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Secret #1

The Name of This Book Is Secret

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Read the series that's sold more than 2 million copies--if you dare!

Warning: this description has not been authorized by Pseudonymous Bosch. As much as he'd love to sing the praises of his book (he is very vain), he wouldn't want you to hear about his brave 11-year old heroes, Cass and Max-Ernest. Or about how a mysterious box of vials, the Symphony of Smells, sends them on the trail of a magician who has vanished under strange (and stinky) circumstances. And he certainly wouldn't want you to know about the hair-raising adventures that follow and the nefarious villains they face. You see, not only is the name of this book secret, the story inside is, too. For it concerns a secret. A Big Secret.

360 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Pseudonymous Bosch

32 books3,222 followers
Pseudonymous Bosch is the infamously anonymous author of the New York Times bestselling Secret Series and the Bad Books. Despite rumors to the contrary, his books are not actually written by his pet rabbit, Quiche; the rabbit is merely his typist.

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Profile Image for Emily Bower.
8 reviews8 followers
January 8, 2009
"Xxxxxxxx xx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xx.
Xxxx x xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx x xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xx!"

(Sorry! It's a secret! You'll just have to read the book!)
Profile Image for M.J. Heiser.
Author 3 books57 followers
March 30, 2011
Q&A Review

Wait. Isn't this a kid's book?
Actually, it is. It was written for kids aged 10-15.

And aren't you almost 40?
Yes. And thanks so much for putting that out there.

So what the devil are you doing reading a book that was written for someone a quarter of your age?
If you aren't careful, halfwit, I'm going to punch you in the face.

*sigh* Okay, fine. So tell me whatever long-winded thing you dragged me in here to tell me.

REAL Review

Sometimes, life gets a little rough. Sometimes, as a grown up, you feel the need to read great-big ponderous books, generally referred to as "epics." Maybe you read them to prove a point, that you can. Maybe you read them thinking there's some great answer in the book, a way of coping with the fact that sometimes life sucks and there isn't anything you can do about it. Or maybe you do it because somebody loaned you the book and insisted that you'd love it. Whatever the reason, those great big epics, whether they're good or bad, reveal to you all the ways that your own writing isn't really all that good. You didn't think up that believable but out-of-left-field plot twist. You didn't make your characters as three-dimensional. You didn't study abroad, and thereby learn the specific dialect common to people of that special place. You aren't good enough to write an epic.

When you've sufficiently overwhelmed yourself with how awesome, amazing, and out-of-your-league all of those writers of epics are, it's time to have a step back and remember why it is you started writing in the first place -- and I'm willing to nearly GUARANTEE that it's because of a book like "The Name of This Book Is Secret," by Pseudonymous Bosch.

This book isn't going to rewrite any dictionaries. It won't challenge your philosophy. But it will help you remember how much fun it was to be 11 years old -- how fun, and how scary, and how lonely at times. It will help you remember that feeling you had when you picked up a book and realized that anything was possible, that any number of universes lived in a library, that a hero always rises, and usually that hero rose in the heart of a child just as effed up as you were.

I won't reveal any more of the book's secrets, apart from saying that riddles and word play and adventures abound. Do yourself a favor and find out for yourself. Read it, then loan it to a friend who is weary of epics.

Then give it to a child.
Profile Image for Shannon.
3,109 reviews2,524 followers
April 18, 2013
I was disappointed by this book. A lot of people compare this to A Series of Unfortunate Events, and although I haven't read those books (yes, I know I should) (I've read the first three of them now so I have a better understanding of how the books compare) and I have also seen the movie and I appreciate its darker, twisted humor. This book though, was annoying.

The story starts off in a promising way, but I wish I had heeded the author's advice and stopped reading. He goes on and on about not reading the book because the book contains a secret and secrets are hard to keep so don't read this book unless you can keep a secret ... blah blah blah. It was fun for the first few pages then I kept wondering when the story would start. And then throughout the book, he does this over and over, and he says repeatedly how he's not going to finish the book and you should imagine your own ending. This plot device isn't as clever as the author thinks it is; it's jarring and takes you out of the story, interrupting the natural flow of things. In comparison, Lemony Snicket definitely does the interrupting better and nowhere near as often as Bosch. Snicket mostly interjects his opinions at the beginning of the book when he's re-capping and foreshadowing and every now and then at the start of a chapter. Bosch just leaps in whenever he feels like it and destroys the flow of the story.

The author also decides not to tell you much about the characters, in case you might figure out who they are. This might be a way for him to get kids to imagine themselves in the story, but I found that it made the characters very flat. I wish the author had spent more time on descriptions and developing the plot than telling me he wasn't going to tell me something.

On top of that, this book was edited poorly. There were missing words all over the place, and not intentionally. I would imagine this would frustrate children as well. The footnotes were also a strange idea, and I felt half the time that I was being talked down to - and I'm not even the intended audience!

I also found it strange that some of the illustrations didn't match up with the descriptions. One I remember off the top of my head was the picture of the real estate agent's sign which described the woman having a toothy grin. In the illustration her mouth was closed. Why bother with illustrations if they aren't going to match the story? That was very weird, and also lazy.

All in all, this was a big disappointment. I was expecting something exciting and funny but it was the exact opposite. I don't know if I'll bother reading the next book, and I'm especially glad that I got this from the library.
Profile Image for Carly.
138 reviews32 followers
December 28, 2007
Definitely one of the best books I've read this year. Reminded me of a cross between the Lemony Snickets and The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart.

At times it is annoying how blatant the Snicket influences are (definitions of words are hinted at, and readers are sent to the dictionary to look up difficult words), but basically this book is just BETTER than any book in A Series of Unfortunate Events. I felt like a great deal in those books was filler, and this book manages to be clever while still being funny and better written. The author is not as great at tying up loose ends, admittedly, which Lemony Snicket is a master at, but I think it's worth it. I couldn't put the book down and had to dig it out in baggage claim while waiting for my bag because it was that riveting.

There are entertaining puzzles in this book for someone of any age. I think there are jokes everyone would enjoy. This is the book I was trying to write three years ago and completely failed at--and I'm happy about it, because whoever Pseudonymous Bosch is (can I just say GREATEST FAKE NAME EVER??), he did it way better than I ever could have.
Profile Image for peachygirl.
292 reviews841 followers
November 16, 2020
If I hear the words secret or survivalist one more time, I'll lose it. Such a drag.
Profile Image for Helly.
219 reviews3,781 followers
August 2, 2018
This book was so good!

My inner child loves it :)

Two adventurers and the magician are investigating a lot of things but what makes this worth the read is the spectacular writing style! Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Tina ➹ lives in Fandoms.
468 reviews468 followers
October 2, 2023
4 Silver Stars
with Golden Sparks

the writing style was the strongest point, best & the fun part. it started so mysteriously that just made me more intrigued only because of the style! (the story hadn't begun then!)
unique, sometimes gave me the Lemony Snicket vibes. I really enjoyed it. a lot more than Snicket's latest mystery MG series (all the wrong questions) it felt kinda nostalgic.
(especially since the author keep interrupting the line of the story to explain random (funny) things/facts or giving helpful info, or trying to convince us "not" to read the book. sounds familiar? ha! totally ASOUE vibe!

the mystery was intriguing
the plot going in a satisfying pace & unraveled pretty unpredictable (the reasons) I liked it.
the concept (having a character & not just explaining it beautifully, but also this characteristic has a major role in the plot. very satisfying, I was looking for seeing it in books for a long time.)
the characters was good, I like Max-Ernest constant talking or trying to tell jokes, being helpful, Cass & her stubbornness & Owen & his mystery.

I recommend it if you still can enjoy Middle Grades & their silliness & fun & have an inner child. cheers!
Written style: ★★★★★/5
Characters: ★★★★/5
Plot: ★★★(★)/5
premise: ★★★(★)/5
General idea: ★★★/5
Profile Image for Beenish.
396 reviews450 followers
June 27, 2021
Only bad books have good endings.

If a book is any good, its ending is always bad – because you don’t want the book to end.

Honestly, this was a tiny bit frustrating in the first 50-80 pages but I enjoyed the rest of it a lot. It was like a kid's adventure.

Review to come.


a small, vault-like library crammed with books – [•••] It was like walking into a treasure-trove of books, hoarded by pirate librarians.

23rd June,
Finally going into this despite being warned by the author.


26th Feb,
Has anyone read this? Because I really want to!! These titles look amazing!
29 reviews16 followers
November 25, 2008
this was the kind of book that whispered to you read me read me and when you did you loves it
Profile Image for Book Whales .
238 reviews29 followers
October 25, 2016
Originally posted @ Book Whales

This book caught my attention when I went to the Metro Manila International Book Fair last 2011 when I was still in the Philippines. They were promoting it because I heard it was a really good series and it was also gonna release its last book. And I decided to read the synopsis and did some background research upon it and then I fell in love with its concept. Do you know Series of Unfortunate Events? Its a 13 book series which will be in my all time favorite book. Well the tone of the story is somewhat similar to SOUE that is why I was really determined to read this book. But back then I did not have enough money to buy it so it was only last week that I bought it. And there was no regret whatsoever after reading the first book.

If there my classes did not resume, I could've finished this book in one sitting but neverthless I still managed to read it within two school days. It is in easy read since it has 360 pages and the font is slightly big. The first thing that is very entertaining with this book is its illustration or drawings for the title chapters. It is always refreshing to see books with drawings on it. Make you feel like a kid again reading some picture book. So that is the first positive thing of this book

The way author tells the story is also funny. Throughout the book he uses as "fun tone" and always leaves some side comments here and there about the main characters. Also you will find that there are some kind of footnotes and appendix the helps the story and provides additional information towards some topics.

The characters are relatable since they are your typical boy and girl 12 years old but at the same time not typical. Since they have some unique qualities in them that are essential to the advancement of the story. Max Earnest and Cass will entertain you with their thought-process.

Even the side characters or the villains are entertaining as well. The author really did create soem quirky world within this story.

Unlike the dark tone the Lemony Snicket used in SOUE, surely this book is fun to read.

The build up done from start up to the climax to the resolution of Book 1 is done beautifully. It presented the overall concept of the story while leaving you with some thing to wander. Makes you want to read book 2 immediately (which I am doing right now )

So, with that long review I hope I convince you to read this book pleaseee :D Give it a try and if you dont like it... well you can blame me...hehe no seriously give this story a try.


Profile Image for Megan.
393 reviews7 followers
July 2, 2010
You know what I don't like?

How you can have a great sort of pseudonym like Lemony Snicket or even Pseudonymous* Bosch and all it takes to expose them is to type their name into Google. Granted, apparently Mr. Bosch was able to keep his pseudonym secret for three years before he was discovered (and how he must have howled and eaten several pounds of dark chocolate when he was discovered), but still, I just don't like knowing. Perhaps I am in a secret-keeping mood thanks to this book.

Yes, this book is all about secrets, big and small, good and bad, but it's also, intriguingly, about synesthesia and the sense of smell; each of the books in this series are/will focus on a certain sense. The book really has a lot going for it: a good puzzle, secretkeeping, adventure, humor, and clever methods to keep the personally engaged. The riddles were very good, the kind of thing I bet a kid would have fun working out before they read on to reveal the answers, and the appendix is full of random, interesting information.

If you don't like quirky books, you'll hate this one. I can tell from reading the Goodreads reviews. While it may get to be too much in future books, I think old Pseudonymous handled it very well. It didn't annoy me once throughout the book.

* The name choice made me smile; "Hieronymus" is one of my favorite names ever even though I can't spell it.
Profile Image for Eva Gavilli.
473 reviews126 followers
February 9, 2025
Trama/Plot ⭐⭐⭐
Personaggi/Characters ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stile/Style ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Divertentissimo! Adatto dai 10 ai 99 anni, una lettura scorrevole, divertente, accattivante, uno stile fluido ed intelligente. Consigliato a tutti.
Very funny! Suitable for ages 10 to 99, a smooth, fun, captivating read, a fluid and intelligent style. Recommended for everyone.
Profile Image for hal.
782 reviews101 followers
June 16, 2014
Summary: When two eleven year old kids; Cassandra, a self-proclaimed survivalist, and Max-Ernest, find a mysterious "Symphony of Smells", they stumble upon the suspicious death of a magician, some evil alchemists, and the existence of the Secret of life. It's

My thoughts (Note: This review is for the whole series):

I LOVE THE SECRET SERIES!!! The plot for each book is interesting and each one is different. The characters are all believable, relatable, and have distinct personalities. The Appendices at the end of each book were cool too, as they usually contained activities, games, and some information. So I loved this series, and you should give it a try. Pseudonymous Bosch also has a book called Write this Book; a Do-it Yourself mystery, which is a sort of guide for young writers on how to write a mystery. It's not completely related to the Secret Series (there are, however, some references to it in Write This Book), but I still recommend reading the Secret Series first. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Lilah.
290 reviews245 followers
June 24, 2021
I can't finish this book
I tried

DNF @ 20%

A little confession-
I had to dumb myself down in order to take this book seriously and I'm sorry but in my age I can't afford to have any of my brain cells dying on me

Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE middle grade books. They are the only antidote to my eternally dark soul. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into and that I am not the target audience.

I have two problems with this book:

1. The writing. Two words: irrelevant + content. I can't even call what the author was doing info-dumping. Every page was filled with extremely boring and useless dialogues and inner monologues or the #JamesBondWannabe narrator butting in every couple of paragraphs to make sure we didn't forget his about insufferable existence. I fucking want to kill him

She doesn’t play games involving fortune telling or jump rope or strings of any kind. She doesn’t even watch television very often. She doesn’t own a single pair of soft suede boots lined with fleece. She wouldn’t even want a pair, unless they were waterproof and could protect her in a snowstorm.

How about telling us what she IS and not what she ISN'T

Or this
(Now watch this: I’ve come up with a very novel way of hiding the street name. I’m going to leave it blank.)

The thought that trees had to die for this useless bit to be added in brackets

Now, I fully understand that these elements would have most propaply popped up sometime later in the book, but I just... couldn't. It was too dragged out. Sorry. I can't read about muggles more than a few chapters at a time.

I rated this two stars instead of one, because I ackdowledge the fact that had I been an actual preteen with a lot of extra time on my plate, then I MIGHT have disliked it a little bit less.

But I am not a preteen anymore.

My biological clock is ticking.

Life's too short to waste it all on books you don't like.


- - - -
The synopsis literally screams Chamber of Secrets 🐍🐍🐍

That's actually a huge compliment since Tom Riddle Jr. was my first crush ever lmao
Profile Image for mia elizabeth.
77 reviews372 followers
May 31, 2022
the way that THIS was the book that pulled me out of a three month reading slump..... goes without saying that this is seriously one of the greatest pieces of middle-grade fiction to ever be written. i was so captivated and honestly am surprised that me in 4th grade or whatever age i was could even stomach it because it's so dark and disturbing but it's seriously perfect. also love the very subtle gay grandfather thing that was happening there, good on ya pseudonymous bosch
Profile Image for Hillari Morgan.
337 reviews37 followers
February 14, 2017
3.5 Stars

What an interesting little book. It took me about 100 pages in to find any real enjoyment in this book, but at that point it became quite cute. This text offers readers something different than the typical engagement with a straight-forward narrative. There are codes, mysteries, interactions with the narrator, and secrets.

I am quite glad that I received this book from a student and found the time to read it myself. It will become one of my top recommendations for my reluctant readers.
Profile Image for Anabel.
747 reviews132 followers
February 21, 2016
Empecé este libro pensado que sería muy infantil, pero nada más lejos de la realidad, me he visto sumergida en una historia de misterio e intriga muy bien llevada. Esta escrito de forma muy original y directa hacía el lector, algo que ha hecho que fuera más especial. Un libro muy recomendado si quieres despejarte de lecturas muy densas y pesadas, pero con una buena historia.
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,868 reviews332 followers
April 15, 2013

Great start to a book, isn't it? Very Lemony Snicket. And that is why I picked it up, because I loved A Series of Unfortunate Events and wanted something similar. Unfortunately, Pseudonymous Bosch is not exactly the second coming of Lemony Snicket, great name aside.

It isn't a terrible book, but it's lacking on so many levels that I just lost interest in it. The premise of the book means that the author has purposely left out establishing characteristics of virtually every character, including the main ones. It's to protect their identities, you see. But it just leads to little other than their worse characteristics getting page time, and makes it very hard to like them. The villains are less than memorable, and the plot itself is underwhelming and revolves around one of the main characters making an incredibly foolish mistake.

I try not to poke too much at illustrations, but here, the artist wasn't reading what he was illustrating very closely, and sometimes the art just doesn't match what's in the text. I noticed this very early on. The text describes a real estate sign with an arrow pointing towards the house for sale. The picture of the sign? No arrow. I wouldn't call this a deal-breaker, but it's slightly jarring, and a little lazy.

But I did like that the author obviously did research into some of the topics in the book (circuses, for example) and synesthesia plays a fairly big, and fairly well-done, part of the story. I also liked Cass's grandfathers. Having a stable, older gay couple as an incidental detail in a middle grade book? Very nice.
Profile Image for kento.
220 reviews
June 9, 2017
This book reminds me of A Series of Unfortunate Events maybe because of the writing. I liked it, actually. It's like having a friend tell you a story, or rather, a secret.

The Name of this Book is Secret is about a girl named Cassandra who goes on a dangerous adventure with a boy named Max-Earnest (why he's called such has a funny background lol) because of what they call the secret. This book starts off filling you with curiosity due to the narrator holding back a lot of details, but that curiosity eventually wears off because as the story goes on, the things that happen next become quite predictable. What I liked about this book are the funny parts; there are a lot of them here and most of the hilarious scenes involve adults. It's hard to imagine how a children's book can pull off comical parts so easily!!! (for me, at least) I had a good laugh reading this.

It is a good book but I think I would've liked this more if I read this when I was ten. To be fair, it's a book written for children so maybe if you're an adult who read this and didn't enjoy it that much, that doesn't make the book bad. I think a younger audience would find this book more appealing.
25 reviews10 followers
August 14, 2011

Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!on for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Profile Image for Serena.. Sery-ously?.
1,131 reviews226 followers
September 7, 2013
Il libro mi ha attratto per due motivi:
♠ Il titolo strampalato (così come quelli dei suoi seguiti, uno più bello dell'altro) che scatena la curiosità tipo scimmietta George che è dentro di me:

♠ Il nome dell'autore, "Bosch". Sì, ok, ho un debole per tutto ciò che mi ricorda Harry Bosch, Connelly annessi e connessi :D
(Se qualcuno mi dicesse: "Ho letto un libro con un personaggio simile a Harry Bosch -cosa che credo sia impossibile, ma dettagli!-", io lo leggerei subito senza se e senza ma :DD)

Quando l'ho trovato al prezzo mitologico di quattro euro è scattata la scintilla finale :DD
Se vi capita l'occasione, comprate, leggete e apprezzate questo libro.. Merita! E' un libro per ragazzi, ma non completamente; insomma, sicuramente se l'avessi letto a 11/12 anni avrebbe avuto quel pizzico di fascino e mistero in più che la mia veneranda età di 23 anni (sigh) non mi ha permesso di apprezzare e cogliere.. Però è pur vero che credo di aver apprezzato di più alcune cose oggi :)
E poi oh, chi l'ha detto che un libro classificato "per ragazzi" debba essere esclusivamente per ragazzi? La letteratura per giovani lettori secondo me nasconde tante di quelle perle spesso sottavalutate..!!

Geniale il modo di raccontare la storia: l'autore ("Pseudonymus" ah ah ah! Io già ti stimo! Leggete la sua biografia :D) parla direttamente con noi lettori mentre ci racconta la storia, ci avvisa dei pericoli che sta correndo nel raccontarci la storia e di quelli ancora più grandi che correremo noi lettori una volta saputa la verità.
Sì, perché il libro parla di un segreto.. Un terribile segreto di antico sapore e di eterna durata che metterà a rischio la nostra incolumità.. Curiosi? :DD
Sì, vero?
Ecco perché l'autore cerca disperatamente di evitarci la lettura del suo libro! :D
Oltre alla bellissima idea di fondo (e al modo di raccontarla), ci sono ottime descrizioni, ottimi aiuti con 'parolone' o concetti magari difficili (considerando che è un libro per dodicenni ovviamente :D) e due personaggi principali niente male: coraggiosi quanto basta (ma non super eroi.. Bambini largo circa normali, ecco!!), intelligenti il giusto e paurosi il necessario.
Non Mr E Miss popolarità, ma ragazzi con la giusta dose di problemi personali e di qualità "umane".
Sembra sciocco, ma visti i figaccioni e le figaccione di oggigiorno, trovare quel pizzico di normalità non è male!

Una grande avventura e siamo solo all'inizio! :D
Profile Image for Paula.
108 reviews
June 5, 2015
Me ha gustado muchisimo, el final me ha sacado una buena sonrisa de la cara.
Profile Image for Brooke.
1,331 reviews72 followers
March 2, 2023
This is a cute book. I read this when I was in elementary school and I wanted a throwback because I remembered I loved this book and read it multiple times. I just find the concept so interesting and the writing style. The author talks to you etc. I’m excited to finally finish this series after all these years.
Profile Image for Maya Bailey.
302 reviews18 followers
January 26, 2023
slay this book was so fun i love reading youth fic- also not boring 3.75 ⭐️
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