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In Death #22

Дорогая мамуля

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Даже в страшном сне лейтенант полиции Ева Даллас не хотела бы увидеть снова эту женщину. И вот Труди Ломбард, когда-то взявшая на воспитание маленькую затравленную Еву, стоит перед ней.
Глядя на ее приветливое лицо, добрую улыбку, невозможно представить, как жестоко издевалась она над бедной девочкой. Но Ева ничего не забыла, никогда она не поверит, что эту садистку привели к ней нежные чувства и дорогие воспоминания.
Деньги, огромные деньги сказочно богатого мужа Евы - Рорка, - вот что заставило Труди вспомнить о бывшей подопечной. Мисс Ломбард есть что порассказать о "темном" прошлом Евы, за такую информацию многие будут готовы выложить большие деньги…

416 pages, Unknown Binding

First published January 1, 2006

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About the author

J.D. Robb

210 books34.4k followers
J.D. Robb is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling In Death series and the pseudonym for #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts. The futuristic suspense series stars Eve Dallas, a New York City police lieutenant with a dark past. Initially conceived as a trilogy, readers clamored for more of Eve and the mysterious Roarke. Forgotten in Death (St. Martin's Press, September 2021) is the 53rd entry in the series.

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Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
985 reviews140 followers
May 8, 2017

I know. I know. All of you are thinking how the heck, after 22 books, I am still handing out 5 star reviews. Well it is simple. I love these books. I love J.D. Robb's writing. I love Eve and Roarke. And I love all the secondary characters.

Peabody will always be at the top of this list with Feeney, McNabb and Dr. Mira following. There was a moment in this one when Dr. Mira's husband did something that warmed my heart. I love these two. I hope J.D. weaves him in to the story lines a bit more.

There really wasn't anything too crazy going on with the murder and the mystery side of things in Memory in Death. Maybe because it was Christmas time. I did piece things together before the reveal but it was still intriguing.

It loved spending Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Roarke and Eve. As always Eve is stunned by the beauty in his gifts to her but it would be Eve who surprises him with the best gift ever....a photo.

And poor Galahad. Eve had fun with him on Christmas Eve. And I have to admit I've done this to my kitties too. :)

Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,537 followers
August 7, 2016
I liked Eve for most of this book. She's sarcastic as always, but has become nicer to Roarke over time and even expresses her love for him more freely now. Of course, she has a cat which is usually a strike against a book character for me. You know I'm a dog person. But, at least she routinely expresses disdain for this cat.

"I've got this fat cat hanging around. I think we should torment him on Christmas, make him wear some of those antler things. You know, like a reindeer."

(Roarke:)"Undermine his dignity. Good idea."

She gets points for that idea, and Roarke is already the book love-of-my-life but gets extra points for his reply.

Cats love getting dressed up for the holidays!

In this story, we get Eve's first foster-mother coming for a visit. Only it turns out that she was more of a foster-monster who tortured the already tortured young Eve. And, she's not really there for a visit, she wants to shake down Roarke for money. The good news is that someone kills the bitch. It's a Christmas miracle! The gift that keeps on giving as she burns in hell for all eternity.

That's right. No wifi! Now go out and confess your sins now because I hear heaven has unlimited data and rare pokemon.

So now Eve has to thank find the foster-monster's murderer. Some days are better than others at work.

The bad news is that there is only one murder in this book and it's not very satisfying. If the foster-monster was going to die, couldn't they at least torture her first? Is that asking too much? *sigh* Oh well, it was still a good book and worth reading.
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,766 reviews2,539 followers
January 2, 2018
This was a good book to reread this week since it is set at Christmas and I am still in a Christmas frame of mind. It was fun to read about the holidays in the Roarke household and see them exchanging gifts.

I thoroughly enjoyed Memory in Death. It was fairly light hearted for an In Death book. I think only one person actually died and there was a lot of time spent on personal relationships. Poor Galahad ended up wearing reindeer antlers but was high on catnip at the time so he probably did not mind.

Eve and Roarke dealt with a few issues but they are both maturing in their relationship and manage to solve their problems without too much difficulty. Peabody gets one of her best Christmas presents ever and Mira and Eve arrive at a new understanding.

For once I guessed the murderer very early on but still enjoyed watching Eve come to her conclusion. The finale was quiet without the usual drama, but still satisfactory. As I said earlier - a thoroughly enjoyable read:)
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,556 reviews708 followers
June 8, 2020
An enjoyable episode where the personal life of Eve and Roarke gets nearly as much attention as the murder mystery, making for a nice change of pace. It's close to Christmas, Eve's second with Roarke, and she's looking forward to it, but then a bad reminder of her past shows up in her office in the form of Trudy Lombard. Trudy was Eve's first foster parent after she was found bloody and traumatised next to her dead father's body. But Trudy was not the soft, motherly foster parent that Eve needed at that time but a horrible woman who treated her charges cruelly. Now she's discovered that Eve is a policewoman married to a very wealthy man and thinks she might be able to gain some advantage from this. When Trudy is found murdered two days later, Eve is the detective called in to investigate her death.

It was good to see Eve more relaxed in this case, despite the memories Trudy brought back for her. She even gets into the swing of Christmas, organising some gifts and enjoying decorating the house for their annual Christmas party. Eve tries to follow up leads amongst the Christmas preparations and shut downs at work but seems to be getting no closer until after Christmas, when things start to click into place and the culprit is exposed. It's great to see the high standard in this series holding up so well after so many books!
Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,043 reviews1,263 followers
October 26, 2018
"Eve." He took both her hands, brought them to his lips. He wanted to gather her up, cover her in something soft, something beautiful. He wanted to hold her until every horrid memory was washed away. "What you are is a miracle." ❤❤❤

Ahhh this man!!! Roarke, I love so much my darling. 🤗


Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews463 followers
October 17, 2019
I know, I know, I’m obsessed with this series! There must be something subliminal inside the books, because I cannot stop!!!

And the most amazing thing is that even if all the books are similar, they’re all different and the mysteries are excellent!!!

In this book the crime touches Eve’s unfortunate foray into the foster care world… It was not enough for Eve to have a monstrous scam of a father, she also had a monster for a foster mother… A cheating, lying, sadistic monster disguised as a loving cookie-making mommy!!!

I think she deserved her daughter-in-law!!! LOL

““No. No. No hugs. No hugs. No. Oh, shit,” she muttered as Peabody threw her arms around her and squeezed. “We’re on duty, we’re in public. Let me go or I swear I’ll kick your ass so hard that extra five pounds you’re whining about will end up in Trenton.”

Peabody’s response was incoherent and muffled against Eve’s shoulder. “Get snot on my coat, and I’ll strangle you with that scarf after I kick your ass.”

”“Catnip.” She held the mouse up by the tail in front of Galahad’s face. “Yeah, that’s right,” she said as Galahad reared up on his hind legs and grabbed the mouse with his front claws. “Zeus for cats.”

“And you, a duly designated officer of the law,” Roarke said, “dealing.”

“I’ve got my sources.” While the cat rolled deliriously with his new toy, Eve stuck the antlers in place. “Okay, you look really stupid, so this is only for tonight. We humans have to get our kicks somewhere.”

“Is he trying to eat it,” Roarke wondered, “or make love to it?”

“I don’t want to think that hard about it. But he’s not thinking about cookies anymore.””

Well, another excellent one!!! On to the next!!!
Profile Image for Obsidian.
3,071 reviews1,091 followers
October 16, 2022
Updated review: October 16, 2022. Seriously, this book was so good and I despair of the book that came before it. It just doesn't even fit when you look at what other books are in this series. 

Happy sigh. This is one of my favorite re-reads. I tend to read it around the Christmas season. But seriously. I needed a happy (as it can be) In Death book. It gets to be a bit of a grind to just read about rape and murder in every other book.

Memory in Death (In Death #22) is a really good Eve Dallas and Roarke book. We get to spend about equal time with Roarke in this one. And I just sadly realized it's been a while since we got a significant third person POV of Roarke in an In Death book. Hmmm. I am going to have to go back through my re-reads and see when that dropped off. As I was saying, we get a lot of Eve a lot of Roarke and for once we actually get to delve into Eve's past. I really wish we got more information about her. Robb has gone fairly deep on Roarke's side of the family, but as long time readers know, we solve the mystery of Eve's mother and father in "New York to Dalls (In Death #33) and you would think that Eve just popped up at age 8 and then transformed into a cop. "Memory in Death" does such a good job of giving us more layers into Eve's life. I really do wish that Robb would revisit that well more in the recent books.

"Memory in Death" has Eve confronting her former foster mother (Trudy Lombard) who has come back to blackmail Eve once she finds out that Eve is now married to the richest man on the planet (look Roarke's a billionaire apparently several times over so I am just going with he is the richest at this point). Eve gets a nasty shock since recalling Trudy and the things she did to Eve as a kid (locking in her room and forcing her to take cold baths) throws her for a loop. When Trudy is found dead (hit with a sap) then the case turns toward Eve and Roarke. This was a really cool case to sink your teeth in. I didn't care about the victim, but it was still pretty awesome how Eve figured out who the doer was and why. And I of course wonder now what happened with the characters from that case. Too bad I don't think Robb has thrown out any comments.

We get to see Eve hit for a loop several times during this investigation. Due to the events in "Origin in Death (or as I call it now, the dreaded Icove case) Eve is on the outs with Dr. Mira. She is feeling even more unsettled when a woman she hasn't seen since she was a child popping up insisting that she's Eve's mother. Eve has an uncharacteristic scared response and then when she lets Roarke know about it...oh boy.

We get to see the dark side of Roarke that we don't really get to see much in the series anymore. I had to crack up when Trudy went and tried to shake down Roarke. Dude. Dude. Hotness.

We get a couple fight (my least favorite thing) between Eve and Roarke and honestly I was on Roarke's side on that one. Eve says some pretty terrible things to Roarke because she realizes that Trudy is only popping up due to her being married to him. She throws Roarke's mother's murder in his face and the fact that even though that was terrible he has a whole family in Ireland now (gah, I hated re-reading that. I cringed the whole time going oh no). Thankfully Eve and Roarke work through it.

What I thought was interesting this time through though is that Eve and Dr. Mira are on the outs because of Eve's last case. They both feel their way around each other, but I loved it when Eve and Dr. Mira worked through it. And this is the beginning of Eve starting to realize that Dr. Mira in her own way is Eve's mother and will mess someone up that will hurt one of her kids.

We get the usual characters of Peabody, McNabb and Feeney. Due to Eve's close ties in the case I thought it was hilarious that Peabody had to interview Roarke. We also get some other characters besides Eve's foster mother, her biological son Bobby who I just felt pity for throughout and Bobby's wife.

The writing was in terms humorous, clever, and a few times sad (when realizing how terrible Eve's foster mom was). Considering the subject matter, this ended up being the most light hearted In Death book I think I have read. Since this takes place over Christmas, you had Eve dealing with decorators, decorators who also got into fights, and hilariously putting antlers on Galahad. I also really loved that we got to see Roarke and Eve exchange gifts with one another. It was nice to just seem them having a really great couple moment. I do tend to skip over the later books romance scenes since they don't move me much anymore. But the earlier books do make me smile.

The ending was pretty cool and I loved how Eve identified the murder. I seriously recall the first time I read this, not having a clue who done it which to me is what makes a great mystery book.
Profile Image for Kelly Kosinski.
560 reviews29 followers
April 21, 2023
Another great in-death book! Can’t go wrong with any of the in-death books. Some other horrors are revealed from Dallas’s past. A woman she knew as her foster mother comes to visit Dallas while she is working at the station. And it’s not a woman that Dallas wants to remember.
Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,354 followers
November 20, 2017
Suspense 4 stars / Romance 4.5 stars

But I click 5 anyway *lol*

Bloody merry Christmas. Well written, but not very captivating. I knew who was the killer from the very beginning. Either way it was a very good read.

I liked how protective Roarke was and I liked how stubborn Eve was *lol*

Eve – you are my heart!

Profile Image for Mo.
1,394 reviews2 followers
April 26, 2017

Another solid read. Is there ever any other read in this series? Not so far, anyhow. It's the holiday season. The house is decorated (a little too much according to Eve). A face from the past appears and Eve is not happy. Nor is Roarke, for that matter.

Of course, they have their ups and downs... but "making up" is such fun!!

"I'm a lousy wife, I get that ... I don't remember to do things - don't know how and don't give a rat's ass about finding out."

"You're not a lousy wife, and I'd be the one to judge that. But you are, Eve, an extremely difficult woman."

All the regular characters are there. Love them all.

"Easy now," Roarke murmered.
"I've got you."

Was kept guessing up to almost the end. Nearly halfway through the series... not bad!!

“Nothing ever seems too bad, too hard or too sad when you’ve got a Christmas tree in the living room. All those presents under it, all that anticipation. Just a way of saying there’s always light and hope in the world. And you’re lucky enough to have a family to share it with.”

Profile Image for Dianna.
314 reviews22 followers
April 23, 2016
Oh, that Eve Dallas. If you've gotten to this (book 24!) in the Eve Dallas series, you don't need my review. You're reading it anyway. Good luck. It's pretty much the same as the rest. Can I finish this series already so I can get back to reading REAL books?

I know people say I shouldn't be ashamed of what I read. I'm not particularly ashamed of reading this series, but of having been sucked in.

I feel a bit like Guy Montag's wife. Roarke and Mavis and Peabody have all become my family. I've started feeling the pangs of childhood trauma I never had. I warn you people: just because it's a book and not a TV show doesn't mean it won't brainwash you. It's probably worse, because a TV show only takes 30 minutes of your life a week away. These books take HOURS a week, and there's like a MILLION of them! I can't stop reading! No more series after this one, I swear!
Profile Image for Aly is so frigging bored.
1,672 reviews269 followers
November 20, 2021
2nd read 15-22 December 2015

1st Read from August 24 to September 02, 2013
“Personalized game, and what you do is start out at the bottom. Pretty much wits only. Then you can earn money, arms, land. Build stuff, fight wars. You can pull in other people—we're all in there. And take on famous foes and stuff. You can cheat, steal, barter, and bloody. But there are a lot of traps, so you can end up broke, destitute, in a cage or tortured by your enemies. Or you can end up ruling the known universe. The graphics are very chilly.”
“You're in here?”
“How can I lose?”
“It's tough. Feeney's had it up and running for a couple weeks and said he couldn't get by level twelve. It's pissing him off. Anyway, I figured since you don't get to steal in real life anymore, you'd get a kick out of virtual.”
Profile Image for Sibel Gandy.
1,028 reviews77 followers
October 4, 2022
Yıllarca Epsilon'un keyfini beklemek mi yoksa ortalama google çevirisiyle devam etmek mi 🤔 O zaman google la devam 😏
Profile Image for İlkim.
1,446 reviews11 followers
January 14, 2018
According to Goodreads, this is my 2000th book! I'm glad that this milestone is one of a Dallas/Roarke novel, they are my fav couple after all. We met Eve's evil foster parent in this book and when she's killed I didn't feel sad. I think it's the first time I'm glad that victim is dead. The killer was obvious for me, so this is not a 5 star. I really missed them, I should read them more often.
Goodreads sayacı 2000. kitabım olduğunu gösteriyor. Bu özel sayıyı Dallas ve Roarke aşklarımla kutlamalıyım dedim. Eve'in çocukluğu gerçekten çok sorunlu, okuyanlar bilir. Bakıcı ailesi de boktan. Yani bu kızın çocukluğunda hiç mi güzel bir şey olmamış :( Dr. Mira'nın kocasının kollarında ağlamaya başlayınca yeminle kalbimden bir parça koptu :( İlk defa öldüğüne hiççç üzülmediğim bir kurban vardı, iyi ki öldü bile dedirtiyor. Yine de Eve'in çözmesi gerekiyor davayı ve katil kesinlikle sürpriz değil. Eve ile içgüdülerimiz aynı çalışıyor cidden. Katili ta başından tahmin edince bir yıldız kırıverdim. Ama çok güzel alıntılar vardı onları da paylaşmam gerek ve kesinlikle daha sık okumalıyım.

"It’s not the same for me. Nobody loved me. Nobody and nothing I came from was decent or innocent or good.”

“You have heard the expression 'love is blind'"
"I think it's bullshit. Lust dazzles, sure, at least for the short term. But love clears the vision. You see better, sharper, because you feel more that you did before”

“I slept in myself, didn’t get up until about nine.”
“Has anyone looked outside, checked to see if the world is still spinning on its axis?”
“At which time,” he continued dryly, “I had a workout—I had soufflé, too. Then, before I came down here to enjoy one of my gifts, I worked about an hour in my office.”

“No. I guess it was fate. You know how you see somebody, and you just know?” Eve thought of Roarke, of the way their eyes had met at a funeral. “Yeah, I do.”
Profile Image for Ann Lou.
562 reviews87 followers
July 25, 2017
It's the Holidays in the In Death series and our characters are busy prepping and buying gifts for everyone. Eve has an unpleasant surprise visit from a foster parent from her past. She ended up dead in a hotel room and Eve has to find the murderer. And I am proud to say I guessed who it was! Score for me!

I would have to say this installment is mellow compared to the rest. The mystery wasn't much of a mystery. But I love all the characters and ended up loving this one as well.
Profile Image for Penni.
255 reviews108 followers
January 19, 2021
I enjoyed a lot of aspects of this installment of In Death. Having it hit home so hard for Eve was at first very difficult. But as usual, and with Roarkes' help, she got on top of it. It was good I think overall for her in the end - she had to face and deal with many aspects of her past and of her nature.

Because the murder was not particularly harrying from a time and danger aspect, as the focus was on the emotional aspects, it wasn't as "I can't put this down for a second" as it normally is.

The characters continue to wow me. Love Eve and Roarke, Peabody and McNabb, Mira, Mr. Mira, and the rest. The byplay between them is always A+.

Can't wait for the next one and baby classes and birth!
Profile Image for Stephaniec.
815 reviews16 followers
September 28, 2019
Re-Read - Roarke is one scary mofo when he wants to be
Someone from Eve's past comes back to put the squeeze on her and Roarke, bringing back terrible memories for Eve. Another great installment

Profile Image for Canan .
991 reviews67 followers
October 29, 2022
Katilin kim olduğu hissediliyor gerçekten de... Ve Eve ile aynı hisleri besledik resmen kişiye...

Bunun dışında Noel dönemimde geçen bir hikaye oldu. Bir önceki noellerine göre çok şükür kan revan içinde kalmadılar.

Eve'nin geçmişinden gelen kötü niyetli bir kadın ve akabinde otel odasında ölü bulunması. Ben pek üzülemedim kurbana... İyi kötü hepsi can ama bazen üzülmek gelmiyor içimden...

Roarke ve Eve sahneleri için okuyorum seriyi diyebilirim. ♥ Polisiye kısmı zan zaman basit gelebilir sevenlerine ama ben romance kısmını sevdiğim için bende yeri ayrı bir seri... Bir gün güncel olmak dileği ile 😍
Profile Image for Maria.
2,248 reviews47 followers
January 9, 2025
This book has several pluses. No serial killers. No blood and gore and random violence. We learn more about Eve's early life, this time about her life in a foster home. It also brings out some of the uglier side of Eve when she and Roarke have a fight. And some of her better side as she really thinks about the people she has come to love and depend on and picks out gifts that they will love. There are many great scenes. Dennis Mira putting his arm around Eve and Eve uncharacteristically breaking into tears. Dr. Mira talking about some of the quarrels between Dennis and herself. Peabody and McNab and their argument. Mavis holding up a baby jumpsuit in flaming red that Leonardo has made - on the vid screen of the phone. Somerset and Eve and their Christmas Day moratorium on insults which has Eve biting her tongue more than once. Feeney bribing his grandson to spill gravy on his suit so he can enjoy Christmas dinner in comfort. It is all in the little details. As usual there is much left to the reader's imagination at the end of the book. I would have liked particularly to discover what happened to the boy who gave Eve her first good moment and her first laugh by letting her ride his airboard. Those are the kinds of visuals that make the books so real, not to mention the comments about socks that never fit, people who shop like crazy, people who match every damn thing on their persons, and the marriage rule book, especially where the number of gifts given is concerned. Eve is a constant delight as she struggles to comprehend the people and the world around her.
Profile Image for Diane.
677 reviews29 followers
June 6, 2019
One of my favourite books in the series. We get a really good look into Eve's horrible childhood after she was named and placed with the first of the foster homes - a terrible experience for her. We can't help side with her when she rants at Roarke about everything he touches turns to gold and everything she touches just fails I guess is the best word. But we also side with her when she apologizes profusely to Roarke.

The horrible woman that fostered Eve was exactly that - horrible! Evil does exist!

Two thumbs up and 5 stars

From the blurb: Eve Dallas is one tough cop. It should take more than a seemingly ordinary middle-aged lady to make her fall apart. But when that lady is Trudy Lombard, all bets are off. Just seeing Trudy at the station plunges Eve back to the days when she was a vulnerable, traumatized young girl—and trapped in foster care with the twisted woman who now sits smiling in front of her.

Trudy claims she came all the way to New York just to see how Eve is doing. But Eve’s fiercely protective husband, Roarke, suspects otherwise—and a blackmail attempt by Trudy proves his suspicion correct. Eve and Roarke just want the woman out of their lives. But someone else wants her dead. And when her murder comes to pass, Eve and Roarke will follow a circuitous and dangerous path to find out who turned the victimizer into a victim.
Profile Image for J.D..
233 reviews
May 17, 2015
More like 1.5 stars. I love these books and all the quirky characters. I always "skip over" the mandatory steamy sex scene and enjoy the bantering between the characters and the mystery. For some reason, about 25% of the way in I "thought" I knew "who did it." By 50% of the way I was pretty sure. By 60% I couldn't wait and skipped to the next to the last chapter and confirmed my suspicions. I hope it was just this one book because I don't want all the mysteries spoiled that quickly after starting.
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