Jasmíne Kobata

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Book cover for Flowers for Algernon
Now I understand one of the important reasons for going to college and getting an education is to learn that the things you’ve believed in all your life aren’t true, and that nothing is what it appears to be.
Ursula K. Le Guin
“There is no kingdom like the forests. It is time I went there, went in silence, went alone. And maybe there I would learn at last what no act or art or power can teach me, what I have never learned.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Farthest Shore

Pierce Brown
“Everything grand is made from a series of ugly little moments.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star

Ursula K. Le Guin
“Some offered to seek for him, but the King forbade them, saying, "He rules a greater kingdom than I do." And so he left the mountain, and took ship, and returned to Havnor to be crowned.”
Ursula K. LeGuin;

Donna Tartt
“Every new event—everything I did for the rest of my life—would only separate us more and more: days she was no longer a part of, an ever-growing distance between us. Every single day for the rest of my life, she would only be further away.”
Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch

Ursula K. Le Guin
“When I was young, I had to choose between the life of being and the life of doing. And I leapt at the latter like a trout to a fly. But each deed you do, each act, binds you to itself and to its consequences, and makes you act again and yet again. Then very seldom do you come upon a space, a time like this, between act and act, when you may stop and simply be. Or wonder who, after all, you are.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Farthest Shore

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