David Calhoun's Reviews > Self-Reliance and Other Essays

Self-Reliance and Other Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
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's review

it was amazing

Holy smokes. This is one of those rare things you hear about your whole life but put off because it sounds boring. Something hailed as a classic but something you are skeptical of being relevant for the current age.

But when it finally comes to you, and when you finally get the discipline to read it, it resonates and turns out to be just the thing you needed to read, right at that stage in your life.

This is an essay about self-reliance, not in the Thoreau sense, but being self-oriented even when in the crowd. Very existential at times since it has this "self vs crowd" aspect.

I was not sure I totally agreed with the essay. The part against travelling for amusement rubbed me the wrong way, maybe because I've been travelling a lot this year. But it challenged me, which is good.
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Reading Progress

October 25, 2017 – Started Reading
October 25, 2017 – Shelved
October 25, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Karen (new)

Karen Cole This is from Rev. J. Roland Cole: Emerson put into great words so many wonderful thoughts about integrity vs. conformity, the courage to be one's self. I believe I remember that Emerson finally ended up saying that self-reliance was, ultimately, a reliance on princ iples. I believe Ralph Waldo expressed more great thoughts and important insights in incisive, convincing, and memorable words than any other writer or essayist.

message 2: by Tg (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tg "There is only one support and cause of a happy life--self-trust" Seneca

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