Danielle Bush's Reviews > Bardo by the Sea

Bardo by the Sea by Chad Alan Gibbs
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's review

it was amazing

I read book 2 in this series Graves Upon Bones first and knew after the first few pages that I needed to read Izzy and Elton's first foray into solving a cold case and boy was this one a doozy.

Years ago a boy was murdered, he was a scholarship kid, a football star, and the cops chalked it up to a drug deal gone wrong. Once Izzy hears this story, she knows there is more to it and makes it her mission to figure out what really happened. She will stick her nose everywhere it doesn't belong, and won't stop until the case is solved.

The mystery was great, it was full of twists and turns, and I flew through the book trying to figure out who the killer was, and I was very surprised by who it turned out to be!

I love Izzy and Elton, they make the most unlikely but perfect mystery-solving team, and I can't wait to see what other trouble they can get into while solving the next mystery!

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Reading Progress

November 3, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
November 3, 2022 – Shelved
November 13, 2022 – Started Reading
November 13, 2022 – Finished Reading

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