Emily's Reviews > The Wrong Man

The Wrong Man by John Katzenbach
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's review

it was ok

Pg 91:
The passages at the end of each chapter between 2 nameless characters who don't seem to be any of the main characters are kind of annoying. Right now I feel like they aren't adding anything and are just slowing me down.

The book might have been creepier if it had focused more on the family than on the bad guy. It's kind of hard to develop tension or terror when you have to read his every inane thought, even if there's no reason or explanation for them. I would have preferred a more Jaws-like approach: focus on the family and their terror, with quick, unclear glimpses of the bad guy during his attacks. The monster is never scary when you're forced to look at it the whole annoying time.
There were also a few words and phrases used quite a lot. Almost every character can feel "sweat under [their] arms," and the words "sorties," and "detente," get more use in one book than in any others I've read in a year.
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Reading Progress

June 22, 2011 – Started Reading
June 22, 2011 – Shelved
June 23, 2011 – Finished Reading

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♠️♥️Amy♦️♣️ I was the same with the writer guys and who ever he was talking with. also, I hated the ending. it as very un climactic.

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