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The Autumn Melancholy

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Dark prose for dark hearts and phoenixes.

137 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 2, 2018

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About the author

Skye Myers

4 books11 followers
Skye Myers is a cat lady who writes dark fiction and steals souls. Based in Alberta, Canada, she is a spooky girl who believes Halloween should be celebrated all year.

Skye Myers - Author


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Profile Image for Ashley.
Author 20 books22 followers
October 17, 2018
I first stumbled upon Skye Myers as inky.moth on Instagram, and I became an immediate fan. Her words are beautifully melancholic with a tinge of dark that calls to the shadows within me. She woos with details and coaxes the imagination. I was thrilled to see she had a book!

She gets me right out of the gate with a dedication that reads,
“To those whose butterflies turn to moths and bats,
and whose hearts sometimes want to turn to stone...”

Her book sings with magic and secrets, voodoo scrawled into each line that keeps me coming back for more. And interspersed between her poetry and prose, there are pictures in moody grays that draw the eye. Her words are rich like velvet and sing off the page. They work their way into my veins, searching for the girl within me that’s a little bit strange, a heart that beats differently than most. She speaks for the misfits with ghosts in their bones. She speaks for me, and I can’t stop reading as she tells our story.

I’ve got nothing but love for this book.
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