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Twins #1

Sensuous Perception

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She had a twin sister from whom she'd been separated from birth. Now, years later, she was going to meet Amber, her only true blood relative, and her sister's adoptive family. The reunion with her sister was thrilling...and bittersweet.

Even more disquieting was Amber's brother Locke -- because in the moment she met the handsome, dedicated physicist and teacher, Ashlee knew she would marry him! For once, Ashlee doubted her insights: Locke seemed to be her exact opposite. But the irrepressible Southern spitfire had a passionate lesson to learn from her professor of thermodynamics!

208 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 1985

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About the author

Barbara Boswell

117 books43 followers
Barbara Schroeder was born on 28 October 1946 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA. She worked as nurse, before she married William P. Boswell, a attorney, and they had three daughters.

She has been a longtime romance novel fan, becoming hooked on the romances by Harlequin back in the mid-‘70s when she was home with her three small daughters. When the youngest reached school age in 1983, she wanted something to do with her extra time. She thought about going back to nursing, but didn't care to deal with hospital shifts. She'd often made up stories in her head and/or continued the stories that she'd read, so it seemed like a fun idea to try to write a story of her own. It took a lot more effort and organization than the loosely strung-together scenes she'd run through her mind, but she was right about the fun part! She enjoyed the whole process and wrote a story that she knew she would enjoy reading. She sent it off and was thrilled when it was accepted! It was even more exciting to see her name on the book cover. Some 50-plus books later, it's still a thrill to see her name on the book and it's still fun to make up stories — at least most of the time!

Barbara gets her ideas from everywhere but especially from reading, which she loves to do. Sometimes, just a sentence in a newspaper or a magazine will spark an idea to develop into a romance. Other times, she'll be inspired by another romance novel and she will try to put her own spin on a favorite old plot. Barbara believes that we all have our preferences — she's always been partial to the "secret baby" story line. That, plus the "marriage of convenience" and class or family conflicts are some of her particular favorites.

Her three daughters are all grown up now, and she and her husband are the proud grandparents of a beautiful little grandson. They also have three cats who seem to think that they are the rulers of their house. They are terribly spoiled, and they just might be right.

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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews
Profile Image for Malika.
34 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2014
Omgeee! I absolutely loved this bk! Hands down my absolut fav from dis author! Has fav theme H/h total opposite, a very besotted hero! Soo cute! And a h that is to die for! I love how she always gets the best of the H...very sassy very smart and strong! Gawd why cant authors write couples like these!! Arrrgh so fustrating! Absolute gem!
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews570 followers
January 15, 2012
I love psychic books that's a fact and I loved this one. The heroine has ESP and she has finally managed to track her twin down and she's dreaming of re-unions instead she finds herself in the middle of a crazy family(filled with appearances and stuff), all Yanks, all accomplished and staying in the same house and also meets the man she knows she will marry, but he's not her type, he's physicist and their lives completely different but the moment they touch, they ignite, then there is her twin Amber who seems deeply unhappy.

I loved the whole book because Ashlee was just so good.

On to Amber's book.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,741 reviews575 followers
November 30, 2017
"Sensuous Perception" is the story of Ashlee and Locke.
When Ashlee Martin finally finds out the address of her twin Amber Aames, from whom she was separated at birth- she decides to drive to their hometown Aames for a much anticipated reunion.
But meeting Amber doesnt go the way she originally planned. Amber is not at all like she had imagined- she is stuffy, non feminine, and does not appreciate Ashlee's sense of style or humor- her family suspects Ashlee of having ulterior motives, and her foster brother Locke cannot keep his eyes away from her.
The book then revolves around Ashlee dealing with Amber's family, trying to reconnect with her sister and giving into the passionate embrace of Locke and his kisses.
A fantastic read. Ashlee is ever so positive, vibrant and whimsical and polar opposite of Amber, whom you eventually come to admire. Locke is the thermodynamics broody professor who is entranced by Ashlee and does not fight his feelings.
There is a subplot about Ashlee having psychic abilities, and how Locke and his family deal with it- but overall, this kept me thoroughly engaged.
Profile Image for Jeanette.
60 reviews18 followers
May 24, 2023
I'm going to take you on a journey right now.

Picture this: the year is 2008. I am just 12 years old and sitting in the school after hours because my mother can't come to pick me up until after 6. It is then that I spot it tucked away among the other books in latchkey's paltry little library: "Sensuous Perceptions," its worn, purple cover peaking enticingly from among the other books. I'm immediately interested. The cover is so different from all the other books. Are they about to kiss? That's what it looks like. How saucy. I open it and begin to read.

I think I got about 50 pages in by the time my mother came to pick me up. By then I'd realized that this was a spicy book, an adult book, and, afraid someone might see me reading it - but more afraid that someone would realize that it definitely wasn't a book meant for the bookshelves in a pre-adolescent school and that it wouldn't be there again for me to finish the next day - stuffed it in my bag and smuggled it home. The first thing I ever recall willfully stealing was an erotica novel from my 6th grade school, and I kept it hidden in my room until I was about 18 years old.

My mother found it once and asked me if I was reading smut, and I said "Nooo! That's not what that's about! It's about a girl with ESP!" (Mom, I'm so sorry, it was smut. But you definitely knew that.)

I think I shoved it in an outgoing Half-Price Books sale pile sometime near the end of high school to get rid of it, and every now and then I think about this book, a 1980s pulp fiction erotica novel lost to time and memory. Then, on my way to work this morning, Men At Work came on my Spotify playlist - one of the main character's favorite bands - and I thought to myself, I wonder if I can find it again? So, sitting in the parking lot and eating a Taco Bell breakfast burrito, I found a PDF of the book and read it throughout my shift.

It was exactly the way I remember it, except now I understand what the author meant by "his masculinity," as at 12 I had only the vaguest idea of human sexuality and no grasp of metaphorical language when it came to sex. It's a cheesy 1980s romance novel, exactly what it says on the package, but look, girls just wanna have fun even if they're lactose intolerant (asexual). 4/5 for nostalgia and asshole intellectuals who set the tone for all of my high school relationships.
Profile Image for Hijinx Abound .
4,664 reviews39 followers
June 13, 2022
She’s a psychic seeking her missing twin. They were split up for adoption. Everything she doesn’t like above the mason/Dixon is because the person is a “Yankee.”
He is the twin sisters’ adoptive brother and a thermodynamic physicist. He does not believe in the “paranormal”.
Remember this is from the ‘80’s so there are some cringes.
Profile Image for Kalyee.
299 reviews7 followers
February 5, 2015
Very funny, like an old skool comedy of errors :)

And for those who might have be like me and think "wait, he fell for his little sisters twin?!". Don't worry, the sisters are total opposites (in personality and appearance) so there's no ick factor involved.
Profile Image for TINNGG.
1,218 reviews20 followers
June 17, 2016
Huh. Amazingly enough, the cover appears to be a recreated scene from the book. That said, I had to look at the inside cover to see the publication date because I was just sure this was a 70s release. Nope; 80s. Really?!

The whole thing took place in 72 hours so there's a strong case of insta-love going on.

The h had moments of being borderline TSTL. She's known for a long time that she had a twin she was separated from as an infant. She's finally tracked her down. She calls ahead and speaks to a random brother who says "come on". So she does. She's surprised to discover that a) nobody expects her, b) her sister isn't exactly thrilled at the reminder that she's adopted, and c) all the siblings are suspicious of her motives. You'd think a sane person would attempt to establish communication before just showing up, and by establishing communication, I don't mean call ahead.

The H's whole family lived at home. All of them. Brothers (both divorced, btw., wonder why?), adopted sister, niece and nephew. Apparently mom and dad were still alive too, though I may have missed otherwise. Weird.

Oh, and added bonus - the h is clairvoyant. So she sees things. H is a physicist, so he's skeptical. She "knows" within minutes of meeting him that she'll marry him. He's pretty much in lust. His adopted sister is an identical twin. Creepy as hell when you stop and think about it.
Profile Image for Booked.
328 reviews49 followers
January 27, 2014
Thanks Malika for the recommendation. I enjoyed the book a lot. It's a bit off, but then it's clearly written for another generation. It reads like R.L Mathewson. Don't ask questions just roll with it. The chemistry and the banter is on cue. The tug in the heart was not necessarily tied to the romantic plot, but was center stage else where. A different set up all together, but enjoyable just the same.
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews

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