Susanna's Reviews > The Visitation

The Visitation by Frank E. Peretti
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it was amazing

This book captivated me, not for the story itself, but for the flashbacks within the story.
Travis Jordan, the protagonist, is fed-up and disillusioned with church, despite-- or perhaps because of-- having been raised in the church his whole life and pastoring for 15 years. As he wades through tangled memories of his past, we see what has brought him to this point, and also come to realize that God is not done with him yet.
Having been through a ringer of church-experiences myself, I resonated with Travis's struggle.
Peretti takes on the topic of Christian Fellowship with clear-cut honesty, startling insight, and an unexpected depth of compassion. He reminds us exactly what the Church has become and still celebrates the fact that God works through all of us, as broken and confused as we are.
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December 8, 2012 – Shelved

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Kirsten I definitely agree that the flashbacks in the book were the best parts- the parts I looked forward too.

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