Allison's Reviews > My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams

My Dearest Friend by Abigail Adams
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it was amazing

Imagine being in love and rebels during America's Revolutionary Era and having no other way to communicate than letters carried by horseback. These two folks lived it daily. From John's long trips back and forth to Pennsylvania by horse and buggy, to Abigail's having to decide how to handle the local cannon-fire of Boston, these two share their heart for each other as they not only live history but also become it. Some of their letters are missing because they qualified as 'intelligence' and were sought after by the British. For this reason they also quite frequently had to employ cloaked meanings and code words into their communications. During these tumultuous years they still had the worries and joys of daily life and also did not escape personal tragedy.

When I read this book, I was not only placed within a bird's-eye view of American Revolutionary Era history, I saw first-hand the sacrifices Abigail and John Adams made individually and as a couple. It's hard to fathom how much they sacrificed without reading their letters to each other.
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June 24, 2020 – Shelved

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