Darcy Schock's Reviews > The Italian Ballerina

The Italian Ballerina by Kristy Cambron
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it was amazing

The Italian Ballerina by Kristy Cambron

I love the WWII era and this novel transported us there in beautiful and heart tugging ways. I absolutely loved learning about the made up syndrome K disease. I had no previous knowledge of that. I loved this quote: “War was a leveler. Regardless of age or nation or language spoken, it could not, and never would be powerful enough to overtake love.”

How I rate books:

I largely rate books on how they make me feel which is incredibly subjective 🥰.

5⭐️–Absolutely adored and loved the book, a favorite.
4⭐️-Really enjoyed the book and would recommend it.
3⭐️-Liked the book, it was engaging and interesting and I am glad I read it, but I wasn’t drawn in emotionally as much as others.
2⭐️- There was a strong theme that I did not agree with or overall the book just left me with a bad feeling.
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Reading Progress

June 5, 2022 – Shelved
June 5, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
April 10, 2023 – Started Reading
May 1, 2023 – Finished Reading

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