Incitada por los órganos modernos de la propaganda -la radio, el cinematógrafo, los diarios, la televisión, etc.-, la humanidad está sembrando hoy los gérmenes del miedo cuya cosecha será el pánico de mañana. Este libro, bien escrito, interesante e instructivo, es obra de Joost A. M. Merloo, profesor de psiquiatría en la Universidad de Columbia, quien sostiene que una de las apremiantes tareas del hombre presente es comprender qué es el pánico y cómo vencerlo. La gran experiencia del D.r Merloo sobre el probelma, recogida en especial en Holanda e Inglaterra durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, le ha permitido integrar su análisis de las fuentes inconscientes de loa estados de pánicos con numerosos ejemplos que ilustran dramáticamente tales estados y de la destrucción, tanto moral como material, que resulta de ellos.
Joost Abraham Maurits Meerloo (March 14, 1903 – November 17, 1976) was a Dutch Doctor of Medicine and psychoanalyst.
Born as Abraham Maurits 'Bram' Meerloo in The Hague, Netherlands, he came to United States in 1946, was naturalized in 1950, and resumed Dutch citizenship in 1972. Dr. Meerloo was a practicing psychiatrist for over forty years. He did staff psychiatric work in Holland and worked as a general practitioner until 1942 under Nazi occupation, when he assumed the name Joost to fool the occupying forces and in 1942 fled to England (after barely eluding death at the hands of the Germans). He was chief of the Psychological Department of the Dutch Army-in-Exile in England.
After the war he served as High Commissioner for Welfare in Holland, and was an advisor to UNRRA and SHAEF. An American citizen since 1950, Dr. Meerloo was a member of the faculty at Columbia University and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the New York School of Psychiatry. He was the author of many books, including Rape of the Mind, the classic work on brainwashing, Conversation and Communication, and Hidden Communion.
He was the son of Bernard and Anna Frederika (Benjamins) Meerloo. He married Elisabeth Johanna Kalf(f), Den Haag, May 16, 1928, divorce Februari 19, 1946. He married Louisa Betty 'Loekie' Duits (a physical therapist), New York, May 7, 1948.
Education: University of Leiden, M.D., 1927; University of Utrecht, Ph.D., 1932.
Meerloo specialized in the area of thought control techniques used by totalitarian regimes.