Danila's Reviews > The Women

The Women by Kristin Hannah
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it was amazing
Read 2 times

One of the most interesting aspects of “The Women” is the themes Kristin explores, such as courage, resilience, and the lasting impact of military service on those who serve. Hannah writes vividly about the camaraderie between the women, their battles, and their triumphs, and together the stories are a rich tapestry of human emotions and experiences.
I discovered that there is audiobook format of this book and I can honestly say that audiobook it was an enlightening and fascinating experience. You can find audiobook version here: "The Women - (Audiobook)

There is also a societal aspect to the book that looks at the challenges that these women faced when they returned, fighting to be recognized and honored in a society that often devalued their contributions. The development of Frankie character and her bonds with the other nurses is powerfully hopeful and devastating.

This book is perfect for readers who have an interest in historical fiction and will be particularly appreciated for those interested in hearing a fuller story of women during the Vietnam War. Kristin Hannah has written a truly meaningful tribute to these silent heroes, and this story will touch its readers in lasting ways.

Not only is it a captivating story with strongly developed characters, but it also recognizes the value, strength, and resilience of women. Highly recommended.
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message 1: by JOE (new) - rated it 2 stars


Alisa What’s your point, Joe? Never heard of how historical fiction works? Or are you in the “there were no women in nam” camp?

S Roberta I'd much rather read a book by someone who was actually there. This was schmaltz, pure schmaltz, hoping to be made into a TV series. Hannah is simply a romance novelist.

Robin @S Roberta, were you there? Are you a vet? She did an excellent job of representing female vets. They are invisible, even today. I'm one of the invisible ones. US Army WAC!

Rcavictory Thank You For Your Service!

Barb Stein My husband also said there were no women in Vietnam. I think that means you were lucky enough not to be sent to a hospital, since they were all nurses at that time. The timeline follows out of when my husband was there 68-69 and many of the sights and sounds were familiar or what I had heard. My husband was based in a small village and really lived the Vietnam experience!

message 7: by Psychedelic (new) - added it

Psychedelic Medicine I think there were women there but without that our women has to be treated with respect because they play a great role. If you are suffering from PTSD , Anxiety ,ADHD etc let me know and we will find a good solution to it .

message 8: by Piese (new)

Piese Auto Great :)

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