Angela Gilmour's Reviews > The Devil's Missal

The Devil's Missal by Cathy Dobson
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it was amazing

A deliciously devilish book, dripping Gothic horror from every page. I read it all in one sitting, even as the metaphorical candles waned shorter and the darkness of the night crept into my room, and into the book.

The protagonist Holda Weisel is a seriously strong-willed character who takes in her stride being cast into a milieu of German satanic folklore and men behaving very badly under the influence of an ancient book with intentions on their souls.
It's refreshing to have a well-rounded female persona leading the action, and one who is not afraid to express her sexuality. I certainly found myself rooting for Holda as she put together the jigsaw pieces whilst fending off all manner of murderous distractions.

The setting is a character in itself, and a strong sense of place runs through The Devil's Missal. Indeed, I learnt so much about the geography of Meerbusch by the Rhine that it's almost like I once lived there.
The dark landscape is contrasted with the bland lightness of the modern world. One moment everything seems so mundane (talking about local history exhibitions at the Rathaus) then with a thunderclap it's like the portals of Hell have been flung open.

The reader might think she has embarked on a modern-day Dennis Wheatley novel (and nothing wrong with that), but gradually the tentacles of the psyche take a grip on the story, and she'll unexpectedly find herself in some pretty dark and scary places.

Enjoy! If you dare ...

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August 5, 2019 – Shelved

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