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Lucky Moon #2

The Luckiest

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First edition no longer available for sale. Second edition coming from Dreamspinner Press in fall 2014. Tentative release month is September.

Rock star Nick Ventura has finally hit rock bottom. Jealous of his brother’s new love, he starts overindulging in his usual vices and winds up crashing his car into a department store in a drunken haze. Publicly humiliated and on the verge of jail time, he enters into a court-ordered rehabilitation program.

Nutritionist Luka Novak is flamboyant, effeminate, the type of gay man that bisexual Nick would normally sneer at. His sunny nature hides a deep hurt from a previous relationship. Luka knows he should be wary of Nick’s reputation, but he’s drawn to Nick despite himself. Their tentative friendship turns into romance, but Luka soon comes to realize that Nick's fear of losing his bad boy reputation means he'll probably never go public with their relationship.

Nick never thought he needed anyone, until Luka Novak came into his life. Now he has to reconcile his carefree past with the future he suddenly wants more than anything. And the first lesson he has to learn is how to become the man that both he and Luka need him to be, rather than stay the boy he always was. Alone.

296 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 27, 2012

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About the author

Piper Vaughn

44 books1,155 followers
Piper Vaughn is a romance author and lifelong fan of the genre. Since writing their first love story at age eleven, they’ve known writing in some form was exactly what they wanted to do. A reader to the core, Piper loves nothing more than getting lost in a great book.

Piper is of Puerto Rican descent and grew up in a diverse neighborhood in Chicago. They love putting faces and characters of every ethnicity in their stories, making their fictional worlds as colorful as the real one. Above all, Piper believes there’s no one way to have an HEA, and every person deserves to see themselves reflected on the page.

Sign up for Piper's newsletter: https://www.pipervaughn.com/newsletter

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 257 reviews
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
4,030 reviews6,354 followers
July 31, 2013
I need to start this review by reenacting the sound that I made for the last 10% of this book:


That's right. It was one big long squeaky, vowely shriek. I'm pretty sure I made the neighbor's dog howl.

This was another fabulous collaboration by Piper Vaughn and M.J. O'Shea. I totally fell in love with this book. Though I have to say, at first I was a bit skeptical about this story. I lurved Moonlight Becomes You and was not sure if this book would give me that same feeling. This book was so hyped by my friends, and when I started "The Luckiest" I just wasn't connecting with Nick like I wanted to. I actually was not that into this book for the first 30% or so and didn't really fall in love until after 50%. But the last 1/2 of this book was legend...wait for it...dary.

Favorite parts? Well, I think I am officially obsessed with the Ventura boys. Nick was sexy and funny and vulnerable in the way that I like my bad boys to be. But Luka just took the cake. He was such a little surprise. A total guys version of "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets". Damn, I adored his dirty little mouth! He won me over and I loved what he did to Nicky.

What is not to love about this story? The sex was hot, the story was touching, and these two authors made me 100% present during the entire time I was reading. Another win for Piper and M.J.!
Profile Image for Ami.
6,104 reviews490 followers
March 29, 2012
When we first meet Nick Ventura, he's this one bastard of a guy, who snarks and being sarcastic, and "has a role" of separating his brother, Shane with the love of Shane's life, Jesse. He's even being a jerk during Shane's and Jesse's wedding. Then, when this story begins, we have him at rock-bottom. Going to rehab after car-crashed due to driving under influence, Nick meets sunny and sweet nutritionist, Luka Novak, who determines to put Nick back into shape. Unable to avoid Luka's positive attitude, Nick starts to slowly trust Luka, starts to feel attraction towards him. Their friendship becomes something more ...

I love how the authors slowly peel the layers of that of Nick Ventura. Nick is mellowed out in this story, but at the same time, readers get to find out reason behind Nick's tough experience, his selfish need to keep his brother to himself. That beyond all that, Nick is just one scared guy, for being alone, because all these years, Shane is all he has. Losing his brother to Jesse, takes the balance out of his life. In this story, Nick gets the chance to actually grow up.

Luka is a sweetheart ... but at the same time, he shows spine of steel. When Nick tentatively enters the relationship, something unfamiliar to him, Luka doesn't easily take Nick's non-sense. Luka doesn't forgives easily too -- at times, I feel like he's being a bit too hard on Nick. However, I also realize, that maybe it is what Nick needs. Nick spends his life knowing that his brother will have his back, and takes that for granted. Nick needs to see that his attitude has consequences. I also like how contrast Luka is, in life and in bed. Luka has that demanding attitude when he's in bed, and a streak of dirty talks too. Which adds nuance to his character.

The story is well-paced, no insta-love, and enough balance of drama and angst. There is one scene that just squeezes my heart, and gets me all teary-eyed, when Nick tells Luka the story about his old dog, Tucker.

Coming to the end of the story, it's getting more and more into the sappy territory, as Nick (after doing one stupid thing, we know he can't really help with) needs to do the grand gesture to prove his love to Luka. We get abudant love testaments and promises from both guys as they ride into their happily ever after. For some, you probably will roll your eyes and think it's too much. For others, you will probably going to sound like Nick when he says, "Fuck, I'm a sap" and smile in content.

Me, I fall into the latter group. And guess what, THIS SAP is INDEED smiling, and sighing, and ready to paint the sky with color of rainbows because SHE feels so totally in love with how things wrapped up :).

Personally, I think this is definitely better than Moonlight Becomes You. With addition of two cute little dogs AND (this is important people!!!) a female best friend who is NOT being a bitch or too much of a fag-hag (YES!!), the story is just a perfection for me.

SO, KUDOS, Piper & M.J., you both deserve my 5-stars for this one. Don't stop your partnership and keep writing the kind of romance story I need.
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,977 followers
August 1, 2013
DNF. 1 star because I cannot rate it with 0 stars.


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I am so f@@@ing mad that I feel like I'm going to freak out pretty soon! Yep, I know that I have only read the first 18 % of the story but I do not care at ll and I'm going to rate it nonetheless. A BIG FAT ZERO FOR Nick who does not deserve to be called a "hero".

I need to think about it. Might add a bit more.

Book goes back to Amazon.

P.S. Happy National's Day. Ugh.
Profile Image for Heather C.
1,480 reviews219 followers
April 11, 2012
I love, love, love Luka and Nicky!! But maybe Luka a tiny bit more than Nicky because Luka was strong enough and ballsey enough not to put up with any of his shit. 

I've been looking forward to Nicky's book forever. I absolutely loved to hate him in the previous book Moonlight Becomes You because he was such a huge asshole. Yeah, I almost always love the assholes, though. I love their suffering and their groveling...and oh did Nicky do some groveling!!  In all fairness he wasn't really and asshole...he's just a lot fucked up and had a huge tendency to be an idiot...over and over. Yeah, he just broke my heart (not in a bad way) and totally redeemed himself throughout the entire book. Not just in the end, he made a lot of GIANT baby steps along the way.  And of course he did it all for Luka. 

Now Luka...he was just an amazing character. Strong (even though he had been badly hurt in the past) and independent and not blinded by Nicky's celebrity status. And like I said before, he didn't put up with Nicky's shit. Every time Nicky screwed up, Luka would immediately make it known. Loved Luka!!

So Luka and Nicky together...OMG so HOT!  There was so much sweet sexual tension between them I was squirming. There was no sex, or even really a kiss until after 40%, which is just the way I LOVE IT!  But OMG it was so hot once they started. It was sweet and smexy and Luka was even a tiny bit kinky!

Oh, I can't forget the furry children! Stephanie and Snowy were so adorable. And Luka's mom was made of awesome...and so was Jeana! 

Those of you who did not care to read or even like Moonlight Becomes You, I highly suggest you give this one a try! It's AMAZING and sooooooo much better than the first one. This one is going on my Faves list!
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,774 reviews410 followers
August 26, 2012

Overall Rating: 5
Book Cover / Book Blurb = 5 / 5 = total of 5
Writer’s Voice = 5
Character Development = 5
Story Appreciation = 5
Worth the Chili = 5 [$6.39 on Amazon or $6.63 Barnes & Noble]

I have a confession to make. I am pretty sure I want to be a gay man in my next life. I mean think about it. I love men. Most everything about a man. I love their hands, their beard [think of it scratching against your fingertips and ... things], the conformation of the "man ass", the softness of their … you get my drift?

Have you ever thought about the pleasure you take from touching a man’s chest … grazing your fingernail over his nipple and the sharp indrawn breath? Was it yours? Was it his? What about looking into a strong face, a little rough with a day’s growth of whisker and notice the softness of the lip – you just want a nibble, not much. Or the fullness of the pout when you’ve told them something they don’t quite like – whisper you have to wait until later because the baby is crying... maybe? Or, maybe, just maybe this IS the reason you’ve denied them? To see the pout only so you can kiss it off… Have you thought about the strength and contour of the leg at the same time you feel the silkiness of the skin beneath; the hard and the soft? Oh. My. God! I want to be a gay man – they can appreciate like I can appreciate it. To live in this skin all day and then to be able to touch it whenever you want; to then be able to touch two at a time … WOW! Are you following me? I'd be someone who worked doing something physical ... I could be a football player or a martial arts expert. How about a motorcycle mechanic with the loud groan of the bike between your legs as you start it up to test it out, reminding you of your lover’s groaned rumble from the morning tumble… This book makes me appreciate men even more than I already do. And, I do appreciate a man.

I need a fan… with a cold spritz mist … *sigh*

Three things I liked about this book:
1.) Nicky & Luka. A perfect couple. The randomness of love. Fate and all that rot. These two would never have met if Nick hadn’t hit rock bottom. He did and ended in rehab where Luka is his nutritionist. Sexy? Not really when you think of the premise, but in practice, very. Who doesn’t love Celebrity Rehab. I’ve sat and watched that show and fell in love with the unlovable. Dennis Rodman. What a wonderful person you glimpse inside the tough exterior. MacKenzie Phillips. A more tortured person you’ve never met and even Heidi Fliess. So, the premise of this story had high appeal for me. Nick is a tough guy with a terrible past. He feels un-anchored because his brother, his anchor, is in a new committed relationship for the first time. This leaves Nicky feeling left out. You wouldn’t think this would gain much of your sympathy when the man is almost 30 years old, but it does as we learn about Nick's past.

And there is Luka. He is such a grounded, self-confident, loving person. He wants to help Nick because it is his job, then because he comes to know Nick and sees his worth as a person, and then because he comes to care about him. This storyline sounds wonky, but it really works.

Nick wrapped his arms and legs around Luka’s body and pulled his face down for a kiss. “I’ve screwed up so my things in my life,” he whispered into the kiss. “Sometimes it seems like getting shit wrong was what I was best at. But maybe all those screw-ups happened for a reason. Maybe they brought me here, to this moment. With you. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now.”

2.) This writing team of Vaughn and O’Shea create characters you fall in love with almost immediately. In Luka’s case, he is a bit of a flamer. He calls people “hon”, and puts the “y” on the end of names; Nicky, Jeanny... It is a bit stereotypical, but we love him. He has heart, a huge heart, and is so self-confident. He is very happy in his skin and at one point tells Nick to come to grips with himself and their relationship because he has “never been in the closet and you aren’t going to put me there. What you see now, I’ve been this way since pre-school.” And you just want to cheer for him. This is the second book I’ve read by this team. The first being “One Small Thing” and I loved this writing team then, I love them now. I don’t know how they do it, women writing wonderfully fabulous gay men, but they do and I want to tell them … please don’t stop. I love it and am a fan for life.

3.) The social message of complete acceptance contained in this book as it is written by this author team. The love they write about is transcendental and universal. The complete devotion Nick and Luka have for each other is something we all strive for. The intimacy they write about between these two characters, perfection. You feel the touches, you hear the sounds, you discover the textures. Just remarkable and you want to be Luka or Nick. It happened for me the first time I read one of their books, it happened for me again this time. You feel this love and you forget anything else. My very best friend is a gay man who has been working his whole life for the acceptance they paint so beautifully. From Luka’s mother who is pleased he has found someone to love and to love him in return, to Nick’s best friend [Dre] who is only angry because he didn’t tell him about Luka sooner, these two seem to have full support from the people that matter. There are minor issues like the doctor Luka works with, or Nick’s concern about the fan base, but for the most part, they are readily accepted. What a wonderful place this world would be if we had such universal acceptance of love.

What three things did I not like or not appreciate:
1.) I can honestly say there was nothing I didn’t like in this book. Maybe … I would have liked a bit more of the music industry portrayed, but it wasn’t a deal breaker by any means, so really nothing.

2.) Nope.

3.) Nothing.

I enjoyed this book from start to finish. I loved the characters and their development. I enjoyed the story and how it pulled me and how it made me feel. Nothing not to love about this one.

Very Happy Reading!


love this writing team.

Full review to come.
Profile Image for MsMiz (Tina).
882 reviews115 followers
March 30, 2012
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Nicky, oh sappy Nicky, you done good in the end there babe.

I am going to write more later. But what I do want to say is this: I said above that Nicky came through in the end. Honestly, I do not think he got enough credit for what he accomplished since the beginning of the book. He may have been a 'moron' and did some really dumb things, but over all he came so far. He had no good role models in his life and when he should have been growing up he was drunk and high. Shane was just as bad until last year and by the Nicky was too mad and too set in his ways to learn from him. I have to applaud our Nicky for growing up and taking it like a man.

Then there is dear sweet dirty mouthed Luka who is the only one who could have put Nicky in his place. Loved Luka.

What was missing - music *sad face*.

Profile Image for Jordie.R.
40 reviews11 followers
March 29, 2012
The Luckiest is the sequel to Moonlight Becomes You, which was a 5 star read for me and one of my favorite books of 2011. I like this book even more.

In Moonlight Becomes You, Nick Ventura was pretty much just one big fuck up and nothing has changed at the start of The Luckiest. Forced into rehab when he crashed his car into a store, Nicky meets Luka Novak, a nutritionist who works at the rehab facility. Their friendship turns into a romance in spite of Nick trying to convince himself that he's not in love with Luka. Now all Nick has to do is not make a mess of this relationship like he has with everything else in his life.

I know a lot of people didn't like Nick in Moonlight Becomes You. I think after you read The Luckiest, you will fall in love with him, just like Luka does.
Profile Image for Deeze.
1,643 reviews288 followers
May 31, 2012
I really don't know how to review this one. After reading book one I was so sure I'd be like everyone else and end up loving Nick. Sadly I not only didn't love him I didn't even start to like him. Throughout the whole book Nick was either an obnoxious jerk or a whinny brat.

There were so many times in this book I was either rolling my eyes or staring at the screen in disbelief. They might of been little niggles on their own but put together in one book made them too overwhelming for me.

It was the little things like this and the way this book left me dizzy from the endless loop of Nick screwing up and his constant thoughts on Oh dear what will people think, plus the inconsistency with the character Dre, loyal friend one minute borderline jerk the next, that left me disapointed in this story.

Profile Image for Candice.
932 reviews
April 11, 2012
4.5 stars

I really think that this was my favorite. Even though we met Nicky in the other book, this is really the first time you really get to see him. I didn't want to like him at all, all we have seen so far is the surface and in this book we learned that there was so much more to Nicky that by the end of the book, you just can't help but love him. Luka was definitely the perfect person for him, calm, steady and refused to give in to the crap that Nicky kept throwing his way. I liked how they started out as friends and slowly developed into more. Luka challenged Nicky's behavior and made him see how his actions affect others, especially when the one getting hurt was normally Luka. There was some really sweet moments and I loved the cute puppies that make you really make you feel how well these two fit together.
Profile Image for Sue.
46 reviews
April 1, 2012
The Luckiest is the second book in the Lucky Moon series. Nicky spent his childhood battling abandonment from his mother, physical and emotional abuse from his father, and then in his teens, early stardom with only the guidance of his brother, his senior by a few years. Because of these horrible and life changing events in his childhood and teens, Nick has become an angry, confused, scared little boy in the body of man. Nick’s brother Shane has taken care of him since childhood and has always cleaned up his fuck ups over and over again, which allowed Nick to continue to flounder and enhance his douchbaggery behavior. Finally, Nick breaks the last straw, crashes his car while high and ends up in rehab. During his stay he meets Luka, the center’s nutritionist and thus begins their relationship.

A few things struck me as I was reading The Luckiest. I read books for the characters and character development. That is my favorite part of a story. I could really see the change in Nick from as early as his stint in rehab all the way to the very end of the book. Nicky continues to fuck up throughout the entire book. I like that. In real life, there is no *poof* – you’re magically better. Nick was allowed to have his mistakes and to try to grow from them. We knew somewhere under all that snark was the real Nicky. And in The Luckiest, he allowed us to see his vulnerability, his softer side. I felt that the angst was just the right amount. Since Nicky isn’t magically cured of all his hang-ups, he continues to mess up his relationship with Luka and continues to test his brother’s loyalty and love. The sex scenes were so hot! I love Luka and his dirty talk! The scenes while steamy were appropriate and purposeful and not just used only as entertainment or fillers.

I could really see the growth in Piper and M.J.’s writing from Moonlight Becomes You to The Luckiest. I thought the characters were well rounded and delightful. I thought the affection and eventual love between Nick and Luka was beautifully written.

I’m really looking forward to the next installment of the The Lucky Moon series!
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews101 followers
March 28, 2015
I wasn’t too sure I was going to like this one. I was *not* a big fan of Nick Ventura in book #1 with all his drugs, partying, etc. But I was so wrong!!! Starting with the gorgeous cover for the 2nd Edition, I fell in love with Nick. Although he’s a world renowned rock star, he finds himself all alone in rehab. His brother is out of the country, his bandmates are spending time with their families.

In walks happy, bubbly Luka Novak, the nutritionist at the rehab facility. No insta-love here. It was a very slow building relationship. Lots of bumps a long the way. Mostly courtesy of Nick, who’s having a hard time admitting to himself and his fans that he’s fallen in love with a man.

Beautiful story. Well written. Can’t wait to read #3 when it’s re-released!
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,585 reviews3,941 followers
August 31, 2015
This book was way better than I expected. It had so many mixed reviews, that I was a bit worried, but for me it was exactly what I needed.
Sure Nick was an asshole at times and he did make some stupid mistakes, but what can I say...I seem to love assholes. What I also liked about Nick is that he knew he fucked up and he owned that shit. He tried to make amends and blamed nobody but himsels, so for me...that earned him some respect.

The book is about bi rockstar Nick (brother of Shane from book 1) and Luka (a little bit more flamboyant) a nutrician working for a rehab center. Ofcourse they meet when Luka is sentenced to spend three months in rehab after fucking up and driving his car, while drunk and strung high, into a shopwindow on Saks Av.

Nothing happens between them while he is in rehab...so it's a slow built and they become friends first. Most of the drama in this one has to do with the fact that Nick thinks he has to put on some show and be the "rockstar" he was before he went to rehab.

The steam in this one was very nice and it was also a surprise for me that they both wanted to top and bottom (I love it when that happen..it made me very very happy)I was also surprised about the dirty talk that came from Luka....he has some mouth on him....damn that was hot !!

So like I said, for me it was just what I needed and I really enjoyed reading it. I will be looking into some more books by this or these authors since it's the first one I've read. I didn't even read the first book and I had no difficulty with the storyline, so it can be read as a standalone.

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Profile Image for Susan65.
1,632 reviews51 followers
April 2, 2012
I fucking love Nicky and Luka.

Nicky is an asshole, plain and simple, and without apology. Luka is a good guy, no, a great guy. You would think they would repell each other but together they are perfect. Nicky is just screwed up and is socially inept because of his horrendous childhood...he doesn't want to be a dick but he doesn't know how to be anything else. Luka just wants to save him, save him from himself since Nicky is his own worst enemy.

Luka tries so hard but Nicky just breaks his heart over and over again. You know they belong together but you also know its gonna take a lot heart ache for them both before they finally get it right. And does Nicky ever get it right? Holy hell yes....go Nicky!

This is a wonderful story, a bit of angst but a lot of love. The storyline is believable and you want them to succeed, you want Luka to be treated like he deserves and you want Nicky's pain to go away. In the end you find yourself cheering, knowing that this time Nicky finally gets it right.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,418 reviews191 followers
April 30, 2016
I lost this book. Yep, I'm ashamed to admit it. It was swept away in the masses in my kindle. I'm soooo glad I found it, because it swept me away too!
Nick was an utter idiot in the beginning. Complete fool. I am thrilled he ran his fancy assed car into the a fancy assed store that made him pay the price. His downward spiral was only getting worse and he probably wouldn't be around to make sexy eyes at his sexy nutritionist, Luka if he hadn't crashed that fateful night.
So yeah, Nick is tossed in rehab and he hates it. He throws his tantrums and tries to play his diva card but Luka calls him on it. Luka is freaking amazeballs and tackles the impossible; tames the wild child. Of course Nicky isn't done screwing up. It was such a fun, exciting ride watching the playboy firecracker fall in love.
AND! More Shane & Jesse!!!!
Gahhh! I just can't get enough.
I'm such a huge fan of Vaughn & O'Shea together. Can't wait for more!
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,667 followers
May 6, 2012
Nick was a really interesting character; the guy who turns out to exist beneath the insensitive-asshole of the first book touched my heart. Luka was the perfect foil for him. This story has a nice slow-moving relationship, and the mistakes and difficulties are character-driven and touching. You wouldn't have to have read the first book to enjoy this, but it does add depth, especially with regard to Nick's relationship with his brother Shane. A definite reread.
Profile Image for Nichole (DirrtyH).
822 reviews125 followers
May 7, 2012

I want to read a book like this every day. Why can't every book be like this? I guess because I have other stuff I need to get done. This book made me an hour late for work today.
September 22, 2014
4.5 stars

It was clear at the wedding in Beyond Moonlight that Nick was not dealing well with his brother Shane marrying Jesse. In The Luckiest, we find that not long after, Nick's poor decision making has landed him and bandmate Dre in the hospital after a spectacular, drug fueled, headline making car crash. Nick now finds himself with a broken arm and sentenced to at least three months in rehab. While Nick is resigned to the fact he has to be there, and may grudgingly admit he needs to be, he is not going to go down easy (I couldn't stop laughing at his answers to the questions on his patient intake form). Unable and unwilling to connect with the less than compassionate doctor assigned to his case, he soon finds himself sharing his feelings with his nutritionist Luka. A bit flamboyant and determined to bring out the Nick he sees under the bad boy persona, Luka makes Nick his pet project. After his stay in rehab is up Nick returns home, but with both his brother Shane and friend Dre out of the state and the band on hiatus, Nick reaches out to Luka for support. As their relationship progresses Luka needs to overcome the damage done by his last boyfriend and Nick needs to learn everything there is about caring for another person and making a relationship work.

The authors did a great job developing both Nick and Luka and the relationship progressed from friends to lovers at a nice pace with plenty of sexual tension. I was pulling for Nick all the way, even when he seemed downright unlikable. His feelings of abandonment and jealousy of Shane really broke my heart and as much as I like Shane and understood his position, I was really mad at him in the beginning. Watching both Nick and Luka struggle when it's time for Nick to be the rock star again provided plenty of drama and the sex was scorching. I was also glad to see a nicely written female best friend in Jeans and plenty of catching up with Shane and Jesse.

I have yet to be disappointed by a Piper Vaughn and MJ O'Shea collaboration and am looking forward to the re-release of the next book in the series.

An ARC of this book was kindly provided by the author for an honest review.
Profile Image for Heather♥.
787 reviews6 followers
April 2, 2012
I knew Nicky's road to redemption would not be easy. In the previous book the man was such a putz. But I wasn't expecting the authors to rip out my heart during this process, do a little tap dance on it, stomp on it and then come back with a big old honking steamroller to finish it off. Nicely done Piper and MJ! It really was remarkable to see how much Nicky grew as a person. He still had his flaws and made some really bad decisions (he apparently couldn't hear me each time I screamed DON'T DO IT!) but he owned up to those mistakes and tried so very hard to make things right. That in itself surprised me because I figured he would be the type to assign blame elsewhere and walk away because it wasn't worth the effort to change. Luka was perfect for him in so many ways. He saw through Nicky's rockstar facade and defensive mechanisms, was supportive and patient with him, and helped him see how beautiful a loving relationship could be. They definitely had smoking hot chemistry together too. I mean really hot. And how adorable were they with their dogs?? Yes, I liked the new and improved Nicky very much. Luka and Nicky didn't have an easy time of it so by the end (and yes, it was a long haul of angst right up until the end) I couldn't help but stand up and cheer and say FINALLY when they got their well-deserved HEA. LOVED this book! So can I assume the next one will be coming out in oh let's say a week or so? :)
Profile Image for Snowtulip.
1,077 reviews
April 2, 2012
I admit I was one of those people that did not like Nicky in Moonlight Becomes You, probably because of how much I loved More Than Moonlight. So I didn't rush out to buy the book on release day.

All I can say is that I'm glad I didn't wait too long to read this, I absolutely enjoyed this book from beginning to end. Nicky and Luka's journey felt so real and robust in a way that actually made me feel valued as a reader. It had just enough drama to sappy ratio for me :) The story development, the character depth, the believability (ok, the end might be pushing that one) were all on target. Getting into the depths of Nicky's inner turmoil just made me love him that much more.

I definately enjoyed this more than book one, except I missed the music that was dominant in book one. Great read!
Profile Image for BR11.
647 reviews18 followers
January 17, 2017
3.5 stars
This was a hot read with good story development. The addiction issue, though, was treated lightly. I felt that Nick was magically cured.
That aside, I liked the main characters, although there were times I wanted to seriously slap them, hard.
In Luka's words, Nick is grumpy and sweet and a little broken, but perfect for him. Nick is a rockstar and seriously fucks up a few times. His sense of entitlement sometimes is too much.
Luka is a nutritionist and a dance teacher and, overall, a great guy. He would almost be perfect if he didn't sweetie and hon every-freaking-body all the time.
This book contains the most awkward meet the parents scene EVER! I felt sorry for Nick.
The sex scenes had good steam and I got my butt virgin.
Profile Image for Lauren.
647 reviews30 followers
March 30, 2012
Wow. Just... wow. I don't even know where to start. How the hell can I review a book I loved this much without squealing like the insane fangirl that I am?! All I can really think to say is that this book was an amazing and emotional journey that I'll definitely be taking again and again. I finished it hours ago, and yet part of me already wants to go right back to page one and read it again.

I'd enjoyed Moonlight Becomes You, but The Luckiest was something else entirely. I was pulled into Nick and Luka's world and I never wanted to leave. This is possibly one of the best books of this genre I've read in a really long time. Plus, I've always loved stories with these sensitive, damaged rockstar types, and Nick certainly ticked that box. I feel like there is so much I want to say about this book, but I honestly don't know if I can do it the justice it deserves. It was just such a wonderful read and in places it even made my heart ache. The Luckiest made me laugh, cry and shout out loud in frustration, and I loved every single second of it. Nick and Luka were so amazing together, and despite their ups and downs, there wasn't a single second where I doubted that they were truly made for each other. Oh, and Steph was such a cutie too (I adore Irish terriers!). It was also really nice to see Shane and Jesse in post-marriage bliss. I'm already praying that we'll get to see more of Nick and Luka in the future!

I really can't recommend this book enough - it had everything I was looking for and much, much more. MJ and Piper should be extremely proud of their work - well done girls, you did good ;)
Profile Image for Leaundra.
1,193 reviews47 followers
March 31, 2012
I loved this book, the first one was great but this one was even better. Nick and Luka were perfect for each other, even though Nick made me want to throw my Kindle a few times. Luka bless his heart he was the best and put up with so much from Nick. Nick was lucky to have him....I laughed, cried and was so angry not really angry at Nick but angry how he lived his life which wasn't all his fault, but he grew so much it was great to see. That's what makes a book great when it can put you through all them emotions and also when I wasn't reading it I was wondering what everyone was doing. I'm glad it ended so I could find out what happened but also sad because it ended,but I'm so glad there's going to be another book in the series.
Profile Image for Lenore.
605 reviews370 followers
September 6, 2016
Nick Ventura was the character I liked the most in this series, and in the first half of the book he was great. He came across like a true member of a rock band, like maybe Metallica or Pearl Jam.

In the second half he became a bit of a sap and I had issues with the changes in his personality. It was like he transfered from Pearl Jam to Nickelback.

I didn't connect much with Luka, but Nick seemed to like him, so I went along with it. And if you ask me those dogs weren't necessary. At all.

Also, that ending made my teeth hurt, it was so uber-sweet.
Profile Image for Jess Candela.
624 reviews36 followers
September 1, 2012
4.5 stars

I loved this one, which makes it disconcerting how close I came to not reading it. I thought the first book was enjoyable, but it didn't wow me enough to inspire me to read more. But I was browsing my ereader last night, looking for something to read, and somehow chose this. I'm so glad I did!

I definitely don't think you have to read the first book to enjoy this one. In fact, I might encourage people to read this first. I suspect the first one is more enjoyable after this one, as a sense of greater depth and background for characters you already love.

And I love Nick and Luka. Separately and together. Nick's vulnerability and the ways he dealt with it were believable and heart-wrenching. I loved Luka's sense of his own worth and refusal to take any crap, even as he was also (understandably) insecure. This was an engrossing book, one I was eager to finish because I wanted to know what happened, even as I also wanted it to never end.

Profile Image for Shell.
141 reviews
April 1, 2012
I'm sorry to all those who adored this book, but Nick's douche baggery knows no bounds.

After a drunken night of fun with his best friend, Dre, Nick Ventura runs his car into the window of Saks and is send to rehab. In rehab he meets nutrionsist Luka Novak. Luka is honest, sweet, out and proud and IMO entirely too good for Nick.

The book proceeds with Nick continuously screwing up and being a jerk and Luka forgiving him. Was the ending sweet? Yes, it was lovely, but Nick is still an ass. I almost wanted to squeeze Luka at the end and say, "good luck with that, love!"
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nicole.
175 reviews8 followers
April 1, 2012
I loved this book. Nicky is my favourite character from Piper and MJ. He broke my heart throughout most of the book and I just wanted to be his mummy.

I really hope there's a book for Em.i missed him in this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 257 reviews

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