I have a big pile of books to read. By and large, I tackle them in the order I get them. Lately, fiction has been in the minority on my bookshelves.
I had never heard of Anderson, or this “Black Or White” trilogy. A few days ago, I cracked open the first book, “Abiding Darkness“…mainly because I was a bit tired of reading theology.
And only a few days later, I’ve finished it. That should tell you something.
Anderson is originally from Mississippi, and he sets this book in the cotton country of his home state, circa 1945. It’s a well-written glimpse into the time period…it’s obvious he’s done his research. The characters are multi-faceted, very interesting, yet not at all predictable. I had to flip back to the introductory pages numerous times to keep up with who was moving in and out of the narrative…but I didn’t find that to be distracting; I was thankful for the information.
There is a strong spiritual theme throughout, reminiscent of Frank Peretti’s “This Present Darkness”…but only reminiscent. Anderson presents his glimpses into angelic and demonic activity in a fresh way. It left me wanting more interaction with those spiritual beings instead of the brief snapshots (in just the right places, by the way).
Missy, the main character, took me quite a few chapters to understand. By halfway through, I was right alongside her as her friend, deeply caring about every move.
This is probably the best fiction I’ve read since the aforementioned Peretti series. Needless to say, the next book in the trilogy, “Wedgewood Grey”, has moved up in the stack.