Christine's Reviews > On Mystic Lake

On Mystic Lake by Kristin Hannah
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did not like it

The cover of this book should have Fabio on it because it is a pathetic Harlequin romance book masquerading as a novel. The characters are stereotypical and flat. The plot is predictable. Had it not been the choice for my bookclub I would have tossed it at chapter 1. And yes, I am working to have the person who selected this for bookclub removed from the club and placed into a PTA coffee clatch.
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March 8, 2011 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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Britney Preach! I thought the exact same thing when I read it. Trite and predictable and cluttered with terribly awkward similes.

message 2: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Thank God you aren't a leader of a country, I fear all books that don't meet your pretentious standards would be burned in a big pile leaving only those books that YOU deemed worthy available to the rest of us.
I didn't love it either, but removing people from a club because of their personal choice...hmmm?

Barb Murphy Tracy I agree. All books are not for ALL people

Holly Bennett Wicked

Linda Tracy, I suspect Christine was being more facetious than pretentious. I thought her final comment was funny as all get out, but I have a sense of humor.

Linda That’s funny. 😄

Lena I’m skimming past the last 100 pages. Can’t wait to be done with this one. 😁

Kathryn Herrick It was horrific - how is this the author of “The Nightengale “ ? holy shnike worst book I’ve picked up in ages . I kept hoping everyone would die in a car crash and end my misery

B. Tracy, get a sense of humor. Christine, spot on with your review!

Wendy Anderson I agree with Lena! The Nightingale is written so beautifully and this book reminded me of something Danielle Steele would’ve written.

message 11: by Carrie (new)

Carrie I so agree. I’m about 100 pages in and just can’t do it. This story is so cliche. A harlequin romance by Danielle Steele is the perfect description.

message 12: by Jill (new)

Jill Hanson carrell thank you! I was so worried that this was the case

message 13: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle Brooks I just started this today - I don’t really care about reviews because everyone is different. I like mindless reading in the summer. It’s a nice pace from my usual read.

Candy Becker I’m about 80 pages from the end. Trying desperately to finish it. Not Kristin Hannah’s best book....

message 15: by Kim (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kim This one was more brainless than mindless

message 16: by Ang (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ang Jacobson Savage! Love it lol...

Felicia Spot on review! I’m so glad she got better!

message 18: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa I didn’t even give it a rating that’s how much I enjoyed it.

Paulette Torpey I liked this book. Was it a bit predictable ????...yes... but sometimes I just want a story to read. I agree that Nightingale and Four Winds were better written but this book was enjoyable.

Patricia Holihan PTA parents aren't stupid.

message 21: by Mary (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mary Levesque I feel the same just over halfway into it, but you really don’t have to denigrate the person who chose it for your book club.

Samantha Barham Agreed. I made it to chapter 6 and that was hard. The characters are awful

Veronica Depressing is the word

message 24: by Haley (new) - added it

Haley Ethridge Wow this review is so mean haha...

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