Lia Christo's Reviews > Scottish Brides

Scottish Brides by Christina Dodd
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Anyone who knows me knows that I love period novels and have been reading them for over forty years. And I never get tired. So I couldn't pass up the chance to read these short stories written by authors who are already well regarded in the genre.

Although I liked the book in general, I didn't love it as I imagined it would, since I am a fan of period novels set in Scotland. Unfortunately, not all tales fell to my liking.

I will leave here the synopses of each story and what I felt when reading:

1 - Although the plot is good, I thought the story was weak and I couldn't connect with the characters.

2 -I already knew your writing through the trilogy that was released here previously. I love stories about friends who fall in love. I found the tale cute and liked it, despite the author rambling a lot during some passages.

3 - Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this story. It was the least I liked. I found the dialogues silly, the text weak. I didn't think it was fun, as I think it was the author's intention and I didn't feel very connected to the characters. Although I like Julia's books, I didn't like this story.

4 - This story was a pleasant surprise, since I don't remember reading anything by the author before and I really liked her writing. I loved the couple and the way she sets us up in Scotland and developed her story. I hope to have a chance to read other novels by her.
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