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Flynn/Novak #1

Little Consequences

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When Shay Flynn selected blueblood lawyer Adam Wickwire as the perfect father for the child she longed to have, she saw only one problem: how to seduce him into helping her get her wish -- and then vanish forever from his life. Her parents' example had soured her on the institution of marriage... and in the scheme she'd hatched no one would get hurt, while she would know the joy of motherhood.

At first everthing went according to plan, and the weekend Shay and Adam spent in each other's arms was more wonderful than she'd ever thought possible. Then fate -- and Adam Wickwire -- began to play havoc with her plot... and her emotions.

180 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 1, 1984

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About the author

Barbara Boswell

118 books43 followers
Barbara Schroeder was born on 28 October 1946 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA. She worked as nurse, before she married William P. Boswell, a attorney, and they had three daughters.

She has been a longtime romance novel fan, becoming hooked on the romances by Harlequin back in the mid-‘70s when she was home with her three small daughters. When the youngest reached school age in 1983, she wanted something to do with her extra time. She thought about going back to nursing, but didn't care to deal with hospital shifts. She'd often made up stories in her head and/or continued the stories that she'd read, so it seemed like a fun idea to try to write a story of her own. It took a lot more effort and organization than the loosely strung-together scenes she'd run through her mind, but she was right about the fun part! She enjoyed the whole process and wrote a story that she knew she would enjoy reading. She sent it off and was thrilled when it was accepted! It was even more exciting to see her name on the book cover. Some 50-plus books later, it's still a thrill to see her name on the book and it's still fun to make up stories — at least most of the time!

Barbara gets her ideas from everywhere but especially from reading, which she loves to do. Sometimes, just a sentence in a newspaper or a magazine will spark an idea to develop into a romance. Other times, she'll be inspired by another romance novel and she will try to put her own spin on a favorite old plot. Barbara believes that we all have our preferences — she's always been partial to the "secret baby" story line. That, plus the "marriage of convenience" and class or family conflicts are some of her particular favorites.

Her three daughters are all grown up now, and she and her husband are the proud grandparents of a beautiful little grandson. They also have three cats who seem to think that they are the rulers of their house. They are terribly spoiled, and they just might be right.

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Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews570 followers
January 16, 2012
Rating 3.5

I remember reading the books about the two elder siblings(a re-read is in order I think), so I finally decided to read Shay's book, the youngest and art teacher.
When the book opens Shay is carrying out a determined seduction of a reluctant Adam, what Adam doesn't know is that Shay has planned everything, he's the perfect man to procreate with, she only wants a baby which is hers that is all, marriage isn't in the cards since her parents marriage left a lot of scars.

Adam the hero, comes from a wealthy family and though he didn't notice the heroine at first, now he does and doesn't want to end it with the weekend, but Shay gives him a wrong number and disappears, he tracks her down some months later, but she blows hot and cold, melting when he touches her, then backing off, so he leaves.

Few months later at Shay's sisters party, he finds out that she is pregnant and planned it like that, he is furious but wants marriage. It was kind of fun seeing them try to figure things out, they were complete opposites.

The heroine had trust issues though it was fairly evident as a reader that the hero was a goner for her.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,730 reviews573 followers
December 3, 2017
“Little Consequences” is the story of Shay and Adam.

When 28 year old plain looking virgin Shay chooses the brilliant lawyer Adam to be the father of her child, she expects it to be a one night stand that would give her what she so desperately desired- a baby.

The interlude doesn’t go as planned, and one night turns into two- until Shay is forced to push Adam away again. They meet again a few months later for the same to repeat, until a gathering at a mutual friend’s house reveals her pregnancy!

The book then revolves around a heroine adamant not to marry, a hero eager to do so, passionate lovemaking and some good angst.

Both characters had their fault- Shay with her trust issues stemming from her family and stuffy Adam with his uptight personality and weird family pride. No joke, I did hate him at a point because of his indifference (cruelty) towards the animals and lack of delicacy when it came to the heroine, but somehow came to tolerate him by the end.
The epilogue and ending is really sweet, and I’m glad the couple was able to resolve their issues- especially the ones related to trust.

This had a similar premise to one of my favorites- Nobody’s baby but mine and hence I had high expectations. This did not let me down!

Can’t wait to read more about this family, especially Case and Candy.

Safe with exceptions
Profile Image for Jemima Ravenclaw.
199 reviews18 followers
January 2, 2019
This was a fun and quirky read that drew me in and hooked me from the very beginning. The slightly improbable plot and motives of the heroine, along with the stuffed shirt to knight in shining armour transformation of the hero, were made believable by beautifully drawn and filled out, realistic character portrayals.
The ending was a slight anticlimax, I felt that the superfluous and pathetic 'other man' could have been left well alone and not made to endure further exposure of his shortcomings. The author's masterful portrayal of the 'other woman' carried far more credence. I feel that there were enough messy emotional threads to tie up at this point through the significant exposure of all of the heroine's core insecurities, to bring the story to a satisfying 'happily ever after', without further complication of plot and additional characters.
The heroine's journey of growth was in learning to trust in herself and her abilities to be different from the examples of adults she had witnessed growing up. She learned that she was capable of experiencing similar situations, but by holding to her core values, was able to make different choices than those she had seen made as a child. Her older siblings had always carried the load of family responsibility for her and now she has a man in her life who is eager to do the same, despite the truly dreadful situation she has placed him in and her horrible early treatment of him.
The last ditch effort of the author to show her ready to take on more growth and responsibility for herself was not particularly successful. The heroine's weakness in this regard was highlighted by her carrying out her brother's directives to the letter when solving the challenging situation that arose, and then further by her thoughtless betrayal of loyalty, in asking the wrong man for help and advice, with little regard for the sensibilities of either of the men in her life.
I look forward to reading the stories of her older and very self-determined brother and sister, who have their own romances already written; neither of whom struggle with carrying responsibility. An emergency doctor too busy saving lives to have a life outside of hospital walls and a cynical and well seasoned, barracuda divorce attorney.
Profile Image for Socrate.
6,735 reviews237 followers
October 7, 2021
– Mai vrei nişte vin, Adam? Shay nici n-a aşteptat răspunsul, ci s-a şi ridicat de pe scaun. S-a aplecat peste bărbat cu sticla în mână şi, cu cealaltă mână sprijinită de umărul lui, i-a umplut paharul.

– E de foarte bună calitate, nu crezi?

S-a aplecat mai tare şi şi-a frecat atentă sânii de muşchii solizi ai braţelor lui.

Adam s-a răsucit un pic şi ea i-a zâmbit cu o invitaţie caldă în ochii de un albastru închis. El şi-a dres glasul şi s-a întins după paharul cu vin.

– Da, excelent. A examinat eticheta. Ahh, un Bernkasteler Doktor, 1971. Cel mai bun an al celui mai bun Moselle.

– Mă bucur că-ţi place. Catherine mi-a spus că te pricepi la vinuri.

Shay s-a aşezat iar pe scaunul ei de la capătul opus al măsuţei.

– Am căutat ceva special pentru tine… astă-seară.

Şi-a scos sandalele de piele cu toc înalt şi şi-a întins piciorul pe sub masă. A tatonat şi a găsit glezna lui stângă, a frecat-o uşor, a alunecat pe sub manşeta pantalonilor şi a continuat mesajul senzual. Nicio clipă nu şi-a luat ochii albaştri de pe faţa lui…

Adam a dat pe gât dintr-odată tot conţinutul paharului.

– Care ziceai că… ăăă… este… – s-a foit pe scaun şi şi-a retras picioarele sub el ― numele depozitului de vinuri? Se părea că răsuflarea lui devine mai grăbită.

Piciorul lui Shay a tatonat şi şi-a găsit cu precizie ţinta.

– Nu cred că ţi-am spus. Şi-a umezit buzele cu vârful limbii ca o provocare deliberată. Dar, dacă vrei să afli, la Harry, în centrul comercial D.C.

– Desigur, la Harry. Am fost şi eu acolo de multe ori. E cel mai bun depozit de vinuri. Ţi-a arătat vreodată Harry vinul special…

– Adam, vrei să dansăm? l-a întrerupt Shay cu un zâmbet cald, seducător.

Muzica blândă, romantică a lui Johnny Mathis durase tot timpul cinei şi Shay sperase să fie un mod garantat de a-i suci capul. Îl auzise odată pe Case, fratele ei, spunându-i unui prieten de-al lui că discurile lui Johnny Mathis erau cea mai potrivită muzică din toate timpurile pentru crearea unei atmosfere de seducţie. Adam avea treizeci şi şase de ani, doar cu câţiva ani mai tânăr decât Case. De aceea Shay spera că împărtăşea sentimentele generaţiei lui pentru bătrânul Johnny.
Profile Image for Nut.
20 reviews
September 8, 2024
Little Consequences ชื่อภาษาไทย กามเทพซ่อนรัก แปลโดย ปภาดา
คะแนน 3.5

อาจเป็นเพราะนิยายเป็นเล่มบางๆ ก็เลยทำให้ตอนเริ่มต้นนิยายทุกอย่างจึงเริ่มต้นเร็วและรวบรัดมากๆ และคิดว่าคงเป็นความตั้งใจของนักเขียน ที่เรื่องด้วยปมของเรื่องนี้เลยคือ การที่นางเอกพยายามพาพระเอกขึ้นเตียงเพื่อมีความสัมพันธ์ เพื่อให้เธอจะได้ตั้งท้องแล้วเธอก็หนีไป หวังจะไปเป็นคุณแม่เลี้ยงเดี่ยวด้วยตนเอง แต่พระเอกก็ตามหาจนเจอ

ความสัมพันธ์ของทั้งสองไม่ได้เป็นแบบค่อยเป็นค่อยไปเพราะก้าวข้ามสเต็ปความสัมพันธ์หลายๆอย่างไปไกล ในเรืองก็เหมือนเป็นการบังคับตัวละครสองตัวที่ไม่เข้าใจกันมาอยู่ด้วยกัน ผลก็คือ ทะเลาะกันแทบจะเป็น 2 ใน 3 ของเรื่องราวทั้งหมด คนอ่านก็อ่านไปลุ้นไปเมื่อไหร่จะเข้าใจกัน บางทีก็อยากทะลุเข้าไปเคาะกะโหลกทั้งคู่จริงๆ ว่าคุยกันดีๆ อย่าพึ่งแว้ดๆใส่กัน

แต่อย่างไรแล้วตัวละครทั้งสองก็มีเหตุผลของตัวเอง ขาดก็แค่การสื่อสารให้เข้าใจกันและเรื่องปรับความเข้าใจกันนี่ก็รวบรัดไปหน่อยในตอนจบ ความสมเหตุสมผลบางส่วนของเรื่องราวก็เลยอ่อนลงไป

ส่วนเคมีของพระเอก นางเอก ต้องยอมรับว่าอ่านสนุกอ่านเพลินเลย การโต้ตอบถกเถียงกัน ก็ดูเป็นไม้เบื่อไม้เมาที่เหมาสมกันดี และถึงบางตอนพระเอกจะชอบวางอำนาจอยู่บ้าง แต่ก็ถือว่าเอาข้อดีในความพยายามเอาชนะใจนางเอกและความรับผิดชอบของเขามาทดแทนกันได้บ้าง
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Srisurang.
Author 15 books153 followers
June 6, 2011
4.5 ดาวค่ะ ชอบนะ สนุกดี พล็อตเรื่องคล้ายๆ ลินน์ แต่บรรยากาศต่างกันค่ะ เพราะคนเขียนต่างกัน
รู้สึกว่านางเอกของเรื่องนี้ดูสมจริงกว่าของลินน์หน่อย โทนเรื่องจะนุ่มกว่านิดนึง เรื่องนี้แต่งตั้งแต่ปี 1991 อ่านแล้วเลยได้ความรู้สึกของโรมานซ์สมัยก่อนนิดๆ คือความขัดแย้งไม่รุนแรง และการใช้คำพูด(แม้ตอนโกรธกัน) ก็ดูไม่แรงเท่านิยายสมัยใหม่ๆ มันดูคล้ายมีเยื่อใย มีความอ่อนโยนอยู่ลึกๆ ทำให้สัมผัสความรักระหว่างสองคนได้
ไม่ใช่แนวแบบว่าโมโหขึ้นมาก็พูดให้อีกฝ่ายเจ็บได้สุดๆ ไปเลยอะไรแบบนั้น
พล็อตอยากตั้งท้องมีลูก แต่ไม่อยากได้พ่อของลูกนี่ก็อ่านมาหลายเล่มแล้วเหมือนกัน เล่มนี้ก็ทำได้ดีค่ะ ดูน่าเชื่อถือหน่อยเพราะนางเอกมาจากครอบครัวแตกแยกจึงไม่อยากแต่งงาน

หวานๆ ซึ้งนิดๆ อบอุ่นหน่อยๆ อ่านเพลิน พระเอกน่ารักอย่างยิ่ง

เห็นในคำนำว่าคนเขียนเป็นนักเขียนเก่า เป็นพยาบาลและมีสามีเป็นทนายความ(เหมือนกับพระเอกเรื่องนี้) รู้สึกอยากหาเล่มอื่นๆ ของ Barbara Boswell มาอ่านซะแล้วล่ะ
Profile Image for Ben Pim.
155 reviews44 followers
August 16, 2017
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