Jennifer Elliott's Reviews > Kickback

Kickback by Garry Disher
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** spoiler alert ** I'm a fan of Garry Disher's Hal Challis, the DI from the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria but Wyatt Lake was a new character to me.
It was a curious thing, to read about the criminal and not the police, with the planning of the crime according to the strict and professional methodology of Wyatt which is some ways mirrors Challis' own. The characters however are much the same; they are in a situation where they need the jobs, the drugs or the excitement and they seem to operate in the short term for a job. Wyatt has more stability in his life, he has a house and a private life that he keeps separate from his work and he is careful of the jobs he accepts.
He takes a robbery job with the inside knowledge of Anna Reid, to rob the safe of her employer of cash, and he works with Pederson and Hobba to execute it, with careful planning of cars, alternate accommodation and the job seems to go well. Unaccountably he takes Anna home to his safe house, with the expectation she will work with him in the future and things unravel from there.
Several members of the criminal fraternity are killed as well as the owner of the business robbed of the safe and the city becomes very unsafe for Wyatt. There seems to be another agenda underlying the deaths. Surprisingly Anna turns out to have taken the drug haul in the safe without Wyatt's knowledge and planned to sell these herself. Sadly his plans of her future role in his bed and criminal life have flown away.
Crime boss Ivan Younger's younger brother, Sugarfoot, a wanna be cowboy, had been assigned to work with Wyatt but caused a woman to die in the course of the crime, probably because she was beaten by him.
He became hostile to Wyatt and began hunting the members of the successful gang, with some success. Eventually Wyatt has to defend himself at home from Sugarfoot who is determined to kill him, and although he survives, Wyatt faces the destruction of his successful quiet life among unsuspecting neighbours. He's going to have to find another place to live out of his comfort zone. Might be worth reading one more.

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August 23, 2021 – Shelved
August 23, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read

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