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Elevated: Cannabis as a Tool for Mind Enhancement

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Sebastián Marincolo has produced a landmark book on the widely reported mind enhancements experienced during the cannabis high. Using his own Guerrilla Neuro-Philosophical Approach, philosopher and polymath Marincolo summarizes more than 20 years of extraordinary interdisciplinary research and explains how cannabis can indeed be used for a whole range of temporary mind enhancements during a high, such as a stronger focus of attention, enhanced imagination, creativity, introspection, and empathy, as well as for a life-long journey of personal growth. Lester Grinspoon , one of the world’s most important and influential cannabis experts, was a mentor and friend to Marincolo and greatly endorsed his work, including an earlier edition of this book, about which he “It was not until some years after I began these studies that I initiated personal use of marijuana and I gradually began to discover its capacity to enhance some of my capabilities. I have now arrived at the point where I view this substance as a nature-given blessing. And I am thankful that Sebastian Marincolo has provided us with his timely The Positive Potential of Marijuana which, as the reader will discover, does much to illuminate this wonderful phenomenon." – Lester Grinspoon, M.D. , Harvard Associate Professor Emeritus "For many, Elevated will be taking the understanding of cannabis to a new level. It's well-reasoned, well-researched, and well-written for both cannabis consumers and professionals in fields such as research and healthcare. While clearly touting the many benefits of cannabis, the book takes a grounded and balanced approach that avoids facile claims about the risk-free wonders of the plant." – Stephen Gray , teacher and writer on spiritual subjects and sacramental medicines. Author of Returning to Sacred A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality , and Cannabis and Spirituality . "In Elevated author Sebastian Marincolo takes a deep dive into the many and various ways that cannabis can enhance conscious experience, stimulating greater creativity, insight and awareness. Drawing on history, psychology, popular culture and dozens of sources well known and arcane, he makes the case that cannabis is an ally, and a good one." – Chris Kilham , Medicine Hunter and author of The Lotus and The Bud "With the same masterful precision captured in his photography, Marincolo urges us to turn the lens inward. Elegantly, he maps his journey, reasoning and the process in allowing cannabis to take us to new heights in the exploration of consciousness. Elevated is a joy to read and will shine a light for the novice and the experienced user toward a pathway to the inner journey." – Valerie Corral , co-founder of the first medicinal cannabis collective in the USA, Executive Director of WAMM Phytotherapies

286 pages, Paperback

Published May 22, 2023

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About the author

Sebastian Marincolo

16 books14 followers
Dr. Sebastián Marincolo aka Dr. Sebastian Schulz studied philosophy and linguistics in Tübingen, Germany, and at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the United States, under the guidance of philosophers Manfred Frank, William G. Lycan, and Simon Blackburn—some of the most influential philosophers of their time. He earned his award-winning doctorate in the interdisciplinary fields of neurophilosophy and the philosophy of consciousness.

Driven by a deep interest in the nature of human consciousness and altered states of consciousness, Marincolo has focused extensively on researching the cannabis high and its impact on higher cognitive functions. His work explores areas such as memory, attention, imagination, pattern recognition, introspection, empathy, creativity, and spontaneous insight.

To pursue his research in a field often fraught with stigma, Marincolo has balanced independent work with professional roles as a photographer, creative director, and senior communication consultant for foundations and internationally operating clients.

In his role as a Director of Communiaction and Marketing for one of the biggest cannabis poducers worldwide he played a pivotal role in advancing the acceptance of medical cannabis across Germany and Europe, ultimately helping tens of thousands of patients gain access to cannabis-based treatments.

Marincolo is the author of six nonfiction books and numerous essays on human consciousness and altered states of consiousness with a focus on the cannabis high. His works have been published by respected publishers such as Klett-Cotta Tropen (Stuttgart, Germany) and Hilaritas Press, the publishing house of Christina Wilson, daughter of Robert Anton Wilson.

He enjoyed a long-standing collaboration and friendship with Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard University and one of the world’s most renowned cannabis experts.

Marincolo’s research and cannabis macro-art photography have garnered global media attention, with coverage by SPIEGEL Online, ZDF/3sat, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Hessen 2, SWR1, SWR2, and Deutschlandfunk.

A sought-after speaker at conferences, Marincolo has also been featured as a guest on numerous podcasts, including Joe Dolce’s Brave New Weed Podcast, Aidan McCullen’s Innovation Show, and the TrueLife Podcast.

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