Mark's Reviews > Kickback

Kickback by Garry Disher
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bookshelves: crime-and-mystery

The first of Disher's "Wyatt" series, which can be read as an Australian homage to Richard Stark's (Donald Westlake's) "Parker"--except that it's also fantastic in its own right. Wyatt is a tough, mean, methodical criminal, and you don't want to cross him. Disher writes clean, tight, but also somehow literary hard-boiled prose, and this story of a heist and assorted double-crossings is tough to put down. Highly recommended if you can find it--long OP and almost impossible to track down. As a bonus, the Aussie slang is fantastic--I was glad I'd spent some time Down Under so I could follow at least a bit of it.
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Started Reading
September 1, 2013 – Finished Reading
January 2, 2014 – Shelved
January 2, 2014 – Shelved as: crime-and-mystery

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James I actually found and read it thanks to my local library, which was really unexpected and amazing. I'll write my own review later, but right now I'm still working.

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