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Codul Emoțiilor

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Într-adevăr, emoţiile dau culoare vieţii noastre. Încearcă să îţi imaginezi pentru o clipă o lume lipsită de emoţii. Bucuria ar lipsi complet din ea. Nimeni nu ar fi vreodată fericit şi nu ar da dovadă de bunătate faţă de semenii săi. Iubirea ar fi inexistentă, la fel ca şi celelalte emoţii pozitive.

De bună seamă, pe o astfel de planetă imaginară ar lipsi şi emoţiile negative. Locuitorii ei nu ar cunoaşte tristeţea sau mânia, depresia sau durerea. Cu greu am putea numi o astfel de existenţă: viaţă. Fără capacitatea de a simţi emoţiile de orice fel, viaţa ar fi redusă la o rutină anostă şi cenuşie care s-ar succeda între naştere şi moarte. De aceea, fii recunoscător pentru emoţiile tale!

Există probabil şi emoţii pe care le-ai trăit, dar pe care ai fi preferat să nu le fi avut niciodată. Nu există om care să nu treacă uneori prin perioade dificile. Probabil că ai trăit şi tu momentele tale de anxietate, de durere, mânie, frustrare şi teamă. Probabil că ai avut perioade de tristeţe, poate chiar de depresie, în care preţuirea de sine a fost ca şi inexistentă, în care ţi-ai pierdut speranţele sau în care ai manifestat alte emoţii negative.

Partea cea mai tristă este că o bună parte din aceste emoţii negative continuă să îţi creeze probleme, chiar dacă le-ai experimentat cu foarte mult timp în urmă. Ele fac acest lucru într-o manieră subtilă, dar foarte dăunătoare. Codul Emoţiilor îşi propune să descopere aceste emoţii refulate (nerezolvate) şi să le elibereze odată pentru totdeauna.

O bună parte din suferinţa noastră se datorează energiilor emoţionale „captive” înlăuntrul nostru. Codul Emoţiilor este o metodă simplă, dar extrem de eficientă, de descoperire şi de eliminare a acestor energii captive.

Foarte mulţi oameni au descoperit că dacă se eliberează de emoţiile nerezolvate captive, viaţa lor devine mai sănătoasă şi mai fericită. O singură emoţie nerezolvată captivă este suficientă pentru a da naştere unor probleme fizice şi emoţionale mai mari sau mai mici.

Unknown Binding

First published January 1, 2007

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Bradley Nelson

4 books58 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 536 reviews
Profile Image for Jason Fella.
45 reviews35 followers
April 5, 2014
I've been a massage therapist for 20 years, and I've seen stored emotions come out in people many times (along with memories), so I do believe in the premise of this book. However, this book's method of assessment is based on applied kinesiology, which I've just never been able to get on board with. Some of the practices and beliefs seem reasonable enough, and others are just too far-fetched. In addition, not only has there never been any studies done showing the reliability/validity of A.K., there was at least one large German study done a while back, which showed applied kinesiology was totally unreliable. I also suffer from severe depression and anxiety disorder, so I should be the poster-boy for trapped emotions.

Some random thoughts on this book and some of the complaints/criticisms about it: to the people who have asked their doctors, only to be told adamantly that you should NOT use magnets on your heads. Of COURSE that is what a doctor is going to say. They say that about anything they don't understand or know anything about. Although I do believe a magnet could cause a shift in energy enough to cause a headache, for example, I think it's impossible for a small magnet to cause any real harm. You're only using it for a few seconds. Also, keep in mind that there are other forms of therapy (which he mentions in the book) which use MUCH stronger magnetic pulses directly on the brain to treat depression.

He says if you are highly skeptical and don't believe this will work, it probably won't. Well, I do believe intention can influence a therapy, either positively or negatively, but I don't believe that lack of belief can keep any valid therapy from working. If that's the case, it's probably more like a placebo effect. The author also mentions God/Jesus throughout the book, and I don't think this is a topic that should come up in any kind of scientific discussion.

My real issue with this book is the premise that the subconscious is so easily accessed, and these emotions so easily released. I'm an experienced meditator, and even I can't just access my subconscious, order up a release of some random emotion, and have it happen just like that. Yes, emotions can spontaneously release through meditation or massage, etc. but Dr. Nelson makes it sound soooo easy and I just don't buy it. What's more, I've tried this method a few times, with no results.

I'll keep trying this out, and IF I do get results, I'll happily get on here and update my review. Until then, I'll leave it as is. This book has gotten enough positive reviews that I do recommend people check it out, but don't expect the miracles he's promising.
Profile Image for Fatima.
186 reviews376 followers
August 27, 2016
ایموشن کد روش ابداعی دکتر بردلی نلسون (امریکایی) هست که با استفاده از این روش سریعتر از هر روشی که به عمرتان دیده یا شنیده اید می توانید علت مشکلات جسمی، ذهنی یا روانی خود را دریابید و در صورت لزوم آنها را برطرف کنید. آنچه را که متخصصان روزی به خواب هم نمی دیده اند اینک در اختیار ماست و آموزش آنها آسان و سریع و قابل فهم برای هرشخصی هست که هیچ اثر جانبی منفی ای هم ندارد. بدون دارو، خونریزی و درد و قابل استفاده برای کلیه متخصصان و مردم عادی میباشد. منابع کافی (کتاب و فیلم) ترجمه شده به فارسی هم دارد که هر کسی به راحتی می تواند آنها را از این سایت دانلود کنید . اینجا

Profile Image for Ben Tousey.
Author 12 books10 followers
May 27, 2014
As with all pseudoscience, it starts with a believable premise. Here that premise is, emotions get trapped within our bodies.

Okay, enough of the believable. Now he says that by affecting the "energy" (there's that word again), we can go directly to that ball of emotion and intercept it, and therefore create a change.

Of course he uses a lot of anecdotal evidence, but as any attorney would tell you, the least trustworthy form of testimony is eyewitness testimony. That's why we have scientific method, to measure those things and find out if they're true.

Profile Image for Lisa the Librarian.
386 reviews50 followers
June 29, 2010
Wow!! This book really resonated with me. The concepts speak truth to my heart.

I was a bit cautious going into it because last September I had read a book recommended by my mother called Remembering Wholeness that felt really "off" to me in a lot of ways. I knew this book was based on some similar ideas... energy within the body and working with that energy to improve life. Based on my negative experience with the other book, I borrowed this before I would commit to a purchase. I was about 50 pages into it when I ordered two copies: one for me and one for my mom.

One thing I really love about this book is that Dr. Nelson acknowledges that the greatest healer to ever live is Jesus Christ and that as we are learning to be healers we should seek to emulate Him and His love and compassion for those we desire to heal, this includes loving ourselves.

I also loved that Dr. Nelson discusses the importance of faith, meaning we must believe we can help emotions heal and we must also have and tremendous gratitude to God for the fact that we are doing the healing. Both of these components are essential to the healing process.

I feel truth in these pages and am very eager to help loved ones heal from trapped emotions that could in turn lead to physical ailments. I know that negative emotions can be devastating and the concept that we can use our own body’s energy to help dispel the negativity is amazing and inspiring.

I can barely wait to get started healing my loved ones that are open and ready.

One caveat: When Dr. Nelson discusses the “sway test” to help figure out what is going on inside your body he states that a away forward indicates a “yes” answer and a sway backward indicates a “no” answer. Fortunately I had a friend teach me the sway test just before I started this book. She suggested that I ask “Heavenly Father, please show me a strong ‘yes’ answer” the next question is “Heavenly Father, please show me a strong ‘no’”. I actually test opposite of what Dr. Nelson says, I lean forward for “no” and backward for “yes”. I’d suggest that you do your own self test to make sure you know which way your body talks to you.
Profile Image for chris.
471 reviews
October 31, 2019
If you are dealing with health, relationship, and/or financial issues, this book is worth a read, and the exercises included, worth a try.
One note, this book has some incredible facts and practices you can try out, to help support yourself and your loved ones overall health and well being. However, you will have to get beyond the author's religious beliefs (if you do not personally subscribe to them) in order to get to the deeper, universal, message of:
Emotions are energy, and just as they can become locked into the human body, they can be released as well.
While I am not a subscriber of Dr. Nelson's specific religious, I do understand the basic principles of energy and emotions and appreciate the expansion the author offers on the subject.
I'm also very familiar with Applied Kinesiolgy, and have used that form of testing for over 6 years. I am also familiar with having emotions energetically cleared from me, with Applied Kinesiology.
I've tested myself on everything from nutritional supplements, to food allergies, to body care products (though I am not certified or trained in Applied Kinesiology, any other healing art, or medical training). So I was quite ready to jump in to Trapped Emotion energy testing.
In the last three days, I have helped my body clear itself of ten Trapped Emotion energies, that I found to be impacting my Health in a negative way. I have helped my Parent's clear 10 Trapped Emotions, one of which was, according to the energy test, an Inherited Trapped Emotion that went back 5 generations. I should note that several Trapped Emotions that came up that were not the Testing Subjects' Emotions but were coming from other individuals. Meaning they were Emotions an individual had, that the Testing Subject was picking up through energy testing, and were being tested as negatively impacting the Testing Subject. So, we cleared them.
I have no scientific proof I can offer. The only thing I know, is that in some cases, I noticed that I personally felt better after some of the Trapped Emotions were energetically cleared from me.
Long term impact? Too early to know. I will update...stay tuned!
Profile Image for Seon Ji (Dawn).
1,049 reviews257 followers
June 22, 2020
Bought this due to a FB friend recommendation.

The first 4 chapters is nothing but testimonials and the author patting himself on the back so it seems. I get it, the author has to sell people his method ,which is nothing but a combination of ancient methods changed around so he can call it is own IMHO.

This is nothing new. It's energy work. Reiki, releasing trauma in the body, all which can be done without having to revisit the painful experience.

His ideas are the same, that a person has to be willing to heal, and be an active part of their own healing.

Old hat. Not worth the audible credit. I returned for refund.
Profile Image for Jessi.
122 reviews68 followers
January 16, 2009
This should receive TEN out of five stars!!!! Seriously, I am really enthusiastic about this. I have used it on myself with wonderful results and I have already put this information to work in my practice and seen further phenomenal results with my reiki clients.
This should be required reading for all energy and other CAM practioners, but is also easy enough to read and understand clearly for people who aren't in the healing arts profession.
This book is a breakthrough for anyone who is suffering from chronic pain or conditions, mild to serious but persistant depression, and virtually any other persistant emotional and physical difficulties that are not necessarily easily defined/diagnosed. many of the cases in the book have showed up in Dr. Nelson's office as a "last resort" when other medical treatments have not been completely effective or helpful, and Dr. Nelson has been very successful with these cases using the Emotion Code methods. The good news is that it's soooo simple, it's easy enough for anyone to learn to use these techniques for self-treatment and use at home with the family, and even pets. It is good to have access to a practioner/professional who understands the methods who can answer questions while you're learning (feel free to message me anytime), but if not, absolutely ANYONE can do this and this book provides the perfect directions.
Specifically, the Emotion Code work is a method of kinesiology, or muscle testing, that manages to find, identify, and instantly RELEASE trapped and hidden negative emotions nestled deeply in our cells. Our body has a phenomenal "Cellular memory" and one of the ways it deals with stress is to hide or store away negativity. The negative energy of these "trapped" emotions, which we may or may not realize have been trapped, effects our body on a physical level and can manifest as more painful physical conditions if left unchecked. Dr. Nelson runs a magnet up and down the governing, central, meridian in order to release the trapped emotions once they have been identified and acknowleged(he uses the same Nikken magnetics I use in my Reiki and wellness practice, specifically designed and calibrated for healing purposes, but explains that a fridge magnet will also work with the Emotion Code method). Feel free to message me if you'd like more information regarding the Nikken magnetics -- or you can order them directly from my website at . He describes which kind and how he uses them in the book.
I actually had the pleasure of personally meeting Dr. Nelson at a wellness conference last October, and he worked on me directly in front of a roomful of workshop participants. Within less than a minute he found, identified, acknowledged and released three trapped emotions, along with a persistent (aggravated for YEARS) stress-related stiffness in my neck that has NEVER returned. This method has been extremely well researched and carefully developed by Dr.Nelson with the highest of intentions and integrity, and I highly and wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking emotional or physical healing of any kind! Zero side effects, non-invasive, complimentary to allopathic treatments and other CAM modalities (especially complimentary with Reiki or Energy Healing), amazing results!
Profile Image for Kate.
51 reviews1 follower
March 31, 2021
1. Take out the trapped emotion chart, and ask your body which row and column your trapped emotion can be found, because your body subconsciously knows what’s on the chart.

2. Rub a magnet on your head* with the intent to release your trapped emotion, which, by the way, is anywhere in your body and is somewhere between orange- to melon-sized.

3. If this makes sense to you, you feel better! (I am not arguing with placebo effect, as placebos are pretty cool. I’m glad y’all are doing well.)

[This is an exaggeration of the book contents for comedic effect, but dang did I stop and stare when the chart idea came up.]

I read this book to make someone else happy. It took energy (and constant reminders) to read it without judging its contents while reading. Now I am done reading and I feel comfortable judging it: No. 😂 Just no. I’m not even convinced this is magnetic field therapy. Assuming the validity of working with meridians, and assuming the validity of using magnets with meridians, running a magnet over the governing meridian for *everything* seems like a worse idea than just talking about your symptoms to someone who works with meridians. (And hopefully that person does more than rub a magnet over the one meridian to rule them all.) Like, go see a TCM practitioner (or something similar) if that’s what you’re looking for, and don’t settle for the person who took a two week course once.

I am not even going to touch muscle testing (asking your body for yes/no answers by swaying or the like) on the internet.

I’m not going to get further into it, because I have no desire to have this conversation here.
Profile Image for Kristen Gebbia.
181 reviews5 followers
May 8, 2020
While some reviewers gave this book lower ratings because of "Christian overtones", as a Christian I'm actually giving it a lower rating in part because of it's weird spirituality. Nelson does quote the Bible some, but has some ideas about the spirit world that are quite extra-Biblical. Not only that, but a very large portion of the book (my guess is around half) is taken up with testimonials of how the emotion code worked for/healed different people. I don't want to know every Tom and Sally's sob story and how this method helped; I just wanna know what the emotion code is and HOW and WHY it works. And in that respect I walked away fairly disappointed. I get that the science is still developing in the field of quantum physics, and that the emotion code is essentially based off of quantum physics. But still, I don't dive head first into something just because some people have had some sort of "experience" and therefore this new something has been "proven" to be effective. Or, worse yet, because someone had a dream that confirmed something for them, as is presented several times in this book.

That being said, I wouldn't completely discount the emotion code and the premises behind it. I do realize emotions affect our health and wellness, and we can hang onto them in a way that contributes to illness. Science is making new discoveries all the time, so I'll keep reading in this field, as I'm fascinated by how the human brain and body function. I'm also very familiar with muscle response testing, and credit it with restoring my health the past couple of years. So that part of the book does make some sense to me, although I'm still not sure what to think about remote testing.

What follows are summaries of the authors premises, along with my thoughts about them in parenthesis. You'll see I can agree with some things, then understand quite a bit more than I'm ready to totally agree with, but then towards the end of the book completely lose respect for the direction the author took....
"Everything created has an energetic field" (I can agree--science is proving this)
"Emotions have an energetic field" (I can probably agree. Again, science is proving this)
"Sometimes an emotion gets trapped in our body, creating a negative energy in the organ it's trapped in and leading to disease in that organ" (I can probably accept this on some level. I know emotions can affect our health)
"Our brains are super computers and the subconscious mind knows more than we give it credit for" (I can agree)
"Our subconscious minds know if there is an emotion trapped in our body, what it is, where it came from, etc" (A stretch, but possible)
"All we have to do is ask the subconscious mind via muscle response testing and we can find the trapped emotion" (I'm familiar with nutritional muscle response testing. Emotional MRT is admittedly stretching me a bit, but I wouldn't totally dismiss it. I just wish there were more scientific evidence)
"Once the subconscious mind gives us the answers we need, we can release the trapped emotion from our body forever by passing a magnet over our governing meridian" (Okay. Now the author is loosing me. Maybe....MAYBE I could give some credence to magnetic healing of negative emotions...but having that emotion gone FOREVER sounds too easy, too good to be true, and a honestly whacky).
"Trapped emotions can be inherited from our ancestors" (Again, a little far out there. But maybe not too much; seems like I've read about traumatic events changing DNA. And the Bible talks about generational sins. So maybe emotions can be inherited.)
"When you release a trapped inherited emotion, it releases it for the spirits of your dead ancestors as well." (Ummmm...no. I don't care how many people have "confirmed" this through their dreams.)
"Often when releasing inherited trapped emotions the spirits of your ancestors will show up on the scene because they sense you are freeing them" (Words can't even begin to express how far my eyebrows traveled upward at this one....and again, I don't care how many people had dreams to "confirm" this.)
"Pets also have trapped emotions, and you can release them for Fido and have a happier dog" (lol!)
Profile Image for April .
82 reviews
February 9, 2015
This is a book that I didn't know I needed until I read it. Julie Rowe gave a plug for this book at the end of her book 'The Time is Now', so I ordered it. I've known I had a heart wall for years. Living with an alcoholic parent, divorce and other hurtful experiences caused me to put a protective wall around my broken heart. I didn't realize that this wall was keeping me from feeling joy in my life, and was also causing me sleeping and health problems. This book was a God send for me.
5 reviews
July 26, 2008
This is definitely one for my tool box and it makes so much sense to me. (OH, I think I said the same thing about the first book I added, ...but it is true. What I really like about this book, is it is written by someone I respect. I don't know Dr. Brad Nelson, personally, but I know both of his brothers. Dr. Brad uses several magnetic tools that I have in my house and practice, in a way that releases trapped emotions. Trapped emotions are ones that we don't know that we have, but they manifest in us as fear, anger or disease. By asking questions to our bodies or those we work with and using muscle testing techniques, the emotion is uncovered and two or three strokes with a magnetic tool and the emotion is vanished forever.
Profile Image for K..
888 reviews120 followers
September 6, 2014
5 months on a book is more than I usually spend, that's for sure! I had to take this one in doses, though. I've been using the tools from the Emotion Code in one form or another for a couple of years now, first in working with someone who used it with me to help me get through some icky stuff and then she and other friends taught me the rudiments to use on myself. I realize now that I've been playing with it without a perfect knowledge of the concepts behind it. Nevertheless, the idea is simple enough that one can easily get at least some good work done that way even if not getting in really deep. Now that I'm finally finished I realize that the concept is simple and nearly anyone who believes it can work can use it effectively without extensive training or even tons of practice. I wouldn't say one could jump in and be an expert super quickly, but one can definitely learn by practice.

Three years or so ago I would have scorned the idea that emotions could have such an effect on our spiritual/mental/physical health. I have always thought I was effective at "letting things go." Before I even came into close contact with this information I came to understand that I was not always (or not even usually) letting things go; I realized, with a jolt, really, that I'm much more of a "stuffer." About two years ago my body had enough, I was FULL, and basically erupted. I will not admit or even imply that my cancer was caused by trapped emotions, but I will state that I firmly believe that they had a sizable effect. I had so much toxic emotional garbage in me that really needed to come out before I could become healthy again and that is a personal fact.

I've experienced a lot of positive changes in health and my emotional/mental/spiritual state since I've consciously LET things go using this technique and although I sense I've still got lots to release, I know how to quickly get rid of garbage I really don't need to carry around. This is just one of many modalities in energy healing, but it's a good one to start with if you're interested.

The book is not complex, it's actually very simply written (too much so at times maybe) and the concepts are fairly easy to understand. I suppose if you're totally new to the idea of energy healing and of muscle testing (kineseology) you'll likely think this is a load of you know what. That's okay. I've been there. The one thing reading books like this (or just exploring concepts like this) is that there really is no one road to healing for any situation. There are so many options. Don't be as close-minded as I used to be!!

Lots of negative reviewers have a hard time with the religious aspect, because Dr. Nelson is a devout Christian and is not afraid to 1) state the fact; and 2) call into service the power of prayer, faith and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Now, anyone who wants to use the emotion code to heal does not necessarily HAVE to believe in religion/God/Christ or anything like that. However I have to say, that to my understanding, one of the ways a person could understand the concepts in the Emotion Code is that in releasing an emotion that is causing us physical, emotional, spiritual or mental distress or disease we are really allowing Christ, who is willing, to take our distress etc. from us using the power of the Atonement. He already paid the price, but sometimes we won't let Him take it from us.

That's my take today, and for now I'm sticking to it. Emotion Code work has been a huge blessing in my life. Thanks to Bradley Nelson! Looking forward to getting rid of more garbage!!
Profile Image for Siena Mirabella.
68 reviews6,881 followers
May 10, 2023
This started out as a 4 for me then slowly trickled it’s way down to like a 2.5
Profile Image for Bev Siddons.
178 reviews
June 28, 2013
When first introduced to this technique a decade ago, I dismissed it as a bunch of hooey. However, as with all of the lessons God wants you to learn, He keeps putting the same message in front of you until you actually pay attention. For those unfamiliar with alternative medicine, you will most likely dismiss this method of muscle testing and tapping as I originally did. However, if you suffer from any phobias, emotional baggage, and/or chronic disease, read this book once viewed with an open mind. Go ahead and poo-poo it, and when you're ready, return for a second read.

The muscle testing and subsequent releasing of trapped emotions are based on the theory of your body's energy system. "In the same way that the effects of the wind are felt rather than seen, trapped emotions are invisible, yet can exert a powerful influence upon you." Your subconscious mind, aka your connection to soul, can greatly relieve physical symptoms, indeed, actually heal them.

Simply put, this book along with the The Healing Code by Alexander Lloyd and an open mind can change your life as it is changing mine.
Profile Image for Omar Delawar.
134 reviews27 followers
June 7, 2022
WOW! It has been a long time since I read anything remotely as bad as this. It is embarrassingly bad. What a bunch of BS. The author calls himself a doctor? Doctor of what exactly? I didn't encounter a single medically sound fact in this book, in fact its all hogwash - new-agey, pseudo scientific garbage. Did this %&$#* of an author just recommend you could "release your trapped emotions" with a damn magnet? Really? Really? What type of a con-man doctor would say such a thing?

Please do not waste your time. I know some females may be drawn to trash like this as it has the word "emotions" and "love & happiness" in the title - please let me assure you, its total trash! Don't waste your time. For the first time in my life, I am returning a book on Amazon! I have NEVER RETURNED A BOOK IN MY LIFE but this one deserves it! WTF this is so bad! I can't believe I am being asked to give it 1 star!

For those who gave this 4 or 5 stars YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY SMOKING SOMETHING. That's what drugs will do to you - they take away your ability for rational thought and replace it with belief in pseudo-scientific garbage.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kayla Barriger.
76 reviews1 follower
June 18, 2020
As a Natural Health Practitioner who was already trained in Muscle Response Testing and the basics of the Emotion Code, I was excited at the opportunity to learn more about the mechanisms behind the process. However, I was disappointed to find that 90% of the book was pretty much comprised of personal testimonies, many of which were strange in nature, based upon dreams and visions, and not verifiable data. The 10% of the book with actual scientific or logical thought process was interesting, but really not worth the investment in the book unless you are a health practitioner who is devoted to emotional work. But even then, most of the useful information can be found online.
Furthermore, I would caution against calling this "Christian." The religious views that Dr. Nelson presents tend to be more of a melting pot between New Age and Christianity.
Profile Image for Marcha Fox.
Author 19 books204 followers
July 6, 2015
I learned to question everything when I discovered that astrology worked regardless of what my physics professors told me in college. Some of the questions one has to ask in such a dilemma are who has the most to gain from an untruth, who has the most power or influence and is it something you can test personally to determine whether or not it works?

For example, there's the ongoing argument about alternative medicine. Who has the most to gain from an untruth? Easy. The pharmaceutical industry. Who has the most power? They do, especially considering they have the FDA on their side. Is it something you can test personally? Definitely.
This book addresses the concept and technique of energy healing which some equate with voodoo or snake oil salesmen. Who has the most to gain from debunking it? The healthcare industry. Who has the most power? The healthcare industry and its rather powerful lobby. Is it something you can test personally. You bet.

I first heard about emotions being the root of most diseases several years back when I read "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die" by Karol Kuhn Truman. She even goes so far in that book to define specific parts of the body related to certain diseases. Her premise was that certain negative emotions elicited a chemical response from somewhere in your body which had a toxic effect on certain organs, causing disease. Every time I've had some sort of malady and referred to her list it fit, whether it was issues with authority figures when my bad knee was acting up or having colon cancer when I was feeling "dumped upon." Ms. Truman has a mantra of sorts to rid yourself of emotional issues that could affect your health and they worked in large degree. But not as effectively as Dr. Nelson's.

Slightly different than Truman, Dr Nelson believes that emotions are generated by our organs themselves, not simply affected by them. He states that emotions are energy which can get trapped in certain parts of the body, most likely the part responsible for its generation. Our subconscious knows everything that is going on with our body and can thus reveal information regarding its status through a method of muscle strength testing he describes. Thus, identifying trapped emotions is as simple as going through a series of yes/no questions addressed to your subconscious, either by yourself or with the assistance of someone.

He includes numerous testimonials of the amazing experiences some of his patients have had using this method. As someone who has the baggage of a 747, of course I had to try it. I was truly amazed at how well it worked and the difference I felt physically, as if a burden had been lifted.

As a quick aside, as an astrologer, I can tell you that the cosmic climate right now is conducive to letting go of old baggage, which is related to Pluto. Pluto, by the way, does not much care whether he's considered a planet or not by us lowly humans. His influence is strong regardless, as is that of numerous other small heavenly bodies such as asteroids and minor planets.

Another concept Nelson introduces is that of a "heart wall" which is an energy field our subconscious creates around our heart to protect it from emotional harm. Our heart is more than a pump, it has an element of intelligence and stores memories as documented by heart surgeon, Paul Pearsall, in his book "The Heart Code." If a person has been deeply hurt they may not just have trapped emotions but a heart wall as well which shields them from feeling additional pain. If you've suffered emotionally in the past and thus feel somewhat numb or unfeeling, it is highly likely that you have one of these barriers protecting you. He explains how to get rid of them as well.

Okay, I am well aware that the fact I'm a physicist is diminished somewhat by the fact that I'm an astrologer and a science fiction writer. Yes, I'm into metaphysics and have a reasonably good imagination. However, I have found that a lot of this woo-woo stuff does indeed work and Nelson's "Emotion Code" is no exception. You can either go spend thousands of hard-earned dollars in counseling to get rid of your stash of baggage or you can buy Nelson's book and see how much you can deal with yourself. By the way, in case you are unaware, some of the first counselors were astrologers who can tell by analyzing your natal chart what those hangups are likely to be. I have helped numerous clients through a crisis through understanding the cosmic energy upon them at the time.

So by now you are either convinced that I am entirely daft, crazy, not wrapped too tight, or whatever. Like Pluto, I don't care. However, I don't expect you to take my word for it. I challenge you to put Nelson's theories and methods to the test as I have. They work. And if you don't feel comfortable trying them solo, he has a plethora of certified practitioners nationwide to assist you in your journey. If you had a difficult childhood like I did, have been divorced, lost someone you love, or suffered any sort of physical or emotional trauma in your life, chances are you can benefit from this book. To me it was worth its weight in gold.

But don't take my word for it. The last I checked Amazon he has 490 reviews and a rating of 4.6 stars. Clearly I might be crazy but I'm certainly not alone.
Profile Image for Amy Bruestle.
273 reviews202 followers
August 11, 2019
I won this book through a giveaway in exchange for an honest review...

Wowzeeeee! What a book! I can honestly say that this is probably the best “self-help” style book that I have ever read! Partly because it isn’t a bunch of bullshit that most people already know, and partly because not only does it tell you what to do, but it also gives you step by step instructions on how to do it! I also found it to be very interesting, and I really enjoyed the examples given in each section too! I have learned quite a bit and I have also discovered some things about myself while reading this book. I am proud to say that I believe I now possess the tools to properly get rid of my own trapped emotions and help others get rid of theirs as well! I am excited to try some of the tests from the book with other people! I have already done each of the self-tests and it still shocks me how our bodies can respond to thoughts the way they do! It’s all about energy....positive and negative. There is a lot covered in this book! I am glad that I was given the chance to read it as an ARC. I highly recommend this to everybody! There is something in it for everyone and many ways to relate to the different topics! Thanks for the opportunity to read! 5 STARS!
Profile Image for Freymuth Sommer.
48 reviews6 followers
January 4, 2024
This book tells us that we are energetic beings and that emotions are energy blocks stored in our body. With the help of magnets it is possible to clear the diverse manifestation of stored negative emotions and resume a healthy life again.
The practice is aided by questioning the subconscious where the blockages are and then dissolving them with the magnet by hovering over the specific place or the spinal cord.
As this is a simple practice it is worth a try in my opinion.
Profile Image for Carrie.
36 reviews
July 14, 2009
I sent this around for my long distance book club and haven't gotten it back. Some very interesting and compelling ideas about how things (ie. the entire universe) work, though I believe that one must take greater advantage of applying the atonement of Christ to get the results he claims.
Profile Image for Cara.
Author 20 books101 followers
September 29, 2021
I’m home with a cold (well, I’m always home, but I’m taking sick days until I feel better), and this book has become and absolute obsession over the past two days. So interesting! Now I’m wondering if the whole purpose of this cold has actually been to guide me to read this book.

I’ve had this book in my Scribd library for a long time, but the title just doesn’t sound that interesting, so I never got around to it. But yesterday, I stumbled across a one-page cheat sheet on the method, and I tried it even though I didn’t have any of the background, and it seemed like it worked. The whole thing was so fascinating, I dove in and read the whole book to get the rest of the details.

I haven’t put this on the life-changers shelf yet, even though it probably will be. I’m not even sure why. But basically, the premise is: lots of physical ailments and mental stucknesses come from old emotions that never finished processing, so they got trapped somewhere in your body. So, you can use this simple process to have your subconscious mind guide you to them and release them. If a trapped emotion was causing a pain or problem, when you free it, you eliminate the cause of the problem.

Pretty simple, and the process is amazingly simple and takes only a few minutes. (Or at least, only a few minutes per trapped emotion. You may have lots of them.)

On one hand, I feel Iike this book is about 10x longer than it needed to be, because the premise and process could be captured on one piece of paper. The rest of the book was taken up with stories and case studies. It had to be hundreds of them. Part of me is like, “leave most of those out and cut to the chase!” But part of me felt really inspired and moved by each story in there. Would I have been so motivated to dive right into this and start doing the shit out of it without so many stories? Probably not.

Anyway, this book is crazy, and I hope it really works. If it does, you probably won’t be able to get me to shut up about it.
1 review
February 24, 2019
Nothing you can use. This short little ditty seems to be an excuse for the author to get his name on a "book". (it hardly qualifies as a book) He could have explained it all in a paragraph such as the one I'm presenting right this minute.....and without the sarcasm

This "book" is an overly long, drawn out, waste-of-time elaborate introduction. This little booklet says basically that all of us have been carrying around some undesirable junk----baggage, if you will,,,: Which amounts to a heap of locked up, blocked up, old negative emotions which might be released if you follow the advice which you will find in another book...the "real" book.. "THE EMOTION CODE". If you want to watch a video which makes the matters of the subconscious mind relevant and in your face..watch this on Amazon Prime movies: "Emotion 2.0" Nelson Bradley, author of The Emotion Code" presents his case along with eight other professionals in the field of what I like to call "where quantum psychology meets your physiology in the road of life" which, in a nut shell proves that every thought carries a signature tag and the bad thoughts create havoc,,,,while the good, loving, and gratuitous thoughts create wonders in a grand manner.

So, there........no need to read this little bookie. Watch the video and get fully reimbursed for reading my quips. Be safe, Be courteous and be loving.
Profile Image for Mattia.
301 reviews23 followers
May 4, 2022
Atrocious waste of time. If you love tautologies, ableism, sexism, and zero science, you might enjoy this book.

Kinesthetic muscle testing is bad enough, but Kirlian photography? Seriously? (Who recommended this book to me? I had it on a list of some kind…)

Yes, emotions are held in the body. Yes, the unconscious is enormously important.

But no, the brain is not a computer that stores exact replicas of exactly everything it’s ever experienced… I was honestly pretty shocked that the author didn’t even attempt to bring in science to support some of the claims.

Not even sure what the method here is because 25% of the way into the book it still hadn’t shown up. Had to create a DNF shelf for this one.

(And ps I’m usually able to get through even fairly anti-science books to get to the method because I’m always curious to try things myself even if they’re goofy. This book was unreadable for me.)
Profile Image for Obliterature (The Bibliophile).
35 reviews2 followers
November 26, 2016
I can't help but feel that I would be made fun of if I attempted any of these "healing methods." According to this Doctor's (Doctor of what again?) theory, we have walls that are built around our hearts which cause "trapped emotions."

I tried attempted the positive thinking test, which seemed to be pretty accurate.

So how is the healing attempted? With magnets. That is all. If it seems too good to be true, you would be safe to assume that magnets aren't going to heal my "thick heart wall" for my "trapped emotions."

Give me a break.

I'm so fucking done with this new age tomfoolery. The market is still open for the gullible--and it's doing damn well.
Profile Image for Suad Alhalwachi.
751 reviews87 followers
December 7, 2022
Well, the book opened my eyes to my own life. The term “trapped emotion” resonated with me as I am a real trapper, and in life one mustn’t keep the emotions to oneself but rather deal with it at once. I read the book and reached a chapter that talks about the “heart wall”, then I remembered a line from Quran that says “لا ران على قلوبهم" which means there is a wall around their hearts. Basically the discovery of the heart wall is not recent, it’s ancient and we do that to ourselves. We bottle up our emotions and instead of channeling them to the good we use negativity, hence we become ill and suffer.

The emotion code covers all the emotions that affect us. And all the problems associated with the trapped emotions, and if we do want to life a fulfilling life we must either learn to untrap those emotions or just deal with them as soon as we feel them. If we feel unloved then we love ourselves, if we feel agony or unused then we get rid of those feelings or of the people the cause them. We must learn that our bodies are important and in fact we must never let anyone hurt us and make us feel small.

I am lucky that a friend who is a practitioner had led me to read this book. Well worth the time and an immense learning experience


“Today we are at a turning point in medical history. With the discoveries of quantum physics proving the energetic nature of our reality, a door has been opened.
Scientific research is constantly being conducted, and continually confirms over and over again that we are beings of energy, and that there is an intelligent force at work in the universe.”

“The changes I’ve had because of using the Emotion Code are so many positive things. To mention a few … I’m happier, more relaxed, and feeling positive about life now. Actually, “I feel like I have become my true self. My family and friends tell me that I’ve changed. It feels like everyone enjoys my positive energy!! —Anna O.

“It’s perfectly feasible if you have a large enough magnetic field,” said Peter Main, professor of physics at Nottingham University, one of the British scientists who collaborated with colleagues at the University of Nijmegen to create the first levitating amphibian. “Their endeavors are reported briefly in the current issue of the British magazine New Scientist. To hold up the frog, the field had to be a million times that of the Earth, the scientists said, only then was it strong enough to distort the orbits of electrons in the frog’s atoms.
“If the magnetic field pushes the frog away with sufficient force, you will overcome gravity and the frog will float,” Main said. The trick doesn’t only work on frogs. Scientists say they have made plants, grasshoppers, and fish float in the same way. “Every ordinary object, whether it be a frog, a grasshopper, or a sandwich, is magnetic, but it’s very rare to see such a spectacular demonstration of this,” said Main.
The scientists said their frog showed no signs of distress after floating in the air inside a magnetic cylinder.3”

“We can’t fool our subconscious minds. They know in an instant, without a doubt, whether we are being true or false—whether we are making healthy, wise, positive choices or not.”

“It’s not unusual to find several trapped emotions lodged together in a particular area of the body. This often seems to create a greater level of tissue distortion, pain, and malfunction. The level of discomfort often diminishes noticeably as each trapped emotion is released.”

“The Span of Inherited Emotions
In the same way that you can inherit your eye color from your father, or the shape of your nose from your mother, you can also inherit trapped emotions from them. In other words, you likely have inherited trapped emotions from your mother and father, emotions that they may have inherited from their own parents, and some of these emotional energies may go back many generations, originating with someone further back in your family tree.”

“The heart has its own unique intelligence. It can think, feel, and remember.”

“Distance is no barrier to energy. We can do healing for others at a distance because energy does not have boundaries like our physical bodies do.”

“First, remember that all your emotions have a purpose—they are a communication from your body, your heart, and your mind. Next, you can also reroute your emotional choices—so if you start feeling grief for a lost loved one, for example, use it as a reminder of your love for them, and choose to focus on positive memories instead.”

Profile Image for Natalia Sypuła.
504 reviews306 followers
August 5, 2022
Dostałam tę książkę w prezencie. Przeczytałam 15 stron i byłam w szoku jak wiele bzdur mogło się tam zmieścić. SERDECZNIE NIE POLECAM!!!
Profile Image for Andra Mihăilescu.
82 reviews16 followers
February 25, 2023
O carte, despre emoții, cum nu am mai citit. Mai exact, despre eliberarea lor, a emoțiilor captive, emoțiilor nerezolvate... din interiorul tău, al altei persoanei sau chiar al unui animal. Sunt multe lucruri pe care nu le știam și pe care mintea mea încă le procesează și îi vine greu a crede.
Cartea oferă metode ușoare de testare și de vindecare... metode de care te poți ajuta și în alte situații...
Trebuie doar să crezi.
Profile Image for Kate McMurry.
Author 1 book112 followers
December 28, 2015
It works!

This is one of the most amazing books I've encountered in years. Some people might label its contents as merely "New Age woo woo," but personally, I wouldn't call it that. We live in a world where it is well past time we moved beyond a medical model--including psychiatry--that is rooted in Newtonian philosophy. This book, instead, utilizes principles of energetic medicine, which is complementary to ancient principles of Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, and has profound implications for releasing complex emotions that bind and inhibit our ability to live emotionally healthy lives.

Personally, as a former teacher and therapist, I think the techniques in this book, if consistently applied in the general population, could render obsolete the practice of psychotherapy as we know it--including the only therapy that systematic research has indicated actually works, cognitive behavioral therapy.

The book is extremely well written, with plenty of real-life examples of the techniques it offers in action, as well as solid, simple sets of instructions for every technique that Dr. Nelson teaches.

One of the cornerstones of healing diseases such as cancer is to achieve emotional release of toxic emotions such as anxiety, resentment and fear. This book is a huge aid in that direction.

I've tested out the techniques of the Emotion Code for several months now, and in my experience, they work profoundly well to release the residue of painful life experiences such as humiliation, grief, anxiety, and fear.

I would particularly recommend this book to writers. It is one of the best remedies for the major underpinnings of writer's block, performance anxiety and perfectionism, I've ever come across.

It is also especially good for helping prevent insomnia induced by racing thoughts.

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Christy Peterson.
1,387 reviews32 followers
March 29, 2011
How I came upon this book is pretty interesting to contemplate. I cannot deny that it was providential and that I am supposed to add this to my “alternative health” toolbox.

The Emotion Code first discusses how trapped emotions effect our health. Nothing new to me, I am a wanna-be EFT Master.

Next he discusses energy and magnets. Familiar with that too, though I don’t regularly use magnets.

Then he launches into a huge tutorial on muscle testing. I am very familiar with that, but need to get good at it.

The real intro into what the book is about finally starts on pg 187, with the meat of it beginning on 208. So if you are familiar with the primers, skip to this point.

I knew nothing about the walls that can be around our hearts, which was fascinating.

He then talks about using surrogates and proxy healing, which puts the book back into familiar ground. This could be skimmed also.

The chapter on using the emotion code on animals surprised me. I would think most people know that animals have feelings, but I never realized to what extent their awareness stretched. Fascinating. I am now wondering how our 5 month absence from our dog is being processed by him. I now know how to fix him if he hasn’t been handling it well. (He has dog sitters with him in our house, don’t worry.)

He concludes with a more metaphysics mingled with his worldview, which is Christian. I don’t think he is heavy handed with it and his message can easily be translated by those who believe differently.

Now I am wondering how much this technique will supplant EFT…I don’t think completely. I will learn just how much as I put both into practice.
Profile Image for Jenn "JR".
568 reviews98 followers
July 13, 2022
I had the privilege of reading this courtesy of Netgalley -- and, frankly, I'm not quite sure what I expected. I thought that this would be a bit more practical but instead it's very New Age and "woo woo." I'd say that about 75% of the book is anecdotes about people's miraculous recoveries from various ailments as a result of the "Emotion Code." The author repeatedly stresses his belief in "God" and emphasizes a number of odd claims - including the "quantum entanglement" as a cause of physical ailments from emotional responses, and the belief that emotions originate from specific organs or parts of the body.

The practical part of the book -- the methodology -- would be things like the "sway test" as a way of priming your body to recognize your subconscious communication to you by gently leaning toward the front or back when you speak true or false statements. Then there are other "tests" such as linking your fingers together or pressing someone's arm.

I encountered this kind of New Age treatment with an acupuncturist about 20 years ago -- she would wave vials of certain things near my arm and ask me to resist her pressing on my arm but I am convinced that she would push harder or lighter based on what she wanted to prove and then claim that my body was "stronger" or "weaker" when certain things were brought in my proximity.

This book is completely cut from the same cloth. There's even a section on magnets. Pass.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 536 reviews

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