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The Hollows #6

The Outlaw Demon Wails

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To save the lives of her friends, Rachel did the unthinkable: she willingly trafficked in forbidden demon magic. And now her sins are coming home to haunt her.

As Rachel searches for the truth behind a terrifying murder, an even greater menace threatens, for the demon Algaliarept will stop at nothing to claim her, and the discovery of a shocking family secret throws Rachel's entire life into question. If she is ever to live free, Rachel must first walk willingly into the demonic ever-after in search of long-lost ancient knowledge.

But when you dance with demons, you lay your soul on the line . . . and there are some lines that should never be crossed.

464 pages, Hardcover

First published February 26, 2008

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About the author

Kim Harrison

66 books18.5k followers
Kim Harrison is best known as the author of the New York Times #1 best selling Hollows series, but she has written more than urban fantasy and has published over two-dozen books spanning the gamut from young adult, thriller, several anthologies, and has scripted two original graphic novels. She has also published traditional fantasy under the name Dawn Cook. Kim is currently working on a new Hollows book between other, non related, urban fantasy projects.
Kim reaches out to her audience at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KimHarrisons...
and her blog http://kimharrison.wordpress.com/

other pseudonyms: Dawn Cook

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5 stars
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312 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,400 reviews
Profile Image for Luffy Sempai.
756 reviews1,057 followers
March 9, 2018
This one was a treat to read. I have little going on about how to describe the reading experience, except for the fact that there was little romance in this book. That helped. There was also little action too.

So what did this book comprise? There are continuations about relationships. The mourning of lost ones. The fear of the unknown, here called the ever after, which is a dimension where demons live.

I thought hard about whether this book is worth 4 stars. But then I realized that though I will never reread this book, it's a pretty damn well put together one. The last third is the good stuff. The author, Kim Harrison, is a master storyteller. You can't go wrong with her.
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,290 reviews8,935 followers
April 23, 2015
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

I mentioned in my review of For a Few Demons More that Al was in trouble with the demons and wanted Rachel to help him out . . .

Yeah, guess how well that went over . . .

It didn't.

So Al's HELLA pissed (b/c he's a total blame shifter) and in demon jail, but only during the day, b/c he's arranged for someone to summon him to the real world as soon as the sun sets everyday.

But who? Hmmm?? Probably not who you're thinking . . .

Regardless of who is doing it, Al's getting out every night for the express purpose of terrorizing Rachel and her loved ones. He's a demon with nothing to lose, and a demon with nothing to lose is not a happy or fun demon.

So that's a problem.

But that's not all, b/c this is another installment with ALL THE THINGS happening, and it is as fantastic as For a Few Demons More.

We finally (finally, FINALLY) get some Ivy and Rachel resolution. FINALLY. Rachel finds out what really happened to her dad. Ceri has some BIG news, which prompts Trent to ask Rachel to go to the ever after with him (just like their fathers), and, oh yeah, Marshal (of scuba diving, Mackinaw fame) shows up on Rachel's doorstep, and so does a teenage gargoyle who likes to spit.<------Bis is an awesome addition to the gang.

A few more really Big Deals happen, but that's all I can give you without spoilers. Suffice it to say that The Outlaw Demon Wails is only the second in a long run of increasingly excellent books from The Hollows.

Jessica Signature

My other reviews for this series:

Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows #1)
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2)
Every Which Way But Dead (The Hollows #3)
A Fistful of Charms (The Hollows #4)
For a Few Demons More (The Hollows #5)
White Witch, Black Curse (The Hollows #7)
Black Magic Sanction (The Hollows #8)
Pale Demon (The Hollows #9)
The Undead Pool (The Hollows #12)
Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond
Profile Image for jD.
752 reviews32 followers
August 17, 2011
In a nutshell, this was one of the best I have read so far. Why...
Rachael -- more mature
Ivy -- more sane
Jenks -- still keeping it real
Ceri -- big suprises
Al -- big suprises
Kristen -- still dead
Rachael's Mom -- big suprises
Trent -- whoa is me. I love him but he doesn't give me much to work with.

In this installment, Rachael has to face some rough truths. My heart went out to her as she struggled with so many variables. I didn't get frustrated with her decision-making process as in previous books because she actually took a minute to think. That was new and I embraced her as a woman who learned from her mistakes.

Al is back and on a rampage. No one is safe from his constant attempts at vengence against Rachael. She has to deal with him and she does. Trent discovers there is dna in the Ever After that can help him restore fertility to the Elves. He hires Rachael to go with him as his protector. The journey doesn't take up many pages overall but what we learn changes things forever.

Ms. Harrison put Rachael and her friends through some paces but I loved where it all ended. Although Rachael didn't hookup with Trent, I'm still hopeful but realize it would be a major plot development that won't happen overnight. There are plenty of demons in this book and we get to see more of the world they inhabit. Although Al is a sick puppy, I like the character and am glad he was such a big part of this story. A new character, Blis, has moved into Rachael's church. He is a gargoyle and we don't learn much about him in this book. I expect that will change going forward. Rachael has a new 'love' interest whose name I already forgot. He is boring but I am hopeful that shiny new penny is more than it appears. The biggest plot development for me was seeing the drama level go down a notch with Ivy. I actully understand her better and am hoping she continues to find a balance for herself and her friendship with Rachael. I am sure Ms. Harrison will make me eat those words at some point but I wanted to at least get it down in writing for the record.

I am going to continue with the series as I am now addicted. I have 3 to go before I am caught up. Book 7 is not loved by the series fans so I expect to read that one slower. I have basically gobbled the others down.
Profile Image for Lazaros.
271 reviews597 followers
July 25, 2015
It's a fact that this book was not as good as the previous novel in the series but in no way is it no good, hence the 5 stars. The plot thickens more and we still have no clue as to who killed and I will admit I may be a little bit bothered by that. But this book took a complete different turn.

Rachel is still struggling with her feelings and she is extra reckless, I'd say. She's grown so much as a person since book 1 and I'm proud of where she is but I'd lie if I'd say that thing don't get fucked up in this book for her and I thought it impossible for her situation to get any worse.

If you've loved all the previous books, then there's no doubt that you'll like this one too for the simple reason that the author still manages to keep everything interesting. I haven't lost interest yet.

If you wait for some Rachel-Ivy action then you may get disappointed.. I did, too. I'm not a hardcore shipper but there's an undeniable love between them and a bond too, that could easily evolve into something else if Rachel gave them a chance. At the end of the day, I just want them to be happy.

I'll dive into the next book soon and hope we get some answers because I'm dying to see the person responsible for death suffer the same fate.
Profile Image for Brighid .
27 reviews
April 16, 2012
Let me first get the biggest rant out of the way first and foremost. I usually ingest all my books via audiobook format. There are some really good folks that do the reading and lots of so so folks. The first 4 books were read by Marguerite Gavin who did a bang up job with all the characters. As she is a great reader, all the characters had their distinct voice and mannerisms and she kept on target perfectly. Then all of the sudden she is replaced by Gigi Bermingham who screwed it up royally. Obviously there was a serious breakdown in the editing and publishing of this book.
First the reader decided that lots of established characters and places should be pronounced totally differently than the previous 4 books. How aggravating! How could the publisher and editor let this through? Didn't this reader even listen to some of the previous audiobooks to get a clue? Didn't the management even listen to the audiotapes before publishing it?
Next is the unfortunate issue that the reader did not have the talent to portray the different characters with different voice inflection. Well, she did try but she kept getting screwed up and switching them all up. How annoying! The worst voice was her grating portrayal of Jenks.
This reader ruined the book for me. She is not truely to blame as any reader depends on her team and this team f*ed up. I do see that they go back to the original reader after this book so I will continue with the series. Phew!
All in all I am enjoying this series. I do take exception to some truely stupid things that the main character Rachel Morgan does. I think she shows too much fear for a person in her line of work and she is way too much of a prude as well. Sometimes she has flashes of cleverness but then slaps herself with moments of stupid naievity that makes me scream in my head. Arrrrrggg!
Profile Image for Steven.
1,177 reviews435 followers
April 29, 2020
With as slow as I've been reading and as low as my reading mojo reservoir is, I don't think I'll finish this reread in time for my ARC of book 14. So I'll come back to it one day and finish, but for now, on to online recaps and reading book 14! April 2020
Wow, so many twists and turns. Good one!
Profile Image for Schnaucl.
991 reviews29 followers
March 5, 2008
Warning: This review contains major spoilers for this book and For A Few Demons More

According to Kim Harrison, this was originally going to be the conclusion of the series and in some respects that really shows. Save for one or two things, the ending of the book could have been the sort of satisfying conclusion of the series. Kist's killer still hasn't been found, but considering that she didn't realize until she was writing book 7 that he needed to die in book 5 she did a remarkable job of working in everyone's grief. In fact, if I hadn't herd her say that she had to go back and work all that in I'd never have known that wasn't part of the plan. And Jenks mortality is still an issue, though frankly Matalina seems much closer to not surviving the winter.

I think part of what makes it feel like a conclusion is that Rachel really has grown up. She's thinking before reacting more often now. She's not just saying she should grow up, she's doing it. And she's clearly starting a new phase in her life.

I'm a little sad about where things ended up with Ivy. I suppose I should be happy that she clearly does like Ivy for Ivy and not just the vamp pheromones, something which Ivy finally knows, too. But my hope for anything but a close friendship has died. I can't argue that it doesn't make sense. Clearly it's safer for everyone this way and I've always been really turned off by the idea of a vampire literally owning and controlling another person, even if love is involved. Plus, I've never been a fan of selective bisexuality. Ivy is clearly bi and that's great, but the only woman Rachel's ever been sexually attracted to is Ivy and so on some level it's hard for me to believe it's anything more than vamp pheromones. We'll see. Right now my money's on Rachel ending up with Trent.

As for the story itself, I enjoyed it. It was interesting to see the Ever After. I'd like it if the gargoyle became a reoccurring character. I am worried about Matlalina though. Even if Jenks can be saved I'm not sure he'd particularly want to be if she were gone. I'm ready to be done with Marshall. The white knight thing gets old very quickly where the woman in question is more than capable of taking care of herself better than the knight could even dream of doing. And it was fun seeing more of Rachel's mom. It goes a long way toward explaining why Rachel is the way she is.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Trish.
2,297 reviews3,706 followers
April 10, 2021
This was so friggin DELICIOUS!

Halloween has come to The Hollows.
Ceri is and just this once, Trent is innocent. *snickers*
Demons are suddenly jumping out of the woodwork, basically summoning themselves into Rachel’s presence somehow and some are even „asking“ Rachel for help. Yep, Al is escaping prison and they can’t get a lid on it.
So there definitely is a player hiding or not yet having been introduced.
As you can imagine from Ceri’s situation, a lot of trouble is following the elves (no, not just Ceri), ending with Rachel going into the ever-after to finally settle some scores.
And all that despite her still grieving for Kisten, trying to figure out her relationship with her roomie, Ivy, and involuntarily finding out more about her parentage.
Oh, and a gargoyle seems to have moved in without asking anyone. *lol*

After the annoyance and depression I felt in the former volume, this was a breath of fresh air what with all the hilarity Rachel’s mom brought to every situation she was in (that woman is KICK-ASS and in a very stylish way) or Trents fear of Ceri. :D

A very interesting (and true) musing the author had Ceri voice: power doesn’t corrupt you - it just brings to the forefront of what is already there. Kind of like the superhuman serum Captain America got (the example is all the more apt because of last night’s ep of Falcon & Winter Soldier).

The trip through the ever-after was very interesting. Naturally, a few things went wrong, but that only increased the stakes and made it all more thrilling. Most of all, I loved Jenks figuring out what circles are (made of) and how hitching a ride on one of the ley lines works. Brilliant little bugger. But it was also very interesting to learn more about the world elves and witches emigrated from (and potentially why) and seeing more black magic. That plus a certain necessary deal with a certain demon towards the end bodes very well for interesting future encounters.

The narrator, sadly, was really bad. From pronouncing names completely wrong to giving Jenks the kind of voice that drove me nuts about the mice in Cinderella, it was terrible and I’m glad she only got to do this one book and we’ll have the other narrator back again.

And yet, the characters, world building and general writing-style made it work anyway - Kim Harrison is that good. Many consider stories in this genre as fluff or forgettable or whatever, but this author proves that important messages can be conveyed in any form of story.
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,936 reviews576 followers
January 17, 2022
This review can also be found at https://carolesrandomlife.com/

I enjoyed this book! I have been slowly working my way through this series and I am finding that it gets better and better with each book. I hesitated to pick up this audiobook once I noticed that there was a narrator change. I thought that my best move might just be to sit down and read the book and switch back to audiobooks on the next installment. I decided to give it a try and found that the narrator change wasn’t as big of a deal as I had thought it would be. I definitely enjoyed myself with this book.

This story was amazing. We learn so many important things in this book and I found that I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. Rachel can hardly get a break. Demons seem to keep wanting to drag her into their drama and everybody thinks that she is dealing with black magic. Rachel’s mom plays a bigger role in this installment and I really liked what she added to the story. The story was rather exciting and I loved how it kept me guessing.

Gigi Bermingham did a decent job with the narration. The problem is that Marguerite Gavin narrated every other book in the series and her voice is who I think of when I think of Rachel, Ivy, and the rest of the gang. There were a few words and names that were pronounced differently than they have been in the rest of the series and I thought that the voice used for Jenx was annoying. It wasn’t a deal-breaker though. I would listen to her narration work again in the future if she were narrating a different series of books.

I would recommend this series to others. This is a series that does need to be read in order since each book builds on the events in previous installments. I feel like the series gets better and better with each book and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book.

Initial Thoughts
I enjoyed this book! I was really worried about listening to the audiobook since the narrator is different with this one than the rest of the series but I decided to just go for it. She said a few things weird and I didn't like all of her character voices but she wasn't the worst narrator. The story itself was amazing! We learn so many things in this installment. And can I just say that I love Rachel's mom? I am quite eager to move on to the next book.

Book source: I own a physical copy and I borrowed a copy of the audiobook.
43 reviews3 followers
April 10, 2008
As I said here Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan series has replaced Laurell Hamilton's Anita Blake series in my mind as top form in the genre of paranormal private investigators.

In this latest outing, she's upped the ante even more by not doing what Hamilton does as her series continues--to wit, regress her plots to the point where they are mere frames on which she hangs her torpidly overwritten soft-core pornography--but instead takes her character the other way. This 6th book of the series takes us along with Rachel as she discovers that there are consequences to living her life as she has been. That her actions have (and can) cause people to lose their lives.

It's a breath of fresh air for a writer in this genre to show her readers that she can risk dealing more seriously with her audience. Ms. Harrison has decided that she can risk treating us to Rachel's maturing and in doing so treat us maturely.

Thank you, Kim Harrison.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,140 reviews401 followers
June 7, 2016
With everything that happened in book five, all the drama, tragedy and heartache, it was hard not being a little nervous about what Harrison would throw our way this time. But with a brave smile on my face, I dived right in. There was no way that I couldn't. I had to know what happened next.

I am so very glad that I waited to start this series until all the books were out because binge reading this series is so the way to go. They are so addicting and hard to put down and with so much on the line for Rachel, I couldn't see having to wait months for the next book, I think it would have killed me.

Harrison has no qualms at all about putting her readers through the ringer. This woman does not pull her punches and with this novel focusing more on the gang and Rachel's personal life, things get real, and they get real, real fast.

As much as this is Rachel's story, it is also Al's and Ceri's as well. We finally get background info on them both and even Trent as well and so much is starting to make sense and come together. It truly was mind blowing how many twists and unexpected turns showed up and threw me for a loop once more. This series is definitely keeping me on my toes and I'm having a hard time not wanting to read them all in one go.

I can't wait to see what Harrison has up her sleeve next.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 9 books4,641 followers
April 10, 2021
One book at a time, always getting more and more invested.

Of course, by this point, I feel like I'm falling down a mountain of smut *see the definition in these novels* and the lives of Rachel, Jenks, and Ivy are submerging themselves in my aura. Am I cursed with a good story?

Yes. Yes, I think I am.

Of course, being hounded by an outlaw demon is wildly entertaining. So is Rachel's mom. Why not have a fling, girl? lol

And then there are a bunch of whammy reveals, deals with devils, and a little trip in the Ever After to make this particular novel a truly great ride.

In all, this is one of the best UFs out there. Certainly one of the most fun, and on this re-read, I simply can't change my mind about it. :)

Profile Image for Kit.
83 reviews8 followers
March 17, 2008
wow, i'd forgotten how much kim harrison could totally blow my brains out with her writing. i had been expecting anything but this, and i was actually beginning to think that trent and rachel might actually have a chance together when ceri confirmed who the baby belongs to. plus, i have a feeling minias will survive and become a love interest. there's been too much built up about him for him to just disappear like that, and maybe minias will seek rachel's protection now that newt is openly gunning.

i also have a niggling suspicion about who killed kisten, but i can't be sure yet on that either. my suspect DID say that he would do anything to come closer to ivy and rachel.. i still feel uncomfortable about the sexual tension (or is that what it is?) between rachel and ivy, and i hope rachel finds someone soon. not that she needs to be defined by a male protagonist, but i think it will solve some of her problems (among new ones, i'm sure). and she did say she wanted to have children.. but i was fully satisfied with the ending being what it is, because it may just be the only way to save both ivy and jenks. and in bargaining for information she can also learn about the kisten issue. there's so much to come that i absolutely can't wait for the next book. so many turns i didn't expect in here, and i'm glad she got rid of marshal. dude was really pissing me off. i'm still crossing my fingers on a chance of rachel x trent or rachel x minias though. trent because he simply seems so lonely all the time, and it's obvious he admires her (though by the end of this i don't know if that still applies). minias because he seems to conveniently come to her aid one too many times. he does show his demonic side in this book, but i think it's out of a vested interest in survival rather than outwardly wanting to harm.

anyway, i can still see minias coming to rachel as an alternative to newt. but then this would turn into a whole LKH episode, huh? i guess not overly much, then, but kim harrison has such a way of making everything believable. i think she might even manage the love entourage crap if she put her hand to it. the woman weaves magic. i have no doubt that the next book is gonna be even better.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,466 reviews159 followers
August 28, 2018
Where Demons Dare (The Outlaw Demons Wails)
4 Stars

As many know from reading my reviews of the series, The Hollows has been more of a miss than a hit. However, this book is a definite move in the right direction.

The ongoing angst between Ivy and Rachel has always been the most significant problem with the books and might have been a deal breaker if GR friends hadn't told me that it is resolved sooner rather than later. Well, that moment arrives here, and Rachel finally makes the mature and sensible decision that she should have made at the outset. It looks like she is growing up at long last.

In terms of the plot, someone is helping Rachel's demon nemesis, Algaliarept, escape from his imprisonment in the Ever After, and he has his heart set on throttling her. Trent is forced to swallow is pride and ask Rachel for help in obtaining a crucial ingredient for the cure to the elves genetic issues, and Rachel learns a troubling secret about her parents. All of these seemingly unrelated threads ultimately coalesce into a unified storyline with some exciting actions scenes and an intriguing revelation or two.

On a final note, for some unknown reason, the narrator for this installment is Gigi Bermingham instead of Marguerite Gavin. While there is nothing drastically wrong with the narration (other than the occasional discordant pronunciation), she does not have Gavin's range of voices and Jenks, in particular, is not as well done. For me, Gavin is the voice of this series, but I would be willing to listen to other books read by Bermingham.

All in all, Harrison has certainly hit her stride with this book. The ongoing character development, the quirky humor and the captivating world building are all finally coming together, and I'm glad that I've stuck with it despite the ups and downs.
Profile Image for Deebles.
51 reviews2 followers
November 9, 2008
Luckily Rachel wasn't quite as annoying in this edition as she has been becoming. She was actually starting to grow up and take responsibilty for her actions and wasn't whining when things didn't go her way.

In this story Rachel is being stalked by the demon "Al" and she has to find a way to stop him attempting to hurt her and her family whilst saving a elf race all at the same time.

If you have been disheartened by previous books this one should hopefully pull you back into the series.
Profile Image for Charlie.
853 reviews153 followers
June 25, 2016
This was even better the second time around and it's one of my favourites in the series!

I loved all the page time the demons got in this book. The ever after is seriously cool and I think demon society is really fascinating.

So far I'm loving my re-read of this series. it's making everything else I read really pale in comparison.
Profile Image for Christine.
7,052 reviews543 followers
October 29, 2016
The Outlaw Demon Wails seems to be a bridge book in The Hollows series, and maybe that is why I thought this book was the weakest in the series. There are some resolutions to questions that have been building in the books, such as the Ivy/Rachel relationship and how exactly Rachel can do some of the things she does. Sadly, the book itself feels too long and has too many plot points that are superfluous or dropped. For instance, Rachel discovers that her father is not, in fact, her biological father. The point does not seem to add much to the series, except give Rachel more angst and a still alive father, perhaps making her more special in a sense because of it. While I understand that recaps are needed for new readers. The recaps in this book were too long and filled too much space. Additionally some characters, like Ivy, felt flat, and the term “hip cocked” was used too much. Way too much.
Happily, all the things that make the series good are still present, such as the humor and the fact that Rachel’s powers have costs. Unlike some other series, power in The Hollows has a price, and even while Rachel becomes a little more powerful (perhaps simply more aware of her power) that too has a price, a heavy price. It is nice to see that in a book. Rachel herself also grows up and grows more aware. It was nice to see her mother have a larger role as well. Additionally, the paperback edition has a nice short story about Ceri.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
3,202 reviews390 followers
June 30, 2021
Intriguing! Finally get some answers.

I can’t tell if what Rachel did though is incredibly smart, or incredibly stupid. I want to say it seems like she’s finally taking the turn into not making reckless decisions one on top of the other - but that last decision is …wow.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books721 followers
February 10, 2011
I still haven't recovered from what happened to Kisten... and even though three months have passed for Rachel since the events of the last book, she hasn't either. But she is trying. Of course, even when she is trying to piece her life together, more circumstances beyond her control arise to make it all fall apart again. In this case, it's Al. He's back and he is royally ticked off. The demon blames Rachel for the fact that he is in trouble in the ever-after and he plans on punishing her every time someone summons him out. And that has been happening with increasing frequency.

In the meantime, Trent is back in her orbit. He wants her help to get a genetic sample from the elves in the ever-after. He believes if he gets an old enough sample, he can use it to genetically alter and save the future of his race... and Ceri's unborn child.

This book is a lot more action oriented than most Hollows books. Usually, the character development puts the happenings of the story firmly in the backseat. That's not so here. Sure, we have some residual heartache over Kisten, some angst about Rachel's family history, and the ever-present will-they-or-won't-they with Ivy. But I was actually more wrapped up with the momentum of the action this time --and frankly, I was glad for it. After the emotional wringer Kim Harrison put me through last time, it was nice not to read the book through tears.

We take a fantastic trip to the much-anticipated ever-after. We meet more demons and get an unexpected look inside their world. Plus a pretty big reveal as to why Rachel is so special and what that means for demon-kind.

A great book that really moved the overall story forward and opens the doors for many new possibilities in the next installment. 5 stars
Profile Image for Kira.
1,273 reviews138 followers
May 1, 2020
4.5 stars

The first half was really slow and I was questioning why I had given it such a high rating when I first read it. The second half was so good. I'm finally beginning to see why it was I loved this series so much.

Rachel finally showed significant growth. She still has a tendency to mouth off like an idiotic teenager, but she's making much better decisions, which is a huge step for her. I was so happy that Rachel figured out what she does and doesn't want from Ivy because I hated the weird drama between them. It was impressive that she did right by Quen and Trent despite the issues she has with them.

The revelations about Rachel were surprising. She knew she was more than a witch but had no idea how much more. The stuff that was revealed about her family wasn't all that interesting. It's not like any of that needed to be part of the story to explain what she is.

The parts with Trent were my favorite. He hasn't changed but the more page time he gets the more is learned about him. He's nowhere near as cruel and heartless as Rachel initially thought he was. There wasn't a cliffhanger at the end but I'm looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Jim.
Author 7 books2,073 followers
October 23, 2014
This series is still going strong, surprisingly. Generally I get bored of them by this point, but she's kept up the quality, expanded the world just enough & kept it strong, without adding a lot of extraneous gore or sex.
Profile Image for Belen (f.k.a. La Mala ✌).
846 reviews570 followers
January 8, 2016

ACLARACIÓN: Aunque esta reseña tiene marcado 'spoilers' después de cada ítem, no suelo spoilear nada. Es decir, no escribo nada que arruine la trama principal. (En caso de hacerlo, lo advierto previamente con una nueva marca de spoiler!! O sea, te encajo un spoiler adentro del spoiler, porque estoy muy jugada, y soy re heavy y re jodida.)

¿De qué trata? Rachel Morgan, flamante corazón con agujeritos, se ve obligada a meter la nariz en lo que no le incumbe cuando el ¿mentor? ¿empleado? ¿figura paterna? de uno los hombres que más odia (¿hombre?) la agarra de la oreja y le pide que arriesgue su vida para salvar a ¡sorpresa! una de las amigas más cercanas a ella...cuya vida la misma Ray Ray ni sabía, estaba en peligro.

Género: Fantasía Urbana (Joss Whedon estaría pidiendo que le paguen derechos de autor)

La historia en cuestión, ¿Se adapta correctamente a su género ?

Punto de vista :

¿Es parte de una serie? *sigh* Yep.
En caso de serlo, ¿es necesario leer los libros que lo preceden?

¿Hay romance?

En caso de haberlo, ¿entorpece la trama?:
Personajes: ¿Están bien desarrollados? ¿Son creíbles?

Personaje favorito:

Personaje a jubilar:

Narración: ¿Cómo está escrito?

¿Presenta situaciones realistas?

Clichés :

Nivel de Originalidad

Puede causar gracia (sin intención del autor/a)


Urban Fantasy

¿Qué podemos esperar?

¿Escenas hot?

Posibles bajones (puede variar según el lector)

Credibilidad del world-building: Del 1 al 10

¿Ofensas? ( Ya sea el autor, quien narra la historia, o desde comentarios de personajes secundarios…)


¿Me gustó? Lo amé.

¿Hay cosas peores?

¿Libros peores?

¿Libros mejores? De nuevo, ya va al gusto del consumidor. En mi opinión personal, creo que esta serie es lo mejor que he leído en urban fantasy pero sigo sosteniendo que los que siguen a Kate Daniels, preferirán siempre la serie de Ilona Andrews.

Lo recomendaría a quienes les gusta.. A cualquiera que le guste la fantasía urbana y lea a Ilona Andrews, Kelley Armstrong, Stacia Kane, etc.

Puntaje final: 5+++

Pre-reseña: Más aventura que nunca (salvo en )
Profile Image for Seth.
122 reviews282 followers
February 29, 2008
If you've read the first 5 books in the series, you know what to expect. If you haven't, don't start here.

This volume picks up right after book 5, For a Few Demons More, which includes some shockers that I really don't want to mention here for anyone who hasn't read that one and it makes talking about ODW difficult without spoiling FFDM.

ODW is similarly dense in twists, turns, and revelations. The official Hollows mailing list banned all discussion of it until six weeks after publication, an unprecedented move for the list. They opened the list for readers of advanced copies to everyone and moved any discussion of plot--or even reactions to the book as a whole--to there.

So, with that caveat, I'll do my best to do this spoiler-free. I will mention things from the first chapter, which has been available in the paperback of FFDM and on Harrison's web site for several months, and anything from books 1-4 is fair game. I'll try to avoid major spoilers for book 5.

ODW picks up where FFDM left off. Our protagonists are Rachel Morgan, witch and "runner" (PI-cum-"fixer") and her partners/roommates, Ivy (a vampire in love with Rachel and dealing with shakeups in the criminal underworld she's connected to and could choose to run if she pressed it) and Jenks (a roguish pixy who plays mediator and brings common sense to the team) and their assorted allies, friends, and regulars: the werewolf who has Rachel serve as on-paper Alpha Female of his pack, the elves-in-hiding Trent Kalamack (ally and enemy by turns), Ceri, and Quen, the mysterious witch across the street, and a by-the-book FIB (not a typo--FIB is not FBI) agent. Plus the three demons who have been harassing Rachel for books on end, now seemingly no longer restricted by the contracts that bound them and fighting desperately for their own lives, using Rachel as a bargaining chip.

Oh, and her mom. Her mom's a major character in this one.

And right there we see the major point of ODW. The series has always had a huge focus on family, both chosen and born. Rachel forms a family with her business partner and with a small werewolf pack, and recovers her ties to her blood family while driving herself to live up to her father's legacy. Ivy deals with the psychological damage the criminal and corrupt vampire community (run, like the agency that polices vampires, by her extended family) has done. Jenks fights from day one to protect his family against the day he dies, which is coming far too soon. And the elves are trying to rescue their whole species, which is so much in danger of dying that they've faked their own genocide to maintain their culture.

So Rachel winds up having to work with her mother and reveal some of the dangers she faces in her daily life. In exchange, her mother reveals... well... quite a few things. Her mother is mostly doing well in this book; she has few of the lapses into confusion and dementia that have plagued her since her husband died and Rachel works to understand what her mother needs in her life, as well as leaning what her mother can do to help them both.

Harrison is at her best when she focuses on the relationships between the characters(*) and how Rachel and Ivy are learning to connect with other people; this book has a lot of navel-gazing, but it's interesting navel-gazing and never gets in the way of the story.

This is a book of revelations: secrets about Rachel's mother (and father) that go as deep as the ones revealed in books 1 and 2, secrets about the elves (although revelations about them are a staple of 5 of the 6 books), and even secrets about the demons. Harrison is revealing some of the history, convolutions, and even magical theory behind the Hollows. She's at her best when writing complex, interconnected storylines and pulling back the covers inch-by-teasing-inch(*).

As the title suggests, the major action revolves around the demons. The "outlaw demon" is Big Al (her not-so-affectionate nickname for the demon who vexes her life the most), who was imprisoned in the last book for breaking laws and endangering all the demons' livelihood. Someone is summoning him out of the demons' custody and setting him free to do what he wants, which is to kill or kidnap Rachel. Rachel has to navigate demon politics (and legal system!), keep Al off her back, find the person summoning him and find out why s/he's doing it, and try to keep the deadly and enigmatic demon Newt from getting involved. And if she can learn something about why she is one of two witches in the world who can perform demonic magic along the way, all the better.

On top of this, of course, Trent has "urgent" (and risky) business he'll cajole, threaten, or trick Rachel into doing for him. As usual.

And, of course, deal with her family as her mom gets more involved than Rachel ever wanted.

The book has the usual good action scenes--Harrison is at her best with the action(*)--with the chases, skulking, bluffing, magical attacks, and shoot-outs we've come to expect Rachel to get herself into. Every one makes sense and none get too long or convoluted. Harrison's writing on this has improved steadily across the series.

We have the expected evolution of Rachel and Ivy's ongoing and messy relationship. It isn't as mesmerizing or intense as in the last two books and doesn't have the pyrotechnic writing of books one and five, but it works great and leads to a truly beautiful and heart-wrenching moment. As we saw in FFDM, Ivy is maturing emotionally at an amazing rate and we get a touching insight into her life, especially after the events in FFDM that turned her emotional life upside-down.

So, net net. Is it a good book? Yes. Is it the best book in the series? Hard to say. It has the most information and advances the world story the furthest, but it's not the most "detectivey," "noir," or funny (although I wanted to read funny lines to my girlfriend all throughout, as usual; she forbade me to since they all had spoilers). If you're doing to read book 7, you have to read this one, of course, and you will enjoy doing so. It just may well have some of your favorite moments.

* And I should clear one thing up. Kim Harrison is at her best when she's writing. At least, she is as a writer; I don't know about her personal life. The writing in this series started good, with moments of pyrotechnic genius, and it's just getting better as the characters and world settle in.
Profile Image for Beth The Vampire.
333 reviews23 followers
October 23, 2016
Happily into the ever-after.

Oh my dear, sweet Rachel. Finally recognising her dangerous, risk taking ways and you end up right back where you started. But this time, instead of cursing at you loudly from my bed at midnight, I was right behind you.

The fallout from the previous book was massive, with white witch Rachel and her vampire roommate and business partner, Ivy, having to come to terms with their overwhelming grief. While always in the back of their minds, this part of the story didn't seem to dominate, and I'm assuming that there is more to come.

I won't even try to summarise the plot or anything, because there are so many threads, but also I don't want to spoil anything for those who have not read the previous books (which is a must!). But I will say that this addition to the series is more focused around demons and the ever-after than the vampires which dominated the last book. There are so many beings trying to kill Rachel, we just have to take them one at a time.

It seemed like there were so many revelations in Where Demons Dare, and I imagine that Rachel was felt quite emotionally overwhelmed. The truth about her father, where witches came from, her being able to spindle demon magic, Ceri's pregnancy, and the threat she poses to the whole of the world. Rachel keeps on taking hit after hit, which I guess is why I was with her all the way at the end. Usually I would be screaming at her to make a proper plan, think about what she's going to do for one friggin' second, CALM THE HELL DOWN! But not this time. I wanted her to show everyone that she had this under control; that she was smart, strong, and not what everyone else thought of her. It was a powerful moment, and one that redeemed a lot about Rachel for me.

So I dealt in demons. So the hell what. It didn't make me a bad person. Or stupid. Or rash. It made me dangerous to everyone around me is all.

What I love about this series is the characters, which is becoming quite a cast of different people. There is Jenks, the pixy and Rachel's other business partner, Trent, Ceri and Quinn, the elves, Glen, the FIB officer, David, Rachel's pack-mate and resident alpha werewolf, Marshall, another witch and potential love interest, Kelsey, Rachel's neighbour who she just found out the true identity of, Rachel's mom (who is hilarious), Takata, the famous rock star with a secret link to Rachel, and then there are demons galore with Al, Minias, and Newt. But it is never confusing, never tedious. All of these people are important to Rachel (except the demons....she spends most of the book trying to get them away from her), and despite all these people, in a way she is still alone. She is one of a kind, in body and spirit, always with a mountain to climb, with a hell of a journey in front of her.

Making deals with demons is never going to be easy, and just when Rachel thinks she may have the upper hand, she is pulled right back into the middle. But I think now that she is beginning to come to terms with what she is and what she can do, she will be all the stronger for it. I really enjoyed this addition to the series, and it is definitely one of the best so far.

"You can't forget anything," I said, watching the words vanish into nothing. "And even if you do, it always comes back to bitch-slap you in the morning."
Profile Image for Lauren Stoolfire.
4,370 reviews288 followers
March 18, 2022
The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6) by Kim Harrison is a great installment of what's been a cool urban fantasy series so far. As a series, it really keeps getting better as it goes along . It's so much fun to be back with these characters and this version of Cincinnati. As always, Jenks is still my favorite character.
Profile Image for Marianne.
1,311 reviews154 followers
October 7, 2020
Re-read October 2020

I'm still reeling from the shocking, shocking end of For a Few Demons More, and it made me wonder if the series could bounce back. And yes; it did. In fact, the second half of this book, with amazing action and twists was superb. However, something in this book just rubbed me the wrong way. Rachel is, understandably, still dealing with loss and grief. But you know what: Each time Rachel tries to cope with the pain, it feels like Kim Harrison is just rubbing it in my face: "Haha, I'm the author and if I want to kill your favorite character, I will, so just deal with it!"
Is it immature of me to detract a star from my rating? Probably, but when an author kills my favorite character, and then proceeds to rub salt in an open wound, there must be consequences. *Sigh*

Luckily, we get plenty of Al in this installment. I have enjoyed the demon interaction since Al first made an appearance, and even when he has been at his worst, I have still liked his character. There is especially a potent kitchen scene where the changes start shifting, and the end and how it all turns out almost made me do a literal high five. Their conversation in the park turned out to be one of my favorite scenes ever in the Hollows series. Toss in Newt, Minias, and additional demon law and exploration of the Ever-After, and this book climbed even further up my happy-read-o-meter. (And Newt: I hope you catch Minias, he deserves it;-) BTW: Al’s subsequent bet was hilarious.)

Charismatic new vampire Master Ryn Cormel's entrance was also one of my favorite scenes of the series. I'm referring to Ivy once again obliviously embarrassing Rachel to death with the mention of the "vamp guide" in front of him. (He's the author.) It would be neat if there could be a companion guide to the series published, "The Vampire Dating Guide." Of course this could never happen since so much of it is clearly... *cough*... preeeeeetty graphic…

What I truly liked in this novel were the surprises: Learning what Trent was holding from Rachel, not just her mom’s shocking family secret, but what his father's altering her DNA had actually done. The search for a vampire killer is on, Rachel is asked to go on a mission into the Ever-After to retrieve a sample of elvin DNA by none other than Trent (still an absolute ASS), Minias wants Rachel to exchange summoning names with Al, so that he can't be summoned out from the Ever-After, jailed or not. (Wow, that particular event really set the wheels in motion.) Additionally, Ceri’s been keeping secrets from Rachel too. Quite a few tense and angry scenes in this book. As for Bis the gargoyle; he seems to have popped in from out of nowhere. What’s he doing there, what role will he play in events to come? The dialogue between Jenks and Bis had me giggling quite a few times.

I thoroughly enjoyed the last half of The Outlaw Demon Wails. The ending rocks and the change isn't something I could have anticipated, but I loved it.
Profile Image for VampireNovelFan.
426 reviews221 followers
December 13, 2013
I thought it was amazing to read Big Al and Ceri's back story. Oh how far he's come since then!

Merged review:

Loved learning about how Ceri became Al's familiar. I think this is my favorite of the short stories.

Merged review:

Still reeling from the shocking end of For a Few Demons More (Book 5), one has to wonder if the series can bounce back. I can certainly say that it does. About the only way to do it is with more action and twists, and we definitely get it in this book.

Everything you thought you knew about this series and these characters starts to change. Trent is more prominent in this book as well and needs Rachel to travel with him to the Ever-After to obtain an ancient elven sample that could cure his race.

With Piscary out of the picture, we learn more about the new master vampire, Rynn Cormel. While he's not as downright evil as Piscary, he's far from a push-over.

After the end of the previous book where Ceri is finally introduced to her elf kin, we learn that she's pregnant. That's the least of the surprises when it comes to potential for children in this series.

The highlights of this book for me were her interactions with Trent as well as their trip into the ever-after. While he's still a murdering bastard, we do see his walls crumbling a little bit, which only really happens around Rachel for those not in his immediate trusted group of friends and guardians.

The plot surrounding the Ever-After was fantastic as well. We meet a new sidekick for Rachel, a young gargoyle named Bis. He's so ugly, he's almost cute! I also really enjoyed learning about the demon society a bit more. As I've said in previous reviews for this series, it makes the villains so much more dynamic when we can see these parts to them. Demons have their own rules and laws in the Ever-After. While they are ruthless, it's within their own civilization.

To add to that, Kim likes to make Trent really experienced at random activities. We learn that he can drive a stick at the end of Book 2. We learn that he can swim very well in Book 3. Here we learn that he can It's just some of the qualities that add to the richness of this series as a whole.

This is my favorite urban fantasy series by far, so I highly recommend reading it. While not every book is as good as the next, this one is one of the best ones.

Profile Image for Kim.
230 reviews141 followers
May 1, 2008
This is the sixth book in the Rachel Morgan series. The demon Algaliarept is supposed to be imprisoned in the Ever-After, but someone has been summoning him nightly, putting Rachel and the ones she loves at risk. Rachel joins forces with Glenn from the FIB to find out who, while Ivy investigates a mystery left over from book 5. This was a terrific read, although in some ways less satisfying to me than the earlier books. I wanted answers, and you do get a lot here---everything but the answer I wanted most! That missing answer is also connected to a plot thread I felt was kind of dropped, as though the author lost interest. Having said that, let me say that there were also a lot of things this book did better than earlier entries in the series. It's nice to have some interaction between Rachel and her actual family, in addition to the family of friends she has created. Rachel also becomes aware of how many people really care about her, which is especially nice in a series that has been full of uneasy alliances (I imagine, though, her relations with Trent Kalamack are always going to flip flop around). Rachel is growing up, and trying to leave her thrill-seeking behind her; her new method of reaching decisions is to believe if it feels right, it must be wrong. All in all, The Outlaw Demon Wails is an entertaining paranormal read which ties up some loose ends, but leaves enough hanging that I want to read the next book right now!
Profile Image for Mark.
501 reviews109 followers
October 20, 2015
Back to top form, great main characters maturing.
Profile Image for Jooke.
1,251 reviews13 followers
February 22, 2021
Finally decided to continu with this serie.

I forgot how this serie is one of many contradictions. There is a lot of bad ass action as well as drawn out problems and decisions. The characters are witty, skilled and tuf, but also dense and insecure. The choices they make don't always make sense and make me want to roll my eyes. But I regularly have a good laugh (at the expense of the pixie most of the time), so I guess I have to live with the less appealing parts if I want to continue with this serie, and I do...
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