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Knight Games #2

Kick the Candle

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Commitment phobic, Grateful Knight has her hands full. While she struggles to understand her new role as Monk's Hill Witch, evil isn't waiting for her to come up to speed. Not only is there an increase in supernatural activity in her ward, she’s being evicted from her home, breaking in a snarky new familiar, and trying to sort out her feelings for her metaphysically connected and immortal boyfriend, Rick.

When Grateful foils a murder at a fae bordello, she uncovers a plot by a local vampire coven to obtain a secret weapon with the power to control both the living and the dead. History is threatening to repeat itself. And if Grateful doesn't give herself over to her role completely, it could cost her everything.

323 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 4, 2013

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About the author

Genevieve Jack

50 books844 followers
USA Today bestselling and multi-award winning author Genevieve Jack writes wild, witty, and wicked-hot paranormal romance and fantasy. She believes there’s magic in every breath we take and probably something supernatural living in most dark basements. You can summon her with coffee, wine, and books, but she sticks around for dogs and chocolate. Her novels feature badass heroines, fiercely loyal heroes, and fantasy elements that will fill you with wonder. Learn more at www.genevievejack.com

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Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
5,014 reviews2,295 followers
August 5, 2018
Kick the Candle (Knight Games #2)
by Genevieve Jack, Brittany Pressley narrator
I love this series and it is getting crazy! Kidnapped, beat, crazy creatures, what is her boyfriend anyway, why does he want to give up immortality, and who is this witch trying to claim him? Her dad is trying sell her house but worse...it is to who he is selling it to!!!
Ex-boyfriend a vamp, what is he doing in town? So much is going on in this book!!! Wow!!!
The narration is fantastic! Great performance!!!
Profile Image for Little Bee.
354 reviews32 followers
May 25, 2016
Narration Ration: 5 Stars

Kick the Candle is the second installment of the Knight Games series by Genevieve Jack. Kick the Candle was a great follow up to the first book The Ghost and the Graveyard in that a lot of issues were resolved, and new issues presented itself.

This riveting follow up had the right amount of every element needed to make a successful paranormal romance: steamy sex scenes; horrible scary monsters; the friendly big bad wolf; a lot of asskicking action, and a whole lot of suspense. Listening to the book had me intrigued throughout the book, though I will admit, the beginning started too slow for me. I listened to the last 3 hours of the book on a work trip, in which I was driving, and let me say, if you plan on listening to this book, do not drive a vehicle!!! I kept gasping and clenching my steering wheel trying to maintain control over the car!

I gave it 4 stars because I did feel that some concepts were over sold or dragged out. There were times I felt Grateful was too whiny. This is not a YA, and not NA either. It is a woman who has made some bad love decisions, discovering she is a witch reborn over centuries, and trying to come to terms with her Caretaker. I understand that is a lot to hold on her shoulders, but no need to beat a dead horse.

My favorite character in this book is Poe, her Raven familiar. I thought he was fantastic. His wit and charm is catchy, while also maintaining his heroic ferocity! I also enjoyed the newer characters that were "hidden" in the first book. I found the Leprechaun very entertaining, even if he was the bad guy.

I do not want to give away the end, but I am happy with how it ended. I am curious and excited for the next installment and what the next adventure will be with Grateful and her delicious Caretaker, Rick.

I highly recommend the series, and if you like Audiobooks, I equally suggest listening. Pressley is a great narrator. She strives to create a voice profile for each character that is enamoring and charming, striving to match the character's personality.
Profile Image for Heather.
90 reviews28 followers
October 8, 2013
I just finished Kick the Candle a few minutes ago. It's the second in the Knit Games books and continues the story of Grateful Knight, newly-discovered witch and general badass.

~Grateful gets some big girl panties in this book, making her less limp noodle when it comes to her own life. She's not fully there yet, but at least she's starting to think and act for herself. Special thanks to Poe for helping her out there.
~We get more backstory in this book, specifically dealing with the Hecate/Rick romance history. It helps us see Rick's side of things which is great.
~Rick becomes someone we can firmly get behind as a character. Some great secondary characters appear too, on both sides of the good/bad split.
~More supernatural creatures. Yeay!

Things I Didn't Like:
~I didn't buy the whole I-like-Logan-just-as-a-friend bit. Not based on where book 1 ended. This also made the commitment to Rick seem a bit rushed/unbelievable, too. I can't decide if she commits to him to prove that she doesn't love Logan or because she feels guilty about making him immortal - or if she genuinely loves him. It all just happened too quickly.
~Grateful is still too dependent on Rick and others to save her. While she made some huge steps forward in this book, she has a long way to go. Every time she's alone, she is immediately in danger. It's maddening.
~There's no clear direction for book 3. I'm not suggesting a cliff hangar, but I ended book 2 not knowing what I'll get in book 3. There's no clear reason for me to read it (I will, because I hate leaving a series unfinished).
~While Grateful is becoming more the mistress of her own fate, her inner dialogue needs to catch up. She still sounds immature/ungrateful (pardon the pun). It would be nice if her narrative voice would mature appropriately.

Profile Image for Brenda Rothert.
Author 94 books2,208 followers
September 10, 2013

This is a fantastic Paranormal NA! Second in a series.
If you liked Ghost and the Graveyard, you'll love Kick the Candle. We pick back up with Grateful Knight, a strong, funny, wine-loving heroine you just wish you could hang out with. This book has a lot of action and an outstanding story. I hated to put it down. If you like strong heroines and steamy love scenes, I highly recommend this one.
Profile Image for Tamye Whitener.
840 reviews17 followers
June 18, 2023
I couldn't put it down.

The narrator did a wonderful job. I was always able to tell the characters apart by their voice and accent.

While the story was engrossing, the action nonstop, and the characters engaging. I had a bit of a problem with the love triangle. Grateful never gave off "I love you" vibes to the one male. And never said it to either. But I guess it served it's purpose.

Overall I enjoyed the book immensely and recommend it to others.
Profile Image for Brandon.
559 reviews9 followers
June 21, 2015
The second installment of this series does suffer a little from the sophomore slump but the author does play to her strengths as a writer - ie. she puts the story first and lets the characters develop within the storyline. The trouble I had with the book was that the story was not engrossing enough and that the potential love triangle was underplayed. This is a short book and the story moves forward at a page turning pace but certain issues seemed to be resolved for the sake of saving pages. Also the villains weren't given enough air time and I would have liked to see more of the friend Michelle. Still this was a good book and well worth reading. The inner monologues of the heroine are both well written and keep the story moving in the right direction and the sparse use of action allowed the writer to move beyond the main story and add new villains and allies and move the expand on the world she is creating - all good stuff. And the sexiness pulsates through this book as the two main protagonists form a deeper, more dependent, relationship adding a deeper emotional level to their passionate encounters and, needless to say. Geneieve Jack can write the shit out of a witch story.
Profile Image for Literati Literature Lovers.
1,993 reviews155 followers
February 7, 2015
4.75 Stars
Jacks second installment of her Knight Series is phenomenal. If you like witty, feisty quirky heroines in your paranormal/urban fantasy, then this books is a must. I love my paranormal men strong and alpha and Rick the caretaker hits the mark. Jacks continued and expanded on her world building from the first book, and the addition of more baddies and allies was a good mix. Despite my adoration of Rick, I love the character of Logan too.

I do feel that Grateful's inner voice and life experience seem older than her twenty two years, like she never realized she wasn't a typical twenty two year old. Geez girl wake up, which she has.

My review would not be complete without mentioning my new favorite character Poe, the smart-ass talking familiar Raven. Perfect foil for a kinda new witch.
Profile Image for Casey Keen.
Author 4 books152 followers
October 1, 2013
Grateful is back and she's ready to kick some a**! She accepts the role of Monk's Hill Witch cautiously - she uncovers a plot to kill/overthrow her (vampires) causing all hell to break loose (lol, no pun intended)! I love her familiar, as well as the storyline. I'm am glad she finally picked between Rick & Logan, placing one of them in the friend zone. This novel seemed tighter than the first, buttoning up the plot and giving it some solid foundation.

I really liked this series a lot! The plot and characters are good, there are some hot scenes and the ending provides closure, which I like in novels.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenn.
Author 9 books29 followers
September 26, 2013
I loved learning the history with this one - but it doesn't take over the book. There's only a couple times we get a history lesson.
I would like to know about that dream though. I think it was a lucid magical dream, though it's never concluded in either direction.
Poe is a GREAT addition to the gang. And he's not there to the point of too much, which can happen when introducing a character as relevant and important to the main character as he is. I think he may have had some of the best lines too.

If you enjoyed book one, you should enjoy this.
Profile Image for Crystal P.
682 reviews8 followers
November 1, 2023
All in all, I like the series. I’m not sure I completely get the romance angle for it, but Grateful is interesting on her own. Lots of moving parts in this installment and some unresolved as we move to the next book!
Profile Image for Emily Maynard.
255 reviews
November 4, 2014

As I have mentioned before, this series is a gift from my awesome sister-in-law, Laura.

I’m not going to worry about spoiling the series this time, because if you read the first book you already know the big secret. Grateful Knight is a twenty-two year old nurse, and also a hundreds of year old reincarnated witch. She is Hecate, the sorter of souls, the judge and jury of the dead. In the last book she discovered who she was, thanks to two ghosts and her caretaker, Rick, who houses a piece of her immortal soul. She placed that piece in him before she was killed the first time; it makes him immortal, and gives him the power to police the various beasties that are imprisoned in the Monk’s Hill Graveyard along with her. Most witches wouldn’t have given up any of their power and would have been immortal themselves. She willingly made him her caretaker, so she suffers death and reincarnation, as a sacrifice for having him. The powers he gained from this not only includes the immortality, but the ability to transform into a creature that is some kind of cross between a dragon and a wolf and a cat---it’s hard to describe. That being said, his blood can heal her. Her blood gives him strength, and he has not been at his best in years, waiting for her to come back. They have met and married more than a few times since the 1600’s (when this all started) and Rick is understandably eager to marry her again and become the preternatural ass kicking team that they have been for so long. Grateful isn’t so sure. She’s young, and in this incarnation is not completely convinced that Rick’s motives are altogether to her benefit. She’s being cautious, which hurts Rick’s feelings - also understandable - but she is a whole new person now, and he has to make the effort to know her as she is now, not just assume that things will be as they always were. Logan, who was the ghost in her attic in the first book, has been returned to his body (he was in a coma in the hospital where she worked the entire time) and he is trying really hard to kindle a non ghostly connection with Grateful. He’s really determined to do this. This drives Rick MAD, and is the source of many disagreements between him and Grateful.

Now the plot for this book: The house that Grateful is living in actually belongs to her dad, who is a real estate agent. The first conflict that arises is that her dad has an offer on the house. If the house wasn’t her seat of power, this would be no big deal. As it stands, she HAS to keep this house. Besides the whole seat-of-power thing, it’s also right next to the graveyard that she has the keeping of. She doesn’t feel that she can tell her dad about all of this, so she is scrambling to come up with a down payment to keep him from selling the house out from under her. Now, you would think he would just take it off of the market, but no���..I’m not even gonna get into the comparisons with used car salesmen now, I think you get my point. Remember, she moved into this house because her ex, Gary, ran off with every penny of her life savings. Gary is now a vampire, which brings in even more trouble, will get to that in a minute.

Next plot point - Grateful is told that she HAS to find the Book of Flesh and Bone, which was the book that the original Reverend Monk (of Monk’s Hill Church, which became the graveyard) used to bind her soul to her body to kill her the first time. A fun part - she discovers a spell to call a familiar to her, to amplify her powers. She does the spell and a raven shows up. She’s not too thrilled at first, but she names him Poe. And then he starts talking! Yep, talking familiar, eat your heart out, Harry Potter! Snarky talking familiar, as well! The book describes Poe having a “muddled European accent” but I couldn’t help it, the minute that raven opened his mouth and spoke I heard Alan Rickman’s voice in my head. **Big Grin** I’ve adored him since I was 13, so **nyah**!

So, armed with a sarcastic familiar and a clingy caretaker, Grateful is trying to keep all the supernatural residents of her town and the surrounding areas in line. All this while holding down a full time job as a nurse. And hunting for a dangerous book, that everybody and their brother is also hunting for. A local vampire named Ann Bathory (yes, like THAT Bathory, it’s rumored that Ann is Elizabeth's daughter) is causing trouble, there are problems with the fae…..Grateful has her hands full in this book. Rick is not understanding Grateful’s reluctance to commit to him, and takes matters into his own hands - with possible drastic results.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this series is awesome. It’s been awhile since I tore through a series this quick, which says something to the quality of the writing. The flow is good, the plot is tight….I can’t praise it enough. And with the addition of her familiar and the new groups of supernaturals that have introduced to us in this installment, I know this series is only going to get better.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rosie Amber.
Author 1 book140 followers
September 17, 2020
Kick The Candle is book two of the Knight Games series of paranormal romances and continues with the story of Grateful Knight, a nurse and a reincarnated witch.

Paranormal beings have been increasing in the local area and Grateful and Rick, her guardian, have been exhausting themselves trying to deal with them all.

With her new witchy powers Grateful conjures a familiar to help, but instead of a cat or an owl that she hoped for, she gets an ugly raven with attitude. Her romantic life is complicated by the jealous behaviour of Rick, and Logan, an ex-hospital patient. Meanwhile, she’s drugged and kidnapped from a party, only to discover that she is the supposed owner of a dark grimoire and several powerful dark beings want it. The problem is, Grateful knows nothing about the book or its whereabouts.

Another fun book in this series, I like the fast pace and once more I appreciated the author giving the paranormal beings some different traits from some of the standard ones in this genre. I look forward to reading more in the series.
Profile Image for Shaz X.
401 reviews17 followers
December 5, 2014
I lost a lot of sleep reading this book, as I loved it so much! There was much more excitement, mystery, action and some new personalities introduced into Grateful’s journey that made this read fabulous.

Grateful is trying to get up to speed on all she needs to know as the Monks Hill witch, even using technology such as a smart phone, to help her learn how to use her powers. I enjoyed this part of it actually. Most of the books that I’ve read with witches in it, the methods that they use to conjure up or note down spells is very medieval by today’s standards. So it was a part that was refreshing and easy to relate to, because who doesn’t use their phone for something other than calling?

The main characters Grateful and Rick have grown nicely as individuals and as a couple after struggling with their relationship, and have settled into their roles for each other and their responsibilities to by the end of the book. Grateful’s familiar – Poe is a fun new character. He’s a Raven and guides her with his sarcastic wit but he also keeps her grounded. He even made me cheer at times.

We are also introduced to a lot of new characters and the evil lurking around the towns that they work and live in. They all have different agenda’s in obtaining this secret weapon and the battles that are waged in order to get this make this read exciting.

I enjoyed the writing style and the great pace it was set at. With a strong female protagonist who has a sexy immortal boyfriend and evil to battle, the stage is set and, wow I loved it. I’ll be waiting with bated breath to read the next book in this series.

5 stars!
Review originally posted on Sharon's Book Nook!
Profile Image for Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight).
958 reviews151 followers
January 8, 2016
4 stars

This author is a master of balance. Much like with the first book, I was impressed with how smoothly the mystery unfolded, connected, and made sense; it was intriguing without being confusing or contrived--a rare thing to find. This book also had humor, like the first, but not so much that it overpowered the tone or took away from the intensity. Even the backstory was intricate and gray (as in, not black or white) but didn't overwhelm the story; it just added a layer of intrigue, tied everything together, and made me question the characters' intentions. This book even had a little more action and a little more emotion than the first, as Grateful's witchy duties and relationships progressed, as well as a snarky but lovable new character (her familiar, a talking Raven).

I also loved loved LOVED, again, Grateful's strong personality. In every bad situation, she was constantly using her head, thinking, assessing, making a plan, and fighting. She never gave up. She never even half gave up. Yeah, she did get help sometimes, but she didn't sit around waiting for that help to come. Female protagonists often kind of whine and flounder and half-ass and sit around waiting for an opportunity to make another move or get away. Grateful made her own opportunities and had firm convictions when it came to the important stuff. She sometimes made mistakes, but you would, too, if faced with the intense, confusing situations that make up her life. It made her realistic.

If you liked the first book, The Ghost and the Graveyard, you'll like this one, possibly even more!

Original Review on Blog
Profile Image for Bella Doerres.
395 reviews10 followers
September 17, 2013
Kick the Candle (Knight Games)
By Genevieve Jack

Grateful is still fighting the undead and sorting spirits. Now her home is threatened, and her caretaker Rick thinks she wants Logan. When her friend Michelle finds the spell for a familiar she talks Grateful into doing it and instead of a cute cat she gets a bossy hungry Raven. Now if this doesn’t cause our main character enough problems her dad is dating a shadow creature and a possessed Necromancer is trying to get to the book of bones buried in the basement. It is all part of the life of a Hecate but wouldn’t it be nice if it just wasn’t always complicated.
You have to read and find out what happens to Grateful in this second book of Knight Games. How is she going to let Logan the human know that she was only fascinated with Logan the ghost, and can she convince Rick that Logan is just a friend? When it all settles will she be able to kick the Candle in time. You have got to read it to find out. Total five star reading.
Bella Doerres M. Ed 9/17/2013
Profile Image for Charlotte.
21 reviews7 followers
February 3, 2014
I loved this book more than the first grateful really gets into her role as the monk hill witch which I love. You get more of a back story to what happened when rick was still human which helps us get to know him better and you realise he is vunrable & not big & tough as he always makes out. I hated that he got that candle I almost thought it was to late for them which had me on the edge of my seat!
The whole logan thing bugged me a bit just because I wanted grateful & rick to be together but for a while I thought she might choose logan.
Love that there was more action in this one & you get to know the other back characters a bit better.
The ending was lovely but it didnt really leave it open I thought this was the end till I see tbat it is going to be a series which I am happy about I want to know what happens in their future.
Does anyone know how many there will be? or when the next one is out?
Profile Image for Jackie's Bookbytes.
567 reviews47 followers
October 18, 2013
In this installment the Candle signifies Rick not wanting to be a burden to Grateful anymore so he goes in search of another witch who gives him this candle to undo the bond he shares with Grateful. When it burns down to nothing he will be human and the bond will disappear and Grateful will be free to take another caretaker. He still loves her but time is running out. Unless she stops the candle from burning out and claims her love for Rick , he will die.

I loved this story. Grateful's dad is still unaware of the danger surrounding his daughter and is intent on selling her house to a Mr. Nukomata(sp?) and his niece. If they succeed in buying it, Grateful could end up dead because they are evil shapeshifters and Anna is a powerful vampire who wants to get her hands on The book of flesh and bones that is buried underneath Grateful's house.
Profile Image for Laurie Larsen.
Author 42 books100 followers
September 9, 2013
Everything you loved about Book 1 (The Ghost and the Graveyard) is back -- the quirky heroine, the strange, otherworldly sexual attraction she has to gorgeous Caretaker Rick, the cute chemistry she shares with BFF ghost Logan. Book 2 takes up where 1 left off and introduces some great new characters, including a hilarious, cynical talking crow named Poe. Grateful is learning as she's maturing into her role as Monk's Hill Witch, and the bad guys aren't waiting for her to catch up. I was breathless with all the action and the roller coaster ride is well worth the read! Hot, spicy, exciting, fun and suspenseful. Great job.
February 8, 2014
Great Book!!!!! :) :D :)

If you love paranormal romance you should read this book! The first book contained one girl and two boys, this book talks about Grateful in a whole new way, can she chose her own fate or is it already laid out for her?
I gave this book 5 stars because it is a book that is hard to put down and doesn't repeat itself or is a remake off other paranormal books.
Profile Image for Martine.
146 reviews
January 25, 2014
Wow! I loved this book, got totally lost in Gratefuls world once again. To be honest the beginning was a bit slow and predictable and I almost didn't pick it up again! But I'm so glad I did! Full of action, drama and emotion. This was a great read! Anyone know if she's writing another? And when is it out?
Profile Image for Lyndaa.
533 reviews5 followers
September 29, 2015
Great second book in the series, I really enjoyed it. Grateful is coming to terms with being a witch and making her modern stamp on the role. I enjoyed her dialogue with her new "familiar". These books are exciting, fun and sexy. There was also a romance element which was nice. This book ended on a happy note but I hope to read more.
Profile Image for Chantelle Mast.
452 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2014
I am in LOVE, though I was unsure after the first one I am so glad I continued with this series! It gets SO much better! Jack really brought it home this time!
5 stars across the board for this one, there is nothing she could've done to improve this! plenty of fighting action, romantic action and drama to please even the pickest of readers!
Profile Image for tracey welch.
185 reviews
June 14, 2014
I really enjoyed the second book of Knight Games. The storyline was taken in a good direction from the first book. I would have liked to seen more of Grateful doing her job as judging the bad supers. But I defiantly love having multiple supernatural characters in one book. I will look forward to the third installment eagerly.
Profile Image for Amanda White.
146 reviews
August 9, 2016
This sequel was really good, I started reading this immediately after finishing the first book in the series and finished it the same day. Much the same as the first, lots of erotic romance, witch craft and action. Very good book. Will most likely read this series again.
Profile Image for Terra.
253 reviews46 followers
May 21, 2014

After reading book one I wasn't sure if the author could make book two compare but low and behold the sequel is just as hot and in my opinion better than the first. I can't. wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Renee.
26 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2014
When is #3 coming out??

very good read! engaging characters. lots of humour.
can't wait for the next installment!!! Logan and dad deserve a happy ending too.
5 reviews
February 23, 2014


I liked all the details in this book. it was so good. I loved it! I would recommend this to everyone!
Profile Image for Cheryl.
42 reviews5 followers
March 23, 2014
The first book was awesome. While I liked this one also it left a lot of unfinished things. Genevieve Jack's. is one of the authors I will look forward to reading more of.
Profile Image for Marta.
21 reviews1 follower
April 17, 2014
Loved this book, fast paced, loved the characters, fantastic story - I have never read nor been interested in paranormal books and she has me hooked, I cannot wait for book three to be released.
1 review
April 23, 2014
Just as great as the first!

love the mix of excitement, emotions, and humor. couldn't put it down once I started. hoping for more adventures with Grateful, Rick, and the gang!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 156 reviews

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