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A to Z Mysteries #19

The School Skeleton

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S is for Skeleton. . . .
It’s a bone-afide mystery at Dink’s school. Some sneaky soul has stolen the skeleton from the nurse’s
office! The principal promises free aquarium tickets to the savvy sleuths who can track down poor Mr. Bones. Soon mysterious clues are showing up all over the school. It’s up to Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose to follow the clues and put those old bones to rest.

From the Trade Paperback edition.

96 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

315 people are currently reading
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About the author

Ron Roy

224 books377 followers
Ron Roy has been writing books for children since 1974. He is the author of dozens of books, including the popular A to Z Mysteries®, Calendar Mysteries, and Capital Mysteries. When not working on a new book, Ron likes to teach tricks to his dog Pal, play poker with friends, travel, and read thrilling mystery books.

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132 (5%)
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44 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews
Profile Image for Blue.
550 reviews27 followers
April 5, 2018
The conclusion was cute, although there were some strange choice made by the children; for example, they traced the shoes of teachers and measured the drawing instead of just measuring the shoes, and they did so during class time - skipping their own lessons and interrupting others, instead of doing it on recess. I think this book placed the trio in 4th grade, but if the series is linear (and given repeat characters it seems to be) then book A would have taken place in no older than 2nd grade which seems off. I think the author has seasons for lazy writing and forgot that having those out of order would necessitate the passing of time.
Profile Image for L.E. Fidler.
715 reviews75 followers
August 22, 2020
Collectively this has been my children’s top choice for most entertaining installment of the series. Good pacing, some nice misleading clues, satisfying conclusion: the roving gang of ginger readers approves!
Profile Image for Autumn.
42 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2023
A to Z Mysteries is perfect for a read aloud selection! School kids dealing with a little mystery.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,132 reviews
October 22, 2011
The kids liked The School Skeleton, but I really got the sense that we were plodding through this one with some difficulty. The kids have seemed eager to read some of the other books in this A to Z Mysteries series, in particular The Haunted Hotel, but none of us were really jumping up and down to get through this one. I hate to say it, but I think that we all thought this one was a little boring. I think that it might be time to try a new series.
Profile Image for Dolly.
Author 1 book668 followers
August 4, 2009
This is a clever book in the A to Z Mysteries series. It's not as dramatic or suspenseful as some of the other stories. And in fact, it feels more like a "Cam Jansen" book than a typical book in this series. But it's a fun story to read aloud with children and the clues are all there to help them solve the mystery. We are thoroughly enjoying Mr Roy's books and look forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Christian B..
27 reviews
June 23, 2009
this was not my favorite but it was good. I like this as much as a different A to Z mystery book
978 reviews
August 8, 2014
I liked it. They had a skeleton an it was april fool's day and the principal played a joke.
57 reviews
December 3, 2024
I thought that someone stole the school skeleton but it was really the principal playing an April Fools joke on everyone! It was funny that I read this book in April and it was about April Fools Day.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for M.M. Hudson.
Author 1 book230 followers
September 24, 2020
This book comes from a series of A-Z kid mysteries written by Ron Roy. This book takes on the letter "s" in a fun and clever way.

Mr. Dillon calls a school assembly at the Elementary school where clever kids, Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose go to school. He announces that the school nurse skeleton is missing. The class that finds it will win a trip to the local aquarium. What a deal!

These clever young sleuths use simple math skills, deduction, and reasoning to look for the missing skeleton. When other classes start finding clues as well, the three have to step up their game or become at risk for losing the coveted prize.

But who could it possibly be and why take it to begin with? Ah, see now, my dear readers to read the book you will indeed find out.

I enjoyed taking on this little mystery and even though I thought I knew, I wasn't anymore sure than the characters in the book. What fun little twists to be had!

This book is aimed at third graders but younger and even a little older would enjoy this mystery too. All genders of children would love this as well.

If you have a little detective running around then this is surely the book for them.

NOTE: An extension to this book is set up your own mystery to be solved complete with clues. You could even copy the mystery here and follow the book to help find and figure out clues. Another idea: after reading the book, engage in playing the clue game.

This book is getting 5 pumpkins from me.

Disclosure: I purchased a copy of this book for my own collections. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle
Profile Image for Kim.
1,277 reviews4 followers
August 6, 2021
Josh, Dink, and Ruth Rose help solve the mystery of the missing school skeleton. Mr. Bones has gone missing and a lone left sneaker print was left at the scene. The trio use this print to track down the thief, they check it against all the adults at the school.
Soon it becomes a race as all the classes become involved with finding Mr. Bones. Who will find him first? Who is leaving prints behind? Who stole Mrs. Waters' powder? Who left the skeleton keys behind in the lockers?

This mystery was fun to read and to figure out the clues.
Profile Image for Simon.
1,228 reviews24 followers
May 7, 2019
Read these books when I was a kid and greatly enjoyed them, figured I'd give them a second read for kicks.

I certainly recommend any young mysteries fan devote time to this series, it's certainly a grand adventure for a young mind, the imagery of Ron Roy's words and his settings and unique character descriptions and personalities really help kids imagine a whole movie in their heads as they read each exciting page.
33 reviews
December 3, 2019
This fun chapter book is a part of the A to Z Mysteries series, this certain book being S. In this book we follow a group of friends as they try to find out who stole the school skeleton, and why? I would recommend this mysterious book to a reluctant reader who enjoys mysteries, since it is not inappropriate for school and involves teamwork. The best grade levels to read this book would be 1-4 and possibly 4-6, depending on the childs' reading level.
Profile Image for Katt Hansen.
3,801 reviews102 followers
December 5, 2019
Surprisingly I was a little disappointed with this book. The mystery wasn't really there and the solution felt too much like "everyone is a winner" making everyone's efforts absolutely worthless. Not what I've come to expect from Ron Roy in this series.

Still, fans of the book might enjoy the hijinks all the same. I'd say read this one if you're committed to doing the whole series. If you miss it though, it's not a great loss.
Profile Image for Anthony.
6,696 reviews31 followers
August 13, 2020
Someone has stolen the school nurse's skeleton, Mr. Bones, from her office. The only clue is a footprint of a left shoe with a zigzig on the sole of the shoe. The school's principal Mr. Dillon has said the first class to find out who took Mr. Bones will be rewarded with free tickets to the new aquarium in Hartford. Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are out to find Mr. Bones before anyone else does and win those free tickets.
3 reviews
May 21, 2021
I have been casually listening to this series in audio book form with the kids I watch and this was the first one I read aloud. I appreciate the lack of formula to the A to Z series in general and found this one particularly fun as even I didn’t know for sure who the “perp” was. These books are great for getting kids to think and we enjoy discussing who we think the bad guy is in the middle of each book!
Profile Image for Emma.
73 reviews10 followers
August 17, 2021
Thank you, Dink Duncan, Josh Pinto, Ruth Rose Hathaway, and Ron Roy, for the childhood memories. These books helped me to become a lifelong reader and lover of mysteries. Thank you, John Steven Gurney, for putting a fairly realistic-looking human skeleton on the cover of a children's book. I still remember the good ol' days when you could do that. I wonder what shameful, infantilized, Flanderized cover the new editions of this book will have.
Profile Image for Brent Ecenbarger.
684 reviews11 followers
December 1, 2022
Both boys read this one together, it was a good age level for age 5 and 7 readers. I felt like this mystery was tough to solve at first until around chapter 7 then it became easy. That's better than some of the other books in this series which us grownups could solve from the get go. On a side note, our boys have been disappointed when we read these when there aren't hidden letters in the pictures like there were in the detective camp book.
2 reviews
September 2, 2021
It was interesting, in fact I sat all night reading the book. I got inspired by the story very much. the book is all about 3 characters; Ruth Rose, Josh, Dink & how they find the lost skeleton. The climax was a total jaw drop for me. I though that Mr . Neater one of the characters did it… I dont want to give any more spoilers !

But happy reading
hope you all enjoy

Profile Image for Katie Merkel.
Author 1 book11 followers
November 7, 2018
As always, the mystery was good. The interactions between the kids and their teachers, administration, and custodian were great! I hope every kid has as good a school experience as Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose.
1 review
August 5, 2022

Good luck to you and your family and friends don't know how you do it! The book was really interesting and I loved every character. Also the other b

ooks in the series are very good! Thank you for making these books.
Profile Image for Paige.
213 reviews3 followers
September 29, 2022
As I continue to reread through this series, I am reminded of how much I enjoyed this particular story. These stories really fill me with nostalgia and still keep me as interested as they did the first day I read them.
Profile Image for Khanh.
270 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2023
Heeheeheehee. This one was hilarious because there wasn't a thief or an actual criminal involved. It turned out to be an April fools joke. And I actually liked all of the teachers and adults involved for once.
Profile Image for Joyce T..
650 reviews6 followers
November 5, 2023
-- This is a series review. --

I love this series. The kids are solving real mysteries around their neighborhood (as opposed to their siblings), and they find out things that the adults couldn't.

-- End series review --
358 reviews
November 16, 2023
cover is misleading

Fun little story that had a happy ending for all the kids who wanted to win aquarium tickets.

The dhole school was searching and it was right in front of their faces the whole time
Profile Image for Laura.
301 reviews17 followers
September 28, 2017
Luke review:

My favorite part is the very end - when a lady saw the skeleton in the closet. It was a fun part.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1,119 reviews
December 18, 2017
The school skeleton is missing and the kids have to find it. I like all the clues and comparisons that the kids find so they can solve the mystery. Good fun as always.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews

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