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The Way of the Warrior

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"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious." -Sun Tzu The revered secrets of the Samurai code kishido are strictly for the strong of heart. The Way of the Warrior is a series of lessons that Jōtarō's martial-arts master passed on to him, as well as teaching virtues embedded in all traditional martial ways. Demanding unquestionable ethics and unconditional chivalry, kishido embraces both Eastern and Western customs and practices, and is essential knowledge for strong-willed warriors on the battlefield-and in the boardroom. Renowned practitioner Jōtarō takes you step by step through the Samurai code, illuminating topics such courage without recklessness, the secrets of the master texts Ichigo, the Power of One skill combined with experience creates a master the simplicity of every action when the mind and the body are in balance ...and much more. A word of This knowledge is to be used for academic study ONLY.

224 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2011

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Profile Image for John Maurer.
167 reviews3 followers
August 22, 2022
“…and just as I was with you in the beginning, so I will be with you until the very end…”

Lessons passed down from master to student in the martial arts tradition, these set of practices and code can be applied to all aspects of life. The relationship between master and student is powerful and each chapter topic is intriguing. However, the subject I found to go all over the place sometimes and didn’t have a decent flow until the last section in each chapter to sum it up.
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