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Sixteen-year-old Keegan is struggling to keep her huge secret from her friends--she's an elf, descended from a long line of elves that live in secrecy alongside humans. In elfin society, mates are predetermined but not allowed to meet until they are eighteen. Against tradition, Keegan's brother Thaddeus told her Rourk's name because his visions warned him she'd need Rourk's protection, especially since Keegan will play a key role in the coming war between the dark and light elves.

Rourk finds himself drawn to Keegan's side every time she thinks his name. He wants to talk to her but remains in the shadows, silently guarding her every time she mentally beckons him. A twist of fate thrusts the two of them together when Rourk is forced to step up his protection and make his presence known. An ancient prophecy deeply entwines Keegan's family and the future of their society. Somehow they must find a way to thwart fate and win the battle...without losing Keegan. With war brewing, and dark forces aligning, will Keegan and Rourk ever have the life together that they both desire?

236 pages, Paperback

First published June 10, 2011

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About the author

Julia Crane

69 books969 followers
Julia crane is the author of the Keegan’s Chronicles, IFICS. She has a bachelors degree in criminal justice. Julia has believed in magical creatures since the day her grandmother first told her an Irish tale. Growing up her mother greatly encouraged reading and using your imagination.


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243 (5%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 412 reviews
Profile Image for Midu Hadi.
Author 3 books179 followers
November 16, 2011
I received this book to read and review from the Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Fanatics!
My thoughts:
Keegan..I had so many problems with her. She was too-everything. Perfect and good at it all. The only thing she sucked at was gym at school but she got better at that too, after her training started. She was a shallow love sick teenager and I tried hard to like her but couldn't.
I liked Thaddeus' character much more. He was an awkward kid trying to shoulder the responsibility of being in a prophecy when he was just 12.
I also liked Rourk's character, as well as the silent relationship with his grieving father. That was believable. Richard was another favorite of mine, though I would have liked to have more information on him.
Another thing that bugged me was how clueless Keegan was. Her best friends weren't human, they knew she wasn't either but she had no idea? How could that be?
Also any clues we were given about any characters were just dropped suddenly. Keegan's mom was supposed to have a volatile temper, I didn't even know that until the author told us right before she used it to write a scene. Donald was a shifter and suddenly a mind reader too? The other characters just kept coming and going and we were told bits about them, as they were needed in a scene.
The concert scene was too cliche and I would have liked a better scene when Keegan meets Rourk for the first time.
We were never given a background about why light was supposed to be good and dark bad.
The war was badly dealt with. I was expecting fireworks. I didn't get them.
Profile Image for Anagha Uppal.
185 reviews58 followers
June 30, 2012
I'm glad Coexist was only 150 pages; I was about to get a headache reading this horrifically insipid novel. Note: there are spoilers in this review.

Plot: There was no point to this story: Keegan spent 80 pages talking about her perfect, spoiled life, then spent 30 pages talking about her and Rourk's insta-love. Oh hey, this doesn't look long enough to be a novel, so let's throw in 40 pages about a random, rushed war that again succeeded to focus on Keegan. Sure, there was a tiny twist slipped in at the end, but you need something to keep this dull series going...I seriously hope the author has something more up her sleeve than .

Characters: The protagonist (Keegan) made me want to gag! She is so rich and pretty, and has boys, friends and a perfect family, she's so very spoiled! It's really hard to connect with and like a character who has it all. And she barely even participates in the Great war! You expect me to sympathize with her predicament? Even the protagonist feels like a two-dimensional character.
The male characters could have been much better developed. Instead of talking about Keegan shopping, the pages could have been better spent developing Thaddeus' character or training for the war.

Romanciness: Okay, I know they are each other's "chosen" and therefore, just the sight of the other is supposed to drive them crazy, but that doesn't make it any easier for the reader to swallow the insta-love. Not just that, the author stressed the importance of chosens not meeting before they're of age, but she never tells you why... Keegan and Rourk were doing fine. I agree with Rachel though, it's not fair for one person to have to follow his chosen mate around whenever she just thinks about it. I mean, what if Rourk was showering (or worse) when Keegan thought of him? How annoying!

Ending: I don't even like the resolution. The dark and light elves have been at war for thousands of years, and suddenly, Seems to me like wishful thinking, maybe what might happen in a Power Rangers episode. Maybe if the author had spent more time with Thaddeus' character since he was the dude who could save the elves from extinction. He should have been the protagonist of the story, not Keegan. Even more, one can assume the second book will be full of a love triangle, which might be the second worst thing after insta-love.

Not recommended
Profile Image for Michelle Leu.
3 reviews
February 26, 2012
I downloaded this book because it was free on Amazon, where it had some decent reviews, and I generally enjoy the genre.

You know that saying about getting what you pay for? Yeah. Coexist just replaced Sherrilyn Kenyon's Fantasy Lover as the worst book I've ever read — and given how much I hated Fantasy Lover, that's really saying something.

The quality of writing is exceptionally poor. Spelling and editing mistakes abound. I especially liked a scene in which a purple wall "complimented" a green one. ("The sunlight makes you appear an especially a lovely shade of chatruese this morning, my dear.") (If that had actually happened, it would have been the best written dialogue in the book.)

Third-person omniscient does not work as a narrative style, especially when the perspective changes literally from sentence to sentence.

The protagonist is completely unlikable. I can forgive her for being self-absorbed, selfish, illogical and whiny. She's a teenager, so I expect her to be annoying -- elf or not. However, I can't forgive the author for the shallow and inconsistent characterization, which makes it impossible to understand Keegan, let alone relate to her on a personal level.

There are a number of unnecessary scenes that do nothing to advance the plot or develop the characters. In fact, the entire book reads like a particularly insipid page out of Keegan's diary: "Today, I went shopping and then my mom yelled at me and then I moped around for no real reason and then and then I went shopping again to buy skinny jeans and a tank top that are omg!cute."

No, really.

Worst of all, the plot is contrived, ridiculous, illogical and completely unbelievable.

There are some relatively minor lapses in logic, like Keegan riding her bike to Starbucks in spite of the fact that she lives on a 70 acre parcel of land surrounded by (both?) woodland and farmland. Fine, whatever. Girl has calves! But there are also some HUGELY nonsensical plot points, like a war between dark and light elves that exists because it has always existed (seriously), a little brother who sees the future but can't change it (except when he can), and arranged marriages between pre-destined soulmates who are bespelled by unspecified powers-that-be so they can't see each other or interact until they both turn 18 (except when they can).

Did I mention that the world-building is so flimsly that the rules change apparently at random? Because, yes, this book has that wrong with it too!

Even the epic (hopelessly cliched) battle between light and dark makes no sense whatsoever.
Profile Image for Maghon Thomas.
1,531 reviews1 follower
November 15, 2011
Ok, I really liked this book, and as always thanks to read-2-review for giving it to me and introducing it to me... I really like Keegan, and her family. This book has a different few on the elven community and how life works for them. I REALLY like Rourk, and I really do hope that things work out this way! I've already purchased book 2 cuz now I HAVE to know what's going to happen!!! I like that there are more supernaturals than originally thought by Keegan (everyone seems to be something) and no matter how much I like her friends I'm firmly on team Rourk-which is unusual for me, I normally like more than one guy for different reasons! :) so, happy reading, I'm on to book two :)
Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,513 reviews474 followers
November 7, 2011
I received this book from Read 2 Review.

This book was nearly 5 stars for me. I really like it. From the first page, I was drawn into the story and felt invested into it. Other than Tolkien, I haven’t really read about elves, so that was nice. The mythology was great. The story line was believable. I really felt for Keegan.

So why not five stars? Somewhere a little after halfway through, I felt cheated with Keegan and her beau. Although I was connected with him, I felt there could have been more.


All in all, I’m looking forward to reading the sequel which thankfully is already out there so I don’t have to wait. :)

So, I would recommend to YA paranormal romance readers!
Profile Image for Haley .
280 reviews690 followers
July 6, 2011
Richard looked over at Rourk. "You better get used to this son. It takes two or three times longer to get anywhere with her when she has a camera in her hand." Looking amused, Rourk said, "I would wait forever for her."

Coexist…I have been sitting here for hours just wondering what on earth I am going to write for this review..well here goes nothing..

Keegan looks like a normal teenage girl, a very beautiful girl, but still normal..what her friends don’t know though..is she’s an elf..lets get this cleared up right now..she does NOT work for Santa and she is NOT a midget. Elves are different then everyone thinks, they look like normal people, yes it’s true they never get very tall, they have slightly pointed ears, but besides that she is a normal looking teenager with powers..and secrets.

In Elfin society you are picked who you will marry the day you are born, but you can’t meet them till your 18. This little rule is driving Keegan crazy, her brother Thaddeus has told her her future husbands name, Rourk. All she can do lately is think about him..and Rourk knows it..for everytime she thinks of him it calls him to her..maybe this rule is meant to be broken..with an elf war between light and dark coming soon..and Thaddeus Keegans brother having vision of her death..will Rourk and Keegan get to spend the life they want together? Or will something much darker tear them apart…

When I saw this book pop up on my update feed on goodreads, I bought it on my android phone right then, and wow am I ever so happy that I did. This book had me on the edge of my seat and chewing my nails with excitement and anxious-ness I just needed to know what was gonna happen next! With that I read it in one sitting, there was no way I wasn’t gonna finish it that night. You could have came in my room and been like “ HALEY ROBERT PATTINSON IS DOWN STAIRS, HE WANTS TO MARRY YOU!” and I would have told him it is gonna have to wait till I finish Coexist…ya this book was that good.

This book has a huge handful of characters I enjoyed, first there is Keegan, she is a normal teenager, super nice, likes boys, likes shopping and she just seemed so likable. I would deff wanna be friends with her if she went to my school..Rourke..is sooooo swoon worthy, I could not stop myself from drooling over him, he was just so protective and truly cared about Keegan..and ya I totally am crushing on him. Donald I also liked..there wasn’t a ton of info about him..but I have a feeling in the next book he will be very involved (;..and then there was Thaddius..I couldn’t help but find myself feeling sorry for him..he sees all these visions of his loved ones dying..and can’t even tell them to worn them..it totally broke my heart. Out of all the characters though..Rourke deff has won my heart and is my favorite. (:

If you pick up this book, Im sure it will not disappoint, it had everything, it was cute, yet dark..and well that combo just makes for a perfect book on my shelf, Julie has truly written an amazing read. (: Anyways this book is the best, and I CANNOT wait for the Conflicted, this story ends with such a twist and will leave you kicking and screaming for the next book!

----I think this is officially my longest review, sorry everyone it was just such a great book!(:
Profile Image for Karla BookAddict2.
375 reviews28 followers
April 9, 2013
deleting reviews if you want to take a look at them you can do so on my blog, link on my profile
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,938 reviews316 followers
April 13, 2018
So many people I know rated this book extremely high and for the life of me I cannot figure out why. This book was horrible.

What intrigued me first was that it was about elves. With all the YA out there. elves aren't high on the popular list so I wanted to give this a try. I kind of regret it now.

This book follows Keegan, a 16 year old elf who is very self absorbed and spoiled. She skips around taking pictures and dating multiple boys because she can but ultimately she's waiting until she turns 18 so she can meet her fated partner, Rouke. Some elf law forbids mates meeting until both are 18. Yup, they are mated when they are born and this is the person they're supposed to be with forever. And this is ALL Keegan can think about.

When it seems like a war will be breaking out between light and dark elves, and many will die, Keegan's only care is that she won't get to meet her mate and live her perfect life with him. I kid you not. This is all she thinks about. Did I say completely self-absorbed? Not that Rouke was better with his whole possessiveness and ownership complex.

Then there was the writing. The author was all over the place. Her POV's were all over the place pretty much switching in the middle of a page to a completely different person because apparently we really needed to see them do nothing. It was just a mess. I will not be continuing this series.
Profile Image for Alexia Purdy.
Author 117 books1,090 followers
November 16, 2011
Coexist by Julia Crane was a great, fast and light read. The story centers around a girl named Keegan, who is an elf. In a world where magical beings integrate well in human society, she has grown up a privileged and happy teenager. Her only care in the world is shopping for parties and hanging with friends. Yet an imminent battle between light and dark elves has escalated, with Keegan’s family in the very center of it all.

Most of the story is spent following Keegan around, having fun with her friends and her family in the day to day of her normal high school life. Keegan and her family have special powers (since they are all elves) and her brother Thaddeus is the ‘chosen one’ who is supposed to save their race and is a gifted warrior and seer. Keegan comes off as likeable but spoiled. Her family is rich and has everything so they are a bit hard to relate to. There are other supernatural beings blending in the city’s population, which somehow Keegan seems oblivious to. She seems to only be aware that she has a chosen one, a predestined love named Rourk, (who is my favorite) and that there are light and dark elves. The roles of the other beings are not fully explained in this book. The elves have been at war for so long, no one seems to know why they are fighting anymore.

I enjoyed the storyline but the action did not seem to happen until the end. Conflicts between the two elves seemed to be solved way too easy and fast. I would have enjoyed a bit more depth in the backgrounds of the characters. Overall a steady paced read that kept my interest. I will be reading the next in the series to see what happens with these likable characters.
Profile Image for Ana.
521 reviews352 followers
November 17, 2011
"There has to be something more in this world than what the average eye sees!"

Keegan is a sixtien years old elf! Now I know you will start thinking of Santa and Christmas, but it's not that kind of elf. These elves are more human-like elves, maybe a bit shorter than an average human and with a bit sharpened ears, but overall very similar to humans.
Keegan is gifted, her mother is a healer, her brother is a seer, and her father is the chosen one, the one that will lead elves in the great battle that is supposed to come.
Keegan's brother Thaddeus, saw that Keegan will be married to Rourk and he is mighty good in predicting! But Keegan's life is suddenly shaken by finding out there's a great war going, and she must find out how to use and control her gift.
A war is been going on since the beginning of time, but this has been shield from the eyes of humans"

Ok, I must admit this sounds amazing and even poetic, so even got me thinking of the symbolism..a war is indeed being going on, evil and good fight every day since the beginning of time. Evil and good in the human nature!

However, I experienced some difficulties reading this book. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it's a bad book, however I must say it's not actually my cup of tea. It was challenging I admit, so far in my "history" of reading I have never came up with elves (except the ones in Santa's stories), so I really didn't know what to expect. Though I guess, this may disappoint the author if she reads my review, but I have to stay honest, book about elves is just not my kind of read.
But, before judging me (I hope you won't) I really gave this book a fair chance, yet I didn't like it that much.
So you see, besides "my" problem with elves, whom I found really less interesting than vampires lets say, I had some major problem with understand the main character Keegan. I really didn't like her, I simply couldn't get into her "psychology" and understand her. She's a modern elf, with a Facebook and Tumblr account, ok I get that..but I really didn't "feel" her personality.
There's a war going, yet I didn't feel the dynamics. I loved the fact that there are lots of dialogues, and the book is really easy to read, however, I am giving it 2 stars, and truly hoping I will enjoy the sequel more.
My deepest gratitude to R2R from PNR&UFF group and the author for generously giving me a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Sandra "Jeanz".
1,236 reviews176 followers
August 14, 2011
Keegan is sixteen and is trying to keep a big secret from her friends....she is an elf and is descended from a long line of elves that live secretly among humans.
In elfin society mates are predetermined, however they are not allowed to meet until the are eighteen. against this tradition Keegan's brother Thaddeus has told her the name of her future mate. Thaddeus has visions and sees that Keegan will need the protection of Rourk her mate in the forthcoming war between the dark and the light elves.
Rourk is drawn to Keegan's side every time she is in need of protection, but he tries to stay in the background unseen. However a twist of fate pusshes them both together and Rourk is forced out into making his presence known to protect Keegan.
An ancient prophecy entwines around Keegan's family and the future of society. Can they thwart fate and win the war without losing Keegan? With a war and dark forces looming can Keegan and Rourk have the life together that they both wish for?
First of all I have to say I read the book in two sessions at night before I went to sleep. I found it quite a nice, relaxing read, that I could sit back and enjoy. Observing the happy family life Keegan had. Of course I was more on the edge of my seat for the Great Battle. There were some really good twists in there too, you found out certain people were also paranormal and you would not have guessed it.....well perhaps with one character. There is also a hidden moral in there too, that we all have to coexist, so why not try to get on. It is cleverly delivered and not in a preaching kind of way. The book is more aimed to the YA/Teen market but as you will see from my profile information I am certainly no teen but I still really enjoyed this book. it really flowed, not sure how else to describe it other than to say it was written in a way that led you through the story, it wasn't taxing in any way. Yes you get attached to the characters too, you feel Keegan's need to see Rourk. You feel the frustration of Rourk watching Keegan from distance and his jealousy when she talks to boys at school. The description of the places they see is so detailed and well done you can almost see them yourself.I think the title is perfect for the book as is the cover. I won't explain why the title is perfect as it would mean giving away the plot. Am looking forward to reading more of the series.
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,006 reviews
March 21, 2012
Have to tell ya, this book wasn't super riveting. I had a number of problems with it. First of all, the perspective changed way too often...sometimes in the middle of a paragraph! I'd be reading Keegan's thoughts and then - bam! - I'd be reading Rourk's thoughts or her dad's thoughts. It was confusing. Also, Keegan drove me nuts! She was completely self-centered, and obsessed with little more than shopping and clothes. I felt nothing for her. I hated all the brand name dropping (Facebook, Tumblr, iPad, MacBook, etc). And, the story just didn't flow all that well. The huge war between the light and dark elves lasted about three pages, after an entire book's worth of build-up. And the way the war ended? Puh-lease. The only redeeming quality this book has is the ending, which was interesting enough to (maybe) make me want to read the sequel. Really can't believe I'm even thinking about reading the sequel, but I am...

I'd rate this somewhere between a 2.5 and a 3. I'm glad I got it for free!
Profile Image for Craig Hansen.
Author 15 books84 followers
July 12, 2011
Coexist, the first novel in a planned series, and an outright first novel ever by Julia Crane, is a paranormal romance with an Irish flair. It's a tale of elves and love and destiny, the struggle between light and dark, and the consequences of war. And yes, part of the novel - a very important part, by the way - does take place in Ireland, though the main setting is the US.

The main characters Coexist is concerned with are Keegan, a sixteen-year-old elf, and her intended mate, Rourk, who's a bit older than her. Emphasizing romance, Julia Crane's elves are more human-like than one might expect, appearing normal enough to blend in with human society. Sure, they are shorter than other humans, but they don't have a green skin-tone or twelve-inch-tall pointed ears or anything like that.

Crane's conceit is that elves are unusually attractive, which makes great fodder for a romance novel, of course. And also, Crane's elves share a trait in common with some old-world cultures: their mates are pre-selected for them, almost from birth, and are guaranteed to invoke in each other the proper amount of love and romantic chemistry.

But they aren't allowed to meet until they are eighteen.

Different elves handle this sense of destiny in slightly different ways. Keegan has decided to use her youth to date a few human boys, though never seriously, just for fun and as a way to kill time waiting to meet her intended mate.

Rourk, on the other hand, has done no such dating, preferring to focus himself entirely on waiting for his intended mate. Given that he is a warrior, he uses a fair amount of his "spare energy" in combat training.

An interesting supporting character is Thaddeus, Keegan's young brother, who despite being very, very young, is the most gifted elven seer of the current elven generation. And there's a need for him because... a great battle is coming between the light elves and the dark elves.

And it's coming sooner than anyone can imagine.

Tossing complications into the mix are a couple interesting twists: first, for reasons that are murky, Thaddeus has told Keegan the name of her intended. This complicates the natural flow of elven mating because whenever an elf thinks of the name of his or her intended, the other notices... to the point that they can track them down if it seems they are in danger. And like any teenage elven girl with the opportunity, she turns over the name of her intended, Rourk, in her mind quite often, a disconcerting situation for him.

The other complication is that Thaddeus has had a vision of the coming war, and it's set to happen on Keegan's birthday ... and to end with her death.

Interested yet?

I know I was.

Rising above the average level of most entries in the paranormal romance series genre, Crane's novel stands out because, although part of a series, the tale she weaves has a clear and satisfying sense of a complete tale; it has a beginning, an intriguing middle, and a clear sense of resolution to the current circumstances.

While the novel leaves room for new adventures to take place, there's a clear sense that something big happened, there was a cost to it, and the status quo has been affected, by the end of the novel.

Too many novels, especially first novels in general, and particularly first novels in a series, lack that sense of a complete story being told; they spend time setting things up, then end the novel at a certain word length leaving readers hanging... and sometimes frustrated.

But that is not the case with Coexist; Crane's tale is well crafted and delivers a solid standalone story even though it exists as the initial entry in a promised series.

Crane's skill at plotting and character development are admirable, and honestly not as common as one might wish among first novelists. Crane has those things down ... in spades.

Yet there are flaws to Coexist as well. The most notable is the book's uneven editing. While none of the mistakes are big deals, there are enough of them that it can become distracting. The book's credited editor, Cheryl Bradshaw, needed to spend a bit more time nabbing typos, as well as looking for missed words, wrong words, and punctuation use; the simple, copy-editing stuff.

Aside from the state of the proofing job, however, the book only had one other, rather minor, weakness. While the book bubbles along for the first three-quarters of the way, toward then end, and especially when the climactic war sequence between the light and dark elves take place, Crane seems to rush the pace of the novel's most important scenes.

Clocking in at approximately 41,500 words, Coexist veers closer to "novella/short novel" length than to the length of a standard novel. Had the author slowed the pace down and handled the climactic scenes by letting them play out more dramatically and less in summary, the book could easily have swelled to 50,000 words or more and been even more satisfying than it already is.

While a deeply satisfying read with engaging characters and an excellent plot, all of which draw me toward looking forward to the second installment, those are my only areas of hesitation on Coexist. The proofing element is easily fixable; the brevity and summary nature of the climactic scenes, well... those aren't bad, they're just not living up to potential because they're a bit rushed.

Overall, none of this puts me off Crane or the Keegan Chronicles series, which I'll be looking foreword to more installments of. There's more strong points than weak points, and considering it's a first novel, represents a decent, if not quite spectacular, debut.

Considering her strong sense of story and plotting ability, I'll be back for Book 2 when it's released.
Profile Image for Kathleen (Kat) Smith.
1,613 reviews87 followers
June 26, 2012
"An elfin child on the side of light will be born with the gift of sight. Light and dark shall meet, and it is unknown who will defeat. Eldest son of a warrior great, it is this child who will determine the elfin fate." ~ The Book of Elfin Prophecy.

Keegan could never understand the secrecy of the lives of those in her family and why she remained in the dark until quite recently. She was an elf and so was her entire family. They made efforts to dwell among the human race, unknown to them as was part of being a light elf. If only her friends knew what she really was, but it went against the code of elves to consider revealing her true identity to them.

What she was constantly thinking about was her life mate that was chosen for her at birth. She found out his name from her brother, Thaddeus, who gift was being a seer. They were forbidden to meet until they both turned 18, and if they met before their chosen time, their elders implemented a punishment of an added year apart if the rules were disregarded.

It wasn't until a chance encounter with a dark elf at a street fair that caused Keegan's world to come crashing wide open and with it that she was the answer to the ancient prophecy concerning the war against dark and light elves for the past 2000 years. She would be the one who could save their people from extinction. So now the real training begins for Keegan, if she can only keep her mind from wandering to Rourk, the name of her life mate. Every time she thinks of his name, he feels compelled to find her wherever she is, but he can never reveal himself to her. He must wait until she turns 18 before he can show himself to her. For now, he remains tortured at the sound of his name in her thoughts.

In the novel Coexist by Julia Crane, I was immediately drawn into the world of the elves and their existence with the human race. They each have unique abilities that enable them to help the humans that they live amongst, from being able to see into the future, to moving objects, healing and being super strong. Being a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings series, I knew this young adult novel was sure to engage my interest and it did from the very first page.

The world that Julia Crane creates is magical and truly believable. The writing is geared to a young adult audience and keeps the story line moving along so as not to bore the reader with a lot of details that aren't necessary. There is also a unique chemistry that exists between Keegan and Rourk that draws you in and you want to know what their first meeting will be like and if they will break the code that keeps them apart. Truly this is a great book and can't wait to read the rest in Keegan's Chronicles series!

I received Coexist by Julia Crane compliments of Reading Addictions Blog Tours for my honest review and have to say if you love fantasy fiction with a touch of suspense and romance, then this is the perfect book for you! I would rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars and like the way I could use this book even in a Christian Fantasy Fiction between the contrast of light and darkness at war. I look forward to many more books by this author in the future.
Profile Image for Rachel V..
212 reviews13 followers
June 29, 2012
This book was a fun read. I enjoyed reading the story even though there was a few parts that I didn’t like as much. I will read the next books in the series because I have to know what happens. I give this one 4 stars.

The Plot – The plot was well thought out and executed. I enjoyed the twists and turns in the story. The author was able to draw me into the book and then hook me in to stay to the end. I have to say the ending with Keegan surprised me. I wasn’t expecting that but I do want to find out what is next.

The Romance – I don’t mind predetermined mates in some stories but for some reason in this story I did not like it as much. I felt sorry for Rourk because he was almost helpless if Keegan thought of him he had to drop everything and get to her side. Keegan kept thinking about Rourk but it seemed like she wanted to date everyone else before she meets her mate. Once they meet it is a somewhat sweet romance but short lived because of the war.

The Characters – Keegan is a rather selfish person throughout most of the book. Don’t get me wrong though I did still like Keegan just not as much as I thought I could have. She does start to grow and change toward the end and I started to like her a little better. I think I will like her better in the next books. Rourk seems to want to give Keegan anything she wants even if it makes him unhappy. He seems really sweet and happy. Keegan’s brother was also an interesting character. He is still really young but an entire race depends on him and his gift. He may be able to see the future but he is also a warrior. There are quite a few supernatural creatures introduced in the later part of the story also and I was not expecting that.

The Ending – I liked how the author resolved the war in the end. It was the smart thing to do for the elves and I’m glad that was how it was handled. Keegan on the other hand I am really curious how this will play out for her. Will Keegan get her missing memories back? The end of this book really left me wanting to read the next in the series. It was a cliff hanger with several questions that now need resolved. I am hooked. LOL
Profile Image for Bonnie Lamer.
Author 52 books277 followers
August 10, 2011
Keegan is a typical sixteen year old girl who loves to shop, hang out with friends, and date the cute boys from school. She also happens to be an elf. Keeping her true identity a secret, she enjoys life to the fullest and waits in happy anticipation for the day that she’ll meet the one chosen to be her mate.
Rourk is a warrior through and through. His mind is focused and he knows his importance in elfin society. But every time Keegan thinks his name, he is irresistibly drawn to her. Keeping his identity from her for the next year and a half is going to be slow torture.
With the ultimate battle between light and dark fast approaching, each must face what fate has in store for them.
Coexist by Julia Crane is a fresh take on the YA paranormal genre. Her vision for elf society, as well as other supernatural beings, is unique and charming. Coexist is a fun, quick read that leaves the reader wanting more.
Something that I felt the novel needed, though, was more dialogue. The conversations between characters tended to be a little choppy, with only a few lines in each section. The novel sometimes has the feel of a story being told instead of a story developing through character interaction and detail. It gives the reader a somewhat superficial feel for the characters, especially supporting characters that have important roles in the end. The story line is excellent and the characters are more than likeable, but I would have liked to have seen more development of their personalities through conversation and detailed interaction. This would have given the intriguing twist at the end even more impact. That being said, Julia Crane is an excellent writer and I thoroughly enjoyed my escape into her magical world of elves. I give the book four stars. (I received a review copy from the author.)
Profile Image for Lisa.
Author 5 books29 followers
March 31, 2015
Let me start by saying this is a novel I feel falls into the YA Category, and is a story that will touch the heart of any teenager who has felt drawn to another, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, we have all been there at one point or another, and felt the awkward emotions of our teen years. We have all felt drawn to someone or some thing at some point in our lives, and it was an unmistakable urge.

Keegan is an instantly likable character, and on some level, she is someone we can all connect with. I have read a lot of novels lately in the fantasy genre that are sat in times of the past, and especially when you consider elves, you expect it to be in some previous time frame, so when you hear that the main character has an IPad and is texting on her cell phone, it becomes a little disarming, but it makes the story more real to me. I will admit that it has been several years since I have been a teenager in high school, but I loved this story and honestly, I cannot wait until I am able to acquire the rest of the series. When she meets Rourk, her chosen, her soul mate for the first time, I could genuinely feel the rush of emotions right along with the characters, and the connection was palpable.

I almost cried as the events of the story played out, and had to keep reading to see what was coming next. I liked how the author made it apparent that the world around the main character was not exactly what she perceived at all, and then allowed her to make those connections and have the camaraderie that she seemed to so desperately need. In my opinion, if you love YA Fantasy novels, this is a must read, and I am giving this the 4.5 star rating for my arbitrary self invented rating scale. I hope you will give this author a look, and come to love the story as much as I have! Until we meet again, good reading!
Profile Image for LaDawn.
571 reviews
March 19, 2012
I like the general idea of this book, but it needs some major re-writing. Switching perspectives from sentence to sentence drove me crazy. Keegan drove me crazy; she was way too spoiled to be appealing. And her parents! Really? Take away the credit card, make her earn some of her own money,do something! An d I know that teenagers are often obsessed with shopping and clothes, (at least the beautiful,shallow ones like depicted in this book), but spare me, as a reader, the endless details of all the different outfits.

There were too many unbelievable elements. The house in the woods is just one small example. You know, come to think of it, this book reminds me of when I was young and just beginning to write stories. I often wrote about my fantasies: I would dream about having cool toys, so in the story, my main character got cool toys! I think the author has this fantasy of an old looking cabin in the deep woods filled with all the most modern and luxuriant things. Maybe at's where the budget-free shopping comes in, too.

Anyway, I liked Rourke, but felt shades of "Twilight."

Then, the whole war and battle is just lame. And the ending way too simplistic.

But, wait, there's more! She dies, is brought back, but suddenly has no memory of Rourke! Now the ending, she's thinking about Donald. I literally groaned out loud when I read that! No longer just shades of "Twilight," I can tell the next book is just going to BE another Twilight! No thanks, one was enough. I won't be downloading it, even if it is free.

Okay, maybe I should have given it one star instead of two. No, two is right. I didn't have to force myself to finish it, and there were actually times when I was enjoying it, so it deserves more than one star.
Profile Image for Melissa.
2,415 reviews249 followers
April 14, 2012
I have to give this story props for originality and keeping me interested even with all the flaws. This review will contain spoilers as I can see no other way of explaining what was wrong with this book without giving a little away. I will try to be careful. The first problem with this book was all the different points of view. A really good author can write about everything going on without putting you in everyone's heads and having to spell everything out for you. This author felt like she had to spell everything out. The mother had a temper, you could tell this by how she reacted but the dad had to flat out say "My wife has a temper" this is something the reader picks up on and does not need to be spelled out. This happened several times. The flow of the book was so choppy going to everyone's point of view things would happen to quickly or to slowly, things were added to the book that had very little relevance to the book. Too much shopping and getting ready. You only needed one scene like that to get a sense of these girls. Unfortunately I didn't like the main boy character I thought he was cold and a little heartless. He kills some guy who is a creep and a jerk but just snapping his neck and walking off....so cold. And the main girl didn't do much for me either, a little spoiled princess who doesn't seem to have grown much by the end of the book. And my biggest pet peeve of all....no ending. But hey I really don't care to much I was just happy it was over. I will not be reading the next two books in this series it just had too many flaws to wade threw to get to the story line.
Violence- Some killing, war with not too detailed battle scene
Sex- Some kissing
Language- Very little- Lord's name in vain
Profile Image for Derinda.
Author 7 books219 followers
November 16, 2012
The first thing that came to my mind, in the middle of this book is I bet every teenage girl would fall in love with this book. I would definitely say this would be an ideal present for Christmas! Beautiful covers for each book and the ideal story you actually want younger teens to read!

The Author builds a great story line. With believable characters, that are loving and adorable. Julia Crane has created a world of Elves and other creatures, blended them into the modern days and made a perfect piece of pie!

My favorite part is the narration of this book. I had no problem what so ever keeping up. Even though it flipped from character to character at one time, paragraph after paragraph. It was easy peasy to keep reading and I was enjoying everything. I also love the way she went through out the book and added character building little by little. There is nothing worse then having to read the first 5 chapters of a book just to find out that so and so loves the color blue.

I saw more of the Author's talent, when she threw me a curve ball at the end. Now I have no choice but to continue my adventure with Keegan and the gang.

** In one of his favorite books, a character names Francisco d'Anconia said, "Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong."
Smiling Richard thought, Francisco you have not met my wife.***

Simple, easy, beautiful and delightful! That's how I would describe this story!

Keegan: Glass half empty or half full?

Rourk: That depends on how thirsty I am!

Profile Image for Bree Brown.
24 reviews19 followers
September 15, 2017
Ugh, this book. I loved it, I really did, I absorbed the story but the rush of emotions I felt by time I reached the end make me hesitant to read the second book. Not that I will just chuck the series, that would never happen but I am certainly going to need to put a few books between the two in hopes of wrapping my mind around everything that happened in this book.

That said, Coexist is a brilliantly written book centered around Keegan and her elven family. It is a young adult paranormal romance of the best kind. It has it all, love, heartache, friendship, magic, family, and action. It was all I love in books wrapped up in a tidy bow that only takes a couple of hours to read. I would certainly recommend this book to those that enjoy this genre.
Profile Image for Lisa Markson.
217 reviews33 followers
January 29, 2013
This was my first ebook that I have ever read and was glad that I chose Julia Crane. I loved how she built the backgrounds of all her characters. Living as a supernatural couldn't be easy but living in a world of mortals where you must keep it all a secret makes it tougher plus being a teenager. Elves have a predestined soul mate that is already choosen for them but the thing is that they don't or not supposed to know who it is till each of them both reach 18 years old. But due to a war brewing Keegans brother is forced to release the information in order to protect Keegan and the only one capable is Rourk. A bond is formed when they are near and it can cause pain if they are separated for any given time. I can't wait to read more in this series.
Profile Image for Hannah.
557 reviews45 followers
July 17, 2011
Coexist was a quick fun read and the characters were wonderful. I loved the world especially how it showed mythical creatures acting like normal teenagers. The plot line was interesting and unique. I will definitely be following this series.
Profile Image for Haley .
280 reviews690 followers
July 4, 2011
OMG...I need the next book...I need it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING BOOOK !!!! :DDD

Profile Image for Rachel.
117 reviews
November 21, 2013
4.5 stars
page turner
amazing details
cliffhanger ending
left me wanting to read the 2nd book
free kindle book
Profile Image for Carina.
243 reviews2 followers
July 30, 2015
Keegan lives like a human being, but she is really an elf. She has the main elf power of invisibility and the inner eye. And she is very excited to meet her life mate when she comes to age. In elf society a life mate is chosen for you but you can not see your life mate until you are the age of 18. Life mates are cloaked from each other till the youngest turns 18 and they know nothing about each other not even there name. But Keegan's situation is special, her brother Thaddeus, a seer, has told Keegan her life mates name: Rourk. Now she constantly thinks of Rourk's name.

Every time Keegan thinks of Rourk's name, he gets a mental picture of where Keegan is. At first it was easy for him to ignore it but now every time she thinks of his name he must go and find her and see what she is doing. He knows what she looks like, but he doesn't know her name. And she doesn't know what he looks like all she knows is his name.

Everything seems simple and everyday for Keegan until her and her friends go to a new age fair and Keegan encounters a dark elf. When she tells her parents what happens, her parents get all panic stricken and inform Keegan that things have been happening that she hadn't known about, and now it is time for her to know!

The story for me feels a bit off, disjointed. There are paragraphs just placed in places that don't go along with the previous paragraph just so that specific thing can be referenced later on. Things happen too quickly and things that don't need to be described are, when big events are not described enough. The concept is interesting and different but it doesn't fully flow well in my opinion.

*********Spoilers below*******

There are many things that bothered me in this novel to make me give it two stars. When Keegan tells her parents about the dark elf she sees at the new age fair they get all scared. They inform her about the war that has been going on since the beginning of time shielded from human eyes and her father is the chosen one. And now the time is growing near and her family must prepare all because she saw a dark elf at a fair. No other back story other than that. No reason why the father is the chosen one. Also, the parents get all mad that she went to the new age fair because that is where you run into dark fairies. Well...later on it is known that there are creatures everywhere. So, why couldn't she had seen a dark fairy at starbucks?

Thaddeus, Keegan's brother, is this big important seer/warrior. And he is not allowed to interfere with fate. So he doesn't tell his sister about something bad that happens but it is okay for him to interfere and tell Keegan Rourks name so he could help her in a time of need? It is also told he is the prophecy child, but there is no backstory to that. How did he become the prophecy child what is the prophecy?

Thing don't go together well, don't seem to mesh well. There is a point where she just learns about the war that is happening, her father is the chosen one, and she goes up to her room to read text messages and swoon over guys. Or Keegan can walk briskly to her favorite starbucks or think about walking to a party with her friends from her house. But at the same time she lives on a 70 acre lot with farmland everywhere and a long windy driveway.

There are conversations not needed, for instant she talks to a friend about helping with english later and then that is all it isn't talked about again, just that bit of conversation for no reason. Then there are paragraphs that are just placed there that don't go with the rest of the page. There is a brief paragraph where Donald is talking to Keegan but she was too busy thinking of Ireland and he bolts...the only reason that is there is to set up a scene later on where he is in Ireland helping with the fight. But the paragraph just seems to float there disjointed from the rest of the story.

The romance is rushed and annoying. Before they even say hi or one word to each other they are lip locked and everyone is cheering and clapping. They don't even know each other, they have barely met before and just because they are chosen for each other it is okay to kiss right away? And everyone cheering? Why would they care? There is so much emphasis put on Keegan like she is a Queen or something but no reason why. Everyone is dying but everything still goes on, but when it happens to her the world stops and no one can move except her loved ones. Or no on talks until she wakes up. How is she any different than anyone else?

Things conflict as well. It is mentioned many times that partners are cloaked from each other till 18 but Keegan's mother tells a story about how Keegan's mother and father met before they were 18 and destined to be together.

Small things that bother me: Rourk kills a human just because he is foddling Keegan after she was crowd surfing. The battle scenes are very rushed and there is this sentence where Keegan decides to check out the battle for the first time, sees a friend get hurt, runs to rescue him, and "kills a couple men before she made it" like no biggie it is an everyday thing. Or Keegan wants know know why they don't telport and her mom says "your father likes to get frequent flyer points" well that doesn't make sense because you only need frequent flyer points to get free mileage...which you don't need if you are telporting it is a weak answer that doesn't really answer the question.

This book just needed to be thought out better, more details where needed to help the story line and plot. Places felt rushed and disjointed. Didn't run together smoothly. But, it was a very interesting concept. I enjoyed the connection between Rourk and Keegan how she thought of his name and he could see her that was neat.
Profile Image for Aly.
164 reviews45 followers
December 29, 2015
This was a free ebook, and though it is unfortunate, I have found that most ebooks I find that are free are not very good. There are of course exceptions to this, but this one is not one of them.

Coexist focused heavily on insta-love and boring characters to push forward an underdeveloped plot. My biggest problem with it was that it seemed to have not been edited before being published. It just seemed that the author was writing whatever came to mind, as random ideas are inserted willy nilly, and though they hold relevance to each other, they hold no relevance to the overall plot. Speaking of...

There didn't really seem to be a plot at all anyways. There is the , but this entire conflict has a simple ending conclusion (which I find a complete cop out) and is, in fact, almost completely pushed aside in order to talk about the swoon-worthy romance of Rourk and Keegan.The name of the "main enemy" isn't even mentioned until the book is almost over, and the confrontation with him is rather short and unimportant. Overall. the book seemed to push aside the plot in order to focus on romance, an unfortunate act to perform.

And the love between Rourk and Keegan was anything but interesting. In fact, I found it quite lackluster. Not only was it a case of insta-love ( oh no! ), but the relationship between them wasn't very well-written and the characters did not hold a lot of appeal. The dialogue was extremely awkward, mostly for Rourk, and it distracted from the actual occurring events.
Rourk looked insulted. "I would never do anything to harm your daughter's honor."
This boy is still in his teens, yet he talks like an elderly man. And why is he insulted that her parents' are concerned that he's gonna do something? Chill dude.

Actually, it wasn't just Rourk who was a victim of awkward dialogue. Other characters often experienced it too.
The dark elf glared back at him. "I want nothing from her. I just happened to notice another elf and wanted to read her mind."
Ummm yeah, that's just a really bad excuse and an even more awkward way of phrasing it.
"What do you think son?"
"I think it's an impressive sight." Thaddeus paused, and then said, "I'm slightly nervous to tell you the truth."
Thaddeus is a twelve year old, and he talks uncomfortably like a much older man. Though it is mentioned by Thaddeus himself that he doesn't often feel like he's twelve, this doesn't make his dialogue acceptable. Do you see what I mean about the awkward dialogue yet?

Also, the way the book was written was strange. I'm not talking about the actual writing, but rather the writing decisions that the author made. The switches between the POVs of the characters happened at the blink of an eye.
In the mirror, Keegan saw Donald behind her; he was so cute with his orange hair. He happened to look up at the same time, and she met his blue eyes in the mirror. She smiled at him, but he couldn't see.
Donald turned away from Keegan. Why does she have to be an elf?
The switch of omnipresent voice between characters was at points, not bad, but it could be extremely awkward sometimes. There was also

The book had an elaborate world. I'll give it that. However, it was not described well enough to understand and plot holes were rampant. Connecting back to the aforementioned idea of no editing, it seemed that ideas about the world were being continually and constantly being thrown in. The book was almost over and I was still learning important facts about the plot and characters, and it was not a satisfying feeling.

Finally, one of the biggest problems with this book though was its characters. They were simply... lacking. I didn't find much desirable content within them beyond what was told to the reader of them. For example, Rourk was supposedly an amazing warrior, one of the best of his generation, but nothing I read of him helped me think that this was true. He seemed rather ordinary, and instead of showing, not telling how Rourk was an incredible warrior, I was told exactly how Rourk was. Keegan was supposedly a perfect student and person, but beyond what I was told about her school antics, nothing led me to believe that she was as she described.
Sometimes they even thought Keegan had cheated because she finished so much faster than the others -- and she didn't have to write out all the work to get the correct answer. She planned to sleep well tonight. She knew she'd ace the test, easy.
The author often tried to make the characters too relatable. It made it hard to read because I was stuck on the fact that high school boys are doing things like this:
She laughed when she saw Spencer run up behind Donald and smack the back of his head. Donald took off chasing him down the hall. It was nice to see things were back to normal.
I have gone to high school and I rarely see things like this occurring.
Rourk would be playing videogames that didn't really seem to hold relevance. In general, it just seemed as if the effort to be relatable wasn't working as well as originally hoped.

Oh, and P.S. Rourk is kind of a stalker who pretends that his stalking is "protecting." Just sayin'.
Profile Image for clarah rae.
189 reviews
November 29, 2017
I enjoyed this one. It was fun to read. Not as good as the author's other series, but I still liked this one. Keegan is a bit annoying, but Rourk is very good to her and deserves so much. I look forward to reading the other books.
177 reviews32 followers
August 19, 2011
See full review at The Fairytale Nerd.

Modern day setting, where supernaturals, such as elves, shape shifters, faeries, and others live among us. The characters travel to Ireland at some point in the book.

The main character is Keegan. She is seventeen, and an elf. She was described in the book as beautiful, with big eyes, but short (about 5'3"). She loves photography, coffee, and going out with her friends. She's quirky and stubborn, but is well-loved by her family and friends. She flirts with boys, but she doesn't seem to make a connection with any of them. She is engaged/betrothed/mated to a boy named Rourk, whom she has not met yet. You see, they are not allowed to meet until their eighteenth birthday. But the interesting thing is that, every time Keegan thinks of Rourk, Rouck feels the pull. About Rourk, he is also an elf. He is trained as a warrior and is about a year older than Keegan. He is handsome, intelligent, and very protective of Keegan.

This book is composed of different points of views of the characters, but most of it is from Keegan's POV. The book starts with Keegan as being a very typical teenager - partying, hanging out, boys. But even with all those distractions, Rourk never leaves her mind, and is eager to meet her chosen one. Then finally, her parents agreed for them to meet. Romance blooms INSTANTLY. The thing is, there is a war looming between the light and the dark. (Keegan, obviously, belongs with the light.) And her brother plays a major role in it, being a seer and all. He is the prophesied child that will save them all from extinction. Then the war breaks and something happens that turns Keegan and Rourk's world upside down.

What I love about this book is the fluffy (and I mean fluffy) romance between Keegan and Rourk. I have a thing for these predestined mates, which I find so romantic, albeit unrealistic. Reading about Keegan's feelings about Rourk (despite the fact that they have not met yet), brought me back to my high school years where I was dreaming of my perfect guy. The book's romance will surely take you in the clouds. I also love the very close family ties in the story. You could feel the love between and among the members of the family of Keegan. Just beautiful.

I wish there was more of a background or a history behind the war between light and dark. I would love to know how the war started. I also think that the book is short. It was just a bit longer than a novella. What annoys me the most about the book is that there are so many name brands that were dropped. It felt like advertising to me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 412 reviews

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