kira-kira (kee ra kee ra): glittering; shining Glittering. That's how Katie Takeshima's sister, Lynn, makes everything seem. The sky is kira-kira because its color is deep but see-through at the same time. The sea is kira-kira for the same reason and so are people's eyes. When Katie and her family move from a Japanese community in Iowa to the Deep South of Georgia, it's Lynn who explains to her why people stop on the street to stare, and it's Lynn who, with her special way of viewing the world, teaches Katie to look beyond tomorrow, but when Lynn becomes desperately ill, and the whole family begins to fall apart, it is up to Katie to find a way to remind them all that there is always something glittering -- kira-kira -- in the future.
Cynthia Kadohata is a Japanese American writer known for her insightful coming-of-age stories about Asian American women. Her first published short story appeared in The New Yorker in 1986. As she spent her early childhood in the American South, the author set both her first adult novel and her first novel for children in Southern states. The former became a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and the latter--her first children's book, entitled Kira-Kira--won the 2005 Newbery Medal.
Oh, do you ever wish a book could just go on? Kira-kira is such a beautiful piece of writing that the story has stayed with me since I finished it two days ago. It's one of those books that makes you feel like nothing you read after that will compare. The richness of the characters is what drives this story, and by the end of the book I felt as if I knew each and every one of them.
This is the story of a Japanese-American family named Takeshima. Katie, the middle child, is the narrator of their story. She is very close to her siblings, Lynn and Sammy, and their lives revolve around each other. When Katie is a very small child, Lynn teaches her the title word, Kira-Kira, which is the Japanese word for glittery or shiny. It is ironic that kira-kira becomes an important word between the girls, because their lives would not appear to be kira-kira to the outside world. Their parents, in an effort to accomplish their dream to own their own home, move the family to Georgia so that they can work in a poultry factory. As they are working themselves into exhaustion, the children are constant and loving companions to each other. As the kids assimilate into school life in Georgia, where the local people are less than welcoming, they remain each other's best friends. Together they play, talk, support each other, and dream of what life will be in the future. They create a sense of happiness and brightness around themselves.
When their parents dream of owning their own home comes to fruition, the Takeshima family is very proud and they are all convinced that their lives will be forever good. But the joy of owning a piece of the American dream is soon destroyed by Lynn's growing health problems. As Lynn's kira-kira diminishes, the reader is left with a heavy heart for Katie and her family.
Kira-kira is a beautiful story about spirit and strength. Kadohata's writing flows like a mountain stream, taking the reader with her. It's quietly dramatic, yet completely engaging. The story takes place over years, and the characters develop and change in obvious and subtle ways, just like children do in real life. Katie is not a magnificent, larger-than-life character in the way, say, Harry Potter is. She's a normal little girl, sometimes struggling in school, sometimes trying to find her way in a world that is familiar yet foreign to her. Even though life deals her some difficult cards, Katie is always guided by the love of her family. The reader can take comfort knowing that wherever Katie goes, the sweetness of her personality and love in her heart will always keep the kira-kira surrounding her.
THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE AWESOMEST BOOK IN THE HISTORY OF AWESOME BOOKS. I cried at the end. I reccomend it to you and everyone you know. I read it like 10 times and so should you. It's about a Japanese girl and her family living in the U.S. in that descrimination era.
Kira-Kira, Cynthia Kadohata Kira-Kira is a young adult novel by Cynthia Kadohata. It won the Newbery Medal for children's literature in 2005. The book's plot is about a Japanese-American family living in Georgia. The main character and narrator of the story is a girl named Katie Takeshima, the middle child in a Japanese-American family. "Kira-Kira" means glittering or shining. In the early 1950s, Katie Takeshima and her family live in Iowa, where her parents own a Japanese supermarket. When the store goes out of business in 1956, the family moves from Iowa to an apartment in Georgia where Katie's parents work at a hatchery with other Japanese families. Katie's best friend is her older sister Lynn, whom Katie looks up to as the most intelligent person she knows. She cites Lynn's ability to beat their Uncle Katsuhisa, a self-proclaimed chess grand master, at his own game as an example. Katie holds close to her heart the Japanese term "Kira-Kira", which Lynn taught her. They use it to describe things that glitter in their lives. When they first move to Georgia, Lynn guides Katie around her new surroundings and teaches her to always be positive about things. In this period, Lynn is portrayed to be highly sensible and independent as she teaches Katie to save money for their parents. ... تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز پانزدهم ماه آگوست سال 2008 میلادی عنوان: خانهی خودمان؛ نویسنده: سینتیا کادوهاتا؛ مترجم: شقایق قندهاری، تهران، افق، 1385، چاپ دوم 1386؛ چاپ سوم 1388؛ چاپ چهارم، 1394؛ در 224 ص؛ شابک: 9786003531246؛ چاپ پنجم 1397؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان امریکایی ژاپنی تبار - سده 21 م رمان خانه ی خودمان، داستان دو خواهر ژاپنی تبار آمریکایی را روایت میکند، که به منظور بهبود بخشیدن به شرایط زندگی والدینشان، از «آیوا» به مناطق روستایی «جورجیا »مهاجرت میکنند. «کیتی»، خواهر کوچکتر و راوی داستان، میاندیشد که خواهرش: «لین»، نابغه ای است، که توانایی انجام هر کاری را دارد. با پیشروی داستان، و آشکار شدن اینکه بهبود شرایط زندگی پدر و مادرشان، به معنی کار کردن شبانه روزی آنهاست، معلوم میشود که «لین» مشکلی دارد. چرا که همیشه خسته و بیمار به نظر میرسد. بزرگترین آرزوی «لین»، زندگی به همراه خانواده اش، در خانه ی شخصی خودشان است. وقتی که پدر و مادر این دو دختر، که هیچوقت پول قرض نمیکنند و به بانکها اعتماد ندارند، سرانجام برای برآورده کردن این آرزوی دخترشان وام میگیرند، مشخص میشود که بیماری «لین» باید جدی باشد. در نهایت، پدر «کیتی» به او میگوید که بیماری خواهرش چیست و با وخیمتر شدن اوضاع «لین»، کیتی تصمیم میگیرد تا علیرغم مشکلات متعدد عاطفی و مالی، رویاهای خواهر و خانواده اش را زنده نگه دارد. نقل از متن: «...عمویم درست دو و نیم سانتیمتر از پدرم قدبلندتر بود، اما شکم نرمی داشت. سال قبل که با مشت توی شکمش زدیم، این را فهمیدیم. همو دادش به هوا رفت و برایمان خط و نشان کشید. پدر و مادر ما را بدون شام به رختخواب فرستادند. آنها معتقد بودند که زدن دیگران بدترین گناه است. دزدی در درجه دوم و دروغگویی در درجه سوم بود. و من هنوز دوازده سالم نشده بود که مرتکب هر سه گناه شدم...»؛ « اولین واژه را از خواهرم لین یاد گرفتم: ستاره-ستاره. با اینکه آن را اشتباهی «سیستاری» تلفظ میکردم، ولی او منظورم را میفهمید. در زبان ژاپنی، ستاره-ستاره یعنی درخشنده و نورانی. لین میگفت وقتی که بچه بودم، همیشه شبها مرا با خودش به جاده ی خلوتی میبرد و هر دوی مان به پشت، روی زمین دراز میکشیدیم و به ستاره ها نگاه میکردیم. بعد، او بارها و بارها میگفت: کتی، بگو ستاره-ستاره!، ستاره-ستاره! و من عاشق این کلمه بودم! وقتی کمی بزرگتر شدم، برای توصیف تمام چیزهایی که دوستشان داشتم، از عبارت ستاره-ستاره استفاده میکردم. آسمان آبی زیبا، توله سگها، بچه گربه ها، پروانه ها و حتی دستمال کاغذیهای رنگی ...»؛ پایان نقل. ا. شربیانی
This is by far one of the loveliest books I have read in a long time! I can't remember when I last cried over a children's book, but this touching story about a young Japanese-American girl definitely made me shed a tear or two. Katie and her family, including big sister Lynn and little brother Sammy, live in a small town in Georgia during a time when looking different means low-paying jobs and unaffordable housing. Katie's parents eventually end up working multiple factory jobs to support the family, and the situation worsens when Lynn becomes mysteriously ill. In spite of the family's hardships, Katie's quirky way of looking at life makes this book a cheerful read. Even a sad ending brings a smile to the reader's face, simply because it is so lyrically spun by the author through Katie's voice. I absolutely adored this book, and I can't wait to share it with my students. I know that they will laugh out loud at times when they read about the crazy predicaments that Katie manages to get herself into, but they might also cry when they find out what happens to this amazing family.
"I was born in Iowa in 1951. I know a lot about when I was a little girl, because my sister used to keep a diary. Today I keep her diary in a drawer next to my bed." (PG. 2)
YA- John Newbery Medal Japanese family moves from Iowa to Georgia in the 50s...
I really enjoyed the flow and the characters in this novel. I liked that the main character, Katie, just stated facts about being Japanese in Georgia not blaming her living conditions or situation on racism or blaming others. I am glad the author didn't give this experience to the characters. I do imagine it was hard being 1 of 32 Japanese people living in Southern Georgia at that time.
This was a book about a hard working family and having honor and a strong sense of character. I rooted for this family. I liked that the narrator was twelve-year-old Katie and her perception of that time in her life. I felt the loss the family went through. It broke my heart and that is why I thought the author did a great job in her storytelling.
Short and to the point. Recommend for YA and adults alike.
my favorite childhood book. the book closest to my heart. the book that taught me what it was to be a big sister before i even became a big sister. will always have a special place on my shelf. it's all tattered and frazzled because i've read it so much, but this book was the first book to ever move me the way it did to my eight year old self.
I had to take my mind off the fact that I was taking a life-changing exam at 1:30 pm. I had started this middle school, Newbury award winning little book earlier in the week in between cramming, and decided the morning of the exam that the best way to chill and prepare was to lie back and finish the back half of the book. Wow. What a great decision. Kadohata does an amazing job not only of evoking what it feels like to be a kid bewildered by family, world, school, and simply how to be, but especially excels at describing the alienated world of growing up in the south as a Japanese American. That said, I was in the South over a decade later than the protagonist (in my case, 1st and 2nd grade in Tuscaloosa, Alabama at the turn of the 70s, not too many years after Wallace's notorious exclamation, "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"; but the book is set earlier!). And talk about emotional catharsis: this book took me to the extremes of emotion, laughing one moment (in identification) to simply weeping. I can't wait to read more Kadohata. Oh, and by the way, I passed that dang exam.
Being of Japanese descent, I recognized so much that was in my childhood of the day to day existence and the way the family operated. I grew up in California but I think the racism that was experienced in the book was what my parent generation had to deal with in the South.
I particularly appreciate the correct pronunciation of the Japanese language. That's one downside of audio books, if you get it wrong, it is difficult to listen to. I once rented out a book by Gail Tsukiyama (the one with the red and white cover with an image of cherry blossoms). In any case, the pronuniciation was so bad by the reader, it grated on my nerves each time a Japanese word was mispronounced, and I didn't get past the first few chapters and ended up not completing the book.
This book was a beautifully written, thanks Julie for writing a review of it. A very simple but touching story about the experiences of a young Japanese American girl growing up in Georgia.
Kira-Kira is the story of the Japanese-American Takeshima family, told from the point of view of Katie, the youngest daughter. We learn in the opening passage of the story that Kira-Kira means “glittering” in Japanese, and that it was Katie’s first word, taught to her by her older sister Lynn. It’s obvious from the beginning that Katie adores Lynn.
Born in Iowa to Japanese immigrants, Katie and Lynn have a nice childhood, but everything changes when the family’s Asian food store goes out of business, and they move to Georgia to become factory workers in a poultry processing plant. It’s here that Katie realizes for the first time that she is different. Shunned by the white Georgians, the Japanese community in Georgia is tight knit, but life is very difficult. Katie and Lynn’s parents work extremely long hours under harsh conditions. Katie and Lynn rarely see their father, and when they do, he’s exhausted. Their mother is forced to wear “pads” because bathroom breaks are not allowed in the factory. When their baby brother, Sammy, is born, the girls and a next door neighbor pretty much raise him. Just when things can’t get worse, Lynn becomes very ill, and the family’s bonds are tested.
This heart wrenching story is one that I will soon not forget. Cynthia Kadohata expertly gets into the mind of a girl Katie’s age who has to deal with some very adult situations but does not quite understand them. An example of this is when Lynn is very ill, and despite appearing very strong and brave in front of Lynn, Katie needs a moment alone and breaks down:
“I cried and cried. For a while as I cried I hated my parents, as if it were their fault Lynn was sick. Then I cried because I loved my parents so much. Then I didn’t feel like crying anymore. I just felt barren, my eyes felt dry. They sky was still gray. Everything was gray, the sky and the store and even my hand when I held it out in front of myself. I wondered in anyone else in history had ever been as sad as I was at that moment” (p. 199).
We also see racism, prejudice, and the unfair treatment of the factory workers through Katie’s eyes. While some have criticized this book and being slow and uninteresting for young adults, it would have been right up my alley when I was younger. Certainly, it’s not for every kid and may appeal more to girls than boys, but it’s a story that I think will impact many. It was completely deserving of its 2005 Newbery Medal win.
Much of this book was predictable: young protagonist, struggles come to family, family begins to falter, and tragedy must be overcome at end. But I liked the setting and the plot. It was a Japanese family in Georgia in the 1950s. It was interesting to hear about the hard work and the different kind of prejudice. It made me wonder what my grandmother must have gone through when she relocated to the "land" states.
I think the part I most connected with was the relationship between the two sisters. It is told from Katie's point of view, who is about 4 or 5 years younger than Lynn. As this is the age difference between me and my sister, I instantly knew what it was like to look up to this seemingly perfect sister and idolize her. How the older sister made even the simplest things amazing and wonderful. That life was "kira-kira" because the older sister made it so.
One thing I question: the age group this is aimed at. I can certainly understand YA. But children's? How young are we going? The occasional use of language could be overlooked I suppose. But even the innocent dealings of some subjects.... Well, I would rather have talked to my own children before they ever encountered it in this book in the way it is handled.
A close knit, insular Japanese-American family struggling for the American dream first in Iowa then in southern Georgia. A lot of hard work, little kindness from the white population around them, and then the illness of the elder daughter. Very moving tale from the younger sister's perspective and her coming of age, with insights into family dynamics, integrity, kindness and empathy.
This one never got to my currently reading shelf as I was too busy reading, or listening to it. Caused me to miss a few turns. It had been recommended to me two years ago by a friend who also got me into Audible Books. From the sounds of the crickets resounding in the words of the title to the glitter of the world, I can see how this book deserved the 2005 Newbery award. Cynthia Kadohata elaborated on so many themes from the personal connection of being Japanese in America to the universal themes of family, death and dying, and living in the complex world. It was especially satisfying when Katie's father apologized to the hatchery owner, removed Lynn's bedding, and made the conscientious decision to live as a happy family rather than a sad family. Suffering is universal, but so too is the decisions to live or not. I can't help connecting to the theme of to live or not, to be a happy family or not, to hate or not. At some time everyone meets with trajedy and major disappointment. The key to living is the decision to go on living. I felt like I was a part of this family as Katie told me about her sister, brother, parents, and uncle, each one trying to take care of the others. Kadohata realistically shared the thoughts of the young girls, honest thoughts about her sister's illness. How many young people feel guilty about something they did that they didn't understand? The way Kadohata unfolded the story of Katie getting mad at her sister, being impatient, thinking that her sister would get better, interacting with her parents, and worrying about her sister's friends showed a respect for and understanding for a child's thoughts and questions. I thought the way she let Katie change, grow up, understand from her reflections on her relationship with her sister that she could do well in school if she worked at it. Doing well at school is a metaphor for doing well in life. The story while sad, is full of hope. This well crafted story will stick with me and I am sure that middle school students can read it. The way kira-kira was woven through Katie' life and the world around her was masterful. Even to the night of her death, Lynn was looking at her world. This reminded me of a friend, dying of cancer, enjoying being read to, saying "I didn't know that, did you?"
I still have questions about the historical setting. I learned about the chicken sexers' job and how the hatchery's worked towards unionization. I had not known that Japanese people worked in this agricultural setting. So like other books, Night John, Baseball Saved Us, and ________________ I learned more about the social issues in the America we seldom talked about growing up.
Attention Yankees! The pronoun "y'all" is a contraction of "you all" and is plural. No one in the South ever addresses a single person as y'all. That would be like addressing that person as "you folks." It doesn't make any sense. I should be more forgiving, since the towering Russell Banks makes the same gaffe in Rule of the Bone, but Kadohata's persistence in this folly pretty much ruined the book for me. My willing suspension of disbelief deflated with an almost audible hiss. Other lame laziness: "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?" was released during the Kennedy administration and not the Eisenhower years.
Cuốn tiểu thuyết tuổi thơ của mình, giờ lôi ra đọc lại. Lần đầu tiên đọc hồi còn học Tiểu học, không ấn tượng gì nhiều, chắc bởi ngày ấy còn con nít quá. Giờ đọc lần hai, ở cái tuổi mình đã nhận thức được nhiều thứ hơn về cuộc đời, thì thấy cuốn này buồn vô hạn, đặc biệt là ở những chương cuối.
“Kira-Kira” mở đầu có thể không được hấp dẫn, và thực sự, trong quá khứ mình đã từng có lần cố gắng đọc lại cuốn này, nhưng đành phải dừng lại ở chương 2 hay 3 gì đấy. Nhưng rồi càng đọc, câu chuyện càng chinh phục mình, bởi tính giản dị, tinh tế và tràn đầy cảm xúc mà có lẽ chỉ những tác giả người Nhật hoặc người gốc Nhật mới thể hiện được. Mình ấn tượng trước tình cảm chị em khăng khít của Lynn và Katie cho đến tận giây phút cuối cùng, dẫu cho trong quá trình lớn lên, mỗi chị em đã có những lúc mải quan tâm đến những mối quan hệ bạn bè khác mà không dành nhiều thời gian bên nhau.
Bên cạnh tình chị em của Lynn và Katie, “Kira-Kira” cũng bày ra trước mắt độc giả bức tranh thực tại phũ phàng của thế hệ những người gốc Nhật sinh sống và làm việc trên đất Mỹ. Gia đình của Lynn và Katie chính là hình mẫu đại diện cho những người nhập cư, là xương sống cho quá trình sản xuất hàng hóa của quốc gia mà họ tới định cư, thế nhưng, họ chỉ được xem như những người làm công thấp kém. Cha mẹ của Lynn và Katie chỉ có một ước mơ duy nhất, đó là kiếm đủ tiền để mua được một căn nhà tươm tất đàng hoàng cho các con. Ấy vậy mà biết bao ca làm thêm ở trại ấp trứng hay nhà máy chế biến thịt, bao nhiêu công việc mẹ của Lynn và Katie làm thêm để có thể một ngày nào đó hiện thực hóa ước mơ của họ, cuối cùng vẫn không thể giúp họ tự thân kiếm đủ tiền để mua nhà, mà phải đi vay thế chấp ngân hàng. Tình cảnh làm việc liên tục 18 tiếng một ngày, bán sức lao động của mình một cách rẻ mạt cho ông chủ Lyndon của cha mẹ Lynn và Katie tương phản một cách đau lòng và phẫn uất với sự giàu sang nhờ thừa kế của ông chủ keo kiệt Lyndon…
Và còn đó những ánh nhìn, hành vi mang tính phân biệt chủng tộc nhắm vào chị em Lynn và Katie - những cô bé người gốc châu Á sống giữa bang Georgia nơi chỉ có chừng 30 người gốc Nhật sinh sống. Phân biệt chủng tộc vẫn luôn là một vấn đề gây nhức nhối ở Mỹ, không chỉ ở những năm 1950 trong câu chuyện, mà còn cả bây giờ, nếu như các bạn có theo dõi tình hình chính trị xã hội của Mỹ những ngày gần đây. Những trải nghiệm không mấy vui vẻ mà Lynn và Katie đã trải qua khi chuyển đến sống ở Georgia, nhưng phải hứng chịu những ánh nhìn chằm chằm nhắm vào hai chị em, sự đối xử của một số bạn học… có lẽ cũng không khác mấy so với những gì đang diễn ra đối với các sắc tộc không phải là da trắng ở Mỹ bây giờ…
Câu chuyện diễn tiến đến những chương cuối cùng, khi bệnh ung thư máu của Lynn đã đến mức không thể làm gì được nữa. Có những đoạn đã khiến mình khóc, ví dụ như khi Lynn và Katie cùng nhau lấy tiền tiết kiệm là vài trăm đô để đưa cho mẹ, góp thêm tiền mua nhà. Đó là những đồng tiền dĩ nhiên chẳng thấm vào đâu so với số tiền cần có để tậu được một căn nhà tươm tất, thế nhưng vẫn là những đồng tiền mẹ của Lynn và Katie cầm trong nước mắt, đồng tiền của những đứa trẻ còn quá bé để phải lo lắng nghĩ suy chuyện cơm áo gạo tiền, nhưng rồi thực tại phũ phàng của cuộc sống vẫn bủa vây lấy chúng. Hay khi Lynn bị bệnh hành đến mức tâm tính thay đổi, đòi uống sữa rồi lại muốn uống nước, khiến Katie cũng phải vất vả chiều theo ý chị mình để rồi sau đó nổi giận với chị.
Tác giả đã miêu tả hết sức chân thực những gì mà bệnh nhân ung thư và người nhà bệnh nhân trải qua thông qua chi tiết này. Không có nhiều nước mắt, chỉ là cái cách mà căn bệnh đã biến một cô thiếu nữ trẻ trung, học giỏi, thông minh, với rất nhiều ước mơ còn đang ở phía trước, trở thành một con người nằm vạ vật, đau đớn trên giường, không thể tự mình rót cho mình một ly nước, phải chịu đựng sự hành hạ của bệnh tật, khiến cả người chăm sóc cho Lynn - cô em gái mà Lynn yêu thương hết mực - cũng phải mệt mỏi và bị ảnh hưởng tiêu cực bởi căn bệnh.
Nhưng rồi sau tất cả, sau cái chết trong lặng lẽ của Lynn, sau những ước mơ vẫn còn chưa thực hiện được của cô thiếu nữ, như mua cho ba mẹ bảy căn nhà, hay chuyển đến California sinh sống, thì Lynn đã làm được một điều tuyệt diệu trong cuộc đời ngắn ngủi của mình. Đó là giúp Katie nhận ra, vẫn còn có điều gì đó “kira-kira” - lấp lánh - ở trong những cảnh vật mà cô bé nhìn thấy, và đặc biệt là, ở ngày mai. Những dòng cuối cùng khi Katie cùng gia đình đi du lịch ở California mà không còn Lynn ở bên cạnh đã làm mình khóc những giọt nước mắt cuối cùng cho câu chuyện buồn nhưng vẫn tràn đầy hy vọng này. Mình khóc cho cái ước mơ nhỏ nhoi nhưng không bao giờ có thể thành hiện thực của Katie, đó chính là ước gì Lynn có ở đây để tận hưởng làn nước biển California xanh ngắt mà khi còn sống, Lynn vẫn luôn mơ tới. Rồi mình khóc cho những gì Katie đã cảm nhận được khi đứng giữa nơi chốn ước mơ này của chị mình: rằng giọng nói của chị vẫn vang ở đâu đây, trong tiếng sóng vỗ, “kira-kira”.
I agree with the reviewer who said (in a review from January 2010): "Dear Yankees, the word "y'all" is a contraction of "you all" and it is plural." It was mind-numbingly annoying that Katie used it when addressing a single person with regularity. Kadohata claims she lived in the South when she was young; I can only guess it was for a very short time, a long time ago and she has not returned. Any young child who regularly heard people use this expression correctly and who would pick up the accent as Katie is supposed to have done would also use the expression correctly.
There is nothing poetic or vivid about the prose here. It verges on the pedestrian. The plot offers nothing that I did not see in afterschool specials when I was in junior high...except the characters are of Japanese descent. It was predictable and poorly paced and really quite maudlin. This is the weakest of the 33 Newbery winners I've read so far. Not heinous, just not award material--especially not "the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children" of the year. Good for bibliotherapy when dealing with grieving girls who might identify with Katie...but not much else.
I was at the awards ceremony when this won and I searched bookstores on the way home for a copy hoping to read it before everyone else (it was a surprise winner); I'm glad I didn't waste my money on it. (Oh, and I have been a member of the Newbery Committee too & will be again).
I can't say how much I loved this. It's got lots of serious issues in it, with just a few of them featuring loss, racism, cruelty, and lots of other stuff all presented greatly from a child's point of view. Which leads me to my next point: the narrative. The narration sounds exactly like you'd expect a nine year old girl to sound. The writing isn't beautiful, and it's very simple, but that's because Kadohata really put herself into the head of her protagonist and made herself sound exactly like the person she was trying to develop. It also had me laughing (sometimes hard) at the bits of "child wisdom" and the wicked bits of humor that lighten up some of the darker parts of the story. I'm surprised more people haven't commented on the gut-busting hilarity of it. But as mentioned, with some of the issues discussed, I really think this one is for the 12-and-ups, despite the young protagonist. Heartily recommended.
Another book read in my study of the 21st century Newbery Award winners. Kira-Kira received the award in 2005. It is a wonderful story for middle-grade 8-12 year old readers.
Katie is the younger sister in her Japanese-American family. She adores her older sister, Lynn, a girl with a sparkling outlook in life who loves anything that glitters. Kira-kira means glittering in Japanese and Lynn proclaims kira-kira whenever she finds it, whether in fields of grain, the sky, a bracelet, or people's eyes.
The family is quite poor and when they move to Georgia, seeking a better life, the results are mixed. Both parents work long hours. Lynn becomes ill and is misdiagnosed.
Tragedy almost destroys the family. I cried hard at that point. But the way this family moved through their loss and the way Katie follows what she learned from Lynn, were both so excellently written about that much was redeemed.
This is a book that could help any child who has experienced loss make some sense of it. Also a book that demonstrated to me how brave and resilient children truly are. Sometimes lately I feel there is too much emphasis on the lingering effects of childhood trauma. For sure trauma happens to children every day but many rise above it in wondrous ways.
Here are some of the things I thought about when reading this book:
1. The relationship between Katie Takeshima and her older sister Lynn reminded me of my own relationship with my little sister. Katie worships Lynn and does everything she tells her, thinking Lynn is a genius. I think my sister worshiped me too as a kid (I'm convinced she still does, but don't tell her I said that), although I may not be as perfect and protective and full of guidance as Lynn is. My sister also once told me I was smart. I believe her.
2. One of the reasons this book piqued my interest is because the title can be a pun. 'Kira-kira' in Indonesian means 'supposedly, approximately, in estimation'. Puns are always fun, aren't they?
3. Another reason I was interested in this book is because of the original meaning of 'kira-kira' in Japanese, which is 'glittering'. My little sister studied Japanese literature, and we are both quite familiar with Japanese entertainment. In the book Lynn used 'kira-kira' to describe the sky, the sea, and people's eyes. But my sister and I have heard the term being used to describe people -- not just women, but men as well. Some Japanese men can be very glittery.
4. I read the book and enjoyed it. Right after that I read another children's book, A Little Princess. I enjoyed it even better. I've decided to read more children's books that I have never got the chance to read in my childhood. After all, I was born on the 23rd of July, which is National Children's Day in my country. Which means all the children in the country celebrate my birthday every year. Therefore, the running joke in my family is that I am forever a child. I think that is a rather good thing.
Akhirnya saya bisa juga baca novel ini. Sejak lihat review novel ini di majalah, saya sudah naksir pengen tahu seperti apa jalan ceritanya..Dan ternyata bagus..Tema ceritanya menarik, karena sebelumnya saya belum pernah baca buku yang menceritakan suka duka kehidupan Imigran (terutama imigran jepang),jadi waktu membaca buku ini saya sangat menikmati jalan ceritanya.. Layak dibaca oleh siapapun.. ^_^
Singkat cerita :
Menjadi imigran di Amerika tidaklah mudah, juga bagi Katie Takeshima dan keluarganya. Apalagi saat keluarga Takeshima harus menutup toko makanan Asia yang mereka miliki di Iowa dan pindah ke Chesterfield, Georgia. Di sana orangtua Katie bekerja sebagai buruh peternakan ayam, berjuang mengumpulkan uang sedikit demi sedikit untuk membeli rumah. Di satu sisi juga harus berjuang untuk berasimilasi dengan masyarakat AS. Menghadapi prasangka dari sebagian masyarakat, menghadapi tatapan aneh dari orang-orang yang berpapasan dengan mereka di jalan, serta perlakuan yang kurang manusiawi terhadap buruh pabrik, profesi yang dijalani orangtua Katie.
Beruntung ada Lynn, kakak Katie, yang selalu menjadikan hidup “bersinar” (kira-kira, dalam bahasa Jepang, alias glittering atau shining dalam bahasa Inggris). Kata itulah yang pertama dikenal Katie dari sang kakak. Lynn juga yang menjelaskan pada Katie kenapa orang-orang selalu berhenti dan menatap mereka saat berpapasan di jalan.
Lynn-lah yang menjelaskan kepada Katie saat beberapa anak di sekolah tak mau berbicara pada mereka. Lynn juga, dengan cara uniknya memandang dunia, yang mengajar Katie melihat kehidupan jauh ke depan. Menjadi jembatan antar anggota keluarga dan selalu meyakinkan keluarganya bahwa selalu ada harapan bagi keluarga mereka untuk hidup lebih baik. Namun tak ada harapan bagi Lynn sendiri saat ia jatuh sakit. Keluarga mereka pun mulai pecah. Dan Katie-lah yang harus berusaha menyatukan kembali dan menunjukkan "kira-kira" dalam hidup pada keluarganya.
Bersetting tahun 1950-an, Cynthia Kadohata, sang penulis, cukup cantik memaparkan persoalan yang dihadapi keluarga imigran Jepang di AS serta hubungan kakak beradik, Katie dan Lynn, serta saudara laki-laki mereka, Sammy. Sebagian besar kisah yang ada di novel ini merupakan kejadian nyata, begitu juga hubungan yang ada, khususnya hubungan antara Katie dan Lynn.
review dari
I say : Saya agak kurang sreg dengan cover bukunya. Bayangan saya covernya gak jauh beda dengan cover buku terbitan Simon & Schuster. Kesannya simple banget dan minim desain. Jadinya isi bukunya tak terwakili oleh cover.. Tapi ceritanya saya suka banget..Sembari membaca saya membayangkan keadaan yang dialami Katie dan keluarganya di era tahun 50-an, dimana perbedaan ras bangsa masih menjadi persoalan yang serius..yang pada akhirnya menyengsarakan kaum imigran itu sendiri..
Một câu chuyện tuy buồn đấy, nhưng mà lấp lánh, đẹp y như cái tên.
Bối cảnh câu chuyện đặt tại nước Mỹ. Gia đình của Lynn và Katie là một gia đình người Nhật, lưu lạc tới đây do chiến tranh. Họ vấp phải thái độ kém thân thiện của những người xóm giềng xung quanh chỉ vì họ không phải là người Mỹ. Nhưng Lynn, Katie và cậu em trai Sammy vẫn lớn lên thật hồn nhiên và vui vẻ, bên nhau trải qua đủ chuyện buồn vui, và gặp được những người bạn mới dễ thương nữa.
Trong mắt Lynn, Katie luôn là một đứa nhóc tì cần được chị chăm sóc. Katie thì cậy mình có một người chị ân cần và xuất sắc nên bản thân cũng không thèm cố gắng. Nhưng sau này, một biến cố lớn đem Lynn đi xa khỏi gia đình Takeshima, khiến cho Katie dù muốn hay không cũng phải trưởng thành, cần phải lớn lên, để cùng cậu em Sammy yêu thương chăm sóc ba mẹ thay cả phần của Lynn nữa.
Khi đọc cuốn sách này, mình đặc biệt thích đoạn Katie kể một kỷ niệm về chị của mình. Đó là vào một ngày đầy gió, hai chị em leo lên mái nhà cùng hai hộp khăn giấy trong tay, và thả chúng bay khắp cánh đồng bắp. Katie nói, nhìn chúng hệt như những cánh bướm khổng lồ. Sau đó, tuy hai chị em bị phạt vì đã phung phí khăn giấy, nhưng trong tâm hồn hai đứa trẻ, cũng thật xứng đáng để được ngắm nhìn cảnh tượng mê li trên cánh đồng này.
“Lynn có thể dùng một vật dụng hàng ngày đơn giản, thông thường như một hộp khăn giấy và dùng nó để chỉ ra thế giới diệu kỳ tới chừng nào. Chị có thể chứng minh điều này bằng nhiều cách khác nhau, với khăn giấy hay bong bóng xà phòng hay có lẽ cả với một ngọn cỏ. Đây là ý nghĩa chính trong cuộc đời của chị tôi.”
The story was predictable, but honestly that doesn't matter. It's a simple story but a powerful one. One of the morals of the story is to look for something "Kira-Kira", or "glittering" in everything. And that's a pretty great moral.
I don't have a sister, so I can't personally relate to Katie and Lynn's relationship, but I thought their bond was very sweet.
The main focus of the story is Katie and Lynn's relationship, but there are other things going on too, like the racism prevalent in the American South in the '50s, and unions for factory workers. I think this historical fiction book is perfect for kids, to introduce them to these topics in a gentle way.
Kira-Kira is a good book, and I recommend. Three stars.
Kira-Kira was a very heartfelt book, it took awhile for me to finish reading the book because I was reading few other books at the same time. The word Kira Kira has a very deep meaning, you will figure it out as you read the book. A short summary of the book is when Katie and her family move from a Japanese community in Iowa to the Deep South of Georgia, Lynn, her sister, explains to Katie why people stop on the street to stare at them. Hope you guys all read this book. It's amazing.
Đầu năm đầu tháng mà khóc vì truyện... Nhưng không sao, đây không phải là một câu chuyện quá bi kịch. Nó buồn, nhưng nhẹ nhàng, tươi sáng và lấp lánh. Katie hồn nhiên, vui tính dễ sợ, đọc mà nhiều lúc cứ phụt cười. Tình chị em của Lynn với Katie và Sam thiệt đáng quý.
. اول بگم که ترجمه بینهایت افتضاحه. پر از غلط واضح و مبرهنه. چی کار دارید میکنید واقعاً؟ انقدر کشکی یعنی؟ داستان از زبان کتی روایت میشه دختر کوچک ژاپنی که مهاجر آمریکان. در شرایط سخت مالی قرار دارن و پدر و مادرش کارگرهاییاند که هی کار سخت میکنن ولی بازم به خرج زندگی نمیرسند. یه خواهر بزرگتر و یه برادر کوچکتر داره. روابطشون بسیار دوستانه و محبتآمیزه و از طرفی بهخاطر مشکلات زندگی فشار و وظایف زیادی رو دوش بچههاست بهویژه در زمان بیماری لین و پس از مرگش. فضای زندگی سخت مهاجر و اقلیتبودگیشون رو خیلی خوب بیان میکنه و روش تمرکز داره. اشارههای متعددی به زندگی سخت کارگرها در آمریکا داره و مناسبات ضد انسانی بین کارفرما و کارگر. بار سنگینی که فشارهای اقتصادی و بحرانهای خانوادگی رو دوش بچهها میذاره رو خوب ترسیم میکنه. خیلی غمانگیزه. بهشخصه بیش از اینکه دلم برای لین بسوزه، دلم برای کتی میسوخت. اینکه علیرغم بزرگترشدن مشکلات هی سعی میکرد هی بهتر و بهتر عمل کنه خیلی تحسینبرانگیز ولی خیلی هم دردناک بود.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Thật lạ là cuốn sách be bé này hẳn đã có một vị trí nào đó trong lòng độc giả 9x ở Việt Nam.
Có nhiều thứ khiến tôi nhớ về cuốn sách này. Đó là cuốn sách tôi tự mua trong Fahasa Qui Nhơn. Ngày đó ba má thỉnh thoảng vẫn cho tiền tôi tiêu xài như thế (cảm ơn ba má). Thứ nữa là cái nghề phân loại giới tính gà con được miêu tả trong sách rất bần, song ở Việt Nam thì nghề này kiếm được tiền tỉ (này bạn có thể google, Việt Nam muôn năm). Thứ cuối là tụi trẻ con trong truyện rất hay chờ người lớn, giống như tôi ngày nhỏ. Tuổi nhỏ với chờ đợi là một cái gì đó rất lạ. Bạn có thể quên hết những vui vẻ lẫn buồn bã, nhưng bạn chẳng thể quên được những lần phải chờ đợi.
Ngày đó thỉnh thoảng tôi vẫn hay về nội. Và cứ 4 rưỡi 5h sáng là nội tôi dậy tưới rau. Tôi thì không dám ở một mình. Thế nên tôi ra ruộng rau vừa đứng vừa ngủ chờ nội tưới rau, thỉnh thoảng thấy một con sâu xanh to tổ bố. Tôi không thể nào quên những buổi sáng như thế.
Anw sau bao nhiêu năm, bìa tải bản lại của Nhà xuất bản Trẻ xấu như cức.
This novel was more complex than I expected. It was so dynamic and heartbreaking. It characterizes the experiences of a Japanese family as they travel from Iowa to Georgia. The author carefully works through their experiences of racism and discrimination as well as a family tragedy. It was a beautiful own-voices coming of age novel that explores what it means to find oneself. I was surprised by the beauty of the work and the growth of the characters. I've never really considered the experience of Japanese individuals living in the rural South. The amount of prejudice and racism they faced is akin to the racism faced by those of the African-American community. I have written a full review of this novel. I'll add the full review when it goes live.