Ben Loory's Reviews > The New Life

The New Life by Orhan Pamuk
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it was ok

i don't really know what to say about this one. i think i will be thinking about it for a while. i will say this: i found it both compulsively readable and boring as hell, both at the same time, all the time, beginning to end. despite all the great writers pamuk is compared to on the cover blurbs and inside (kafka, marquez, borges, proust, etc.), the writer he most reminds me of here is thomas pynchon. both come off as almost retardedly intelligent & way too clever, both are more interested in playing games and laying out a view of the world as a paranoid (in pamuk's case metaphysical) delusion/illusion than they are in writing about actual human beings and the things that happen to them, the things they feel and desire. they are also both very good writers of sentences. the thing is, i just keep thinking, what if i just ripped this page out? what if i just read every other sentence? what if this chapter was written in invisible ink? what if the book ended here? what if it never began? i think in general i found the book useless. i just didn't know what to make of it. emotionally. i can understand how some can get caught up in the voice, the style. it's just the feeling i don't care for, or the lack of it. it's just one note all the way through. people live, love, fight, learn, run, hide, die, laugh... all in the exact same register... all without MY feelings changing one bit. like watching a film in fast motion... only it takes a really long time... that being said, i know a guy in a foreign country who seems to have been absolutely overwhelmed by its power, so who knows... maybe the angel only comes to those who aren't expecting it...
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Reading Progress

April 8, 2009 – Shelved
April 8, 2009 –
page 60
20.27% "i have no idea what this book is about."
April 8, 2009 –
page 110
37.16% "okay... it's like pynchon minus the humor set in turkey with angels...? or late philip k. dick written by an academic? what a strange book.."
April 8, 2009 –
page 180
60.81% "off to go eat lasagna..."
Started Reading
April 9, 2009 –
page 205
69.26% "the only thing more confusing than trying to read this book is trying not to read this book."
April 9, 2009 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Dusan Fab review!

Nazila 100% agree.

Aykan There are some people that you think he is going to finish his speech soon however they keep talking and talking and talking. In the end, you think about the conversation and feel the emptiness. Reading this novel, I felt the same. It can be a short story(or cutting out all the useless details it cannot be). I couldn't get the essence, the main aim, the thesis of that writing. I bet it is my fault.

Santiago Mesa Same thing happened to me. I just finished the book with great effort. I'm amazed on how Pamuk managed to be so captivating and boring at the same time in this book; I felt like I wanted to quit every two minutes but didn't do it for some mysterious reason: maybe it was the vague hope that the meaning for all this chaos around one book will be understandable at some point in the end...

Tooba M I feel the emotion was lost in translation

Justyna Grefkiewicz I felt the same. I wonder if it's because I know so little about Turkish culture? The book seems filled with symbols I can't read as they are so unfamiliar. If that's the case, I wish the translation included some cultural reference.

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