Megan Cornish's Reviews > Girl of Myth and Legend

Girl of Myth and Legend by Giselle Simlett
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Reasons I didn’t want to read this book:

Modern fantasy is a genre I just can’t understand. I don’t want to read about vampires and magicians stopping for coffee or browsing the internet, I want to hear about battles and kings and queens and a world different than mine. For me, reading is a form of escapism, so the further away from my world I can get, the better. When I saw that the book summary mentioned the main character “walking to college”, I couldn’t help feeling skeptical.

Overall rating: ★★★★ 1/2
Originality: ★★★★
Character Development: ★★★★
Writing: ★★★★
Emotional Involvement: ★★★★★

Here are my exact thoughts while reading the first chapter: “What is this, amateur hour?” I felt like I was re-reading my attempts at writing a novel from back in high school. You’re introduced to the main character then BAM something crazy happens then BAM you find out how super special the character is then BAM they’re off on a quest… all in the first 10 pages.

Luckily, the first chapter was not representative of the quality of the rest of the book. In fact, almost immediately after the first chapter, the writing style seemed to change. All of the sudden I was drawn in- and boy, did I ever get the world-change that I was looking for.

The main character, Leonie, is a girl just like me-living an ordinary life- when she is swept into another world of magic and monsters. She finds that, though she’s felt she’s a nobody her entire life, she is vitally important in the minds of this worlds’ citizens. Leonie embraces the new world eagerly because she’s trying to run away from her past and from her loneliness. She gets exactly what she need- a friend- but he’s not exactly what she expected.

While Girl of Myth and Legend fits squarely in the Young Adult category, alongside books like Throne of Glass and Red Queen, it can certainly hold its own. It’s hard for me to believe, sometimes, that there are more ideas and plots that haven’t yet been written, but clearly Giselle Simlett has thought of one, and it’s great.

You know you love a book when you get two thirds of the way through and feel a deep disappointment the the next book isn’t out yet. I just hope the wait isn’t too long!

Disclaimer: I received a free electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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