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Scoubidou: A Book of Lanyard & Lacing

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Scoubidou is plastic cord that is round, hollow and much more cooperative than yesterday's lanyard. The book Scoubidou comes with 120 feet of it, in six candy-bright colors and three different finishes (glow-in-the-dark, glitter and pearl). Enough scoubidou to make every project in the key chains, ponytail holders, fancified flip-flops, bracelets and more. The book comes with all the extras you'd expect from a stylish assortment of beads, lanyard clips and key rings; super-clear instructions and art; fresh, fun photography and bold, bright graphics. Comes 20 feet each of 6 color of scoubidou ( glow-in-dark sky blue, glow-in-the dark orange, pearl ocean blue, pearl green, glitter pink, glitter purple) 30 plastic beads in various sizes and colors, 2 key rings, 4 large lanyard clips, 4 small lanyards clips • Create wonderful things • Be good • Have fun

54 pages, Spiral-bound

First published January 1, 2007

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Karen Phillips

128 books5 followers

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Profile Image for Maria Kamaris.
8 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2019
This book has some really cute craft and bracelet ideas for a teen girl. It would be nice if, you're not a neon fan, the material came in regular colors (last time I looked you could by some from Klutz, separate from the book, but it wasn't cheap by any means). Also, some of the crafts, e.g. flip-flops, are not anything I'd want to make.
Profile Image for Steven R. McEvoy.
3,528 reviews151 followers
August 5, 2013
This book and activity kit comes with everything you need to complete 14 amazing projects. But to be honest it is just a jumping off point. Once you have learned the basics you can buy your own supplies and you and your children will be doing fun crafts and activities for years to come.

What you get:

Beads: small beads, big beads, toggle beads and pony beads
Lanyard clips
Key Rings
Instruction book with built in ruler

The book comes out of the supplies case and can be kept separately while working on the projects, and then stored once those included are completed.

The sections in the book are:

Bracelet Basics
Zippy Wristbands
Lacy Bracelet
Fancified Flip-Flops
Celtic Knot Wristband
Wrapped Pen
Pen leash
Spiral Bracelet
Loopy Hair Elastic
Loop de Loopy Hair Elastic
Woven Whatzit
Toggle Bracelet
Classic Lifeguard Lanyard
Wrist Lanyard

The book also has a history of Scoubidou, hollow tube-like plastic cord, to a song and musician in the late 1950's. It is very different from gymp (gimp) which is a flat cord. It is a great kit and sure to be a favorite. It will definitely provide hours of fun.

Read the review on my blog Book Reviews and More.
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