Jennifer's Reviews > Last Call

Last Call by Alice Clayton
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Oh, how fun it was to catch up with Simon and Caroline again. This couple started off Alice Clayton's Cocktail series with the first installment: Wallbanger (which remains my personal favorite of the series BTW), and they've proved in this novella that they still have amazing chemistry together. Last Call was funny, sexy, and surprisingly emotional as a major event had me holding my breath in suspense. Overall, a very enjoyable revisit with memorable characters in an even more memorable series. Check it out!

My favorite quote:
“Kissing him a final time, I told him I loved him and I’d see him in two weeks. No one ever tells you to remember these moments. To photograph them in your mind, develop them into memories, to have them easily accessible and on instant recall when you’d need them later. To try and replay and re-create the last time you see someone.”
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Quotes Jennifer Liked

Alice Clayton
“So how are you feeling? Like, for real how are you feeling?” I asked Sophia, once the transfer was complete. “Like I just pushed a baby out of my coochie,” she groaned, biting back into her chicken. “It hurt like a motherfucker. But totally worth it. Have you seen how freaking cute she is?”
Alice Clayton, Last Call

Alice Clayton
“What the hell is on my wedding dress?” The fastest way to get demoted from bridesmaid to dishonored guest is to vomit on the bride’s wedding gown. But if you do ever vomit on a wedding gown, make sure the bride is the perfect mix of anal-retentive, hyper planner, and fairy-tale whimsical.”
Alice Clayton, Last Call

Alice Clayton
“Megan was able to get me the single most important item in this entire house.”

“She got you that new vibrator?”

“Jesus . . .”

“Oh, the cookbook, right,” he said, remembering.

Megan used to work for the Food Network, and was able to secure me a signed copy of the original Barefoot Contessa cookbook. By Ina Garten. Signed to me by the way; one of those “Best wishes, Ina” deals. It honest-to-God said:

To Caroline—

Best Wishes,


Go ahead and be jealous. I’ll wait.

Simon, on the other hand, would not.

“Okay, so you remember Megan.”

“Remember her? Did you not hear me say single most important—”

“I got it, babe. Are you at all curious about hearing what they’re up to, or are you just going to spend some head-space time dreaming of Ina and her kitchen?”

“And me in her kitchen. If you’re going to get into my daydream, you have to set the scene correctly. I’m there with Ina, in her kitchen in the Hamptons, and we’re cooking up something wonderful for you and her husband, Jeffrey. Something with roasted chicken, which she’ll teach me how to carve perfectly. And roasted carrots, which she’ll pronounce with that subtle New York accent of hers, where it sounds like she’s saying kerrits.”

“I worry about you sometimes,” Simon said, reaching over to feel my forehead.

“I’m perfectly fine. Don’t worry about me, I’ll continue my fantasy later.”
Alice Clayton, Last Call

Reading Progress

November 22, 2016 – Shelved
November 22, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
November 22, 2016 – Shelved as: short-stories-and-novellas
November 22, 2016 – Shelved as: i-met-the-author
June 15, 2017 – Started Reading
June 15, 2017 – Shelved as: adult-contemporary-romance
June 15, 2017 – Shelved as: adult-content
June 15, 2017 – Shelved as: finished-series
June 15, 2017 – Shelved as: listened-to-audiobook
June 15, 2017 – Shelved as: read-2017
June 15, 2017 – Finished Reading

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