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The Woods

The Woods, Vol. 2: The Swarm

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On October 16, 2013, 437 students, 52 teachers, and 24 additional staff from Bay Point Preparatory High School in suburban Milwaukee, WI vanished without a trace, finding themselves countless light years away in the middle of an ancient, primordial wilderness. One year prior, the school held its first rendition of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," on a night that would prove fateful to both the students and faculty, as their lives crossed paths in an almost premonitory way, seeding the various horrors to come. Created and written by James Tynion IV (Batman Eternal) and illustrated by Michael Dialynas (Amala's Blade), "The Swarm" collects the critically acclaimed second arc (issues #5-8) of the best-selling series.

112 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 11, 2015

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About the author

James Tynion IV

1,596 books1,710 followers
Prior to his first professional work, Tynion was a student of Scott Snyder's at Sarah Lawrence College. A few years later, he worked as for Vertigo as Fables editor Shelly Bond's intern. In late 2011, with DC deciding to give Batman (written by Snyder) a back up feature, Tynion was brought in by request of Snyder to script the back ups he had plotted. Tynion would later do the same with the Batman Annual #1, which was also co-plotted by Snyder. Beginning in September 2012, with DC's 0 issue month for the New 52, Tynion will be writing Talon, with art by Guillem March. In early 2013 it was announced that he'd take over writing duties for Red Hood and the Outlaws in April.

Tynion is also currently one of the writers in a rotating team in the weekly Batman Eternal series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 294 reviews
Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
567 reviews180k followers
August 21, 2015
This was so much better than the first volume! I loved the flashbacks we got. It gave the characters more depth. Excited to see where this story goes in the next volume!
Profile Image for Calista.
5,014 reviews31.3k followers
February 10, 2019
I liked this and thought it was good, but I also thought the first one was better. It was more focused on the event and it grabbed you more. This was about character development and it does this with flashbacks. I understand the importance of this, but I still thought the 1st volume had more potential. We still know little about the Woods, but we do know more than we did now. There is plenty more to explore

We also know more about crushes and the people. Weird things are happening and I suspect that the school will come back into focus in the next volume. I don't know if they can get home, but I sure home they can.

Great artwork and plenty of mystery here. This could be a 3 or a 4 for me. I'm still enjoying it and I will continue. I want to know what happens. We know there is more at play here than meets the random eye. It's a refreshing story that would make a good series on Amazon.

Profile Image for Chad.
9,429 reviews1,016 followers
February 10, 2019
This volume is a tighter focus on the 6 explorers who left the school. Each issue focuses on one or two characters with a Lost-style flashback to a year ago at the school play. Lots of fantastical, dangerous creatures abound as we slowly learn more about the Woods and what's going on with Adrian. Looking forward to volume 3.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
February 6, 2016
Not feeling it. I loved the premise of this series, that students and staff from Bay Point Preparatory High School in suburban Milwaukee, WI vanish without a trace. They end up together and it's kind of teen horror and sci fi meets Lord of the Flies.

This second volume stops to give us backstories, and dragons, and we see the school before the fateful events. It's opening night of the school play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. It sounds good, right? It has not taken off for me, really. Feels flat. But if I see others begin to really love it, I might come back to it.
Profile Image for CS.
1,205 reviews
December 18, 2015
Bullet Review:

This was a great second volume with some twists and turns. We learn about some of the key characters and I really like the interesting direction of the story. Also, the art continues to be incredible.
Profile Image for Licha.
732 reviews113 followers
August 31, 2015
This volume includes more background on some of the characters. Some felt very cliché, such as the gay romance. When you have a cast of teen characters, this seems like it's almost a given plot line.

This book strikes me as more sci-fi than horror. It's a little too all-over-the-place for me. Debating whether to go on with this series.
Profile Image for Ondřej Halíř.
386 reviews17 followers
January 23, 2019
Tohle bylo parádní, jedna z nejlepších uzavřených sérií za posledních deset let se rozjíždí epicky. Pro ty kteří nevědí o co jde, tak se prostě škola se všemi studenty a učiteli ocitne na nějaké divné planetě nebo co to je. No a tím začíná boj o přežití. Tohle volumko je spíše celé mířené jako filler a i když navazuje na události předchozí tak to celé bylo jen hlavně aby scénárista měl prostor pro flashbacky. Jedna část hlavních hrdinů se snaží tu druhou vysvobodit ze spárů podivných lovců a do toho čelí svým starým strachům a skrze zajímavé flashbacky se dozvídáme proč se postavy chovají zrovna tímhle způsobem.

Celou dobu se tedy dozvídáte o životě postav před tímto "únosem" jejich školy a tak nějak zábavně to plyne, ale v posledním sešitě se rozjedou tak obrovské jatka a zvraty že čumíte a já z plánovaných čtyř hvězd musím dát pět. Postavy jsou pořád sympatické a záhada je pořád zajímavá.

Ještě musím podotknout že James Tynion IV je jeden z mála autorů který dokáže LGBT příběh či charaktery podat uvěřitelně a nepůsobí to tím způsobem že vám vehementně skrze to snaží něco říct. Některé z charakterů jsou gayové ale prostě se s tím narodili, jsou to normální studenti ze školy, nic víc, nic míň. Není tu žádné ubulené stýskání nad tím že vás někdo za homosexualitu šikanuje, to tu nenajdete. Za mě tedy palec nahoru, je to super.
Profile Image for Cathy .
1,831 reviews281 followers
April 21, 2021
We get backstories for several of the main characters, right up to the moment the main storyline starts at the beginning of volume one. Nicely done. I am fond of Calder‘s story, although the other parts are well done as well.

Friend drama, love, coming out, alien possession, Shakespeare, kissing in dire circumstances, ravenous monsters, feelings, vikings... I like the monsters and the artwork is starting to grow on me.
Profile Image for Lost in Book Land.
797 reviews163 followers
October 2, 2019
Hello Again!

So far I have been really good about my posting goals which also fall in line with Blogtober (which I had never heard about until I saw someone's Twitter post and then research began and now I am thinking let's do this?!, but we will see). I intend to make a separate post about Blogtober in my bookish updates section later this week so if you are interested definitely check that out! In the meantime, I am here to talk about The Woods a graphic novel series I picked up after hearing a booktuber rave about it! I loved volume 1 (my review of that has already been posted here and on my Goodreads) so I was super pumped to dive into volume two. Just a reminder I am able to get these through my library's Hoopla so if you are interested definitely check there.


In this volume, we find the kids, teachers, staff and the whole school still on this weird planet. Our group that has wandered off into the woods has gotten themselves into a little bit of trouble (that concerns this weird group of what might also be people) and is currently separated when the volume starts. The separated kids are working to follow their captured friends and try to get them back while we are also getting glimpses of what life was like before this happened for our group. As you can imagine the kids who are with the captors have a lot of questions but none are really getting answered and they are trying to move the group quickly. However, it's not quick enough, as one member of the group has way more power than anyone knew.

I really do not want to say more because it would spoil so much that I love about reading this series for someone who might not have read this volume yet or is undecided about reading this series in general. I would say this series is definitely worth the read if you are on the fence. This issue was really action-packed and although I was not the biggest fan of the flashbacks (mostly because I just wanted to know more about what was happening in the present like ASAP) I still really enjoyed this volume and speed through it wanting to devour more and more. I will say that in my review of the first volume I predicted something about one character or had certain suspicions and I think they were mostly confirmed in this volume! I am giving this volume four stars on Goodreads!
Profile Image for Ryan Provstgaard.
138 reviews3 followers
May 24, 2018
The need to read this series just became even more real!

I loved how the first volume built a lot to build off of in future books but what this book does is back up and explore who these characters are. I perceive this book being the one that sets the tone for the rest or at least the majority of the series. It explains who these students are and why they act the way they do. Creating, I'm sure future growth and room to learn more about themselves.

The balance of real time story telling and flashback foreshadowing was very much on point. I really appreciated the time this series takes to build characters instead of fast paced action. The best thing about this book is how it was able to juggle action with important character depth. Even with all of that it was cool to see how everyone's story connected to each other. It was a very episodic and full circle experience that only bodes well for the rest of the series' potential.

Artwork and coloring again is so on point here. Some, if not my favorite of all time. The way the writer and artist work together is almost flawless.

Twists and turns with action and humor paints a fun and meaningful story. Theres just enough real world relatable elements as well as diversity to match all the sci-fi and fantasy elements, making it an all around great book.

This is volume 2, and I just bought the next 7 volumes. I'm hooked.
Profile Image for ScottIsANerd (GrilledCheeseSamurai).
643 reviews113 followers
January 8, 2016


Another 'okay' volume. Truth be told I liked the first arc better than this one. I get what's going on, the first volume throws us into the world and story as well as establishing the random, loose, key pieces. This second volume is pretty much geared towards fleshing out all the characters. There are lots of flashback scenes to give us some history on why people are the way they are. Alongside the flashbacks, the main storyline inches forward and hints at bigger themes ahead.

It's just...eh. I don't really care.

Though, on a positive side note...Dragons.

So there's that.
Profile Image for pagesofchapters | demi.
145 reviews91 followers
August 27, 2019

I definitely enjoyed this volume of the Woods a lot more than the first. I really enjoyed getting a deeper look into this new world they have found themselves in. As well as that, I also liked seeing into the characters past (well past year) and getting to know the characters on a more deeper level and understanding more about them. Despite that, I still did feel that disconnect from the characters like I did in the first volume.

Overall, I enjoyed where the plot took us in this book and am intrigued to see where this story goes from here!
Profile Image for A.B. Neilly.
Author 4 books24 followers
January 25, 2020
This second part developed the story even more and I think is going well. Looking forward to the third installment.
Profile Image for Zombieslayer⚡Alienhunter.
462 reviews71 followers
June 5, 2017
Picking up where their story left off in The Arrow, the six runaways from a Milwaukee high school suddenly transported to an uncharted moon continue their stumble through the Woods, the stretch of danger-riddled forest surrounding them.

Three of them, Ben, Isaac and Sanami, have been captured by strange, human men and held prisoner.
Meaning it's up to Karen, Calder and Adrian (whose bond with the Arrow, a harbinger of death and mayhem, has taken hold) to save their friends.

"We're going to catch ourselves one of those wolf-bears."

... You know, if they don't need saving themselves here pretty soon.

Their own personal dramatics aside, the creatures and environments they're up against threaten to snap each of their fragile states.
Some of them have been pushed to the brink by anger and rejection-

"I know I'm INVISIBLE or whatever, but I don't know where she is either! I don't know anything."

"C'mon, baby bro. I'm just messing with you."

While others didn't have far to be pushed in the first place.

"You asked me the secret I knew... The one the stone told me back at the school... Let me show you what I MEANT."

Amidst their separation and battle for survival, we flash back one year to the events that would set these six teenagers up for the life-shattering trial they would have to face.

The Woods continues to make about as much sense as

The Swarm is as engaging and senseless as volume 1. And even though Tynion did use this time to better introduce us to the characters, the main plot didn't suffer.
About equal time was spent in past and present, so the primary storyline didn't spend long in limbo during a flashback.

Aside from fleshing out our characters, The Swarm also used its time to explore this new world the cast has to exist on. We didn't get to see what was going on at Bay Point, but I have a very strong feeling that, at this good place to let the storyline sink in, volume 3 will return to the scene of the crime.

Art specs

Michel Dialynas wowed me again.
Not only do the characters have that non-aesthetic, rough look about them, the otherworldly, fantasy-inspired creatures were a vibrant, artistic contrast.

Can't wait to not only continue, but score my own copies of these first two volumes.
I can tell I'm going to like it here.

Not only is this the 300th book I've rated on Goodreads, it's the 100th book on my 'comics rot your brains' shelf!
A hundred graphic novels and almost three years later, here we are.
I've had so much fun not only finding new comic books to love, (you know, that weren't Archie and X-Men serials) but learning more about the comic book industry. I know so much more about art and style than I used to.
It's been amazing, and I just want to thank all my friends here for sharing it with me.

Thanks for reading, everybody!
Profile Image for Bex (Bexnbookx).
261 reviews98 followers
August 7, 2019
Want to see me talk about books? Check out my Youtube Channel: Bexnbookx

The Woods, Volume 2: The Swarm is a entertaining graphic novel series. With monsters, mystery, and science fiction, it definitely is unique and keeps me thoroughly captivated!

On October 16th 2013, 437 students, 52 teachers, and 24 additional staff from Bay Point Prep High School in suburban Milwaukee, vanished without a trace. Light years away, the 513 people stolen from Earth are deposited in the middle of an ancient, primordial wilderness. It is up to them to find the answer on where they are, why they are there, and what else is lurking around the corner.

The artwork within The Woods is growing on me. It's not the best in terms of details, but the colour palette is wonderful!

The plot is interesting, fast paced full of gore and eerie atmosphere. I really enjoyed where this graphic novel is heading, and I can't wait to see where it goes in the future, it is definitely unpredictable.

There were a lot of characters in The Woods, and obviously they are really easy to tell apart because I can physically see them but some of them are rather forgettable and one dimensional. I loved the diversity that was included in this story, but I think overall the characters could be more developed and complex.

The Woods, volume 2: The Swarm was a good continuation to this series. This volume continued my intrigue with twists and turns that I really enjoyed.

Rating: 4/5 stars

Purchase The Woods, Volume 2: The Swarm by James Tynion IV from BookDepository and receive FREE SHIPPING: https://www.bookdepository.com/Woods-...
Profile Image for Danielle.
511 reviews29 followers
October 28, 2015
I'm enjoying this graphic novel series so much, I love the characters and the friendships (and relationships?)

It's very clear in this volume that they have made the effort to make this a very diverse book, we have a mixture of different races, we have LGBTQ+ characters and an even amount of male and female characters too. Things like this are what gives me a higher respect for books so thank you for that James Tynion IV and Michael Dialynas!

The story of this volume takes the craziness to a whole new level. I loved the flashbacks and the new (Viking?) characters we've been introduced to. I'm not sure if I trust them but they are okay so far.

So excited for the next volume! Let's hope we don't have to wait too long!
Profile Image for Brittany.
1,184 reviews60 followers
September 22, 2020
3.5 stars. Not as good as the first one but still enjoyable. I liked how much more of the characters we got to know. We got to see a bunch of the year prior and how various characters interacted with each other then as well as what was going on in the present. I still want to know more about the Woods and what brought them to this alien moon.
Profile Image for Bandit.
4,842 reviews555 followers
March 26, 2022
I only read this because I read the first one and this one was also available at the library, and I had 40 or so minutes to spare. These books are such quick read. But alas, they are YA. And adults (at least in theory) shouldn’t really be reading about high school drama and certainly shouldn’t be finding it interesting, outside of some extreme cases of mental regression.
High school drama aside, the planet these kids end up on and the creatures (humans and otherwise) are fun and it’s a quick and easy and reasonably well drawn read.
Profile Image for Lukasz.
1,684 reviews416 followers
January 22, 2021
Much better than vol. 1. Some moments of great character development, cool art. Let's see how the story develops in Vol. 3.

Profile Image for Brooke.
1,323 reviews72 followers
October 30, 2021
This is really interesting. I really like the characters and we got to learn more about them which was nice. I’m still confused about who these random people are but I’m enjoying this.
Profile Image for Valéria..
992 reviews36 followers
July 4, 2024
Reread: Oh, I remember why I stopped reading after the second volume. It was a money problem. Anyway, besides small things I did not like, that are my personal issue, once again I really enjoyed this volume.

First read: I'm not going to write separate reviews for the first and second volume, I'll give my opinion on them together. So, besides some small things I did not like, this was amazing. The series started out really good and got better with every issue. Green bears? Dragons? Hungry trees? Violence and blood? Crazy twists? Amazing world building? Last time I enjoyed a series as much as this was probably Saga or Descender.
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,084 reviews833 followers
May 11, 2017
This is such a strange and compelling series. One of the things that I like most about this series is the coloring used for the illustrations. It is very eye catching and matches the tone that the story lays out. Some of the illustrations are so lovely that I want to rip them out and frame them on the walls. In this volume, there is a lot more character development with back stories of some of the main characters. I like the science-fictiony direction the series is going. I keep wanting to read more!
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 26 books153 followers
September 12, 2021
The second volume proves as strong as the first. What it mixes in shock and awe it makes up for in characterization. We get a nice focus on the students away from the school, including flashbacks that do a great job of revealing who four of them are (and which are cleverly intertwined on the same day, a year ago). That doesn't mean that the modern-day is neglected. That's plenty going on and a surprising number of advancements of the story.
Profile Image for Diego Beaumont.
371 reviews581 followers
February 13, 2017
Wow! Esto va mejorando por momentos. La trama se vuelve más oscura y aparecen sorprendentes relaciones LGBT. Me encanta la imaginación desbordante de esta historia de ciencia ficción.
Profile Image for David.
Author 18 books393 followers
September 7, 2021
The second volume of this series remains interesting enough to keep me reading. But there are a few flaws I am going to harp on.

In volume one, the entire student body and staff of a Wisconsin preparatory high school, along with its buildings, got transported to another planet. Just "Pop!" and they are all staring up at an alien gas giant in the sky. Then they are attacked by monsters, students starting running off on their own, the gym teacher turns out to be a psycho, and we have the makings of an interesting SF/horror survivalist tale.

Volume one ended with some of the teens who had run off (for reasons, mostly stupid teenage shit but one of them apparently has made mental "contact" with the aliens who run this place) being captured by some medieval-looking fellow humans.

Volume two is half flashback to a year earlier, where a bunch of eventful stuff and relationship drama happened around a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and half continuation of the current story, mostly our captive teens being dragged along by their mysterious captors, who keep talking about a "swarm" and how Very Bad that will be. There are more alien bear-monsters, alien trees that start opening mouths all over the place, and bloodthirsty alien monkeys.

I like it. But
1. Okay, teen drama because teenagers. But I really don't care about who's been crushing on who for years, who's secretly gay, who has a trouble home life, etc., nearly as much as I care about the aliens abducting people to another planet and what this "swarm" is, etc. I know the author wants to make the characters relatable, so we'll care about them, but I don't need a little mini-bio of each one.

2. So we got lots of mini-bios instead of explanations. The writer is doing that thing where all our big questions ("How? Who? Why? Wtf?" etc.) keep getting evaded. The medieval guys who captured the main characters are vague and cryptic and don't answer questions, even when there's no good reason for them not to. It's just to keep the audience in suspense. This will get old fast. Answer some of the damn mysteries and then advance the plot!

3. In volume one, a couple of kids died, but now it seems like the author pulled his punches. Multiple encounters with overwhelming numbers of hostile people-eating monsters, and somehow the kids keep getting away. You can see who has plot armor (at least for now... maybe there will be a Walking Dead style kill-off later).

So, this is an intriguing if not unflawed series, and I see there are a total of nine volumes so far. Maybe we'll end up somewhere far from where I expected.
Profile Image for Carmen.
643 reviews21 followers
April 12, 2022
When a high school is transported from Milwaukee to an unknown location somewhere in the universe, everyone is left with questions that no one can answer. They’re all alone in this new world except for all the insects and animals they’ve never seen before… or so they thought.

I immediately had to pick up the second volume of this series because I needed to see where the story was going. While it’s not what I was expecting, it was nice to see the backstories of more characters. I’m not the biggest fan of the way the flashbacks were handled, but it’s more because they caught me off-guard than there being an issue with them. I simply was not expecting the volume to open with a flashback, so I was really thrown through a loop at first and wasn’t quite sure where the flashbacks were going the first two times they happened. That said, they were handled well and really made a difference in how well I knew the characters involved by the end of the volume.

I’m interested in getting to know more of the characters as the series continues, and I hope we eventually see what’s going on back on Earth. We’ve met some of the character’s family members through flashbacks, and it’d be nice to see what’s going with everyone and how an entire school vanishing in thin air is being handled. I’m also interested in learning more about the people who have been living on the moon the school has been transported to.

All in all, I think there’s a good chance this is going to be a good sci-fi series as I continue to read it. I’ve got my fingers crossed that we start to see even more sci-fi elements as time goes on.
Profile Image for Brendan.
1,218 reviews53 followers
March 2, 2020

The Woods Volume 1 promised a lot, but number 2 manages to struggle with the mythology James Tynion has created. This is a common issue for me with the comic medium and flipping over the first volume is not that uncommon for me. The Woods Volume 2 attempts to bridge the divide and explore the universe Tynion is attempting to reveal. I actually found this slight tiresome and overcomplicated, not the book series I was expecting.

Why the 3.5?

As a follow-up to an excellent volume 1, this is slightly disappointing. I just found this complicated and unnecessarily tiresome. I think the kids and the situation was slightly more interesting, but the backstories are beginning to be explored at this place and with our central characters. I'm beginning to realise I need to start exploring the overall series instead of the first volume, very common error on my part. Creating a long arc is difficult and I feel tynion is slipping slightly.
Profile Image for Mel.
704 reviews29 followers
August 27, 2021

This second volume was way better than the first. Shit really hit the fan in this one!
I'm still not 100% sure what is going (especially with Adrian, holy cow that final scene with him was intense!) but the constant jumping between POVs and present day flashbacks with the past are definitely piecing some things together, slowly but surely.

Ben is one of my fave characters hands down (his love for Isaac is so freaking sweet!). He's just like big lovable teddy bear and I wanna protect him always.

The artwork and color scheme really bring this comic to life. I can't wait to pick up volume three; I feel like it's only gonna get wilder from here on out.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 294 reviews

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