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HDTV For Dummies

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If you love movies, TV, and video games, then you've probably thought seriously about investing in a high-definition television set, otherwise known as HDTV. But before you run to your nearest electronic goods store, you should know what you're investing your hard-earned money in, which TV set is good for you, and other things that will optimize your viewing pleasure."HDTV for Dummies" shows you everything you need to know about buying the right equipment, setting it up, and enjoying all the things you love about TV. It'll save you tons of confusion over this exciting new technology and tell you everything you need to know about terms, concepts, and the difference between HD and digital. This handy guide gives you the tools you need to: Get connected with video and audio cablesHook up your DVD player, VCR, PC, camcorder, and other fun stuffMount your HDTVReceive HDTV programmingUnderstand the difference between HD DVD and Blu-ray disc playersRecord with DVRs and VCRsInstall game consoles like PS3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo WiiEnhance your HDTV with audio upgrades

The guide also shows you how to shop smart and lists the best places to buy your HDTV and popular accessories to pump up your system. With up-to-date knowledge on the latest technology in the market today, "HDTV for Dummies" gives you a clear picture of what HDTV can do for your viewing experience

360 pages, Paperback

First published November 3, 2004

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About the author

Danny Briere

26 books
Sometimes credited as Daniel D. Briere

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