Anna's Reviews > My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams
My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams
I really took my time to read this book and so enjoyed it. There are 1,167 original letters that remain today between John and Abigail Adams. They had such an incredible love story and throughout his political journey, he looked to Abigail as his greatest confidant and political resource. He consulted her in all matters and despite grueling years apart, their love and marriage survived. I have wanted to read this book forever and it did not disappoint. I would caution other readers that if you do not have a good background surrounding these two individuals or the amazing times in which they lived the book may leave you wanting as it does not always provide a detailed context for the periods in which they are writing. If you do know anything about this period in history, I highly recommend it. I loved this!!
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My Dearest Friend.
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