Carrie's Reviews > Haunted

Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk
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it was amazing
bookshelves: horror

This book is vile. It is disgusting. No matter how much you can take, you will squirm and say "Oh My GOD!" out loud on the bus or plane or couch or wherever it is you read. It is a nasty book. But Haunted is so much more than that and so worth reading.

Haunted is set in a drab old theater, past it's prime, boarded up, invisible, and impenetrable to the outside world. Inside the theater are 23 characters. 23 people with names like the Earl of Slander and Agent Tattletale. Each character is introduced with a poem and a story. Usually gruesome or grotesque, the stories eventually create the world each person inhabits, explain why they agreed to drop off the face of the earth for a while, and how they relate to the other characters in the book. Narratives in between the character stories relate what's happening within the hotel. How the characters are coping with no modern amenities or food, who has died and what the remaining characters will do to themselves and others to obtain fame and sympathy once they're rescued.

While the stories in the book are (as everyone has said) sometimes depraved, they all aren't like that and the book ends on a beautifully optimistic note - though not everyone is going to think that way. Really, I can only think of two that made me want to stop reading, but I didn't - I pushed through. And I encourage anyone who is thinking of reading Haunted to do the same thing. You might just love it to death.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
September 1, 2006 – Finished Reading
August 13, 2007 – Shelved
August 21, 2007 – Shelved as: horror

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Isaac (new)

Isaac This post convinced me to pick the book back up. Wish me luck.

message 2: by Eileen (new) - added it

Eileen Rogers Thanks, I was just about to put it aside too. I guess I will keep going for awhile.

message 3: by Ben (new) - rated it 1 star

Ben Worth I would counter that if you're inclined to quit this book and set it aside, go with that instinct. Life is too short, and there are too many books for you to force yourself to get through this one. Unfortunately I didn't take my own advice. I painfully read it to the end, and I wish I could get that time back. It wasn't because the book was vulgar or depraved. I was just bored and didn't care about a single character. If you're more than a quarter into it and not engaged, just put it down and walk away.

message 4: by Miranda (new)

Miranda Hayes Ok. I finally get it. I'm that dumbass that's always like, wait, is this real? Or pretending to be real? What's going on? I don't get it? Lol. Thanks for spelling it out.

Stephanie Rodriguez Exodus man. That one crossed a line for me lol

message 6: by Matt (new)

Matt Lombardo Carrie, if you're into Chuck, check out Dexter Boomstick by M.P. Lombardo :)

Alex Exodus was great. Also the reflexoterapy story and the porn one. Think tank too...

Lily Carrie, thanks for sharing. I began reading the book. However, I am not hooked. I am not sure what keeps drawing me back though. They are moments that are jaw dropping.

Megan I’m a bit concerned about my mental state when I first saw how grossed out people were by this book and I thought “huh?! I mean, there was the delightful scene in which apparently masturbation causes disembowelment by pool drain (I believe? It’s been awhile) but I don’t remember at any point being so sickened that I had to temporarily stop reading. Hmm. Worrisome.

💋Jennifer Ann💋 I’m honestly having a hard time stomaching it but maybe I will pick it back up

message 11: by Sam (new) - rated it 1 star

Sam were we reading the same book?

Esteban This book is entertaining but I happen to like Chuck’s writing. Chapter 9, I loved it. Maybe it’s the time I am reading it. I’m caregiving to family members right now. Off the spectrum caregiving so “haunted” blends in fine with reality. Imagine two 90 year olds with mood disorders. A caregiver flipping pages from the book, very damn close frightening and of around the corner is Halloween. Like I say I like Chuck P. I’ve knocked down three titles seen I’ve been on assignment. This is a little slower. Waiting for “Thank you for your servitude” no that’s a side splitter. “Fairy Tale” by Stephen King. “The big lie” “Ghost story “ Peter Straub. Three books read on this job see no TV here so it’s easy.

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