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The New Cookie: The Best No Bake Recipes You Can Find in The World

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We all dread those days when we are wee deep in work, and we are beat beyond recognition. On such days, we are bone tired and drowsy, and we cannot think of anything, but some good light treat that would just melt right in our mouths and then we can go to bed. You know those days, right? But what we come home to is a house full of more work and no food! Those days are the worst! There are days when you feel like you are crushing it, but also, there are those times when the world comes with its full weight, and it is doing the perfect job of crushing you.

These days are the days you need to bake cookies. The name already indicates that you do not have to go through the struggle of mixing the batter and the heat from the oven. These cookies are from the world of “no stress," and they have the same delicious and beautiful taste any regular baked cookies have. You can just whip them up, and you would be 15 minutes or less close to that bed! There are amazing 50 recipes in this baking book, and you would be so grateful you gave it a go! Shall we get started?

109 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 3, 2019

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Molly Mills

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