Heart of the Predator What’s it like to have the soul of a beast and the calling of a monster, all concealed within the skin of a person? How do you live among the human herd when your instincts tell you they’re prey? What sort of strain does shapeshifting have on your system? What does it mean to have the blood of the wolf?
A character book for The Forsaken™
• Practical information on how werewolves cope with both the wilderness and the urban jungle • Expanded information on werewolf physiology; new shapeshifting tricks, regeneration, and more • Expanded information on wolf-blooded characters (the offspring of werewolves and humans) and their role in the setting • A bevy of new rules and character options make this an “advanced player’s guide”
Bei diesem Buch bin ich geteilter Meinung. Zwar sind die Abschnitte zum Leben und der Physiologie der Uratha sehr gut, aber bei dem um die Wolfsblütigen frage ich mich ob man es mit dem Horror nicht übertreibt. Außerdem gibt es einige Unstimmigkeiten zum thema Paarung mit Wölfen und der Lunacy. Generell ist dieses Buch aber zu empfehlen, besonders für Erzähler. Obwohl hauptsächlich für die Uratha geschrieben, ist dieses Buch auch sehr nützlich für die Wolfs- und Hundewandler in Changing Breeds und bis zu einem gewissen Maß auch die in Skinchangers. Ebenso kann es für die Spieler anderer Wesen die zwischen Mensch und Tier hin und her wechseln als Inspirationsquelle dienen.
I have noted, on several occasions, that Werewolf: The Forsaken is one of the few game lines out there (maybe the only one) that I will buy and read books for despite knowing that I’ll probably never get to use them. (Since, as near as I can tell, I am the only one of my group of gaming friends that actually is interested in the game at all.)
Still, I enjoy reading the books, at least so far, and while it took me a couple of tries to get into this one (this reading was not my first attempt), once I got into it, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Blood of the Wolf is a look at the nitty-gritty, almost scientific details of what life as a werewolf is like. As the book itself points out, this is potentially a very useful book for first time players, because it breaks down some universal truths about the life of a werewolf without getting into the various factional politics that govern were-life. The book instead focuses on werewolf physiology, general survival skills, and a bit of information about the wolf-blooded (people who are related to werewolves, but haven’t become werewolves yet).
Overall, it was a fun an interesting read. It’s really only useful to someone running a Werewolf game, but still, a fun little book. Not much more to say beyond that…