either $18 on a hardcover or $11 for an e-version and neither of those options sounded very good. So one day a couple months later I was looking at the Nook top 100 for teens I see that this book was temporarily priced at $3, so I bought it. And I LOVED it.

Oh, Hunter! I know that we didn't get to see much of him in this book, but I really liked the scenes he was in. He was just so adorable. He wasn't some unrealistic cookie-cutter YA guy. You know, the annoying mysterious ones that seem to be popping up everywhere. He was actually genuinely sweet and I'd like to see more of him in Renegade, and with the way this book ended it looks like we will.

I also liked Lucas, though I'll be a little disappointed if he ends up as Mila's love interest. He's a nice guy and I would love to see more of him. I would even like a little tension between him and Hunter. I think it could be a funny little mini-obstacle. I just don't want it to take up too much of the story, because this series is just fine without it. I actually feel that a full on love triangle could destroy this series. Though, done right, a love triangle can be interesting to some plots, I don't see one helping this series along. Ultimately, I think it could destroy it.

Also, props to the cover designer. I thought they were just an idiot, but it turns out Mila cuts and dyes her hair from brown to black.

Next, I need to address that moment when I realized that all of the craziness was even crazier than I thought. In the beginning of the book you get this impression that there are secrets and everything, but as it goes on a lot more questions pop up. A lot of the questions were only little weird snippets from short conversations or slip-ups on a character's part. It was realistic that not everything would be resolved, and that a lot of uncertainty would slowly build as things were said and overheard. I don't know how much sense this is making, but I just mean that there is a lot we don't know and a lot of things that were brought up in realistic ways. From just the short few sentences spoken from Milas exhausted and delusional mom we start to ask questions.

Who is Sarah? Does Mila really have a human past? Is it possible that Mila was human? Did she at one point really have an almost father? I read the short e-story Origins: The Fire and it kind of sounds like she did. Maybe it's possible that after Mila's first escape her mom (I know they say she isn't really her mom, but I don't remember her first name, and she's close enough to one anyway) was actually married or in love and that they moved to house that was burned down. Once her "father" died they moved to the place where Mila 2.0 begins. I'm not sure of any of these theories, but I have to say I'm super excited to find out!

I cannot wait for all of the explanations in the next book. It is going to be insane!
Profile Image for Jenni Arndt.
438 reviews410 followers
April 30, 2014
When I finished Mila 2.0 last year I was left quite eager to get my hands on the novel's sequel. Mila 2.0 was action packed from beginning to end and quite possibly the most fun I had reading a book in 2013. Upon finishing Renegade I am left wondering "what the hell happened?" Where was the action and fun that I loved so dearly in the first book? It must have gotten lost somewhere because this book was a nearly 500 page yawnfest with 3-4 action scenes max.

We catch up with Mila and Hunter in Renegade as they are on the run from both General Holland and the Vita Obscura. Well, Hunter doesn't know that they are on the run and the first good chunk of the book is spent showing us how Mila is struggling with telling him the truth. I mentioned in my review of Mila 2.0 that I had a hard time buying into the relationship between these two and that didn't change in this book. At so many points in the novel she came so close to telling him the truth, maybe not about what she is every time, but at least where they are going and what happened before they left. It would be right on the tip of her tongue and then she wouldn't tell him. This got really annoying fast because I wanted the focus of the story to be on Mila figuring out the truth not dealing with this “relationship” crap. Another thing that became quite bothersome is when Mila starts to question whether or not Hunter is working for the V.O. Exactly what was going on with him and what the big twist was when it came to his character was so glaringly obvious and yet this highly intelligent android didn't even think of it at any time in the book. So suffice it to say that this relationship didn't work for me again and that was really annoying because it felt like it took centre stage here.

For most of the novel we watch Mila and Hunter chat as they are on one long, seemingly never-ending, road trip. The first place they get to on this trip they basically find out nothing and that all encompasses the first third of the book. I was trying so hard to get into the story but I was just far too bored to even care by the time something finally happened at around the halfway mark. I'm not sure if this whole story felt like such a lull to me because it was suffering of middle book syndrome or what but I feel like what actually does happen and the truths we find out are just not enough substance to carry a 450 page book. I am left with a feeling that this is going to be one of those series where the first and last book are awesome but the middle book just feels like filler that could have easily been added into the other two.

We do get some excitement and a good twist to leave us off at the end of Renegade but I am sorry to say that for me it was simply too late. I felt disconnected to this novel and the twist didn't even leave me wanting to get my hands on the next instalment because I was just too excited that the book was finally over. I'm beginning to think that maybe I need to start reading a lot more standalones because so many sequels have been leaving me underwhelmed lately. I do hope that other people who enjoyed Mila 2.0 end up liking this one much more than I did and I think the key to that may be getting your expectations in check. Renegade is not an action packed thrill-ride like it's predecessor was, it's more like a boring road trip with people you don't really like where you try to plot ways to jump out of the moving vehicle the entire time.


For more of my reviews, visit my blog at Xpresso Reads
Profile Image for Richa.
430 reviews147 followers
April 21, 2014
Originally posted at City of Books

Renegade is just as captivating as its predecessor! I was afraid there would be some middle-book syndrome in here, but there most definitely isn't. It's been a while since my last 5-star read, and I'm glad Renegade got me back on track.

Mila is on the run with Hunter, desperately trying to find Richard Grady, the man her mother told her to find in her dying breath. Hunter doesn't know anything about who Mila really is, and she intends to keep it that way. But when they encounter danger at almost every turn, Mila realizes she doesn't know Hunter as well as she'd like. And as doubt begins to creep in, the danger intensifies. Secrets are revealed, and new perspectives are brought in. Mila needs to figure out who to trust before everything her mother sacrificed turns out to be in vain.

Mila's just lost the one person she always knew she could trust - her mother, also known as Dr. Laurent, a scientist who used to work for Holland, the man Mila hates with a burning passion. Now that she's left alone, Mila's glad to have Hunter with her. I loved that Mila really embraces her emotions in this book. No longer is she monitored by Holland, so she's free to feel however she wants to. It's fascinating to think that Mila is an android, and yet she's so humane. She has a strong set of morals, and she's exactly like a teenage girl. I've always thought of her that way. While reading, that fact is easy to escape my mind - that Mila's an android.

In this book, we get to know more about the other organization that wants Mila - the Vita Obscura. There are quite a few twists concerning them, as well as how they came about. Lines between right and wrong are blurred, and things get really intense. Mila gets a few shocks of her own, finding out a lot more about her identity and the man she thought was her father.

There's finally some romance between Mila and Hunter! I had to wait quite a while for it in this book too, though. But I'm glad there was finally something. I think they're really good together, and I just wish there was mutual trust between them earlier on. Mila constantly lying to Hunter obviously isn't going to end well. Especially when she starts doubting his intentions. But Hunter does have connections that are quite shocking, and he's pulled into Mila's world because of them. He's still quite confused about everything towards the end, and really hot and cold towards Mila. I'm hoping they actually fully trust each other in the next book. I'm also hoping we get to see more of Lucas, since he was barely in this one at all. He's one character I'm dying to know more about, and he deserves a great story because of his compassion towards Mila in the previous book and the fact that he saved her and her mom.

There's a significant amount of betrayal in Renegade as well, and a lot of twists I didn't see coming. Especially towards the end. And gosh, the cliffhanger ending! It's killing me. I'm so desperate for the finale now, since I have no doubt at all it will blow me away just like these two books did. Bottom line, I adored this sequel. This is how it's done! Everything was just perfect and I honestly can't think of any issues I had with it at all. Which will tell you how much I loved it.

*Thank you to HarperCollins for providing me with an eARC for review*
Profile Image for AH.
2,005 reviews385 followers
May 5, 2014
Initial Thoughts: This was a fun "Bio-Daddy Road Trip" story as Mila and Hunter are forced to run from Holland's goons and at the same time, evade the Vita Obscura. This installment is action-packed, full of chase scenes and some crazy technology. Mila shines in this book, learning more about her android abilities yet struggling with her human emotions. Nicely done.

The Review:
MILA 2.0 Renegade takes off right where the first book left off. Hunter and Mila are hiding out in Virginia Beach. Hunter is oblivious to the fact that Mila is an android. Mila hesitates to tell him the truth because she has feelings for him. She refuses to let Hunter go even though he would be safer away from Mila. The two embark on the “Bio-Daddy Road Trip” in an effort to find Hunter’s biological father and Mila’s creator.

I think what I enjoyed about this book was Mila’s character. At times, I was reminded of Data from Star Trek, especially in Mila’s wish to become more human. I liked how she was at odds with her feelings, wondering if it was fair to like Hunter when she could not offer him a normal relationship. Mila struggles with her feelings and emotions, much like a regular teenager, except in her case, she has super strength, defense, and computing skills. As Mila’s abilities manifested, I liked watching how in awe she was of her android self. Too bad she never had a user’s manual.

MILA 2.0: Renegade is chock full of action, chase scenes, explosions, and more. It would certainly keep many young adult readers’ attention. In fact, this would probably make an awesome TV series. And that ending! I can’t wait for the next book. For optimal reading enjoyment be sure to read the books in order.

Thank you to Edelweiss and Katherine Tegan Books for a review copy of this book.

Review posted on Badass Book Reviews. Check it out!
Profile Image for Audrey.
1,250 reviews208 followers
August 25, 2017
This was as enjoyable as the first one. It’s got to be one of the most suspenseful, thrilling-est series I’ve encountered. At every step, you’re afraid of getting caught, and you don’t know who to trust. It’s fast-paced with great characters. So suspenseful! Even though there’s a little romance, it didn’t bother me at all.

The editing is done well on this one, too. There is some rare strong language. No sexual content, and violence is not too graphic.
Profile Image for Erleen Alvarez.
Author 3 books91 followers
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September 14, 2013
I bow down to the cover artist of this book!!! This is FREAKING GORGEOUS!!! *grabby hands*
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,131 reviews401 followers
April 29, 2014
I really liked the whole concept and idea behind MILA, an android girl with real human emotions and memories that can't be explained and even though I didn't totally fall in love with the book, I liked it enough to know that I wanted to continue on with the series.

I had so many questions about V.O. that I needed answered, not to mention about Hunter. Was he good, was he bad?> Was he everything he appeared to be?

Yep, lots of questions and I was really hoping I would get a lot of them, if not all of them, answered in this second installment.

And oh boy did I!

I don’t' even know what to say in fear that I will spoil something somehow so I am going to try and leave this as simple as I possibly can and spoiler free.

This one started right off where the first one ended, with Mila calling Hunter and asking him to meet her. While it started there, it certainly didn't end there. From the first chapter there are still so many questions, so much suspicion and uncertainly about Mila herself, her mom, the V.O. and of course about Hunter not to mention the action starts pretty quickly with fights, dangers, and Mila constantly needing to be on guard, all while trying to remain as human as she feels.

There is a lot that goes on and yet still a lot left to be done. Yes we get answers, a lot in fact but those answers just cause new questions to come out and with the new questions you once again have to start questioning everyone around Mila. Who are the bad guys, who can she trust and most of all, what in the heck is she exactly and why...well, there are a whole lot of why's in there.

I actually really enjoyed this. Once again, more than I thought I would. I am actually really really curious what the author is going to do in the next book. How she is going to explain everything, handle everything and of course, end everything.

Who will still be left standing and what it will all mean to Mila in the end.

I will definitely be there reading right along with everyone else that has tried this series and was surprised by it because I just have to know how it all plays out and goes down.
Profile Image for Jaylia3.
752 reviews147 followers
July 16, 2014
Until she falls off the back of a pickup truck in book one of this series, leaking some kind of machine fluid instead of bleeding, Mila has no idea that the gaps in her memory and the overprotective tendencies of her mother are clues to her real nature. Which is android--and when she finds out she is just as horrified as she thinks everyone else will be. As this second book opens Mila has escaped from the military facility that wants to use her as a weapon, the place where she was tortured and forced to fight her evil look-a-like twin android sister, but the woman she knows as her mother is now dead and Mila is left with only cryptic clues about her past, the obviously false childhood memories that keep surfacing, and who she should go to for help.

So Mila calls on Hunter, the guy she liked before she discovered she isn’t an average teenage girl and the guy she still gets heart palpitations around even though she knows she’s a machine, doesn’t have an actual heart, and what’s she doing with emotions anyway. Without updating Hunter about what she now knows about herself and her situation, Mila makes up a story that convinces him to road-trip with her so she stay one step ahead of the people trying to recapture her while trying to make contact with someone who can explain things. The fast action excitement of the plot and the exciting discoveries Mila keeps making about her useful android abilities get a little bogged down by Mila’s predictable and somewhat excessive internal agonizing about keeping her secret from Hunter, though generally I’m greatly enjoying the friction created between Mila’s human and machine sides.

Author Debra Driza smoothly worked review information into the first chapters of Renegade, a big help for readers like me who have had a time gap since reading Mila 2.0. Along with Mila we learn more about who/what she is in this second book, and we meet some of the key people from her past--though it’s not always clear who can be trusted. There is still a lot of story left to tell, and I look forward to reading the next book.

November 6, 2024
Η σειρά εξακολουθεί να παρουσιάζει ενδιαφέρον, όμως η συγγραφέας αδυνατεί να μας καθηλώσει, παρά που έχει στη διάθεσή της το υλικό για να το κάνει. Έχω την αίσθηση πως ο μεγάλος όγκος του βιβλίου δεν βοηθάει στην προκειμένη περίπτωση, αφού πολλές φορές καταντάει φλύαρο χωρίς να μας οδηγεί σε κάποια δραματική εξέλιξη που θα εκτινάξει την αγωνία μας στα ύψη. Μακροσκελείς, και ίσως κάπως μελό, διάλογοι, κι ένα οδοιπορικό που μοιάζει να μην έχει τέλος και φαντάζει μεγαλύτερο απ' όσο θα έπρεπε να είναι υπό κανονικές συνθήκες. Οι σκηνές δράσεις είναι μετρημένες στα δάχτυλα, και δεδομένου ότι μιλάμε για ένα βιβλίο 500 και βάλε, σελίδων, θα έπρεπε να είναι περισσότερες, έτσι ώστε να υποστηρίζεται καλύτερα το σκέλος "περιπέτεια", και να μας παρασύρει περισσότερο.
Profile Image for vince.
33 reviews39 followers
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April 30, 2013
———[[[ Pre-Review ]]]———


OHMAHGAWD! It has a title!


*looks it up on Merriam-Webster*
"a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another"
What could it mean? Will Hunter desert Mila? Or is Mila the Renegade for she left what was supposed to be her life?
Profile Image for Jade.
8 reviews4 followers
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January 26, 2014
"Yes Mom, I know what I would like for my birthday!!"
Profile Image for Nicole .
663 reviews183 followers
January 25, 2015
As seen on The Quiet Concert

I really enjoyed Mila 2.0 because of the nonstop action and because of the internal struggle Mila had over finding out she was an android, neither of which are present in this latest installment. This sequel was a total snoozefest. And for a 448 page book, that is a lot of snooze. Talk about middle-book-syndrome.

The first 300 pages are pretty much uneventful and full of annoying thoughts circulating around Hunter. If you had a problem with the “relationship” in the first book, you will have a problem with it in this book. I can almost guarantee it. I never want to hear the name Hunter again. Do yourself a favor and start reading at page 305.

The last 133ish pages are where things pick up and why I gave this book two stars. The story from this point forward is more exciting and interesting and reminiscent of the first book. Not quite as good, yet still a vast improvement over the first 2/3 of this book. If only it came sooner.

But then the ending came and the cliffhanger almost undid all the progress that was made. It was SO STUPID. I am so disappointed. I am really not sure if I am going to read the final book because I don't see it being any better than this one. I will most likely wait for others to review it and make my decision then.
Profile Image for WTF Are You Reading?.
1,309 reviews91 followers
September 5, 2014
The second round of the MILA saga is proving to be just as engaging as the first, but not for all of the reasons that one would assume.
The Hunter Dilima
While the love interest between these two was very sweet and acted as a great counter balance for the wild plot twists and action of the first read; the continuation of said romance in the second novel caused MILA to spend an inordinate amount of time gushing about the effect of his smile on her heart rate and such, instead of doing her badass android thing for the first third of the book.
Mercifully, things picked up with the introduction of MILA 3 into the mix, somewhere around the 2/3 mark.
The book really got good when MILA found her father, and learned the history that is but isn't hers.
Confused yet?
O.K. Great!
Plot twist in 3...2...1...
This is where things go from bad to Holland.
As in, General Holland.
Or at least his arch nemesis, and leader of the dreaded Vita Obscura.
Which is really just Holland run by a woman with a grudge, smoother tactics, and a Robin Hood complex.

All in all this is a very good second book. Miss Driza went to great lengths to insure that her plot line remained uncluttered and highly unpredictable.
Profile Image for Simona Stoica.
Author 17 books764 followers
July 31, 2017
Mila și Hunter m-au scos din reading slump. I'm baaaaaaack.
293 reviews13 followers
September 26, 2018
Very disappointing final - the last 50 pages destroy the plot of the previous 700 ones. I think the author is plain evil(i can't stay detached myself when reading, sorry).
Profile Image for Saoirse.
177 reviews31 followers
March 23, 2014
Warning: This review contains some spoilers for Mila 2.0. If you haven’t read the first book and stumbled upon this one, don’t you dare try to click that ‘see more of this review’ button. If you do, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

To whoever invented the Second Book Syndrome, thank you, because you made me realize that there are a lot of second book sequels that follows those sickening info-dump, passing time shenanigans. But I also want to say that you’re wrong. Not all sequels turn out to have that Second Book Syndrome. Take Renegade, for instance. I was sure this was going to fail me in so many aspects after the way the first book ended. But, dear Debra Driza, I praise you! You got me, all right. Renegade turned out to be such a different turning point in the world of Mila.

Renegade follows right after the end of the first book where Hunter agrees to meet Mila. Hunter still doesn’t have any idea what Mila really is which makes Mila even guiltier by the second. Hunter trusts her but she can’t seem to find the courage to trust him back the same way. The danger from the Vita Obscura and General Holland is still there, chasing her around, past the loop holes, risking Hunter’s life in the process. Secrets about Mila’s past are revealed along the way as she tries to discern who Richard Grady is and his connection to her mother and to the girl named Sarah. This time, everyone is really not who they seem to be, and Mila isn’t sure who to trust anymore.

The one thing I really appreciated the most in this book is how Mila seemed to mature. Although her decisions are uncongenial at best, I think that for the most part, she had a little progress. Maybe it’s for the record that she got used to her system now, what with her being an android and all. It really helped a lot that she somehow felt strong and managed to take down her enemies.

What lay beneath the piles of secrets that her mother had hid from her is not yet revealed in all its bare glory but I could feel all the pieces falling into place. Some of my answers have been answered and so far, Debra Driza had successfully fed me with her choice of words. Everything was so well-placed that I was sure I was going to give this a full-fledged five stars.

So what really held me back? The ending. I could tell you ALL ABOUT it and why I hated it. But I can’t. It would give too much away and I don’t want to spoil the fun. EVEN WHEN THE AUTHOR REALLY STABBED ME IN THE HEART. DO YOU KNOW HOW DEEP IT IS, DEBRA? DO YOU? I feel like it didn’t do the book its justice. Why do Mila have to give up now? After everything she’d been through, she’s just going to let that small piece of afhakhahrjen ruin her.

Now, excuse me while I go hit my head in the counter.

An ARC was provided for review purposes.
Profile Image for The Romantic Cynic.
42 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2015
Mila 2.0 Renegade is a weird book.

I decided to continue on with the series after a less than stellar start because, in my experience, sequels sometimes improve. Sadly, this wasn't the case. Romance plot tumor strikes again.

I didn't buy into Hunter and Mila's relationship in the first book and this did nothing to sway me. 95% of the book is spent with the author and Mila trying to convince us that Hunter is more important then he really is. I get it, Hunter is supposed to be the emotional center--Mila's humanity--and while I do appreciate the gender-flip of the situation, it all felt very unrealistic. When Mila was recounting their time together, you realize that they have a week, maybe two weeks top, of interaction. Their conversations are awkward and not in a cute kind of way, but in a crash-and-burn first date kind of way. They share no interests and while they do get along, this is not the basis for a relationship. It improves a smidge when Hunter finally knows the truth but that happened so late in the book I didn't care at that point.

Another thing, this relationship makes Mila seem completely selfish. Dragging a normal guy into hazardous situations and then lying your way out of it? You know him for a week, girl! What do you mean you "couldn't have gotten this far without him"? What significant thing did he contribute besides a nice pair of eyes to look at? And Hunter, why exactly did he fly half-way across the world to save this girl? Because of Insta-love that's why. It all comes across as very shallow. Especially when, in true YA-romance fashion, Hunter becomes the one thing Mila cares about. Herself? Nothing, if Hunter can't love her. She ends up turning off her emotions because of it and, while I get it--teenagers, emotions run high--it felt SHALLOW. Her over-the-top emotional reactions and illogical responses to any and all situations concerning Hunter dragged the plot down to a grinding pace.

I'll say it once, to anyone listening: YOU DO NOT NEED ANYONE'S LOVE TO VALIDATE YOUR EXISTENCE. IT IS ENOUGH TO LOVE YOURSELF. This could have been a powerful message as Mila comes to terms with both the android and human parts of herself but it sacrifices that in favor of another Twilight-esque love story. SIGH.

The positives though is that the last half of the book picks up the pace and is filled with twists and turns. When it's just Mila and her android nature, I'm fascinated and I wish more was down with this aspect. Plus the return of a favorite character of mine in the last 50 pages has me intrigued. I'll finish the series up, but I don't have much hope for the final book.
Profile Image for Cat Russell  (Addicted2Heroines).
349 reviews210 followers
May 7, 2014
* * * 3.5 Stars * * *

Poor Mila. Will she ever catch a break? In the debut she had her life turned upside down. Her perspective and outlook on everything she thought she knew was forced to change. She experienced devastating loss, the sting of betrayal, and was left with a lot of doubts and confusion. Unfortunately, her life doesn't improve much in the sequel.

In Renegade, Mila is on the run. She's unsure of who she can turn to for answers and feeling like no one can be trusted. Desperate for information, she attempts to investigate a clue left by her mother. Luckily, she doesn't have to do it alone because the faithful Hunter is by her side.

Mila and Hunter's relationship was a very large part of the story. She does quite a bit of pining over the kind, gentle, attentive boy who is eager to do anything to help her. But throughout the story her feelings for him are constantly wavering back and forth because she's concerned that his intentions may not be as genuine and honest as they appear. I'm not going to lie, I felt really bad for this guy. He goes through so much, too much really, for a girl he doesn't really know. And not knowing her isn't even his fault because Mila is never truthful with him. After all of the lies and the danger she places him in, he still can't stay away.

I'm glad that Mila was finally able to receive some answers about her life and her origins. She deserved it. Her search for these answers may have come with a greater cost than she expected. We're left with a cliff hanger and will have to wait patiently for the next release to find out more.

Although this story is filled with angst and heartache, I enjoyed taking this journey with Mila and learning more about her newly discovered talents and showing us just what an android superspy is capable of. I'll admit that I wouldn't be excited to be in her position and I understand why she is so upset about her circumstances, but I think we can all agree that there is reason to be envious of Mila. Her high-tech android abilities are exceptionally badass.

*Advanced copy provided by publisher

Profile Image for Kt.
798 reviews168 followers
May 14, 2014
Review originally posted on my blog: A Book Obsession..

Poor Mila. She's going through so much and seeing her try to cope with everything that's happened was utterly heartbreaking at times. Just her inner struggle with her emotions and humanity with the android parts of her were hard enough. Then you add in the grief from the loss of her mother, and her not knowing who to trust leaving her feeling isolated and alone. Sure she was travelling with Hunter, but as she had to hide so much from him and she couldn't be sure of his reaction to the "true" her, that isolation still held true. I can't imagine being in her position, and my heart really went out to her. I love when characters are written so strongly that they suck you right in, and that definitely was the case here.

There was a pretty big plot twist in this book that I had seen coming, but I still enjoyed the way it all played out. The world behind the story is expanding, and I'm really loving the way it's all coming together. I cannot wait to see how things turn out next after the doozy of an ending in this one. But you'll just have to read the book to see for yourself.

I'm pretty sure this series will be a trilogy, so as always in these type of series, I went into this second installment with a bit of trepidation while waiting for the oh so common sophomoric slump. Luckily this time I needn't have worried as MILA 2.0 RENEGADE was every bit as good as the first installment if not even better. With characters you can get behind and an action packed and suspenseful plot, this one is not to be missed. I'll certainly be counting down the days until the final book is released.
Profile Image for Alessia.
186 reviews
June 6, 2016
THAT Ending though! I swear to God if anything bad happens to Lucas, Mila, or Hunter in the final book.....imma mad!

But this book was SSSOOO GOOD! The story was 500% engaging and all the plot points moved the story at such a good quick pace. There was not a single scene in this book that I felt was unnecessarily thrown in, and I felt like all the little emotional scenes between Hunter and Mila set the mood for the story quite well.

And I REALLY LOVE how this book focused on Mila's struggle with her identity and understanding if she wants to be more human than robot, instead of "Omg I love Hunter so much and I wanna be with him forever". Yeah the fact that they didn't even kiss for the first time until the middle of the second book.....REALLY appreciated that! I am tired of books that are filled with dumb insta-love that is shallow and just plain dumb and unbelievable. But I felt that all of Mila's feeling towards each character were genuine and very characteristic of a person who is struggling with personal identity. VERY GOOD sequel. I am very impressed! I highly recommend this series for everybody because it's action packed, fun, and just a very enjoyable read. EASY 5/5. I would give it a 6 if I could, but the rating scale doesn't go that high unfortunately.
Profile Image for Tammie.
1,530 reviews167 followers
May 20, 2016
3.5 stars. Besides a few annoying comments made by a couple of members of a rogue organization who believe it's ok to steal tech from the rich, I liked Renegade. It was a good second book in the trilogy. Mila is still a very interesting character. I liked her internal conflicts. I would have liked more information on what happened to a couple of people. There were a lot of unanswered questions at the end of the book, but I'm sure they will all get answered when the third book comes out.
Profile Image for Brooke ♥booklife4life♥.
1,110 reviews93 followers
May 31, 2016
**Short "end of month" Review**

Can i just type book 2 syndrome and move on?! Ugh.

For starters, Hunter... You need to use your brain hunny. You have a picture of her and her dad and when you question her, she doesn't even answer, and YET YOU ACCEPT IT AND NEVER BRING IT BACK UP. Dumb. You're pretty but dumb. Sorry.

Mila. You're a freaking android that can still feel feelings, idk how many freaking times this needs to be brought up but damn, stop freaking out.

There was crap action in this. Most of it was her and Hunter "running" away. Boring.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 332 reviews

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