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Big-Note Piano

The Sound of Music

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(Big Note Vocal Selections). Easy arrangements by Phillip Keveren of 9 favorites from this beloved Rodgers & Hammerstein classic: Climb Ev'ry Mountain * Do-Re-Mi * Edelweiss * The Lonely Goatherd * Maria * My Favorite Things * Sixteen Going on Seventeen * So Long, Farewell * The Sound of Music.

32 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 2000

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About the author

Oscar Hammerstein II

303 books19 followers
Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein II was an American writer, theatrical producer, and (usually uncredited) theatre director of musicals for almost forty years. Hammerstein won eight Tony Awards and was twice awarded an Academy Award for "Best Original Song", and much of his work is part of the unofficial Great American Songbook. He co-wrote 850 songs. Hammerstein was the lyricist and playwright in his partnerships; his collaborators wrote the music. Hammerstein collaborated with composers including Jerome Kern, Vincent Youmans, Rudolf Friml and Sigmund Romberg, but his most famous collaboration was with Richard Rodgers.

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