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Beyond Coincidence: Amazing Stories of Coincidence and the Mystery Behind Them

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Beyond Coincidence recounts and analyzes more than two hundred amazing stories of synchronicity, the likes of:

Laura Buxton, age ten, releases a balloon from her backyard. It lands 140 miles away in the backyard of another Laura Buxton, also age ten.

Two sisters in Alabama decide, independently, to visit the other. En route, their identical jeeps collide and both sisters are killed.

The winning number in the evening drawing of the New York Lottery three-digit numbers game on September 11, 2002 is 9-1-1.

From magic and religion to subatomic particles and the laws of probability, Beyond Coincidence deeply explores the roots of luck, odds, and circumstance while telling amazing stories that will have you shaking your head.

288 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2004

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Martin Plimmer

13 books1 follower

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Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews
53 reviews1 follower
December 10, 2018
Four stars because the theories behind coincidences, and some of the Jungian stuff, was absolutely fascinating.

However, I got bored of the pointless list of actual coincidences at the end.

I didn't read the book for the WOW WHAT A COINCIDENCE, I read it to find out theories, hypotheses and experiments.
Profile Image for Adam Smith.
Author 2 books36 followers
September 4, 2015
A little girl writes her name on a balloon and let's it go only for it to land in the backyard of another little girl with the exact same name. A man is killed by a taxi while riding his moped and one year later to the day his brother meets his fate at the hands of the same taxi carrying the same passenger while riding the same scooter. A woman buys two lottery tickets in two states, the winning numbers for each happens to be the numbers she bought for other. It's hard not to think that there must be something more to it. That there must be a pattern. That some higher force is holding all the cards.

Coincidence is the name we give such events. This world is a vast infinitely complex machine constantly churning out strange and unlikely occurrences. If a thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters are left long enough eventually you'll end up with the works of Shakespeare. Every day you encounter a dozen unlikely events, but it's only the ones that strike you personally that really hit home. Running into a stranger on the bus is normal and unremarkable, but if that stranger happens to be your long lost brother then you stop and take note. Coincidences are powerful and mesmerizing things, made all the more so by their personal nature. The strangest thing about coincidences is that as soon as you start looking for them you are bound to find them.

This is a book detailing some of the strangest and unlikeliest of actual events and the science of what might be causing them.

A very interesting book.

I recently finished reading Wreck of the Titan, a book infamous for its at-times down to the number similarities to the sinking of Titanic. Fourteen years before it happened. Having read that book, the similarities are spooky at times, but largely I felt it was coincidence. From there I felt like reading up on some other similarly bizarre occurrences. One look at this book and I knew I'd found my match.

Don't let the light nature of the material fool you, this is a very well researched book. Detailing only verified and interesting occurrences across history, this book is perfect for those looking for a few interesting anecdotes and tales to entertain yourself with. Also included are scientific and probabilistic explanations of what makes a coincidence work. Fascinating reading material, but I can't help but feel that statisticians must be real downers at parties.

A highly entertaining read that will delight those with an interest or even those just looking for a few good stories to share.

***Reading Challenge 2015: A nonfiction book***
Profile Image for Gratiela.
118 reviews
November 19, 2022
A fost interesantă această mini-enciclopedie de coincidențe și alte evenimente similare. Deseori pe parcursul cărții am avut tendința sa caut pe internet pentru confirmarea poveștii, însă am preferat totuși să rămân cu sentimentul ca e prea ireal/ funny sau super-interesant ca să mai sap după dovezi. Am preferat sa savurez poveștile și cumva cred ca m-a determinat sa fiu puțin mai atentă la sincronicități.
Profile Image for Katia Alaei.
25 reviews
September 23, 2017
Easy to read, yet the information surpass the limits of our understanding. The facts, the events - though real - make me think that our world is nothing but a neighborhood; and regardless the distance that separates us, we are still neighbors.
Profile Image for Laura.
795 reviews48 followers
April 26, 2009
A great blend of facts, science, experiments, and anecdotes.
The first half of the book deals with the science behind so called "coincidences", discussing possibilities both very scientific and metaphysical. The authors also devote a good part of the book to the psychology behind why humans need coincidences, why we are so excited to see them, why we like a great big universal "YES" saying "you are important!" etc. The tone is very conversational and interesting, and very respectful whether you believe in angels creating these events or you believe that crazy people are making it up.

The second half of the book is devoted to anecdotes, the authors admit up front that the best thing about coincidences is that they make for great stories, and take advantage of that by giving us lots of stories. The one thing I had trouble with is that the organization of the book groups like stories together, making me a little "burnt out" by that type after a few. Also, they mix together ones that they have a good explanation for with the ones that they don't.
Altogether, though, I was thoroughly spooked while reading, that delightful shiver down my spine. Quite a good read, and very quick for a nonfiction book.
Profile Image for Ghada.
302 reviews177 followers
February 12, 2013
كنت بسمع محاضره جميله إسمها "التزامنيه بين الصدفه والقدر -للدكتور عدنان إبراهيم"
ممكن تحميلها من هنا http://www.4shared.com/mp3/HPtiZOhZ/_... أو http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zjDGy... و بعدها دخلت على الجودريدز علشان أضيف روايه جديده
Of mice and men روايه لا إسمها ولا موضوعها يشبه الكتاب ده
و أنا بعمل بحث عن الروايه على الموقع طلعلي الكتاب ده في القائمه... استغربت وقلت اشوف إيه وأدور عليه
المدهش بالنسبه لي إني لقيته أوديو بسرعه, مع العلم إن النوع ده من الكتب نادر يكون أوديو

سمعته أوديو بس -أعتقد نسخه مختصره مدتها ساعه وربع- من إنتاج البي بي سي
مافيهوش إجابات بس مجموعه كبيره من المصادفات العجيبه...مسلي
Profile Image for Jim Foley.
253 reviews14 followers
December 30, 2007
A compilation of well-researched coincidences. THe autors present them without speculation as to their possible meaning. Enjoy them for the sheer amazement of them. Example: A 10 year old girl named Laura Buxton attaches her name and phone number to a helium balloon, and releases it from her back yard. It travels 140 miles, and lands in the back yard of another 10 year old girl named Laura Buxton!
Profile Image for Joanne Parkington.
360 reviews27 followers
November 6, 2012
I'm not sure why some reveiw's of this book are so poor ... what did you expect ?? It does what it clearly say's on the tin ... with over 200 stories of strange, funny, lucky & tragic coincidences there's enough to keep anyone amused for a couple of hours ... i especially liked the farmer called McDonald story ... so easy to please !! A nice in-betweener with at least a handful of stories that you'll want to pass on.
Profile Image for Gordon Gatiss.
Author 9 books2 followers
September 19, 2013
We all experience them at sometime in our lives, but it depends upon the circumstance whether we consider them good or bad, lucky or unlucky ... coincidences. This is a great book, which discuses the science / chance of events happening in the first part. Then in the second part of the book there are anecdotes and stories, which make for interesting reading. The book is written in an easy readable style which would appeal to most readers. A good read.
Profile Image for Heather.
593 reviews20 followers
July 10, 2023
Skipped the whole first part... there's obviously nothing factual that can be said about coincidences. Just speculation or a description of "how it makes us feel". Enjoyed reading some of the stories. Some of them are beyond belief. Others are rather mundane. Somewhat hard to take since you don't know for yourself whether they're even true! Reading them gets tiresome though.
Profile Image for Amanda.
80 reviews2 followers
January 5, 2013
This was just fun to read. Sure, some of it was a little redundant, but, overall, it was informative and intriguing.
Author 4 books2 followers
April 19, 2012
I absolutely loved this book, and am surprised it doesn't have more stars. Simply structured and written, it has lots and lots of real life stories that are, well, beyond coincidence.
Profile Image for Julie.
427 reviews3 followers
August 8, 2013
I was expecting more mathematics in the explanations but other than that it was very interesting. I agree with other reviews that the 2nd half drags on a bit.
Profile Image for Jake Berlin.
570 reviews8 followers
March 2, 2015
features a lot of quirky stories, and is surprisingly funny at times, but ultimately it failed to hold together, largely, i think, because the authors didn't know what point they wanted to make
201 reviews2 followers
September 3, 2015
Some interesting coincidences but got a little bored by the end of the book and couldnt wait to finish.
Profile Image for Roger Woods.
304 reviews5 followers
June 16, 2016
Some interesting stories about coincidence in this book but I was disappointed by the pseudo-scientific explanations which were not convincing.
401 reviews2 followers
January 31, 2016

Another one of those quaint bathroom reads, amusing enough i suppose.
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews

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